The operation didn't end until 10 p.m.

Mikai pushed open the door and came out, first gave Ning Ji and Jian Haixi a reassurance, "rest assured, the operation is very successful."

Jian Haixi is very relieved and leans on Ning Jiwei.

George asked: "that Jian Yi Do you sleep in it? "

Mikai nodded. "I don't have to toss him back and forth tonight. Let him have a good sleep and see the situation tomorrow."

"Can I go in and see him?" she asked

Mikay frowned and said, "yes, but now he's wrapped like a mummy. You can't see anything when you go in."

Jane and Haydn were excited.

No family member would want to hear the word "Mummy" at this time.

Before Ning Jiwei spoke, George could hardly help kicking him, "I said, can you speak or not? If you can't say it, don't say it, OK? "

Mikey shrugged and said, "you can just go in and see. I can't be wrong."

Jian Haixi shakes her head and walks in with Ning Jiwei.

Mikai said to George, "don't forget to move Zhang Haoyang out after you go in."

"Ah?" George Leng, "how to still need to move out?"

Mikael said: "who asked him to be my assistant? He fainted as soon as the operation was over."

George: -- You wouldn't have said such an important thing earlier?

When Jian Haixi and Ning Jiwei enter the operating room, Jian Yi is lying on the operating table. As mikai said, her whole body is bound with bandages.

Looking at Jianyi like this, jianhaixi's eyes suddenly wet.

The previous explosion has made Jian Yi's skin and flesh split. This time, the operation is not to uncover the scar that Jian Yi has so hard to grow?

When she thought that her child was so young that she had suffered so many crimes, she hated to accept them instead.

George looks at Jian Yi with heartache and regret.

He hasn't met Jian Yi, but he can't help but be moved by the thought that a child as old as Jian Rui has suffered so many setbacks.

Looking at Jian Haixi, Ning Jiwei patted her on the shoulder and said in a low voice, "Haixi, let's go out and let Yi Yi have a good rest."

Jianhaixi nods. She reaches out her hand several times to touch Jianyi, but when she gets the bandage, she shrinks back.

Ningjiwei took her by the shoulder and took her out.

Mikai yawned and went back to bed without eating.

Today's operation almost exhausted his vitality. He had to make up for it.

After George moved Zhang Haoyang back to his room, he went to see eye Dou Ge by the way, told him the result of the operation, and then turned back.

Ning Jiwei said to Jian Haixi, "Haixi, are you ok? Shall I stay with you for a while? "

Jianhaixi shakes her head, eyes still with water, but the corner of her mouth is trying to rise, "it's so late, you go back quickly, it's estimated that ruiruirui is still waiting for you at home."

Ning Jiwei is also worried about Jianrui. Her daughter usually doesn't say it, but she refuses to sleep if he doesn't go back every night.

George stretched out and said, "OK, OK, I'm going too."

Jianhaixi looked at him and said, "George, thank you for coming here today."

George waved his hand with a smile. "That's a little early. After all, I'll come here often."

Jian Haixi was stunned, then nodded with a smile and said: "welcome at any time."

Half an hour later, Ning Jiwei returned to Mo's home.

Sure enough, Jianrui hasn't gone to bed.

Ning Jiwei looked at the nest on the sofa, clearly sleepy doze but said nothing to sleep daughter, a soft heart, more is distressed.

Gu Chenyi helpless way: "I coax also coax, also explained with her, the little girl is to wait for you to come back."

Gu Xiaomian had been snoring for a long time.

Gu Chenyi asked, "what's the matter?"

"It went well." Ningjiwei road.

Gu Chenyi was relieved, "that's good. I can have a good sleep, too."

Said, Gu Chenyi will Gu Xiaomian shoulder up, with Ning Jiwei waved: "good night, see you tomorrow."

Ning Jiwei nodded and bent down to hold Jianrui in her arms.

"Daddy ~" Jianrui put her hand around Ning Jiwei's neck and said, "you're back. How's your brother?"

"Brother is OK, don't worry about Ruirui." Ning Jiwei reached out and touched her daughter's face, holding her back to the room.

Jianrui pesters Ning Jiwei to tell her the details. Ning Jiwei has to tell her about it.

"Daddy..." Jianrui looked at Ning Jiwei and said, "can I go to see my brother?"

Ning Jiwei sighed, reached out and touched Jianrui's head and said, "it can be, but Ruirui don't worry. Give daddy some time and let daddy arrange it, OK?""Yes, yes." Jianrui nods.


when everything is well here, the Song family in Xiangcheng is very noisy.

Song Wei slapped song Lu in the face and yelled, "what do you mean, you don't know where she has gone? What else can you do if you can't even look at yourself? "

Song Lu covered her face and cried, "what can I do? I can't watch her 24 hours a day, can I? Who knows how cunning that bitch is. "

Song Wei said: "do you know how serious this is? If Liao Huanyan goes out and makes any news, how can our song family get a foothold? "

Song Lu gritted her teeth and said, "it's not all my fault. I don't want to."

How did she know that she had made a slip of the tongue for a moment and let Liao Huanyan realize the conspiracy of the whole thing. What's more, she didn't expect that Liao Huanyan would be so calm and anti design her.

While she was away, she escaped secretly.

Moreover, with the help of the Song family, Liao Huanyan's whereabouts have not been found for such a long time.

Can this woman fly?

Looking at Song Lu's innocent face, Song Wei is not angry.

If his parents had not stopped him, he would not have slapped song Lu just now.

Song Lu looks at the fierce expression on Song Wei's face and hides behind his mother.

"Stupid!" Song Wei glared at her and yelled, "how much effort have I wasted on you? What about you? It's not enough to succeed, it's more than enough to fail! "

"Well, it's no use talking about Lulu now." Song Mu sighed wearily: "the most urgent thing now is to find a way to remedy it first."

After a pause, song Mu looked at Song Wei and said, "would you like to find Mo Sheng again?"

"What are you looking for?" Song Wei said, "are you scolded?"

Originally, Mo Sheng didn't want to do it. He cut it first and then played it. Now there's something wrong. Mo Sheng said that he won't help him with anything.

"And now what?" Song Mu said anxiously: "can we just sit and wait to die?"

Song Wei glared at Song Lu again, gritted his teeth and said, "at present, we can only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor."

With that, he took the key and went outside.

"Where are you going?" Song Mu asked.

Song Wei said coldly, "go to the children's home."

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