Mo Sheng looked at Gu Chenyi, gradually black face, "the last time I came here, Ning Jiwei was still in bed, I don't know how he is now."

Mo Sheng said while walking forward: "since all the people have come, I'll see him by the way."

As soon as Jian Haixi frowned, she wanted to stop him. Gu Chenyi reached out and pressed her wrist, and said quietly, "I'm at ease."

He's still here. He won't let jianhaixi stop people.

Gu Chenyi smiles and walks up to Mo Sheng, two meters away from him: "I'll take Ji Wei's heart with me. I don't need to visit him. Ji Wei is still asleep. It's not convenient to see people."

"Is it?" Mo Sheng sneered: "I have to see you today. What can you do?"

Gu Chenyi's eyebrows were awe inspiring, and he said to Mo Sheng: "don't you think that we can really let you in and out here?"

Mo Sheng didn't speak any more. He remembered the last few people who suddenly appeared.

When the two sides were in a standoff, the sound of the door started again, and Yue Feng pushed Mo Wanshan into the room.

"What do you want to do, Mo Sheng?" Mo Wanshan roared.

Jian Haixi was stunned and looked up at the old man in the wheelchair.

This is the first time she saw Mo Wanshan, but she didn't want to be in such a situation.

Mo Wanshan only saw jianhaixi after roaring.

He is Leng first next, looking at Jian Haixi's eyes have doubt have startle.

Or Yue Feng said in his ear in time: "master, she is Jian Haixi."

Mo Wanshan was stunned. When he looked at jianhaixi again, he felt a little embarrassed.

Originally, he hoped to make an appointment for a formal meeting with Ning Jiwei and Jian Haixi.

Just in advance of time was Ning Jiwei refused, Mo Wanshan thought a short time to see his daughter-in-law, did not expect to see her here today.

When meeting his daughter-in-law for the first time, Mo Wanshan was a little nervous for fear of leaving a bad impression on Jian Haixi.

Especially when he thought of the two roars, Mo Wanshan felt very wrong.

So he coughed twice, took out the etiquette style of Mo's master, looked at Mo Sheng and said gently, "second brother, what are you doing here?"

Jian Haixi and Gu Chenyi

Mo Sheng's mouth twitched. He turned to look at Mo Wan Shan and said, "brother, did you take the wrong medicine?"

What can I do for you? They haven't been so polite for years. OK.

"Cough..." Mo Wanshan coughed two more times, looked at Mo Sheng and said: "if you're OK, please leave. Ji Wei hasn't recovered. Don't disturb his rest. Jane... "

Mo Wanshan said half, suddenly stopped.

He originally wanted to call it "jianhaixi", but he was afraid that it would make jianhaixi feel too unfriendly, so he pulled a smile and said to jianhaixi, "Haixi, go up with Jiwei, I'll deal with it here."

"Oh, yes." Jian Haixi nodded, looked at Mo Wanshan gratefully and said, "thank you."

After that, she did not stay much, turned and took Mo Xiuqian upstairs.

Don't you know that big brother Mo Shan looked at me with a disgusting smile

Mo Wanshan Really? He is very kind.

Gu Chenyi choked a smile, but he didn't worry any more.

There is mo Wanshan here, and there are hidden guards around at any time. Mo Sheng has to weigh up even if he wants to make trouble.

Mo Sheng also knows that he can't stay today, so he left after a while.

Anyway, he just wanted to come over and meet jianhaixi for a while today. Now that his goal has been achieved, it's meaningless to stay here.

Upstairs, after jianhaixi sent Mo Xiuqian back to her room, she went to Ning Jiwei's room.

Mo Jue didn't know when he was sitting on the reclining chair. He was playing with Jianrui.

See jianhaixi come in, Jianrui quickly ran over and hugged her, "Mommy, did the big villain bully you?"

"Nothing." Jane Haixi smiles and takes her daughter to the chair beside the bed to sit down.

Ning Jiwei looked at Jian Haixi and said, "Mo Sheng won't do anything here, but he has seen you now. Everything you do will be very troublesome in the future."

Jian Haixi nodded and said, "I'm ready for this, but..."

Jian Haixi hesitated, looked at Ning Jiwei and asked, "why did Mo Sheng know I was here so soon?"

Yesterday, she followed Mo Jue to Mo's home. Although she didn't hide it, the only person who met her was the doorman. Even if Mo Sheng knew a woman was here, he shouldn't want to find out the result so quickly. Moreover, when he appeared just now, he was quite sure who he was.

"Chi ~" Mo Jue said with a light smile: "isn't it simple? There's an insider. "

"Inside?" Jianhaixi Leng next, think of the computer last night on the prompt sound.Ninjivela took her hand and said, "don't worry, I'll deal with it."

Jian Haixi is not stupid. Although Ning Ji and Mo Jue didn't say it clearly, she doesn't know anything. In addition, there are only a few people living here, whose behavior is abnormal, she will know after a little thought.

This morning, Jane sighed, "I don't care so much about Haixi."

"Mommy..." Jianrui looks up at jianhaixi, but she doesn't understand.

Xiao Ning and Ji Rui asked, "what should we do?"

She doesn't worry about Mo Xiuqian's behavior. She also believes that Ning Jiwei must have a way, but she is worried about Jianrui and Gu Xiaomian.

"Mommy, Ruirui is OK." Jianrui looked at jianhaixi and said, "Mommy, Xiuqian is not bad. She won't hurt me."

Jian Haixi looks at her daughter with a complicated look. Of course, she also knows that Mo Xiuqian is not a bad child, and she is very sorry for her, but she is not at ease to arrange her daughter and Mo Xiuqian in the same room.

Their adults are playing tricks, but they always involve their children as props.

Ning Jiwei looked at Jian Haixi and said, "if you don't trust me, why don't I send Ruirui and Xiaomian to Qiao's home?"

"Daddy..." Jane Rui Leng next, Du Qi lip.

Ning Jiwei rubbed her head and said, "what's the matter? Don't you want to see your grandfather? "

"But Ruirui wants to be with her parents more." Jianrui frowned.

Jian Haixi said with a bitter smile: "I don't worry about the children around you, I just Suddenly I'm tired of this life. "

This life of intrigue has dragged all relatives and friends into this muddy water, but they still don't know whether it will be fine tomorrow.

Ning Jiwei looked at Jian Haixi and promised, "I will end this as soon as possible, I promise."

"Well." Jian Haixi answered and nodded with a smile, but the sadness in her heart did not disappear.

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