Thinking of Ning Jiwei's pride, Jian Haixi would never allow himself to be hospitalized for such a thing, so he thought about it and said to Lin Xiaodou: "Xiaodou, can you give him some medicine? In his capacity, it's not convenient to be hospitalized here. "

Lin Xiaodou understood the meaning of Jian Haixi after a little thought and thought, "you wait for me, I'll go to make the medicine, and then I'll send him back with you."

Jian Haixi nodded. She was really worried that she could not manage Ning Jiwei by herself. "Please."

"Little things." Lin Xiaodou patted her on the shoulder with a smile and said, "I am an angel in white at least."

Jian Haixi smiles. Soon, Lin Xiaodou comes out with the medicine and drives back to maiteng with Jian Haixi.

They helped Ning Jiwei to the rest room in the office and lay down. Lin Xiaodou checked his condition again, but he still couldn't help shaking his head and said, "who is so wicked? It's cruel."

Then she looked at jianhaixi and said in her ear, "but it's cheaper for you."

"No more nonsense

Jianhaixi red face beat her, Lin Xiaodou laughed, waved his hand and said: "OK, I've given you all the medicine, I'll go."

"I'll take you down."

"No, just look after him."

Lin Xiaodou asked: "next he may have a fever, but this is a normal phenomenon, you don't have to worry, try to use physical cooling to reduce his fever."

When it comes to physical cooling, Lin Xiaodou smiles and casts a wink at jianhaixi.

It's a pity that Jian Haixi only pays attention to the notes she ordered, and doesn't understand her meaning at all.

After Lin Xiaodou left, jianhaixi thought about it and called jianchenran, saying that she couldn't go back tonight because of something. She asked him to take care of her two children for one night.

After hanging up the phone, Jian Haixi looks at the man lying next to her. Unexpectedly, she thinks of the scene in the parking lot. If she doesn't just arrive, maybe Sang Lan will succeed.

Thinking of this, Jian Haixi looks at Ning Jiwei with pity and reaches for a thin blanket to cover him.

Because of the injection and the medicine, Ning Jiwei has gone to sleep now. Jian Haixi touches his forehead and is relieved to see that there is no fever for the time being.


After receiving the call from jianhaixi, jianchenran immediately drove to school.

At the school gate, Jianyi and Jianrui are standing there waiting. When they see jianchenran coming, Jianrui's eyes light up and rushes over immediately.


Jane Chen Ran smiles, hugs Jianrui, touches her head and says, "wait a minute, uncle, I'll take you home."

Jianrui mumbled, "uncle, I'm afraid I can't come back home ~"

"what's the matter?" Jane Chen Ran doubts.

"Well, that's it Ruirui is not careful... "

"Jianrui left the key at home." Jianyi coldly adds what Jianrui hasn't said.

"I'm not careful about losing my key." Jianrui stressed with wide eyes.

"Well, what the little princess says is what she says." Jane Chen Ran fondly pinches Jianrui's face, grabs Jianyi in one hand and says, "let's go. Today you can go home with your uncle."

"To my uncle's?" Jianrui clapped her hands excitedly, "Yeah ~ I haven't been to my uncle's house yet!"

Jane Chen Ran with two children back home, Jane Rui an excited home around a time, "uncle, uncle, tonight Rui Rui to sleep with uncle!"

"Yes." Jian Chenran said, "but Ruirui needs to finish her homework first. My uncle will cook for you. After finishing her homework, you can have dinner, OK?"

"Ruirui doesn't want to do her homework ~" Jian Rui's eyes said, "otherwise, Ruirui can help her uncle work."

As soon as she wants to be a kitchen helper to escape from her homework, she pulls her collar and takes it out.

"Don't try to be lazy, do your homework quickly!"

"Ruirui was captured by her brother, and my uncle came to help me ~"

Jianrui stretched out her hands and cried.

Jane Chen Ran looks at the noisy two children, shakes her head with a smile and continues to prepare the meal.


In the evening, Jian Haixi took care of Ning Jiwei for a long time. Seeing that he was all right, she went to the sofa in the outer room and lay down to sleep.

In the middle of the night, Jian Haixi is sleeping. She hears footsteps vaguely. When she opens her eyes, Ning Jiwei doesn't know when to come out.

"President, how do you feel?"

Jian Haixi quickly gets up and walks forward, but Ning Jiwei ignores her.

Jianhaixi see him looking for water, busy grab in front of him, want to get water for him.

Ning Jiwei just wake up, is dizzy, not guard against her suddenly grab in front, still by the inertia bent close to the water dispenser.

Jane was hit by two people in haiweining.

"Hiss ~"

Jian Haixi knocked his head on the water dispenser and turned around with his head covered."President, you..."

Jianhaixi just want to say you knock me, words did not finish, looking at near in front of Jun face, suddenly no voice.

Ning Jiwei looks at Jian Haixi. At the moment, he is still bending over. Jian Haixi raises his head. The distance between them is less than 10 cm.

Ning Jiwei's warm breath hit Jian Haixi's face, bringing bursts of warmth. "Are you all right?"

Jian Haixi shook his head, stepped back and lowered his head to get water for him.

Ning Jiwei looked at her, took the glass and drank it.

Two fingers touch the moment, jianhaixi aware of the temperature of Ning Jiwei's hand is not right, she frowned, dare to touch Ning Jiwei's forehead, sure enough than in the afternoon to hot.

Ning Jiwei's eyes were dim. He took her hand and asked, "what are you doing?"

"You have a fever."

Jian Haixi can't help holding him to the rest room.

"Xiaodou said fever is a normal phenomenon, but it still needs physical cooling. If it doesn't reduce fever, it will be troublesome."

Ning Jiwei had some resistance, but the way she tried to hold him was so warm that he followed her into the lounge.

When she got to the bedside, because she didn't turn on the light, Jian Haixi didn't notice the bulge at the foot of the bed for a moment. She tripped over and fell over to the bed, along with Ning Jiwei, who was held by her.

"Hiss ~" Jian Haixi gave a painful cry. Unexpectedly, she knocked her head twice in just a few minutes. It was Ning Jiwei's fault.

Thinking about this, Jian Haixi couldn't help staring at him, but he was silly.

Ning Jiwei's whole body was pressed on her, and they were folded there in an extremely indecent posture.

"President Can you get up first? "

Ning Jiwei looked at her, concave and convex curve let him feel that he may burn more severe.

"You just said that you would reduce my fever by physical cooling?" Ning Jiwei asked in a mute voice.

"Yes." Jian Haixi didn't know, so, "is there a problem?"

Ning Jiwei saw that she didn't understand the meaning at all. She hooked the corner of her lower lip and said, "no problem."


Jian Haixi nodded, reached out and pushed him down, blushed and said, "then you Get up. "

"I have no strength."

Ning Jiwei naturally said, "I have a fever, no strength, can't move."

“……” Jian Haixi was suspicious and had to do it by himself.

Kening Jiwei's one meter eight head is pressed on her. She can only rub him slowly when she wants to come out.

Jian Haixi blushed, especially at such a close distance, she could clearly feel the heat from Ning Jiwei's body.

"President You can hold on a little bit. "

"I said, I have no strength." Ning Jiwei whispered in her ear.

Hot breathing spray in jianhaixi ear, let her can't help shaking.

"What's the matter?" Ning Jiwei asked.

"No, it's OK."

Jianhaixi continue to rub ah rub, Ning Jiwei just began to have the mind to tease her, but gradually he was also rubbed by her on the fire, can't help but tilt his head no longer speak.

Jianhaixi strenuous to climb out, also don't know oneself touched where touch where, just hear Ning Jiwei suddenly low call a, fiercely grasped her arm.


Ning Jiwei gritted his teeth and said, "Jian Haixi, did you do it on purpose?"

Jian Haixi blinked and looked at his hand angrily, "president, don't you have no strength?"

Ningji Vuitton gave up his hand awkwardly and said: "you Take it easy... "

Jian Haixi is slightly shocked. How can this sound so awkward?

With the effort of the boss, Jian Haixi climbs out of Ning Jiwei's side. She doubts Ning Jiwei's intention, so she looks down at him. She doesn't want Ning Jiwei's face to be redder than her.

Jianhaixi Leng next, also don't care angry, hand to touch his face, "hot again?"

Ning Jiwei awkward to avoid her hand, "don't touch."

Jane Haixi curled her lips. "It's not what I want to touch."

Ning Jiwei gave her a squint, "I forced you?"

"You..." Jian Haixi stares at him and stops talking.

Ningjiwei see her staring big eyes, Huhu look more lovely than usual, eyes can't help but with a smile: "don't you want to cool down?"

"Oh, wait for you." Jianhaixi was reminded by him, also not angry, quickly took out the mobile phone Internet search physical cooling method.

No way, who let Lin Xiaodou just give her, after all did not teach her how to do it.

However, the moment she opened the website, Jian Haixi regretted it.

Who can tell her to wipe her body to cool down Mao physics!

Ning Jiwei looks at Jian Haixi's appearance from ignorance to tears. The corners of his mouth are almost indisputable. When Jian Haixi looks at it, he quickly puts it away.

"That President... " Jian Haixi didn't know how to speak.Ning Jiwei frowned, "what's the matter, don't you start?"

Jian Haixi asked carefully: "or I'd better take you to the hospital. I'm not good at nursing... "

Ning Jiwei glanced at her. "Do you think I'll go?"

Jian Haixi shook his head. "No way."

"What nonsense is that?"

Jian Haixi took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "well You wait for me

After that, Jian Haixi ran out quickly and took out the eye mask from her bag.

Ning Jiwei sees her wearing an eye mask to come in, the corner of the mouth can't help but smoke, "are you going to cool me down like this?"

Jian Haixi nodded solemnly, then touched the bed, then touched his clothes, and began to unbutton.

Ning Jiwei felt her hand from her throat one by one down, some unnatural swallow, silently don't cross the face. "Don't take advantage of it."

Jian Haixi's face is red too much, but he says bravely: "anyway, it's not random touch, or random look and random touch, you choose."

Ning Jiwei smiles and looks at her wrinkled face. I really choose it. I'm afraid you don't dare.

Jianhaixi is also on the arrow, no way, just to support Ning Jiwei's coat stripped, and then dipped in alcohol to help him slowly scrub.

Armpit, chest

Jianhaixi slightly cool palm touch Ning Jiwei's warm, two people are a little uncomfortable, no one is good to speak.

There was a quiet atmosphere in the air.

Ning Jiwei was a little shy and awkward at the beginning, but soon turned black.

When Jian Haixi wiped the alcohol on his mouth again, he couldn't bear to pull off her blindfold.


Jian Haixi let out a sound, opened his eyes and looked at Ning Jiwei, "what's the matter, President?"

Ning Jiwei pointed to his mouth, "what's the matter? You put alcohol in my mouth

After a pause, he put out three more fingers and added, "three times, do you want to murder me?"

I'm sorry, I can only apologize

Ning Jiwei cold hum a don't cross a face, but also didn't say don't let her continue words.

This time, Jian Haixi did not dare to wear an eye mask any more. Looking at her muscular body in front of her, she swallowed her saliva and thought to herself: just think of him as your son, just think of him as your son.

After many times of self hypnosis, Ning Jiwei was regarded as Jian Yi, and Jian Haixi managed to help him cool down.

Ning Jiwei doesn't know that he has become her son in jianhaixi's heart. If he knows, he will beat jianhaixi out.

Jian Haixi helps Ning Jiwei wipe it over and over again. Ning Jiwei burns badly. He can't hold it for long and then goes to sleep again.

Jianhaixi almost didn't sleep all night, until it was light to make sure that ningjiwei's fever had subsided, and then she lay beside the bed.

In the morning, when Ning Jiwei woke up, his first feeling was that his head was awake. He looked aside and saw Jian Haixi lying there with her head on her arm. He was sleepy and couldn't help staring at her side face for a long time.

It's this woman who surprises him every time and makes him more and more excited every time.

After a while, Ning Jiwei got up, picked up Jian Haixi, put her on the bed, covered her with a blanket and let her go to sleep.

Looking at Jian Haixi's sleeping face, Ning Jiwei smiles and reaches out his hand to touch her eyebrows. He doesn't realize how gentle his eyes are.

A moment later, he thought that if it hadn't been for Jian Haixi, he would have

Thinking of this, Ning Jiwei has a sharp look in his eyes. He gets up and walks to the office, picks up his mobile phone and dials a phone

Sangjia is in chaos at the moment. Overnight, the supporting shares of Sangjia enterprises are suddenly withdrawn. Ruo big enterprises are facing many financial loopholes.

Sangfu is anxious and angry. No one dares to do this kind of business unless he is an enemy.

Sangfu sent to the people quickly gave him the news, the home is Ning Jiwei.

Hearing the news, sang Fu's teeth were broken.

He didn't have to ask, but he knew that his confused daughter had done something. Otherwise, with Ning Jiwei's forbearance, he couldn't have done it all of a sudden.

Thinking of this, sang Fu ordered someone to call Sang Lan.

Sang Lan was called into the room by her father and said with a guilty heart: "Dad, you're looking for me Ah

Before he finished, father sang had already hit him with a stick.

Sang Lan immediately knelt on the ground in pain, "Dad, why did you hit me..."

"Why do you ask? I want to ask you more! "

Sang Fu roared and went down again with a stick: "say, what stupid thing have you done?"

"I, I didn't do anything..." Sang Lan cried.

"Nothing?" Mulberry father sneered: "did not do anything, Ning Jiwei will suddenly attack mulberry family?"

"I..." Sang Lan listens to Ning Jiwei's three words, and her face changes suddenly.Sang Fu noticed the change of her expression, drank coldly, and drew again, "it's really what you bastard did, and you don't tell me the truth!"

"Ah! Dad, stop beating Dad... "

Sang Lan cried: "I Didn't you tell me to find a way to get him, so I, I gave him some medicine... "

"You, you..."

Sangfu vomited blood, trembled and pointed to Sang Lan, and said, "you son of a bitch, do you think I live too long? Or do you think the sangs are too rich? "

Sang Lan cried: "Dad, I'm wrong, Dad, but I didn't succeed. He ran away..."

"You beast Cough

Sang Fu coughed angrily, "what do you have to be stupid to use this kind of inferior means? Even if you use this kind of means, you should let people run away? If you succeed, it's OK to say. Now what do you say to do? "

Sang Lan shivered and did not dare to speak.

Seeing her crying, Sang's father wanted to fight again. Suddenly, his servant reported that Xu Hui was coming.

Hearing this, sang Fu felt as if he had seen hope. He quickly asked someone to help him, but he met Xu Hui.

This day is not so calm, in addition to the Sang family, but also Jane Chenran family.

In the morning, jianchenran is still taking care of Jianrui. Jianyi has finished washing early and gets up to make breakfast for her uncle and sister.

As a result, as soon as I went downstairs, someone pushed the door and came in.

Bai Yiyi didn't expect to see a child in Jian Chenran's house. He frowned and stared at Jian Yi.

She looked up and down at Jian Yi, and saw that his facial features were somewhat similar to those of Jian Chenran.

"Whose child are you?"

While Bai Yiyi looks at Jian Yi, she also looks at her. Of course, she doesn't miss the vigilance and disgust in her eyes.

At the moment to see her question, high cold asked: "who are you?"

Bai Yiyi didn't expect a five or six-year-old boy to be so calm. He was stunned for a moment and was even more angry. He asked in a loud voice, "where are you from? Do you know it's very impolite to sneak into other people?"

Jian Yi frowned slightly and said, "other people's home? How can I be someone else's home in my father's home? "

"Your father..."

Bai Yiyi was stunned, "what are you talking about? Who's your father? "

"Jane Chen Ran is my father!"

Jian Yi blinks innocuous eyes, stares at Bai Yiyi and asks, "aunt, who are you? What can I do for my father? "


Bai Yiyi was called exhale straight stomp, "you get out of the way, I'm going to ask Jane Chenran clear!"

Jian Yi eyebrows slightly pick, stopped in front of her, "aunt, who are you in the end? Do you know it's rude to break into other people's houses? "

“……” Bai Yiyi vomites blood angrily, and Jian Yi returns what she just said to him word for word.

Especially that stinging aunt, let her heart is angry.

"Get out of here!" Bai Yiyi is just about to reach out and open Jian Yi. Before he can start, he sees Jian Chenran pulling her down the stairs.

"What are you doing?" Jian Chenran frowns at Bai Yiyi.

When Jian Yi sees Jian Chenran, she has an idea. She immediately jumps on her thigh and cries, "Dad, this aunt is going to hit me! Dad, are you going to find us a stepmother? I don't want such a vicious stepmother. She not only scolds me, but also beats me Wuwuwu... "

Jianchenran looks at Jianyi with her thigh in her arms and is stunned. Jianyi takes the opportunity to look at Jianrui on the other side.

As a cute Acting professional, Jianrui immediately receives her brother's signal. Without saying a word, she turns around and hugs jianchenran's other thigh and starts to cry.

"Baba, do you really want to find such a bad stepmother for Ruirui? You can see that she is ugly, old and bad. If she scolds her brother, she will beat her brother. She will certainly beat Ruirui in the future. Ruirui doesn't want her to be a stepmother. She doesn't want to... "

Although she is helpless about her two children's acting skills, she can hear some meaning from her words.

He looked at Bai Yiyi coldly and asked, "did you just want to hit the child?"

"I didn't..."

Bai Yiyi was wronged and said, "Chenran, listen to my explanation, I just..."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

The cry is so terrible that even Jian Yi, who pretends to cry, can't help covering her ears.

"Wuwuwuwu ~ dad, Ruirui doesn't want to see her. Ruirui is afraid. Dad drives her away, drives her away Whoa, whoa ~ "

Jane Chen Ran touched Jianrui's head. Although she knew she was pretending, she frowned painfully when she looked at her niece's pitiful little face.

"Chen Ran, I..."

"Get out of here!"

"What, what?" Bai Yiyi looks at Jian Chenran incredulously.Jane Chen Ran said coldly, "didn't you hear what I said? Get out of my house

Bai Yiyi grits her teeth, stares at Jianrui and Jianyi holding jianchenran's thigh, stomps her feet and runs out reluctantly.

As soon as Bai Yiyi leaves, Jian Yi releases Jian Chenran's thigh, wipes a few tears on her face, and restores the cold little boy.

"Uncle, this woman is too bad to be an aunt!"

"That's it. That's it."

Jian Yi is crying too hard. Although she doesn't cry now, the sequelae still makes her sob. She says: "uncle, Ruirui's aunt must be beautiful and kind. Uncle can't be cheated by bad women ~"

Jian Chenran looks at the two living treasures and nods: "OK, I'll give you two a big deal of my uncle's life after that Let's have a check, OK? "

Jian Yi and Jian Rui look at each other, nod their heads and say, "don't worry, uncle. It's on us."

Jane Chen Ran smiles and shakes her head.

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