Liao Huanyan was stunned by Mikel's words. Then he blushed and said, "I'm not afraid, or..."

"That's disgust?" Mikel asked again.

Liao Huanyan shook his head.

"I'm not afraid, and I don't hate it, then..." Looking at Liao Huanyan's red face, Mikel asked with a smile, "do you like it?"

Liao Huanyan was stunned. He didn't deny it. He just bowed his head and said, "I can't say well either. Sometimes he's very good and sometimes he's very annoying."

Mikel smiles, grabs Liao Huanyan and says, "I tell you, that's what my brother is like. He's tired of you because he likes you, otherwise he won't talk to you at all."

"Is it?" Liao Huanyan doubts, "then he likes it too much Are you sick? "

"Poof ~" Mikel sneered and nodded: "yes, he is a pervert. He has been such a virtue since he was a child. You see, I know. I'm his own sister. From yesterday to today, he didn't talk to me or find me. He doesn't care whether I adapt or not. What's more, I was driven away just now because of a small matter. Do you think there are such brothers? "

Liao Huanyan frowned and said, "that's too much for him. How can he do this to you?"

"That's it."

Hearing Liao Huanyan speak for himself, Mikel immediately takes Liao Huanyan's hand and talks as if he had found an alliance.

For example, when she was a child, mikai was abnormal and smart. She even jumped several levels in school, which made her often scolded by her parents.

For example, they don't play with her brother.

At the end of the day, Mikel didn't think much about it. Liao Huanyan was about to explode.

"Too much! Thank you for recognizing his elder brother. If I had ignored him long ago. "

"Er..." Looking at Liao Huanyan's angry face, Mikel touches his nose. It seems that he has gone too far.

If Liao Huanyan really breaks up with mikai because of these things, it's her Mikel who will be in the end.

"In fact, my brother is not so bad..." Mikel tried to figure out how to go back and fix it.

But before she finished, Liao Huanyan took her hand and said, "don't worry, Ke'er. I'll protect you. I have to teach him a lesson for you."

Mikael: "it's..." Why does that sound so familiar?

Just as Mikael was thinking about how to explain, Mikael came knocking at the door with the double skin milk.

"That, Huan Yan, don't drive yet..."

Before Mikel finished, Liao Huanyan opened the door.

Listening to the sound of opening the door, Mikel seemed to see the moment when his luggage was thrown out.

Mikael stood at the door, looking at Mikael in the room, frowned and said, "what are you doing here?"

"I, that..." Michel scratched his head with a guilty heart and said, "well, I have something else to do. I went out first..."

"No way." Liao Huanyan grabs Miker and says, "Kor, you don't have to go. You are my friend. Why should you go when he comes?"

Mikael: "it's..." Elder sister, if you pull me again, I will really go away!

Mikai looks at Mikel and Liao Huanyan thoughtfully. He smiles and doesn't speak. Instead, he hands over his double skin milk and says, "it's just two. You two can eat."

"Wow, it looks delicious." Liao Huanyan is attracted by the double skin milk in mikai's hand, and forgets what happened just now.

To say what she likes, one is design, the other is desserts.

Mikael had a firm grip on her.

Liao Huanyan took one of them to Mikel and said, "you can eat too, but it's delicious."

"Ha ha, good..." Mikel took the double skin milk and peeped at her brother's face as she ate.

It's good. It's scary.

Mikel quickly took two mouthfuls, then put down his double skin milk and said to Liao Huanyan, "I, I'd better go first."

With that, without waiting for Liao Huanyan to say anything, Mikel left quickly.

Liao Huanyan frowned, glared at Mikael and said, "what do you frighten Keer into?"

"Me? Scared her? " Mikai blinked, doubting Liao Huanyan's words.

"Yes, you see, Ke'er ran away without even eating the double skin milk." Liao Huanyan said.

Since childhood, Ni Kai is not afraid of anything in the world

"No matter how brave you are, you are a girl." Liao Huanyan frowned and said: "and you are Ke Er's brother. How can you not care about her because she is brave? Don't you think it's because you don't care about her that she has to be brave? "

Mikai was stunned and his eyes sank. "What did Kor tell you?"

Liao Huanyan snorted coldly and told mikai what Mikel had just said to her.After listening, mikai was silent for a long time, then sighed and said, "I know me. I'll go to talk to her."

Liao Huanyan is not at ease: "you talk well."

"I see." Mikai tugged at the corner of his mouth, reached for Liao Huanyan's head and said, "thank you."

This is the first time that he said "thank you" to Liao Huanyan. Liao Huanyan was stunned. He blushed and said: "also You're welcome. I'm just a little help

Mikael smiles and turns to Mikael's room.

In the room, Mikael was packing. When Mikael came in, he said, "you don't have to rush me. I'm already packing. I'll leave soon. Don't worry. I won't tell anyone about your business here. "

"Who's going to drive you away?" he said with a smile

Mikael was stunned and looked up at Mikael. "Aren't you here to drive me away?"

Mikey shrugged and said, "get rid of you. Where can you go? Except here, you will be caught by your parents for blind date everywhere you go. Have you figured it out and want to get married? "

"I don't want to get married!" Mikel said in a loud voice.

Mikai said with a smile, "that's OK. As long as you don't play around, you can stay here as long as you want."

Mikael was stunned. She looked at Mikael askew and looked at him suspiciously: "are you still my brother?"

Mikai said with a smile: "it seems that I am really too bad to you, so that if I treat you a little bit, you begin to doubt me."

"No, no, No." Mikael quickly said: "little sister's admiration for big brother has always been as much as the Yellow River. How can you doubt big brother? Elder brother, it's too late for me to thank you for taking me in... "

"I'm your brother." Mikael reached out, touched Mikael's head and said, "although my character may not be as good as other people's brothers, I won't turn a blind eye to the place where I should help you spoil you. If there's something I haven't thought about, please forgive me

"Brother, brother, you..."

I didn't expect that Mikael would say such a thing. Mikael was stunned. Her big eyes turned red. She sniffed and hugged Mikael's neck and cried: "woo Hoo Brother, you finally look like a person! For my brother, you are the best in the world! "

Mikai said with a smile, "for the sake of the second half, I'll take the first half as if I didn't hear you."

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