When George came back, he had to take the wind and wash the dust.

However, we all know that he and Yang Yaru are newly married, so no one bothers him on the first day.

The dust washing banquet was not served until noon the next day, and then George and Yang Yaru went back to Qiao's house together.

After learning that the Qiao family's relationship is exposed and that jianhaixi is in danger, George decides to take Yang Yaru back to Qiao's house.

Yang Yaru followed George home, all the way uneasy.

"George, I think I'd better not go back with you first?"

After all, two people have not really got a marriage license, so it's not very nice to live in Qiao's house.

Knowing her worry, George sighed, reached for Yang Yaru's hand and said, "Yaru, if you are worried about reputation, I can go with you to get the certificate today. But you have to live with me now. I don't want Haixi to happen again

Yang Yaru also knew that it was an extraordinary time, so she had to nod her head and agree.

Qiao Zhen and Yan Mei know that they are back, so they directly let them go to the old house. After all, Qiao Qinghe also wants to see George.

A large family are in the old house. As soon as George leads Yang Yaru through the door, he hears Qiao Lei's cry.

"Grandfather, uncle, Dad, I've come back with my sister-in-law!"

Qiao Lei's voice was originally loud, and this roar directly stunned Yang Yaru.

George shook his head with a smile and said, "look, my family has already admitted you, but you are still worrying there."

Yang Yaru smiles and feels relieved.

When they came into the room, Qiao Qinghe first looked at George and saw that his grandson had to wear a full beard. Then he said with a smile, "just come back, just come back."

Next to Qiao town and Yan Mei and others are the first time to see Yang Yaru, now inevitably curious and a little embarrassed.

Yang Yaru blushed and said hello politely.

Yan Mei saw that the girl spoke freely and had a good manner. She didn't have any opinions now.

In fact, even if they have opinions, it's useless. They can never change what George made up his mind.

Since it can't be changed, it's better to adjust your mind and get along with your son rather than make trouble with him.

In addition, Qiao Qinghe and Qiao Jing are satisfied with Yang Yaru, and Jian Haixi has also said a lot of good things in the middle, because Qiao Zhen and Yan Mei have long lost their previous grudges against Yang Yaru.

Yang Yaru had always been uneasy, but seeing that Qiao Zhen and Yan Mei were very gentle to her, she was relieved.

George said that he hoped Yang Yaru would live at home. After hearing this, Qiao Qinghe nodded and said, "Haixi called me before you came back. I don't have any opinions."

With that, Qiao Qinghe looks at Qiao Zhen and Yan Mei, and George also looks at his parents.

Joe Town was stared at the old face, embarrassed: "I..." That's a special period, a special method... "

"Can't you say it quickly, and you don't mind?" Yan Mei couldn't help interrupting him. She turned her head and took Yang Yaru by the hand and said, "Yaru, don't think about it. Your uncle is a man with a bad temper. We've already said that. You can live at home at any time without any problem."

"Thank you, Auntie and uncle." Yang Yaru quickly thanks.

Qiao Qinghe thought about it and said, "I'd better let George and Miss Yang live here."

"Grandfather?" George looked at Qiao Qinghe with some doubts.

Qiao Qinghe looked at Yang Yaru and said: "I know it's an extraordinary time, but we can not care, but we can not Miss Yang's reputation. Let her live in Qiao's house so, aggrieved other people really

George frowned and said, "I'll go with Yaru to get the license now."

"You silly boy." Yan Mei was so angry that she clapped her hand on George's shoulder and said, "is this a question of whether to get a certificate or not?"

She sighed, took Yaru and said, "Yaru, what your grandfather said is reasonable. Just now, my aunt only worried that you think my aunt has a problem with you, so it's hard to say anything. But now that your grandfather has come up with it, your aunt has also said what she thinks. "

Yang Yaru cleverly nodded and said, "Auntie, please tell me."

Yan Mei said: "our family has no opinion about your marriage with ah Zhi. We welcome you to come and live at home whatever you want. But Xiangcheng is so big, many things even if our own people don't care, but it's not the same when it comes to outsiders. Their men don't care, but we women can't. Although the chat after dinner is not worth listening to, it also affects the mood, isn't it? "

Yang Yaru Leng next, Yan Mei said obscure, she is to understand.

She went in like this, even if she got the certificate with George in a hurry, I'm afraid those people outside would have to say something.

Yan Mei said: "since we want your daughter-in-law, naturally we don't want to hurt you. What do you think your grandfather said just now? You and George live here during this time, and they call it the company of the old man. This will not only make outsiders speechless, but also ensure your safety. After a while, let's find a good day to meet the parents of both sides, and then make a decision about you and ah Zhi? ""This is good, this is good!"

Without waiting for Yang Yaru to speak, George clapped his hands and said, "Mom, it's still thoughtful of you to do so!"

Yang Yaru blushed and said in a low voice, "thank you, auntie. I listen to Auntie."

They were relieved, and then Qiao Qinghe asked about jianhaixi. George also said that she was fine now, but it was not convenient to visit her these two days.

Qiao Qinghe nodded and sighed: "I'm very well, and I don't need Haixi to visit her. She's fine."

But George could see that Qiao Qinghe was worried about jianhaixi.

George thought about it and thought that he should go back and have a chat with jianhaixi.

Anyway, it's cultivation everywhere. It's better to live in the old house.


Mo family.

So Mo Xiuqian lived in the east courtyard.

After a day and a night's rest, by noon the next day, Mo Xiuqian had recovered some spirit and could go downstairs for dinner.

Although she suffered a lot of injuries, fortunately, all of them were traumatic and did not affect her action.

During the meal, Jianrui kept putting vegetables in her bowl, and kept telling her, "Xiuqian, you should eat more and make up for all the things you eat less in this period of time."

"That's it." Gu Xiaomian said, also learn Jianrui to Mo Xiuqian bowl clip vegetables.

After a while, Mo Xiuqian's bowl was piled as high as a hill.

The nanny who brought out the dishes saw this and said with a smile, "Little Miss, how do you let Miss Xiuqian eat like this?"

"It doesn't matter." Mo Xiuqian laughed, holding chopsticks carefully holding the dish way: "I eat slowly."

Jianrui and Gu Xiaomian look at each other and smile happily.

After dinner, the three children played for a while.

But most of them are Jian Rui and Gu Xiaomian, while Mo Xiuqian is watching.

Her temperament changed a lot and she was quieter than before.

Jianrui does not ask. Gu Xiaomian wants to ask several times, but is stopped by Jianrui.

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