At a time when everyone is worried about Ning Jiwei, he is really experiencing a critical moment of life and death.

Pull out a poisonous needle from his calf, Ning Jiwei falls and sits under the tree in a cold sweat.

He didn't think how sad it was.

It's just that under the test of the face, the hidden tricks and conspiracies are the most difficult for him to prevent.

Ning Jiwei gasps for breath, reaches out his hand to take down the water bottle he is carrying and drinks a mouthful of water. It takes him a long time to relax.

Fortunately, he took the antidote given by mikai in advance this morning. Although it is not invincible, it can protect his heart temporarily and control the spread of the toxin.

Ning Jiwei looked up at the towering tree overhead, his eyes slightly heavy.

In order to find the leader of the secret department, he must climb to the top of the mountain in two hours, but in the process of climbing, there are traps everywhere.

He doesn't know whether he can go out alive, let alone find the man.

"This is not the way." Ning Jiwei's way of thinking.

He must find a way to draw the attention of the people sent by Mo Sheng, and find the people in the dark as soon as possible.

What should we do?

Ning Jiwei lowered his head and thought for a moment, looking at the poisonous blood flowing out of his calf, the corners of his lips slowly hooked up.

But jiweining staggers out of the room, looking for the trace of him.


"Wait a minute."

One of them just wanted to attack, he was grabbed by his partner's arm and said: "be careful. How can Ning Jiwei come out so easily to find out?"

Another man in black frowned at Ning Jiwei's appearance and said in a deep voice: "it's not that he wants to be discovered by us, but that he can't control himself any more. You can see that he has been poisoned and will die soon."

The other two looked at each other and hesitated to show up.

Ning Jiwei walked to the open space and staggered a few steps before he said, "cough I know you're all hiding around. Come out. Anyway, I don't have the strength to fight back now. "

On the one hand, Ning Jiwei threw all his weapons on the ground.

"I think, in addition to letting you kill me, I hope you can capture me alive?" Ning Jiwei closed his eyes. His pale face and cold sweat on his forehead all showed his weakness and weakness.

"I don't have any other requirements. I just hope you can save my life so that I can go back and see my daughter."

Even his voice was intermittent. He looked different from the powerful man before him.

Several people hiding around looked at him and hesitated to come out.

As Ning Jiwei said, Mo Sheng ordered them to do everything possible to keep Ning Jiwei's life here.

But what if they bring back Ning Jiwei, who still has half a breath but has no ability to fight back?

Will it be more valuable for Mo Sheng? Will Mo Sheng reward them for this?

Think of here, people look at Ning Jiwei's eyes more eager to try.

Ning Jiwei waited for two minutes, no one came out.

He sneered and said: "I didn't expect that Mo Sheng's people are all cowards. I'm all like this. You dare not even show your face. Since you don't dare to show up, I'll leave. "

After that, Ning Jiwei turned and left.

He didn't take the weapons he had thrown on the ground, just walked forward step by step. It really seemed that he would fall on the ground the next second and never get up again.

Several people in the dark looked at each other and finally moved.

Before and after all around the action, will Ning Jiwei intercept the dead.

Ning Jiwei lowered his head and stood there frail, as if he didn't notice the movement around him.

However, the moment when the weapon of the man in black was about to penetrate ninjiwei's chest.

He's moving!

It's unimaginable speed and accuracy. Almost in the blink of an eye, the two people who first contacted Ning Jiwei fell down.

"Be careful, he cheated us to show up. Get out of here!"

Cried one of the men in black.

It's too late.

Ning Jiwei solved the first two people in black, and stopped several people nearby.

In less than two minutes, half of the people sent by Mo Sheng fell down.

Looking at their brothers one by one fell to the ground, the rest of the people did not escape, they looked at Ning Jiwei indignantly, gritted their teeth and said: "Ning Jiwei, we fight with you!"

Ning Jiwei sneered and clenched his body with a small sharp knife, "let's go together."

Several people in black looked at each other and rushed over with their teeth clenched.

"Brothers, don't be afraid. He has been poisoned and injured. We can't last long. We'll fight with him!"

"That is, today either he or we will die!"A real bloodbath started. On the one hand, Ning Jiwei, who was weak but had amazing means, and on the other hand, he was a man in black who was ordered to succeed but not fail.

At the critical moment of life and death, both sides tried their best.

Half an hour later, Ning Jiwei's front thighs were injured, while the other side fell down.

An hour later, Ning Jiwei was the only one standing in the open space.

As one of the men in black was dying, he looked at Ning Jiwei suspiciously and murmured, "I don't understand. Why You are obviously seriously injured, and our Kung Fu and manpower are not bad for you. Why is this the result? "

Ning Jiwei looked at him and said in a cold voice: "because you still have a way to retreat for yourself. Whenever you are about to be hurt by me, you can't retreat. But I have no way back. I would rather hurt myself 800 times than the enemy 1000 times, because I want to live. "

"Ha ha..." The man in black was relieved with a smile, "so it is, so..."

Ning Jiwei did not look at him again, but dragged his seriously injured body and turned to walk towards the top of the mountain.

Nearly to the top of the mountain, Ning Jiwei finally fell to the ground.

He opened his eyes and looked at the blue sky above his head, and his breath was gradually weak.

Is that really the only way?

The faces of Jian Haixi, Jian Yi, Jian Rui, Mo Tong and Gu Chenyi flashed past Ning Jiwei's eyes one by one. He supported the ground and climbed forward step by step.

Even if he wants to die, he won't wait here to die.

This breath, can last more than a minute, he has to move forward a step.

"Tut Tut, I'm not willing to give up even though I'm in this position?" A hard to distinguish between male and female voice, Ning Jiwei Zheng, looked up.

Two meters in front of Ning Jiwei's body, a man in a big red Hanfu shakes the fan and stands. The handsome face, which is hard to distinguish between male and female, is looking at Ning Jiwei with an unidentified smile.

Ning Jiwei's eyebrows suddenly sank. He didn't even notice the other party's approach just now.

If it's someone from morsen, or someone from talilina.

So he today There is no doubt that he will die.

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