Jianhaixi and Mikel go shopping together, Mo Feng is far behind them.

Mikel is very angry all the way. He takes jianhaixi to see the shop and goes in. He buys a pile of them in a mess, and then throws all the big and small bags to mo.

In the end, Mo Feng's hands didn't come over and even contributed his neck.

When Mikel wants to go shopping again, jianhaixi holds her with a smile.

"Sister Haixi, what are you pulling me for?" "I'm going to buy a present for Huan Yan," Mikel said

Jian Haixi said with a smile, "I don't think Huan Yan would like a gift with someone's anger."

After a pause, Jian Haixi pointed to the big and small bags on Mo Feng's body and said, "besides, can you tell what you bought just now?"

"Er..." Mikel froze, lowered his head and said, "but they are very angry."

Jian Haixi said with a smile, "anger can't solve the problem, and that poor man has been punished by you for so long. You should be calm now."

Mikel looks at Mo Feng and turns his head awkwardly.

After thinking about it, Jian Haixi turned to Mo Feng and said, "you go to put these in the car first, and then come to us. We'll wait for you in the open space on the second floor. We won't go far

Mo Feng looked at the distance of the second floor and nodded.

He is now like a shelf, but also full of bags, even if something really happens, he can not spare to help.

After Mo Feng left, Jian Haixi took Mikel into the shop, bought two cups of milk tea and sat on the chair to rest.

"That..." Mikel hesitated and said to jianhaixi, "sister Haixi, wait for me first."

"What are you going to do?" Asked jianhaixi curiously.

"I..." Mikel stammered, "I just forgot to buy something."

Then he turned and ran to the cold drink shop.

Soon, Mikel came with another cold drink.

Jian Haixi picked an eyebrow and asked, "why did you buy another cup?"

"I..." Mikel's face was slightly red, and he said with his fingers in his hand: "that fool, I've been carrying my bag for such a long time, and I'm probably thirsty, so..."

Jianhaixi funny covered his mouth, joked: "how, now not angry with him?"

Mikel looked at jianhaixi, bit his lip and said, "angry, of course still angry. But Cold drinks are also for him. "

"What a little fool." Jane Haixi shook her head funny.

Mikel was depressed and asked, "sister Haixi, what do you think the person that wood likes will look like? I haven't seen it in the past few days, so the person in his heart must be the same as before. "

After a pause, a touch of sadness appeared in Mikel's eyes. "That girl is really happy to be treasured in her heart like that wood."

Jian Haixi looked at Mikel with tears and laughter, "Kor, your imagination is too rich. As far as I know, Mo Feng didn't have a girl I liked before. "

Mikel was stunned and suddenly lost his voice. "That means the person he likes is Sister Haixi, how are you

"Poof!" Jian Haixi took a mouthful of milk tea and coughed loudly.

"Sister Haixi." Mikel went to the opposite side to help Jian Haixi follow her back, "are you OK, sister Haixi?"

"Cough No, it's OK. " Jian Haixi waved his hand and said, "I was almost choked by your words."

Mikel was embarrassed. "That's my wrong guess?"

"Of course it's wrong, and it's outrageous!" Jian Haixi has no good way: "I ask you, do you have someone you like in your heart?"

"Of course, it is..." As soon as Mikel wants to talk, he sees Mo Feng coming not far away and chokes back the second half of the sentence.

Jian Haixi looked at her and said, "look, if Mo Feng hears you, will he misunderstand you?"

Mikel is stunned. He looks at jianhaixi and Mo Feng, who is coming towards them. His heart suddenly moves.

"Sister Haixi, you mean..."

Jane Haixi got up and said with a smile to Mikel, "don't you just ask him? I'll go to the bathroom. Don't wait for me to come out. You two are gone. "

With that, Jian Haixi turns to leave, and Mikel gets up and looks at Mo Feng nervously.

Mo Feng looks at Mi Ke'er who stays at the same place, and then turns to look at Jian Haixi who leaves.

After thinking about it, he took Mikel's wrist and said, "let's go."

"Ah? Where are you going? " Mikel's face is confused. She hasn't asked.

Mo Feng naturally said: "go to find my wife. I'll be there where my wife is."

Mikael: "it's..." Your wife went to the toilet!

Mo Feng pulled a, see Mi Ke Er not move, not from frown ask: "how?"

Mikel looked at Mo Feng, blinked and asked, "Mo Feng, the person you like in your heart Is that me? "Mo Feng was stunned and looked at Jian Haixi's figure, then nodded back to Mikel and said, "it's you, but can we not talk about these things first? Her wife... "

Mikel suddenly laughed and said, "go to your wife. I'll wait for you here."

Mo Feng looks at Mikel, feeling as if she is different from before, but can't see where it is.

It's just that smile is strange.

It seems not angry, but not happy.

Mo Feng didn't have time to think about it. He just nodded to Mikel in a hurry and said, "stay here. Don't walk around. I'll go to find my wife."

With that, he quickly turned around and kept up with jianhaixi.

Although the more important thing is to drink from your back, I like to buy a cup for you


"Miss two!"

Looking up at the sound of two meters, they can't want to run.

"Miss two, don't run away!"

A man rushed over and grabbed Mikel's arm. Another middle-aged woman came over and gasped for breath. He grabbed Mikel's hand and said, "what are you running for? People don't know. They think I'm not your mother, but a man eating tigress. "

"It's almost the same," Mikel said with a curl

"Dead girl, what do you say?" The middle-aged woman pretended to be angry and glared at Mikel. "Since I see you here, it's just right. Come home with me."

"I'm not going back." Mikel reached out to the corner of the table beside him and said stubbornly, "I don't want to go back for a blind date."

The middle-aged woman frowned and said, "where do you go if you don't go home? Do you still live with your brother? "

"You know it!" Mikel said angrily: "Comrade Yang Lan, you are too much to supervise me! What's more, you're following me! "

"Cough..." Yang Lan coughed awkwardly twice, "I'm your mother. It's called maternal love, not tracking."

"Pull it down." Mikel snorted, "I won't go back with you anyway."

Yang Lan frowned and winked at the man on one side. The man immediately wanted to hold Mikel and take her away.

But without waiting for him to start, Mikel said, "Mom, if you dare to take me away by force, I'll dare to shout for help here. I'll see who has no face then."

"You dead girl!" Yang Lan trembles with anger and raises her hand to wring Mikel's face, but looking at her daughter's beautiful little face, she can't do it.

After a pause, Yang Lan snorted, "if you don't go back, I'll go to mikai to catch you. Anyway, you can run away. The monk can't run to the temple."

"You must not go!" On hearing that Yang Lan was going to mikai villa, Mikel grabbed Yang Lan's arm and said, "you know my brother's temperament. When did you two not quarrel? You are not allowed to go to him

"Then you come home with me." Yang Lan Dao.

"No." Mikel pouted and said, "I'm not going back."

Yang Lan sighed and suddenly changed her expression. She reached out and touched Mikel's hair and said, "KoreL, do you really think that your mother is willing to marry you so early?"

Mikel watched Yang Lan warily, and even stepped back: "you don't use bitter meat, I tell you, I won't be fooled."

Yang Lan said with a bitter smile: "whatever you think, originally, your father didn't want me to come to you. I had to come."

Mikel wrinkled his face and hesitated, "it's just a matter of quitting, isn't it?"

Yang Lan shook his head and said, "if it's an ordinary family, we'll certainly follow your ideas, but this family Only they don't want us. If we insist on quitting, I'm afraid the rice family will be in trouble. "

Mikel was stunned and looked at Yang Lan without saying anything.


Jian Haixi didn't expect to see Mo Feng at the door of the bathroom as soon as she came out.

She looked at Mo Feng in surprise and asked, "Why are you here? What about Chloe? "

Mo Feng said, "she's still waiting over there. I'll wait for you, madam."

Jian Haixi laughs and shakes his head: "Mo Feng, I'll be fine in such a short time."

Mo Feng shook his head and said seriously, "no, I promised you that I would never leave you."

Jianhaixi helpless, had to say: "that line, we quickly go back."

Mo Feng nodded and followed Jian Haixi.

Jianhaixi see him so calm, more think more wrong, she has just told Mikel, it is said that Mikel will ask Mo Feng clearly.

But Mo Feng doesn't look like he is in love.

After thinking about it, Jian Haixi asked, "that Didn't Kor tell you anything just now? "

Mo Feng Leng next, honest way: "said. She asked me if she was the one I liked in my heart"What do you say?" Jian Haixi asked eagerly.

Mo Feng's cheeks were slightly red, but when Jian Haixi asked questions, he knew everything, so he bowed his head and said, "I said, the person I like is her."

"And then?" Jian Haixi is eager to ask.

Mo Feng was stunned and looked up at Jian Haixi suspiciously, "then? No more

Jianhaixi also Leng, "no?"

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