"Is it?" Ning Jiwei picks eyebrow a evil smile, grabs her wrist hand fiercely a force, pulled jianhaixi into his arms.

"You Well... "

Jian Haixi's exclamation was completely sealed before she called the exit.

Ning Jiwei kisses and rubs Jian Haixi's lips: "it seems that I have to remind you of the consequences of calling me a hooligan, eh?"

Jian Haixi was caught in his arms and couldn't move forward or backward. When he heard this, he was ashamed and angry. He couldn't help reaching out and pushing him, "what are you talking about? Let me go!"


Ning Jiwei laughs and plays tricks, one hand also pressed the hand that Jian Haixi pushed to his chest, said with a smile: "as your boss, I feel obliged to restore my memory for my capable men."

"Hun Well... "

Before the word "asshole" was finished, Jian Haixi's lips were sealed again.

Ning Jiwei buttoned her waist with one hand and her back brain with the other hand. She was not allowed to escape at all. She tasted thoroughly inside and outside.

Jian Haixi was held in his arms. He felt that his hands and feet didn't know where to put them. The temperature on his lips seemed to burn in his heart, which aroused the acceleration of his heart.

When jianhaixi thought she was going to suffocate, Ning Jiwei finally let her go.

Jianhaixi was his kiss eyes with water, after he let go, confused and innocent looking at ningjiwei.

Looking at her, Ning Jiwei could not help rolling his throat. He reached out and stroked her cheek, and whispered: "Haixi..."

"Ah?" Jian Haixi's slow response.

"You just..." Ning Jiwei said with a smile: "do you want to call me a jerk?"

"Hun No, no! "

On hearing this, Jian Haixi's head was excited and she woke up immediately.

Ning Jiwei's words were echoed in her ears. For fear that he would "punish" himself for scolding him again, Jian Haixi shook her head and denied, covered her mouth and took several steps back. She didn't stop until she kept a safe distance from Ning Jiwei.

Looking at her frightened appearance, Ning Jiwei gave a low smile, and didn't feel bad and naive at all.

Jianhaixi reaction later, he is teasing himself, angry red face glared at him.

"How dare you stare at me?" Ning Jiwei picked the eyebrow, the foot pose is going to jianhaixi past, jianhaixi heart a tight, quickly ran to the door.

After running to the door, he remembered that he was here to report his work. He couldn't help but stop and look back at Ning Jiwei and said, "I've written down the communication results and progress of the project in the document. You See for yourself. "

Finish saying particularly not Jie Qi of stare Ning Ji Wei one eye, turn round quickly ran out of the office.

Ning Jiwei looked at her running back, her eyes filled with tenderness, and slowly laughed.

Jian Haixi was relieved when she ran into the elevator in a panic. She looked at her red face in the mirror of the elevator and bit her lower lip with her upper teeth, hoping to find a way to get in.

Out of the elevator, Jane Haixi went to the bathroom to wash her face with cold water. When the blush on her face was almost down, she returned to the design department.

Once back in the design department, Jian Haixi held a group meeting to convey the results of today's communication with Yang Yaru to Li Ding and Zhang yuanlei. By the way, he discussed the details and refined the project plan.

After the meeting, Jian Haixi passed by other people's work station. She didn't know if it was her illusion. She always felt that her colleagues around didn't look right at her.

But Jian Haixi didn't care too much. She started her own work with all her heart. This busy work lasted all afternoon.

When Jane was about to go home from work, she heard a loud noise from Haixi district.

Jian Haixi listened to one of the voices, which was very similar to Xie Nuan, so she ran in a hurry.

When I went to the tea area, it was Xie Nuan who quarreled with me. The quarrel was fierce.

Jian Haixi frowned and asked Xie Nuan what was the matter. As soon as Xie Nuan saw her coming, he pushed her out. "It's none of your business here. Haixi, you go first."

When she heard the strange quarrel between Xie Yanggang and yinguan, she said, "what is the quarrel between them? It's clear that she has done something shameful and is still installing high-definition white lotus here. It's disgusting. "

"What do you say?" Thanks for warming up.

"Why, she's allowed to do this business, but I'm not allowed to say it?" The other side looked at Jian Haixi and scolded, "Jian Haixi, if you dare to do it, I respect you for being a powerful character. But you dare to do it or not. You're a shrinking turtle

Jian Haixi squints at the woman who scolds herself. After thinking for a while, she remembers who she is - Zhang Qin, the cousin of Zhang Jie, the former director of design department.

Thinking of Zhang Qin's identity, Jian Haixi is too lazy to break with this kind of person. She shakes her head with a sneer and pulls Xie Nuan to leave.

But she wanted to step back, but others didn't want to let her go.

When Zhang Qin saw that Jian Haixi was going to leave, she rushed over and clasped her hand and asked, "what are you going to do? Are you scared? Jianhaixi, where is your conscience? Was it eaten by a dog? It was my elder sister who dug you back from abroad. Without my elder sister, can you live in jianhaixi today? As a result, you repay my sister by taking her job? "Xie Nuan said angrily, "Zhang Qin, can you stop confusing black and white in this person? When did Haixi grab your sister's job? You don't understand the company's findings, do you? "

Zhang Qin hummed coldly: "what's the result of the investigation? It's just that she, Jian Haixi, took advantage of the danger of others, while my elder sister and her father got cancer and couldn't do without people, and didn't have much energy to take care of the company's affairs, so she played such a frame up. Now my sister Chi page, even her father's medical expenses are unable to pay, all this is her jianhaixi evil! Bitch

"You stink. You're a bitch! I'll tear your mouth Thanks for the heater's Pooh. He's about to come forward after rolling his sleeve.

Jian Haixi pulled her, approached Zhang Qin and said in a cold voice, "I'm very grateful for Sister Zhang's kindness to me, but kindness is kindness and hatred is hatred. Who in the end hurt Sister Zhang? She can't even afford her father's medical expenses. You should ask Sister Zhang about this. "


Zhang Qin also wanted to say that, but Jian Haixi didn't want to argue with her about this kind of thing. He only said in a harsh voice: "I spread untrue opinions in the company during working hours. This time, I think I'll forgive you in Sister Zhang's face. If there is another time, I'll never forgive you lightly."

"Jianhaixi, you How dare you... " Zhang Qin's weak way.

"Why can't I?" Jian Haixi pointed to himself with a sneer and said, "it seems that you don't know my current position and power. I haven't punished anyone since I was in charge. If you want to be the first person, I don't mind."

This order and knock let the people in the tea room all quiet down, jianhaixi also don't look at people's faces, and then pull Xie warm out of the tea room.

Xie Nuan was still angry. He pulled Jian Haixi and said, "I'm so angry. These people know all kinds of nonsense every day."

Jian Haixi comforted her and said, "look, I'm angry with you. My client hasn't said anything yet."

Xie Nuan curled her lips, looked at Jian Haixi and said with a smile, "but Haixi is still very strong. It's useless for me to quarrel with them for so long. As soon as you pass by, they'll be gagged in a few words."

Jianhaixi wry smile, "I just temporarily blocked their mouth, has not completely put these rumors out."

She knew that when she warned just now, the people in the teahouse were not convinced. It was just because of her identity that she didn't make any trouble directly.

Jian Haixi sighed. If her new director wants to convince the public, she still has to make continuous achievements in her work.

After work, jianhaixi wanted to go home, but she hesitated and decided to go to the hospital to see Zhangjie. Jian Haixi looks at the people in the design department. Only Zhang yuanlei in her group hasn't left yet. Jian Haixi goes to knock on his desk.

"Director, what's up?" Zhang yuanlei is an honest and honest person. No matter how he behaves or does things, he belongs to the category of people who are absolutely relieved.

Jian Haixi asked, "do you know about Sister Zhang? I want to see her in the hospital. "

Zhang yuanlei hesitated and nodded, "I could talk with Sister Zhang before, and I probably knew her situation. I went to the hospital twice."

With that, Zhang yuanlei tells Jian Haixi about Sister Zhang's father and the bed number.

Jian Haixi wrote it down and said, "OK, I see. You can get off work as soon as possible. If you have any work, you can do it tomorrow."

Zhang yuanlei hesitated and asked, "director, do you want to go alone? Is it not safe? Why don't I go with you

"No Jian Haixi said with a smile: "at this point, I still trust Sister Zhang. Don't worry."

Coming out of the design department, jianhaixi calls jianchenran again and asks her to help her pick up the baby. After that, she drives straight to the hospital.

Although Jian Haixi heard about it from Zhang yuanlei, when she saw Sister Zhang in the hospital, she couldn't help pulling it.

ward is very simple, Zhang Jie's father lying there remain unconscious, and Zhang Jie is living in the corner of the ward with foam board, one is to save money, but to take care of the elderly.

See jianhaixi, Zhangjie some embarrassed smile, "Haixi, how did you come here?"

Jane Haixi handed the gift to her, but Sister Zhang refused to accept it.

Jian Haixi sighed, took out an envelope and said, "this is the money collected by colleagues in the company. It's not much, but it's all a little bit of the big guy's heart."

"I can't accept that." Sister Zhang quickly waved her hand and refused.

"It's not mine, it's other colleagues'," she said. Sister Zhang, you are a good director, and you have also led a group of excellent subordinates. These are all from the heart of everyone. Take them. "

Sister Zhang was embarrassed by what Jian Haixi said, and her eyes were red. "Haixi, don't say that. I want to get into the cracks of the wall. When I I'm so confused that I want to harm you. I'm really sorry for you. "

"It's all over."

Jian Haixi smiles, pats Sister Zhang on the shoulder and comforts her by saying, "people always make choices when they are in trouble. I used to blame you, but now I understand."Sister Zhang cried, shook her head and said, "no, I'm sorry for you. I recruited you into maiteng, but I almost destroyed you. I Haixi, I have no face to see you. "

"Sister Zhang, don't think so."

Looking at Zhang's father with a pipe inserted in his bed, Jian Haixi said to Sister Zhang, "it's not empty talk or hypocritical politeness that I just said that I can understand you. It's just that I understand how helpless people will be when a close friend falls down. If my mother needed me to do something to reduce her pain, no matter what, I would do it. Unfortunately There's no more chance. "

Looking at jianhaixi, Sister Zhang realized that she really forgave herself.

They sat and talked for a long time before jianhaixi left the hospital.


In the evening, Ning Jiwei still stayed in the hotel. As soon as he walked out of the bathroom with a bath towel, he heard the mobile phone at the head of the bed vibrate.

Ning Jiwei approached and picked up his mobile phone. When he saw the message above, his eyes darkened, but he didn't reply.

Just put down the mobile phone without expression, then went to the wine cabinet, took a bottle of tequila and a wine cup, poured it into the sofa, and poured it cup after cup.


Ning Jia.

Xu Huigang talks to Ning Jikang on the phone, but her beloved son tells her that she won't attend Ning Jiwei's engagement banquet because she is not fit for long-distance travel.

The curse of xiaohuikang is not the curse of the development of xiaohuikang

Thinking of Ning Jiwei's maiteng and Ning Jikang's enterprise in Japan, Xu Hui can no longer sit still and stomps to Ning Fubang's study.

"Fubang, you can't ignore this."

Ning Fubang rubbed the brow heart that rubs hair ache, frown to ask a way: "how again?"

"It's not the little bitch who hears the warmth of love..."

Xu Hui paused and said in a cold voice: "I just talked to Ji Kang on the phone. He said that he was sick after hearing the warmth of love. They won't attend Ji Wei's engagement banquet. Do you think it's like this?"

Ning Fubang does not understand, "since Wen Qingnuan is ill, why don't you join in? What's the big deal?"

Xu Hui disagreed: "it's not a small thing. If you don't attend the wedding banquet, when will Ji Kang return home?"

Ning Fubang did not speak. Xu huileng snorted: "look at Ji Kang, we are all about to be ruined by the warmth of love. If you don't care, it's really over."

"What do you want me to do?" Ning Fubang was not angry and said: "you didn't get involved in the original things. Today, they can only say that they made it themselves. How do you want me to manage it?"

"But they can't keep coming back, can they?"

Since ancient times, Hui Hui said, "let's just leave our family's words and say," I'm not a big family. "

Ning Fubang sneered, "what big family? You also said that it was in ancient times. What time is it now? Are you still clinging to the dregs of "pass on the big but not the small"? Ji Kang is your son, and Ji Wei is not born in October? "

Xu Hui was dissatisfied and said, "I'll tell you more about Ji Kang. Are you talking about Ji Wei?"

"Well, what can I do for you?"

Ning Fubang said bluntly: "you said I should pass on the family property of Ning family to Ji Kang. What about Ji Wei? Ning family can have today's development scale, it is Jiwei earned down, Jikang? What did he do? What did he do besides robbing his own brother's woman? "

"You can't say that." Hearing his criticism of Ning Jikang, Xu Hui explained to Ning Jikang: "at the beginning, Ji Kang was also young and ignorant, and we can't blame him for this. If we blame him, we blame the fox spirit Wen Qingnuan. If she hadn't seduced Ji Kang, how could Ji Kang have had to be her? And Ji Kang doesn't want to make achievements. If you leave him in a small place like Japan, he can't develop his talent. If you let him go back to China and leave maiteng to him, Ji Kang won't be worse than Ji Wei. "

"Give maiteng to Jikang?"

Ning Fubang sneered: "don't even think about it! Xu Hui, no matter how eccentric you are, you should have a degree. Don't think you don't know what you are thinking. No one is a fool. Don't let go of the little friendship that's left between you and Jiwei. "

Xu Hui raised her chin with disdain and said, "don't think I don't know, just because Ji Wei controls most of the Ning family's industry, you are worried about him everywhere, and you are afraid of him. He is not happy with everything, so you spoil him. But I'm not afraid of him. What can he do to me? "

"You..." Ning Fubang pointed to her and said, "Xu Hui, you are really stubborn."

Xu huileng snorted: "Ji Wei's life is so good now. Why don't you think about it for Ji Kang? I haven't seen him for six years. He doesn't know whether he's eating well or not in Japan. But you don't care. In your eyes, there's only Ning Jiwei who works for you to earn money. If you say I'm partial, aren't you? ""Because I don't care about you, Bonnie? I'm afraid of children, you know? Didn't I hurt Jikang? Is it not enough for me to let him have good food and drink in Japan just because of his virtue of not being civil and military? Don't you know what he said and why he didn't come back? He has to bear the consequences for what he does himself! "

Xu Hui stood up and said, "six years, he has enough to bear. No matter what, Ji Kang must come back!"

"What about Jiwei? What are you going to do with Jiwei? " Ning Fubang asked angrily.

"That's out of my hands."

Xu Huiman didn't care: "anyway, Ning Jiwei has great ability. Can't he live because Ji Kang comes back?"

"Poisonous woman!" Ning Fubang could not help scolding, "are you not afraid of Jiwei hating you?"

Xu Hui snorted coldly, "what if he hates me? Anyway, he was born by me. He has the ability to give his life back to me

"You are unreasonable!" Ning Fu Bang gas cut feet, Xu Hui but a sneer left the study.

Before leaving, she put down her cruel words: "I will definitely let my Ji Kang come back. Anyway, Ning Jiwei will also be engaged. When he is engaged to the Sang family, the Ning family will have to do what I want!"

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