Another player?

As soon as Ning Jiwei's voice fell, it caused a great disturbance.

Not only the host, but also Catherine looked at Ning Jiwei in shock and doubt, "Jiwei, what's the matter?"

"Miss Catherine, please wait a moment, and I'll explain myself." Ningjiwei road.

Catherine frowned, and could only wait.

Next to Gu Chenyi, she said to Catherine, "don't worry, teacher. There will definitely be a good play later."

Catherine, amused by his words, shook her head and said, "I'm not here to see a play. I'm only interested in design."

"But you're also interested in great people, aren't you?" Gu Chenyi said: "in this case, please wait for a moment, I promise I won't let you down."

Catherine had to nod.

One side of Tong Si's heart gradually rises a touch of ominous premonition, from Li long does not reply to her message to Gu Chenyi expose her plot, all things have been out of track.

Now Ning Jiwei says that there is another designer who has not appeared. Besides that person, who else?

Thinking of this possibility, Tong Si feels nervous. Even if it is possible, she wants to inform Tong Chaoyang immediately and break the relationship with the Song family. Otherwise, she will definitely be dragged to death by the Song family.

It's a pity that Gu Chenyi can't do anything.

After experiencing the initial confusion, the host responded quickly. Looking at Ning Jiwei who had already stepped onto the stage, the host handed the microphone to him with a smile and said, "next, let's invite Mr. Ning Jiwei to introduce the mysterious designer to us."

Did not expect a final to the last moment there is a reversal, we all come to the interest, waiting for Ning Jiwei's words.

Ning Jiwei took the microphone, calmly glanced at the scene and said: "before inviting the designer, I want to invite you to see a clip first."

Having said that, Ning Jiwei raised his hand and motioned for the next big screen. Yang Yaru, who had been ready for a long time in the background, had just released the recorded video.

In an instant, song Lu and Liao Huanyan appear on the big screen, as well as their dialogue.

"If you dare to talk nonsense here, our song family will never let you go."

"Song Lu, what are you afraid of me talking nonsense? How do you deceive me and threaten me to help you design your clothes and help you become the second runner up in the second round

"Liao Huanyan, I just rely on the fact that I'm the Song family. What can you do to me? I'm threatening you to help me design clothes. I won the second place in the second round only after I took your design draft. Go ahead and say it. Do you dare? Even if you do, do you think anyone will believe it? "


Looking at the content in the video, everyone was shocked.

Song Lu's second place in the last competition was to steal someone else's design!

No wonder her design style is so different from the last one.

Seeing song Lu threatening Liao Huanyan, everyone is even more shameless to song Lu.

Song Lu, who is still standing on the stage, did not expect that her conversation with Liao Huanyan would be recorded. Looking at all the strange eyes around her, song Lu is eager to find a crack in the ground.

"Get out of here! Song Lu, get out of here

Audience gradually began to restless, angry roar let song Lu roll off the stage.

Song Lu blushed and bit her lips to explain, but she didn't know where to start.

Ning Jiwei didn't even give her the chance to explain. Soon, the second video came out.

In the video, several designers said that they were threatened by Song Wei to help song Lu design clothes. This time, they jointly designed the clothes for the final.

Seeing this, song Lu couldn't stand any longer and ran down the stage crying.

Ning Jiwei looked at the restless audience in the field and said in a cold voice, "please be calm."

His voice was cold. Listening to him, the room quickly quieted down.

Catherine stood up, looked at Ning Jiwei seriously and said, "Jiwei, what's going on?"

Ning Jiwei said: "as shown in the video, we have found that Ms. song Lu has cheated twice in the competition, and we have found enough evidence. Next, we will be responsible for Ms. song Lu's actions in the star cup competition. We also hope that Ms. song Lu and Mr. Song Wei behind her can give us a satisfactory explanation. ”

after a pause, Ning Jiwei said: "the designer I'm going to invite next is Ms. Liao Huanyan, who was used by song Lu in the second round. I hope you can give her some applause."

With Ning Jiwei's words and applause, Liao Huanyan takes a deep breath and goes out with his head high.

Almost as soon as Liao Huanyan came out, everyone felt that the place that had always been awkward was finally right.

Both Qiaoya and Catherine are surprised to see Liao Huanyan's design. All her clothes are still the pure and sincere design concept in the semi-finals, but they are often the simplest and the most rare.

Looking at Liao Huanyan, Catherine can't help smiling happily.Ning Jiwei looked at Katherine and said, "teacher Katherine, because of the episode of this competition, we now solemnly invite you to mark our designer Liao Huanyan."

Catherine gets up, looks at Liao Huanyan, turns to look at Qiao Ya's design, and says to Ning Jiwei with a smile: "this is the most perfect final scene I'm looking forward to. The two designers I'm most optimistic about have completed their self transcendence. There's nothing that makes me happier than that."

Qiao Ya is also surprised to see Liao Huanyan's design.

Different from her design concept of "break and then stand", Liao Huanyan's sense of design has always been natural and relaxed.

Catherine said with a smile: "I like the design of Qiaoya and Liao Huanyan very much, but after considering it, I still think the first prize should be awarded to Qiaoya, because she gives me a more bold feeling, like rebirth."

Qiaoya bowed modestly to Catherine, and Liao Huanyan on one side also thanks Catherine for her guidance.

After that, the competition entered the final stage, Qiao Ya was the champion, but Liao Huanyan's design was also affirmed by everyone.

Finally, Catherine is generous to give two letters of recommendation, hoping that Qiao Ya and Liao Huanyan can go to her alma mater for further study.

This is the key to the world's designer palace for two people.

Of course, as the organizer's director, Ning Jiwei naturally also offered favorable conditions and awards, hoping to continue to cooperate with outstanding designers on the field in the future.

Seeing this, everyone cheered for Qiao Ya and Liao Huanyan.

The stage is lively and cheerful, but there are people who are sad and angry.

Tong Si didn't expect such a change in the final. At this time, she couldn't care about the exposure and left the venue.

Song family.

Song Wei originally sat on the sofa watching the live broadcast happily, but one of the riots he was looking forward to didn't happen, and he was even exposed about song Lu.

When song Lu leaves the scene crying, Song Wei is even more angry and throws the remote control in his hand.

"Waste! It's not enough to succeed, it's more than enough to fail! "

Song Wei roared angrily.

"This Ah Wei, Lulu didn't expect that Ning Jiwei would get hold of it. Don't be angry. If you have something to say... " Hu Jing and song Mu advised.

"Well said?" Song Wei said with a sneer, "how can we talk about it now? Do you know how serious the situation is? Everyone knows that our song family is behind the conspiracy, and since Ning Jiwei knows about it, he must know about our alliance with Tongjia. What do you think he will do next? "Ah?"

"This..." Song Mu said with a sad face: "why don't you go and find Mo Sheng? He's not going to die, is he? "

"Oh. Looking for Mo Sheng? " Song Wei glared at Song Mu and said, "Dad, do you think our family didn't die fast enough?"

Mo Sheng was dissatisfied with his involvement in the star cup competition. Now he messed up everything. If Mo Sheng didn't kill him, he would be forgiven. How could he wipe his ass?

When Song Wei was angry, Pian song Lu came in crying.

"Dad, mom..." Song Lu cries as soon as she enters the door. She is about to find her parents to cry. As a result, before she can cry, she sees Song Wei with a black face.

Song Lu was ready to cry and swallow it. Looking at Song Wei, he stammered: "brother, brother..."

"Song Lu, you still have the face to come back to me?" Song Wei strided forward angrily, raised his hand and was about to fight her, "all things of Laozi are ruined by you! You rubbish

"Ah! Help, mom and Dad Song Lu ran to the door while hiding.

At this time, I can't care about any etiquette or image. I'll run for my life first.

The parents of the Song family are looking at Song Wei, who is chasing song Lu. They want to dissuade him, but they dare not.

The Song family has the same low pressure as the Tong family on the other side.

Tong Chaoyang snorted coldly: "if I had known that Song Wei was so capable, I would not have cooperated with him."

"Dad, is it still useful to say that now?" Tong Si has a cold face. Thinking that Tong Chaoyang was going to marry her to Song Wei, Tong Si was filled with hatred. "Now Ning Jiwei already knows what we're doing, and what to do next is the key."

Tong Chaoyang frowned, turned his head to stare at Tong Si and said, "what's the matter with Li long?"

"What do you mean, dad?" Tong Si looked at Tong Chaoyang and said, "you don't doubt that I betrayed the Tong family, do you?"

Tong Chaoyang pauses and says awkwardly, "of course I don't mean that. It's just that he promised to do well. Why did he suddenly change his mind?"

"How do I know?" Tong Si was not angry and said, "Dad, you don't have to be suspicious of me. I've had a quarrel with Ning Jiwei's woman. Even if I'm willing to lick my face and stick to someone else's cold ass, they won't let me go."

Tong Chaoyang was so stiff that he didn't know what to say.

Compared with the atmosphere of Tong and song, the Qiao family is much happier.In the hospital, Qiao Qinghe's smile almost penetrated the corridor, George Qiao Lei and others are also smiling.

Watching Qiao Ya win the championship and the Song family's conspiracy come to light, nothing can make people happier than this.

Especially looking at Ning Jiwei, who holds everything in his hand, Qiao Qinghe is more satisfied with it.

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