The next day,

Tong Si packed himself up early and was ready to go out without breakfast.

When Zhao Yi saw her, she asked, "Sisi, where are you going so early?"

"To the Song family." Tong Si turned back and gave Zhao Yi a cold smile, "isn't that what you want?"


Zhao Yi's words stopped for a moment. Before he could say anything more, he saw that his daughter had already left the house.

Song Mu and Hu Jing are also surprised to see Tong Si come so early.

They even wondered if she was looking for trouble.

But Tong Si is very polite from beginning to end, but they can't think of why.

"Sisi, we know you are talking about friends with awei now." Hu Jing pondered: "did he bully you? Don't worry. If awei dares to bully you, she will teach him a lesson. "

Tong Si said with a smile, "well, let's go and teach him a lesson now. He bullied me miserably."

"Ah? This... "

I didn't expect Tong Si to speak so directly. He choked for a moment and didn't know what to say.

In the whole song family, Song Wei is the one who is really in charge of the family. Although song Mu and Hu Jing are his parents, they never dare to speak loudly in front of Song Wei, let alone teach him a lesson.

Besides, even if they dare to teach Song Wei a lesson, they can't really treat their son for the sake of Tong Si.

Everything is just polite words on the surface, but I didn't expect that Tong Si actually took the words, instead, Hu Jing couldn't go down the stairs.

Seeing that Hu Jing's face was getting ugly, Tong sicai suddenly laughed, covered his mouth and said, "aunt, I'm joking with you. Look at you, how can you be more real?"

"Oh, I'm kidding." Hu Jing was relieved, but she didn't dare to talk any more.

Tong Si looked around and asked Hu Jing with a smile, "Auntie, hasn't awei got up yet?"

"Ah, yes." Hu Jing said with a smile: "this child is lazy. He came back late last night. I guess he fell asleep."

Hu Jing didn't notice that when she said the words "yesterday came back late", Tong Si's face was stiff for a moment.

Tong Si got up and said, "it doesn't matter, auntie. I'll call him."

"Ah? Why don't you call him? " Hu Jing didn't expect that Tong Si was so bold. She seemed to be very polite and sensible. She would never do this kind of thing to wake a man up in other people's home.

Tong Si said with a smile, "it doesn't matter, auntie. Awei and I have decided for life. It doesn't matter."


Before Hu Jing and song mu can figure out what to say, Tong Si nods to them with a smile and raises his feet up the stairs.

Hu Jing and song Mu look at each other and are not sure what the situation is.

Listening to what song Wei said yesterday, it seems that he and Tong Si are still in contact.

So they don't dare to stop them. If Tong Si blows his ear and Song Wei turns back to make fun of them, won't the loss outweigh the gain?

Song Mu sighed, waved his hand to Hu Jing and said: "forget it, children and grandchildren have their own happiness. Let them toss about by themselves. Let's leave it alone."

Hu Jing also sighed: "anyway, we can't control this son, just."

Tong Si goes upstairs, touches Song Wei's room, and gently opens the door.

Song Wei is still sleeping in bed.

Tong Si looked at the sleeping face, his eyes flashed and disgusted, but soon recovered as usual.

She slowly unbuttoned herself and stepped into Songwei's bed.

Song Wei felt a warm body close to her, so he held her subconsciously.

until perfume came into his nose, Song Weicai suddenly thought it was not a dream, but a reality.

He frowned and said, "Why are you lying in his arms?"

"Ah Wei, why, aren't you surprised to see me?" Tong Si said, he pasted closer, voice and action are full of temptation.

"I missed you so much that I came here early in the morning, but I didn't expect you to sleep so soundly that you didn't miss others at all ~"

a beautiful woman was whining to herself. Of course, Song Wei couldn't stand it. He laughed and hugged Tong Si, "yes, I did. It was you in my dream just now."


One of them has a heart and the other has a mind. Naturally, it's firewood and fire.

Song Mu and Hu Jing wait until almost eleven o'clock to see the two appear late.

Tong Si takes Song Wei's arm and leans in his arms. Song Wei takes Tong Si's shoulder and looks at her intimately.

As long as it's a person, you can see what they did just now.

Song Mu coughed softly, and his old face couldn't hang on, "that Do you have lunch at home? "

"No Song Wei said, "Sisi and I have something to do. We go out to eat at noon."Tong Si added with a smile: "uncle and aunt, don't leave awei's dinner at night. My parents still want him to eat in our house."

Is that to be decided?

Song Mu and Hu Jing are full of questions, but it's not easy to ask. They can only nod their heads.

They were about to go out when song Lu came down from the upstairs and asked carefully, "brother, what you told me yesterday..."

Song Wei was in a good mood and said with a smile: "don't worry, count. Let the driver take you to the beauty salon for a while."

"Well, OK, thank you, brother." Song Lu laughed happily.

She doesn't care about Song Wei and Tong Si's marriage. At the moment, she only wants to use Song Wei's contacts to find a good family for herself.

Tong Si followed Song Wei out of the Song family and then asked curiously, "Ah Wei, what did you promise Lulu?"

Song Wei said with a smile: "naturally, let her talk business with me. One more beauty will help my business."

Tong Si's body is stiff. Looking at the smile on Song Wei's face, he feels cold.

Song Lu may not know, but after what happened to David yesterday, Tong Si can't understand Song Wei's meaning any more.

This man, even his own sister can use, what else can he not do?

Such a person who has no bottom line, whether he cooperates with him or marries him, is tantamount to seeking skin with a tiger.

At this moment, Tong Si strengthened his mind.

She must grasp Song Wei's weakness as soon as possible, and then find a chance to return to Ning Jiwei.

Song Wei didn't notice the change of Tong Si's look. He still said with a smile, "in the future, you should get along with lulu. Where she doesn't understand, you should help her more."

Listening to his voice, Tong Si quickly adjusted his mind, nodded with a smile and said, "don't worry, after all, it's my future sister-in-law. Of course, I won't help her."


in the early morning, the story of another place is also on stage.

Mo Xiuyu has been with his friends since he left home.

A group of people either play games all night in Internet cafes or get drunk in bars and nightclubs.

The location and crowd of entertainment may be different, but the same thing is that Mo Xiuyu pays every time.

He doesn't care.

There is a saying that although it's disgusting, it's more appropriate to put it on him at the moment.

He has nothing left but money.

Close or not, family or friends.

I dare not expect peace in the future.

What else to look forward to in such a life?

Since there is nothing to look forward to, since sooner or later are degenerate, it would be better to spread money out, only music than all music, drunk for a while.

But Mo Xiuyu didn't expect that Mo Sheng's people would come so soon.

He was drunk with his friends in hall K last night. A group of people, male and female, were sleeping on the sofa.

Early in the morning, people heard that the box door had been pushed open. Then several big men came in and carried Mo Xiuyu's arm out for him.

The rest of the friends watched helplessly, but no one dared to stop them.

"Let go of me, what are you doing?" Mo Xiuyu frowned. His head was dizzy and painful after his hangover. "Do you know who I am? I warn you, if you don't let go, I'll... "

"Second young master." One of the men said, "the second master has orders. Let's take you back. You'd better cooperate to avoid suffering."

"Second master?" Mo Xiuyu sneered: "Mo Sheng asked you to come to me? Ha, who does he think he is and dare to mind my business? And you, get out of here! "

While saying that, Mo Xiuyu struggled violently.

It's a pity that his skills are weaker than those of Mo Sheng's men. Coupled with the hangover, he is no match.

After two times, Mo Xiuyu was tied up by the two men.

"Let me go, you let me go!"

"Second young master, I have offended you."

Two people are carrying Mo Xiuyu to the front of the car outside the shop, but when they just leave the shop, they are stopped by the other two people in front of their faces.

"Let go of Mo Xiuyu." The man who stopped them said coldly, "otherwise, don't blame us for being rude."

Seeing this, the two men who were holding Mo Xiuyu would not let go.

The two sides soon started to work together, but it was obvious that the later two were more skillful. In addition, Mo Sheng's people were still carrying Mo Xiuyu's oil bottle, so they were even more constrained.

Soon, Mo Xiuyu was robbed by later two people, while Mo Sheng's people were injured.

"Who are you?" Mo Sheng asked, covering his two broken wrists.

The visitor sneered and said, "the loser is OK. I want to ask our name. Do you deserve it?"

"You..." One of them was not angry. He just wanted to fight again, but he was stopped by another and pulled him away by force.The other side is not what they can fight. Instead of wasting time, it's better to go back and report to Mo Sheng.

After Mo Sheng's people left, Mo Xiuyu sat lazily on the ground and looked up at the two people who were still standing beside him: "who sent you? I tell you, no matter who sent you, I will not go back with you. "

They looked at each other, then at Mo Xiuyu, and left without turning around.

Mo Xiuyu was stunned and looked at the back of the two people. He didn't go far, but hid in the dark.

These two To protect him?

Who would want to send such a master to protect him, but still careful not to disturb him?

Mo Xiuyu's nose was slightly sour. He bent his head and knees. He buried his head in his knees and choked: "big brother..."

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