When Ning Jiwei returns to Mo's home, Gu Chenyi and Mo Xiuyu are leading their children to play.

I went to say hello to them next door.

When Mo Wanshan saw Ning Jiwei coming, he was still a little surprised, because this son always went to the three treasures hall for nothing, so he must have something to do when he came so late.

Mo Wanshan asked Yue Feng to push himself back to his study. He turned around and nodded with Ning Jiwei and said, "come with me."

Ning Jiwei enters the study behind Mo Wanshan, and Yue Feng helps them to guard at the door.

He didn't mean to defend anyone, mainly because he was afraid that father and son would quarrel again.

And recently, Mo Wanshan's health is getting worse and worse. It's not convenient for him to be far away.

But his appearance, in Jia Minzhi's view, is deliberately defensive.

Jia Minzhi coldly looks at the door of the closed study, and then at Yuefeng. With a cold hum, he turns and walks away.

Yue Feng opens his mouth to explain, but looking at Jia Minzhi, he doesn't know what to say.

Finally, he could only sigh, thinking about telling Mo Wanshan for a while.

It depends on Mo Wanshan whether or not an explanation is needed.

In the study.

Mo Wanshan looked at Ning Jiwei and asked, "what can I do for you so late?"

"Well." Ning Jiwei nodded, "I want to start the third level tomorrow morning."

Ji Wanning didn't think it was so late.

Frowning for a moment, Mo Wanshan hesitated and asked, "tomorrow Is it too soon? Don't say you've just had two days off? "

Ning Jiwei shook his head and said, "no, sooner or later it's the same."

Mo Wanshan looked at Ning Jiwei and sighed: "since you've made up your mind, I don't mind. I'll inform Mo Sheng and Mo Ting tomorrow morning. You'll have a good rest tonight."

Ning Jiwei nodded and said, "please, nothing else. I'll go first."

"Wait a minute." Mo Wanshan saw that Ning Jiwei was about to leave, so he quickly stopped him and said, "you wait a moment. Originally, I wanted to wait for a while to tell you, but since you plan to go to the third level tomorrow, I'll give you that thing now."

Ning Jiwei doubts, "what thing?"

Mo Wanshan turns his wheelchair and wants to go to the cupboard.

Seeing this, Ning Jiwei helped him push the wheelchair.

Mo Wanshan froze for a while, knowing that Ning Jiwei might just help, but this little action is enough to make his heart slightly sour.

"The second grid on the left, you open it and take out the contents." Ning Jiwei Leng next, obedient forward, will open the second grid.

There was nothing in it but a big iron box with a lock.

Ning Jiwei took out the iron box and handed it to Mo Wanshan, "what's this?"

Mo Wanshan took the iron box and his fingers trembled. "Do you know why Mo Sheng insists on being the master of the Mo family?"

Ning Jiwei shakes his head, which he doesn't quite understand.

Mo Shengming has enough power, but he insists on being the head of the family.

After all these years, Mo Wanshan's strength is getting better and better. It's not impossible for Mo shengruo to take advantage of the opportunity to take the upper position, but he has been retreating so three points from Mo Wanshan. It seems that I'm afraid of him.

Kening Jiwei clearly in Mo Sheng, did not see his fear and awe of Mo Wanshan.

Therefore, there is only one reason why Mo Sheng has performed so well.

That is what he is afraid of is the things behind Mo Wanshan, the things that everyone wants from the Mo family.

Mo Wanshan opened the iron box in his hand and took out half a jade spring from it.

The emerald green jade spring is dyed with bright red. Ning Jiwei can see that it is not the normal color, but the human blood color.

The color of blood has been immersed in Yuhuang all the year round, and has long been combined into one.

Mo Wanshan looked at the half jade spring with regret and attachment in his eyes.

"This is A token of my love for your mother and me. " Mo Wanshan's voice was a little hoarse, and he sighed with a bitter smile, "in fact, this thing is not valuable. Whether it's my mo family or Fu family, we can find something more valuable than this jade spring."

Looking at wanweining quietly, he didn't interrupt.

This is the first time for the two to talk about Fu Xiang. Several times before, they had either quarreled or quarreled. Ning Jiwei also had a lot of complaints about Mo Wanshan.

But so far, Ning Jiwei thinks he knows something about Mo Wanshan, so he is even more strange about his choice.

At the moment, listening to Mo Wanshan's words and looking at the bloody jade spring, Ning Jiwei gradually has a guess in his heart.

Maybe things in those days were not what he thought.

Mo Wanshan stroked the jade spring, with heavy memories in his voice.

"At that time, your mother and I just knew each other. We bought this jade spring from a street vendor. But I don't have to say that this is the most precious gift that my mother has ever given herMo Wan shandun, hooked his lips and said, "I didn't understand at that time, but I didn't understand her until she left for many years. Because I gave her this jade spring, my feelings for her are the purest and warmest. Later, although love, but mixed with the family and future pressure, and a lot of forced

Ning Jiwei finally opened his mouth and asked, "what happened in those years?"

Mo Wanshan looked up at Yanning Jiwei, his eyes full of moisture.

"At that time, due to the pressure of the family, the Mo family did not allow me to be with your mother. I intended to give up the position of head of the family and leave with your mother. But I didn't expect that I was under house arrest by my parents and elders, and your mother was restrained because she was pregnant with you. "

Mo Wanshan reached for Ning Jiwei's sleeve and said: "for your safety, for you and your mother's safety, I can only promise to separate from your mother, accept the position of home owner, and marry Jia Minzhi, the daughter of the Jia family. I want to find a chance to explain to your mother clearly that it only takes two years. I can take charge of the Mo family in two years, and then no one will hinder us. But... "

Mo Wanshan gradually choked and bowed his head in grief.

Ning Jiwei pursed his lips and said, "mother I don't think I'll stay for your explanation. "

Ning Jiwei never met Fu Xiang, but Fu zuoan told him a lot about Fu Xiang.

Judging from Fu Xiang's way of doing things, she is a woman with strong personality. How can she be willing to wait for her beloved man when he marries another woman?

"Yes, how could she wait for me?" Mo Wanshan wry smile, "she doesn't even believe me."

Ning Jiwei frowned and looked at Mo Wanshan without saying anything.

Mo Wanshan sighed: "I miss her very much these years, but I also blame her for why she doesn't believe me and why she doesn't wait for me. I was in a coma for half a month because I broke through the third level. When I woke up, I learned that she had left Xiangcheng. I asked Yue Feng to find you, but I didn't hear from you. I never thought that she would give you up to the Ning family. "

Ning Jiwei doesn't speak. He has no right to criticize the feelings of his elders. He has no right to judge right and wrong.

After all these years, it is meaningless to discuss right and wrong again.

Mo Wanshan looked at Ning Jiwei and said, "I know I'm sorry for you. I haven't done my duty to be a father these years. I still want to get you back when the Mo family is in trouble. I I'll never pay off my debts to your mother and you in my life. "

Ning Jiwei shook his head and said, "I didn't blame you. If I ever did, I thought you had betrayed my mother. But now I'm not surprised to hear you say that. I don't think my mother will blame you if she knows. "

Listening to Ning Jiwei's words, Mo Wanshan was stunned and asked with trembling: "Jiwei, do you really Don't blame me? "

Ning Jiwei shakes his head, "not strange, father."

Listening to the name "father", Mo Wanshan was stiff and burst into tears.

Different from the previous Chi Chi and taunt, Ning Jiwei's "father" cry was heartfelt, which Mo Wanshan naturally heard.

Looking at Mo Wanshan's low sobbing, Ning Jiwei sighed and squatted down: "Dad, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you before."

Mo Wanshan's lips trembled and choked to the point that he could not speak. He just waved his hand to show that it didn't matter.

Ning Jiwei reached out and patted Mo Wanshan on the back. It took a long time for Mo Wanshan to calm down a little.

"This thing..." Mo Wanshan gave the half fast jade spring to Ning Jiwei and said, "take it with you. After you go in, find the man. When he sees this, he will naturally cooperate with you."

"The man?" Ning Jiwei is surprised. Isn't he going to compete with others? Why do you have to find someone?

Mo Wanshan said: "what Mo Sheng taboo is not me, but the dark power behind me. Mo family has been divided into black and white since before, white in the light, black in the dark. Only master Mo can communicate with the person in charge of the secret department. There are usually things that can't be solved openly, but they are all solved by the secret department. "

Ning Jiwei was shocked. He thought that the people Mo Wanshan had given him before were all the strength of the Mo family.

I didn't expect that there were still hidden forces in the Mo family.

"No wonder..." Ning Jiwei frowned and said: "I always feel that something is not right. Mo Sheng and Mo Ting's reactions are too strange. They are obviously capable, but they are like taboos. So it is."

"There are few people in the dark, but usually there are still a few people around." Mo Wanshan said with a smile, "for example, Mo Feng who follows you."

"Mo Feng?" Ning Jiwei was stunned, thought about it and nodded: "Mo Feng's ability is really special. It turns out that he is from the dark Department."

Mo Wanshan nodded, "every leader of the secret department will have a good relationship with the family leader. Black and white are indispensable. When I took over as the family leader, the family exerted so much pressure because of the conflict with the secret department. Without our Mo family, people in the secret department would not be able to live in a normal society, and without the secret department, our Mo family would not be able to grow up to now."

Ning Jiwei thought and said: "that Mo Feng is..."

Mo Wanshan said: "Mo Feng is the next head of the secret department I'm optimistic about, but it depends on your choice. Tomorrow you'll see the person in charge of the dark Department. He'll tell you more about it. "Ning Jiwei nodded, pulled the corners of his mouth and said, "I always feel a little mysterious."

"Fantasy?" Mo Wanshan raised his eyebrows. "Didn't you think our Mo family had such power?"

Ning Jiwei shook his head. "It's not unexpected that even the Fu family has a shadow department. It's not surprising that there is the power of the shadow department behind the Mo family. I thought I had contacted the power center of the Mo family before, but now suddenly a shadow Department appears. I think it's incredible."

Mo Wanshan patted Ning Jiwei on the back with a smile and said, "I didn't tell you before because you are too busy, and the person in the dark Department also wants to know if you are a qualified successor."

Ningjiwei understood.

It turned out that not only Mo Sheng wanted to test him, but also the person in charge of the secret department wanted to test him.

After talking to Mo Wanshan about the next day, Ning Jiwei went back to the next room.

When he comes in, Jianrui and Gu Xiaomian are already sleeping. Gu Chenyi is waiting for him in the living room.

Seeing him come in, Gu Chenyi yawns and gets up to take out the midnight snack for him.

"It was dinner, but it's a little too late You can eat it as a snack. " Gu Chenyi said.

Ning Jiwei smiles and sits down to eat.

Gu Chenyi sat opposite him and asked, "have everything been arranged?"

Ning Jiwei nodded, "just received the news, George has sent Dou Ge away."

Gu Chenyi chucked his chin and said, "I didn't expect that your eldest brother-in-law is quite responsible. I thought he would let others go. After all, the Qiao family has a lot of power."

Ningjiwei said: "although George is cynical on the surface, he is never ambiguous on major issues. He is a reliable person."

Gu Chenyi said with a smile: "Oh, it's a family in the end. Now they all begin to say good things about your brother-in-law?"

"Cough ~" Ning Jiwei is choked by his words, white he one eye way: "I am the matter of the matter."

Gu Chenyi got up with a laugh and said, "OK, there's nothing wrong with me. I'll go back to sleep."

"Chen Yi." Looking at Gu Chenyi's back, Ning Jiwei said seriously: "tomorrow Please

"I see." Gu Chenyi didn't look back. He just waved to him and said, "don't worry, I will look at Ruirui. As for you Don't die, or I won't let you go if Haixi doesn't let you go. "

"Ha ha." Ning Jiwei said with a smile: "don't worry, you can't die."

Gu Chenyi turned his back to Ning Jiwei and sighed. He just went back to the room in silence.

Can we say that Ning Jiwei has no choice?

He has, he can give up.

He can also use the power of the Qiao family and his own hands as a threat.

As long as he wants, he can not participate in the three levels.

But can he?

He can't.

The more people go up, the more pressure and responsibility they face will no longer be a matter of their own, a small family.

It's like Ning Jiwei. Now he's in charge of Mo negative. People in the whole company point at him and lead us forward. Can he retreat?

Just like the Mo family, Mo Wanshan gave all his efforts to him, and even almost abandoned Mo Xiuyu.

In this case, can Ning Jiwei say that he doesn't want to be the head of the family? Can he say he won't break the third level?

He can't, and he not only wants to break through, but also to win beauty, to be convinced by everyone.

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