When Mo's house is surging, Ning Jiwei can finally get out of the meeting.

Yang Yaru is responsible for going back from Katherine, and many designers have started to leave one after another.

Gu Chenyi stretched his waist and said, "it's over at last. You're just going with mikai. I'll go back first."

Ning Jiwei nodded and said to Gu Chenyi, "it's hard for you at home."

Gu Chenyi shook the goose bumps on his body and said, "it's so numb. If people hear this, they think I have nothing to do with you."

Ning Jiwei rolled a white eye wordlessly, waved his hand and said: "go quickly."

Gu Chenyi laughs, can disgust Ning Jiwei, really let him have a sense of achievement.

Mikai and Liao Huanyan came over and said to Ning Jiwei, "let's go back first."

Ning Jiwei said, "I'll go with you."

As they were talking, they saw JOYA looking at them with a smile.

Ning Jiwei looks at Qiao ya, picked eyebrow to ask: "what's the matter?"

Qiao Ya squinted, looked at Ning Jiwei and said, "Ning Jiwei, don't you think you should say hello to me? After all I'm your sister-in-law

Ning Jiwei His relatives are really more and more, and they are the kind that he can't refuse.

Qiao Ya looked at Ning Jiwei's face, feeling better.

She was very optimistic about this man before. She wanted to try her best to catch him, but Ning Jiwei turned into her brother-in-law.

This makes JOYA very depressed, but she can't say it. But now, JOYA finds that she can achieve her psychological balance in another way.

That is to make fun of Ning Jiwei and see him make a fool of himself!

Seeing the meaning of Qiao ya, Ning Jiwei sighed and said with a bitter smile: "Qiao ya, don't embarrass me."

Listen to him so natural call out "Qiao Ya" two words, Qiao Ya suddenly Zheng next.

Compared with the cold "Miss Qiao" before, Ning Jiwei, who called her "Qiao Ya", suddenly made her feel much more friendly.

Qiao ya a Zheng, the facial expression is tiny red, hummed a way: "don't embarrass you, then I can only embarrass my new cousin, who let me be a mental distortion villain?"

Ning Jiwei laughed, shook his head and said, "well, sister-in-law, you'd better embarrass me."

Qiao ya a choke, didn't expect Ning Jiwei so maintenance jianhaixi.

Maybe it's the relationship between two families. Ning Jiwei doesn't have much defense against Qiao ya.

Can be such a natural and affectionate, but let Qiao Ya both jealous and helpless.

In the end, Ning Jiwei could only glare fiercely, and turned to leave the venue.

"She likes you." Mikai's cool way behind ninjivi.

Ning Jiwei looked at him white and said, "are you bored?"

"It's not boring." Mikai said with a smile: "it's interesting to watch other people's 8 o'clock idol drama occasionally."

"Does your major include psychotherapy?" Ning Jiwei is speechless.

Mikai shrugged, "there's nothing you can't do. Maybe you can develop in this direction in the future."

Ning Jiwei rolled his eyes and didn't want to talk to him.

"Brother in law..." Liao Huanyan came forward and looked at Ning Jiwei suspiciously and said, "brother-in-law, you won't do anything wrong to Haixi sister, will you?"

Ning Jiwei Does he look that bad?

Liao Huanyan holds the idea of "prevention in advance", frowns and says seriously: "brother-in-law, sister Haixi can treat you wholeheartedly and give birth to two such lovely children for you. You can never do anything sorry for her."

Ning Jiwei's forehead twitched twice, and he couldn't control the power of flood and famine in his body.

Liao Huanyan didn't see Ning Jiwei's distorted face, but he still "earnestly taught him", "brother-in-law, although there will be many temptations around us, as adults, we should have a sense of responsibility, we can't..."

Ning Jiwei couldn't bear to look at mikai, "I'll go first, you two are free."

"Ah, brother-in-law, I haven't finished yet. Do you want to Well... " Liao Huanyan wants to continue talking, but his mouth has been covered by mikai.

Watching Ning Jiwei leave, Liao Huanyan turns his head and stares at mikai and says, "Why are you covering me? I haven't finished yet. "

Mikael gave her a look and said, "if you go on, I'm afraid you'll be beaten."

Liao Huanyan said: "my brother-in-law won't beat me, and I mean well. How can he beat me?"

Mikai's mouth twitched, reached for her face and said, "your brother-in-law doesn't want to beat you, but I want to beat you now."

Liao Huanyan blinked and looked innocent.

Mikai looked at her like this. He shook his head in a funny way, reached over her and said, "let's go. In order to celebrate your good achievement today, I'll take you to eat delicious food."

"Don't we have to go back?" Asked Liao Huanyan."What can I do for you? Don't worry. I'll take you out for a walk. " Mikai said as he took Liao Huanyan's hand and walked out.

Liao Huanyan is stunned. He looks down at the palm of his hand where he and mikai are together. His face turns red and he doesn't refuse.

When ningjiwei arrived at mikai villa, George and jianhaixi had not come back from the hospital.

Ning Jiwei first went to see Jian Yi.

Although the bandage on Jian Yi hasn't been removed these two days, he can try to do some small activities.

When Ning Jiwei enters the door, he sees Jian Yi trying to stand on the bed.

Little cheek is full of sweat, it can be seen that this is not what he just did.

Ning Jiwei frowned and quickly came forward to help him.

"Did mikai say you could get out of bed?" Ning Jiwei asked in a deep voice.

Jian Yi nodded, "don't worry, daddy. I won't make fun of my body. I won't allow myself to make mistakes at this time

Ning Jiwei nodded, reached out and held him to the bed and said, "it's OK to exercise slowly, but don't be too hasty. We don't need this time, do you know?"

"Well." Jian Yi nodded and said to Ning Jiwei, "Daddy, I'm ready to move now. In the future, I can help you find out about talilina."

Looking at Witton's mature son, he felt with emotion.

In fact, Liao Huanyan is right.

In his life, he was blessed to have Jian Haixi and Jian Yi and Jian Rui treat each other like this.

Looking at Ning Jiwei, Jian Yi reached for his hand and said, "Daddy, I know you love me, but I'm bored to stay here every day. I hope I can help daddy."

Ning Jiwei hooked the corner of his lip, with a faint smile, nodded and said, "OK, Yi Yi will be daddy's little assistant in the future."

"Well." With Ning Jiwei's permission, Jian Yi shows her face again and says excitedly, "Dad, give me a task quickly."

"Well?" What did Ji Weining assign

Jian Yi smiles with a bright light in her eyes. "Daddy, you're not coming to see me now, are you? And shouldn't we do something now in this mess? "

Ning Jiwei is stunned, shakes his head and laughs. Once again, he sighs that having a clever son really makes him feel relieved and helpless.

"Well, you can check the safe route from here to Dou's house first." But Jian Yi's insistence, coupled with his own just agreed to his son, Ning Jiwei had no choice but to say.

"The Dou family?" Jian Yi blinked, and soon understood Ning Jiwei's intention, "does Daddy want uncle Dou Ge to go back?"

Ning Jiwei nodded, "you check first, I'll find Dou Ge."

"Good." Jian Yi nodded, hugged the computer and looked up quickly.

In fact, it's not difficult to find a route to Dou's home. Now the traffic is so developed that it can be reached by all roads.

But with talilina's eyes that don't know where they are, they should be cautious in their choice.

Jian Yi naturally knows that Ning Jiwei doesn't just ask him to check the route, so in the process of searching, Jian Yi goes out of her way to find a traffic spot with a lot of people and less strict control.

Ningjiwei went to Dogo's room.

In Dou GE's room, Qin Zhixu is having a long talk with him.

The same patient, obviously paralyzed in bed Dou GE more pitiful, is usually free, Qin Zhixu will come to him to chat.

After knowing that Ning Jiwei planned to let Dou Ge go back to Dou's home yesterday, Qin Zhixu was enlightening him all day today.

But no matter what he said, Dou Ge didn't want to go back.

When Ning Jiwei came in, Qin Zhixu's saliva was almost dry.

Dou Ge looked at Ning Jiwei, frowned and asked, "do you want to drive me away?"

Ning Jiwei I haven't said anything yet.

Qin Zhixu spread out his hand and said, "I tried my best, but he was stubborn and couldn't move."

Ning Jiwei knew clearly, nodded and sat down, and said frankly to Dou Ge, "I hope you can go back to Dou's home."

Dou Ge pursed his lips. "Are you afraid I'll get in the way here?"

Ning Jiwei shook his head, "count time, another half a month, your body can recover, I'm not bad at this time."

"Why is that?" Asked Dou Ge.

Ning Jiwei said: "I think Dou Ming has already told you that I have found out the general location of talilina, but I can't continue to do so at present. I hope you can go back. First, you can let the Dou family make arrangements early to avoid being affected. Second, you want to pave a way back as soon as possible. I have a hunch that the problem of talilina is not so easy to solve. "

Doughton stopped, silent and speechless.

Qin Zhixu sighed: "Ji Wei, don't talk nonsense with him. I've already told him about this, but he just doesn't want to go back, as if we dislike him."Dou Ge Leng snorted: "my brother can also do these things."

He would rather stay here than go back to Dou's home.

He Douge has always been a front-line fighter. When did he retire after being injured?

Ning Jiwei looked at Dou Ge and said, "talilina's business is different. Let Dou Ming do it. I'm not at ease."

Dou Ge Leng next, frown to ask a way: "what meaning?"

Ning Jiwei said: "I think about it carefully these two days. Talilina should have joined hands with Mo Sheng, and there is a computer expert behind her. No matter the whereabouts or the people, the information we get is not accurate. I've sent someone to do a secret investigation, but I need someone to do a good job. In case of any accident, we need to make sure that there is a safe way to retreat. "

After a pause, Ning Jiwei looked at Dou Ge and said, "you are the only one who sets up this safe passage."

Dou Ge Wei Zheng didn't expect Ning Jiwei to trust him so much.

After a moment's silence, Dou Ge said, "you have said that. I don't think there is any reason to refuse."

Ning Jiwei said: "I may be injured in a few days, and I will not be able to do anything at that time. I have to send you away as soon as possible when Mo Sheng's eyes don't stare here these two days."

"Hurt?" Listening to Ning Jiwei's words, Qin Zhixu interjected: "Why are you injured? What's more, do you still know how to get hurt? "

Ning Jiwei said in a deep voice: "don't forget that if I want to take charge of the Mo family completely and become the head of the Mo family, I have to meet three conditions. Now I'm still one short."

Qin Zhi Xu Leng next, also sink a face, "that I think you may have to do everything ready, if I am Mo Sheng, can't let you have a good time."

Ning Jiwei nodded, because he knew, so he was ready for injury.

"That's one of the reasons I'm trying to arrange things as well as I can now." Ning Jiwei looks at Dou gedao.

Dou Ge nodded and said, "I see. You can arrange it. I have no opinion."

Ning Jiwei looked at Dou Ge and nodded sincerely: "thank you very much."

Doug waved his hand, indicating that he didn't have to say so much.

Not long after Ning Ji and Dou Ge finished their talks, Jian Yi found out several suitable routes and times. At this time, George and Jian Haixi also came back.

As soon as George entered the door, he saw that Ning Jiwei and others were discussing when to start. He couldn't help laughing and said, "I said that you have already discussed this? You don't have to ask me if I'm free? "

Qin Zhi Xu Bai glanced at him and said, "even if you don't have time, you have to spare time, or your old man won't be able to kill you?"

George smacked his mouth and said, "you're right. My old man is obedient to Haixi now. He can't tell right from wrong."

As soon as his voice fell, Jian Haixi's laughter came from the door, "how can I hear someone speak ill of me?"

George froze, quickly put on a smiling face, said: "my dear sister, you heard me wrong, brother, how can I speak ill of you? I'm clearly speaking ill of the old man. "

"Oh? Is that right? " Jian Haixi raised her eyebrows. "But how can I listen? You seem to be insinuating that I don't know right from wrong?"

“……” George choked and begged for mercy with a bitter smile: "Haixi, I'm wrong. I'll pay you for it, won't I?"

Jian Haixi curved his lips and gave him a slanting look. "OK, for the sake of your sincere apology, I won't tell my grandfather about it."

George resisted the impulse of rolling his eyes and said with a smile, "thank you for not killing me."

Ning Jiwei, Qin Zhixu and others are amused. They didn't expect that George would be killed one day.

Oh, no, it should be said that I didn't expect that besides Yang Yaru, someone else could hold George.

Jian Haixi put a few cups of tea on the table and said, "you can talk. I'll go and see Yi Yi."

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