After Dou Ming and Luo Er rescued Romon, they didn't dare to go back to their original residence. While they sent people to pack up, they left the city in an emergency.

That night, they moved to the small town next door and made sure that no one was catching up. Then they took Romon to stay.

Romon because of the sweat medicine reason has been sleeping, Luo Er don't trust him, all night to stay at his side.

By the time Romon woke up, it was the next morning.

"Wake up!" Cried lol happily.

Romon did not open his eyes. He heard a female voice and said with a sneer, "why, did you change people today?"

Luo Er a Zheng, after reaction came over, nose suddenly sour, choked: "Dad, it's me, I'm Luo Er!"

Romon was silent. He opened his eyes slowly. He turned his head almost stiffly and looked at lol by the bed.

He clenched his fists in the whole process, expecting but afraid that the result would be disappointing.

When he saw lol, Romon trembled with excitement. "Lol, is it really you? girl! Is it really you? "

"Dad, it's me. I'm here to see you!" Lol cried, clenched Romon's hand and said, "Dad, you see, I'm here. It's not an illusion. We really met."

Romon tugged at Raul's hand, trembling, shortness of breath, tears in his eyes.

"Dad, I'm sorry to find you for such a long time. It's my fault that makes you suffer such a long time..."

Luo Er's words haven't finished, was carried into the bosom by Luo Meng.

"No, nothing." Romon choked and rubbed his daughter's head. Muddy tears flowed from his eyes to his hair.

Outside, Dou Ming stood at the door, with food in his hand. After thinking about it, he retreated.

About half an hour later, Raul opened the door.

Dou Ming came into the room with the hot food again, and saw that Romon had sat up from the bed.

"Uncle, have something to eat first." Dou Ming put the meal on the bedside table and turned to go out.

"Wait a minute." Looking at Dou Ming, Luo Meng said, "is your name Dou Ming? I should thank you very much. "

Dou Ming shook his head and said, "you don't have to be polite with me."

Finish saying, also don't wait for Luo Meng to say again what, already quickly walked out.

Lol came in and sat around with Romon for a simple meal.

Looking at a lot of mature daughter before, both happy and distressed.

Seeing this, Luo Er asked, "Dad, what are you looking at me for?"

"Dad just loves you." Luo Meng sighed, reached out and touched Luo Er's hair, and said: "you must have suffered a lot of grievances during this period of time, Luo Er. It's too useless for your father to take care of you, do your father's duty well, and let you run for your father."

"Dad, what are you talking about?" Luo Er rubbed her eyes and put a piece of meat into Romon's bowl to resist the urge to cry. She said, "Dad, eat quickly. We'll start later."

"Set out?" Romon wondered, "where to?"

"Back, of course." Raul said: "it's too dangerous here. We are not familiar with the enemy at all. We can't stay long."

Luo Meng frowned and nodded: "indeed, I thought that even if I was being plotted, I was just those people, but later I realized that the water behind me was unfathomable. They also asked Yi Yi, as if..."

After a pause, Luo Meng guessed: "I think they probably didn't come for me. I have to tell Yi Yi about this as soon as possible."

"Well." When Luo Meng mentions Jian Yi's name, Luo Dun answers it absently.

Romon took a few mouthfuls. Because he had been imprisoned for a long time, he didn't have a good appetite. Then he put down his chopsticks, looked at Raul and asked, "at home How's your mother recently? "

"Ah?" Luo Er a Zheng, some dodge a place, the head way: "OK."

Romon frowned slightly. He naturally understood his daughter. Seeing her like this, he immediately sank and asked, "lol, tell Dad the truth, is there something wrong at home?"

Lol bit her lip and inhaled deeply into her airway: "Dad, a lot of things have happened recently..."

She told her story about the sun family, but she didn't hide the fact that Jian Haixi was injured by the sun family and that the sun family was in great danger

After hearing his daughter's words, Romon didn't speak for a long time.

He thought that something had happened, but he didn't expect it to be so big.

"Alas," Luo Meng sighed, "your mother, she That's all

"Dad..." Luo Er worried that Luo Meng would blame sun Yuqin. She said quickly, "Mom, she didn't expect the enemy to be so cunning. Don't blame her. If you blame me, I was not at home. If I were at home, this would never happen."

Luo Meng pulled a radian at the corner of his mouth, reached out and rubbed his daughter's head and said, "don't worry, Dad, no one is to blame. It's just I'm sorry for Haixi and his family. "

Lol nodded silently. I'm really sorry, but now that it has happened, it's useless to say anything."Let's go." Romon stood up and said to Raul, "let's go home."

"Isn't it strange that you look at me?" asked Romer

"Why? It's too much for you, mother and daughter? " Romon said with a wry smile, "I've figured it out. I won't go anywhere in the future. Our family will live a good life."

"Well!" Hearing Romon's words, Raul got a sour nose and nodded: "our family are together."

After that, they returned to taro city.

After escorting Luo Meng and Luo Er safely back to sun's home, Dou Ming didn't wait for them to invite him in, but he said goodbye.

Raul knew that he had a knot in his heart. After all, Dogo was still lying on the bed.

So far fetched to smile at him, also did not invite him to sit in.

Sun Yuqin ran out of the gate, hugged Luo Meng and couldn't stop crying.

Dou Ming takes a look at them and turns around to get on the bus.

"Wait a minute." Called Romon.

Dou Ming turns back and looks at Luo Meng, "Uncle Luo, is there anything else?"

Luo Meng pushed sun Yuqin away and comforted her. Then he went forward to Dou Ming and said, "there are two things. First, please thank them for me. I will Don't call in person. Second, it's about those people. I haven't met their leaders, but once I heard them mention a name when I was listening to some people talking. "

After hearing Luo Meng's words, Dou Ming's face flashed slightly and nodded: "thank you for your information, uncle Luo."

Romon waved his hand and said with a smile: "all I can do is this. Compared with what you have done for us, it's really insignificant. All right, you go. "

Dou Ming nodded and finally looked at Luo Er and said, "take care. Tell me something."

"Well." Lol nodded, eyes with obvious reluctant, "you too, take care of yourself."

Dou mingchong smiles and turns to get into the car.

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