When Ning Jiwei returns to the playground quietly with Jianrui and Mo Tong, several children are still immersed in playing, and they don't find anything unusual.

Oh, in addition to Gu Xiaomian shouting to find Jianrui, while playing with Mo Xiuqian.

After meeting at the appointed leisure place, many people see the same sweater on Jianrui and Mo Tong.

Gu Xiaomian's eyes lit up, staring at the sweater and asked, "Ruirui, did you go to buy clothes?"

Jianrui blinked and nodded: "yes, it looks good."

Gu Xiaomian said greedily, "it looks good. Where did you buy it? I want it, too. "

"No more." Jianrui shook her head with a smile and said, "these are the only two left."

"Ah ~" Gu Xiaomian pursed his lips and said, "what a pity, I also want to wear the same clothes as Ruirui."

Mo Xiujin turned his eyes and said with a smile: "Ruirui, where did you buy it? We can go back and ask if the brand can be customized. "

Jianrui snorted: "it's not a brand, but it's just a casual look on the street."

"Then we'll go to..."

"All right." Mo Xiujin still wants to talk, but Gu Chenyi interrupts with a smile: "the rest of the time, you can play with Xiuyu, and we'll go."

Mo Xiujin pauses and looks at Gu Chenyi. He doesn't ask any more.

Jianrui toots her lips and pulls Ning Jiwei's hand, but it's good to know that Ning Jiwei can accompany her for so long.

"Daddy, be careful on the way," Jianrui asked.

"Well." Ning Jiwei reaches out and touches his daughter's head. He also wants to accompany her, but there are still a lot of things waiting for him to deal with in the company. Even today's time has been squeezed out.

After carefully explaining Mo Xiuyu and the children, Ning Jiwei and Gu Chenyi leave the company together.

Seeing that the car was gone, Mo Xiuyu sighed deeply. He turned to look at the six gourd babies around him and said, "that Are you tired? Let's go back to... "

"Go home" two words did not speak, Mo Xiuyu saw six children shake their heads together, with a voice: "not tired!"

Mo Xiuyu Well, he's tired.

Jianrui and Mo Tong sneak to see Jianyi before, but they haven't started playing yet, so they are excited. How can they go home?

Mo Xiuyu thought about it and said to Mo Xiulin and Mo Tong, "well, I don't think you six can play together at the same time. We'd better divide into several teams. Xiulin, you take Xiuqian and Xiujin, and I take ruiruirui and three of them. Let's not stray. No matter what project you want to play, you must be two close together, you know? "

The crowd nodded.

After Mo Xiuyu arranged, the six huluwa teams ran to their favorite projects.

Mo Xiuyu followed them, shouting this and looking at that. He was more worried than the old lady.

After a while, I don't know whether she is crazy after playing with the sun.

"I'm thirsty." Jianrui took her little hand as a fan and fanned the wind. She licked her lips and said to Mo Xiuyu, "little uncle, I'm going to buy ice cream."

Mo Xiuyu saw that the ice cream stall was just across the road, so he didn't follow him. He just waved his hand to let her pay attention to safety.

On the other side, Mo Xiuqian, who has been playing crazily for a day, sees Jianrui running to buy a cold drink and says to Mo Xiulin, "brother, I'll buy water."

Mo Xiulin looked at Jianrui's figure over there. He was worried that Mo Xiuqian would have conflicts with her in the past, so he thought about it and said, "I'll go with you."

Mo Xiuqian turned her lips and shrugged.

In front of the cold drink stall, in addition to Jianrui, there was a little girl about her age. The little girl wore two sheep horn braids and a princess skirt. She was very delicate.

Jianrui was thirsty, so she rushed to the stall and yelled, "Auntie, I want a cone."

"All right." Aunt smile Ying Ying replied, "just this little girl's already done, the next one is your turn, ha, don't worry."

"Well, I'm not in a hurry. Thank you, auntie." Jane said politely.

After that, she stood there and looked inside the counter, not noticing the disgust in her eyes.

"Here you are, little girl. Yours is ready." The aunt who sold the cold drink handed the little princess's cold drink to her.

"Thank you." The little princess took it. Jianrui looked at the cold drink in her hand enviously.

She's really thirsty ~

as she thinks about it, Jianrui turns her head and tells herself that she can't watch it any more, or her saliva will be too ugly.

Just as Jianrui was anxiously waiting for her cone, she was suddenly hit by someone.

She stumbled unprepared, finally stood up, just turned around, and was hit again in front of her."Pa Ji" a, Jian Rui instant feel oneself chest cool a big.

"Ouch ~"

the little princess of sheep's horn braid grunted, holding all the ice cream stuck on Jianrui, leaving only one tail, frowning and pursing, "ouch, it's really annoying. It's all gone."

With that, she didn't look at Jianrui and turned to leave.

Jianrui blinked and looked down at her clothes.

It was a new sweater that Jian Haixi had just put on for her. It was knitted by her mother herself, but she had been wearing it for less than a day, and it got dirty.

Jianrui gritted her teeth and reached out angrily, grabbed the little princess and said, "don't go. You haven't apologized to me yet."

The little princess frowned, impatiently shook off her hand and said, "don't touch me with your dirty hands."

"You..." Jianrui choked. It was the first time that she saw such an unreasonable person.

"You bumped me and soiled my clothes. Now if you don't apologize to me, you still swear?" Jianrui stares at big eyes.

The little princess haughtily snorted, disdainfully glanced at Jianrui's "inferior" sweater and said, "I didn't mean to bump into you. Do you want to take the opportunity to look for trouble?"

"I'm looking for something? You You have gone too far Jianrui said that she was really angry!

The little princess glanced contemptuously at Jane Rui and said, "it's not just a dress. How much money do you want, you say, I'll let the housekeeper give you."

"Give you a big fart money!" Jianrui roared: "who wants your money? You think you're the only one with money, don't you? I tell you, Miss Ben can kill you with money every minute. Do you believe it? "

"You, you..." Little princess did not expect that Jianrui's fighting power was so strong, and even the words "fart" burst out.

"You are so rude!" The little princess snorted, "I don't care to quarrel with people like you."

With that, the little princess tried to break off Jianrui's fingers and said, "you let go. If you don't let go, I'll let my housekeeper beat you!"

"If you don't apologize to me today, I won't let you go." Jianrui insisted.

"You are presumptuous The little princess was worried and cried out, "housekeeper, where are you? Get the hell out of here

Jian Rui doesn't think so. She says in a cold voice, "you think you're the only one, don't you?"

Before she finished speaking, a voice came from behind her, "Yo, I'll see you for the first time. I dare to fight with my family."

Mo Xiuqian's haughty sneer, two steps forward, clasping the little princess's shoulder, fingers slightly with strength, said: "what do you come from? Come on, do you want to fight for father or money or people? I'll accompany you to the end. "

Jianrui didn't expect Mo Xiuqian to stand out for herself. She just wanted to say no, but before she could speak, her arm was pulled by a hand.

Mo Xiulin naturally pulled her to her back, punched her eyes, swept the stains on her body, and asked, "are you ok? Did you get hurt anywhere else? "

Jian Rui Leng next, looking at Mo Xiulin concern eyes, subconsciously shook his head.

Don't worry if she bullies anyone here

Jianrui looks at Mo Xiulin and Mo Xiuqian, her eyes are complex and moving.

"You, you wait for me!" Take out the cell phone, the princess began to call for help.

Mo Xiuqian sneers and embraces her chest with both arms, calmly gives her time to find someone.

Jianrui is not afraid of anything. With the support of Mo Xiulin and Mo Xiuqian, she is even more afraid.

But this time, the poor were scared away, just like those little princesses before.

Just then, the little princess's housekeeper arrived.

When the housekeeper came, he looked at the opposite Jianrui three people angrily: "who are you? How dare you bully our young lady? Do you know who our young lady is? "

Mo Xiuqian sneered: "well, do you know who your lady bullied?"

The housekeeper glanced at Jianrui in her sweater and the stains in front of her. He probably knew what was going on.

Usually this kind of thing does not happen less, their young lady has been used to arrogance since childhood, go out as long as meet don't she looks good-looking lovely, naturally some little girl's jealousy.

So he has been very experienced in dealing with this kind of thing.

Now listening to Mo Xiuqian's words, the housekeeper said, "I don't care who you are. What about your parents? Ask them to come out, and their children don't like it, and they don't go out to inquire. Who doesn't know our Lu family in the whole city of Hunan? You're impatient with the earth on Taisui's head? "

"The Lu family?" Mo Xiuqian frowned and did not speak for a moment.

The housekeeper thought that he had frightened them, and said with pride, "now you know how much trouble you've caused? Apologize to our Miss immediately, and then let your parents come and apologize to our miss. If this is over, you will never be allowed to forgive you. "One side of the little princess also proud raised her chin, a "I reluctantly stand here waiting for you to apologize" gift appearance.

"Lu family..."

Mo Xiuqian didn't care what they said. She just thought about it carefully for a long time. Then she looked at Mo Xiulin and Jianrui in confusion and asked, "which is the Lu family?"

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