Mo Jue sent jianhaixi back to the villa, then turned and drove to liangyue bar.

The bar is open during the day, but there are few people, and only one or two people are left to watch.

Because Mo Xiuyu was homeless and had no money to spend, he consciously stayed to work overtime.

When Mo Jue arrived at the bar, he saw Mo Xiuyu eagerly greeting the guests there.

The guest is Lina.

When Mo Xiuyu turned to take the wine, he saw Mo Jue and said with a smile, "brother Chang, you're back."

Linna stopped, turned around and looked at Mo Jue with her head tilted. Her red lips were slightly hooked, and her sleeves were gently waved. "Oh, good morning," she said

Mo Jue picked to pick eyebrow, walked over to sit down beside her, impolitely took the wine cup in front of her and drank it all, way: "early what? It's almost noon

Lina said with a smile: "you are wrong. I wanted to say good morning when I saw you in the morning, but I didn't see it. So even after the morning, I still have to say it to you. Otherwise, it's a waste of my time preparing for nothing."

Looking at the smart smile on Linna's face, Mo Jue's heart beat faster suddenly. He raised his lips and said with a smile: "Oh? Specially for me? "

"Of course." Linna blinked, looking at Mo Jue's eyes is an undisguised interest, "otherwise you think who else can deserve the honor?"

"Well, that's right." Mo Jue spoke in praise.

Mo Xiuyu came over and said, "sister Lina, I've been waiting on you for so long. Don't I deserve a good morning? By the way... "

After a pause, Mo Xiuyu looked at Mo Jue and said, "elder brother Chang, you are really not modest."

Linna smiles, reaches out her hand and touches Mo Xiuyu's head and says, "yes, you deserve my good morning."

Mo Xiuyu was happy.

And Mo Jue's reaction to the second half of Mo Xiuyu's sentence was to pick his eyebrows lightly and naturally said, "I need to be modest?"

Mo Xiuyu choked, looked up and down at Mo Jue, and said bitterly, "forget it, if you have to be modest, no one in the world will dare to be proud."

There is talent and appearance, money and temperament, such a person has the capital of arrogance.

Mo Xiuyu silently recalled the past of his own, sad to find that, in addition to growing can also, it seems that there is nothing to be proud of.

Money? It's not his. Talent? He did not have. Temperament? He would just run away from home.

Thinking of this, Mo Xiuyu immediately wanted to cry.

At this moment, the self-confidence of more than ten years from childhood to adulthood was completely destroyed.

After experiencing the dilemma of no money and no road, and people coming and going, Mo Xiuyu finally realized that all the things he got by his elders were illusory. Only the territory he built by his real skills was his own.

Mo Jue didn't expect that Mo Xiuyu had understood so much in such a period of time, and even he had many tests that Mo Xiuyu didn't use.

But at the moment, Mo Xiuyu didn't say, and Mo Jue didn't pay attention to these. He was concentrating on fighting with Linna.

"Miss Lina, if I don't show anything, I don't look very good." Mo Jue said with a smile.

"Oh?" Listening to Mo Jue's words, Linna immediately looked at him curiously: "I don't know how ah Li wants to express it?"

Mo Jue laughed, put out his hand and raised his glass, and said, "do this, and then follow me, don't you know?"

Linna looked at mojue's wine glass, and she was even more smiling. She raised her glass to him and said, "dry."

They both looked up at the same time to drink the wine, and then got up.

Mo Jue stretched out his hand to Linna and said, "Miss Linna, please."

Lina smiles, puts her hand in mojue's palm and follows him out.

When she got to the door, Lina still waved back to Mo Xiuyu and said, "Xiuyu, let's go first. Goodbye ~"

"goodbye ~" Mo Xiuyu also waved to them with a stiff smile. After watching their car leave, she lowered her head and said in a dull voice, "I really want to go out to play. When can I become rich?"

"Poof ~" the manager who passed by heard Mo Xiuyu talking to himself and couldn't help laughing: "how come I want to be rich after working for only a few days

Mo Xiuyu didn't expect that his self talk would be heard. He was embarrassed and said, "good manager, I I just said

"Come on, don't explain. I understand." The manager patted Mo Xiuyu on the shoulder and said, "as long as you've been a social animal, who doesn't want to be rich?"

Mo Xiuyu was stunned and nodded with the same feeling.

He didn't know this before, but this time he ran away from home, he really felt what the real world was.

For example, none of his friends contacted him after he had no money.

The manager sighed and said, "Xiuyu, you are still young. It's good to have this idea, but you must be down-to-earth. Do you know?""Yes, manager, I see." Mo Xiuyu nodded cleverly.

On the other side, mojue drove with Lina all the way to the suburbs.

Linna asked curiously, "ah, where are you taking me?"

"You'll know when you get there." Mo Jue deliberately tells the story.

Listening to his words, Lina no longer asked, but closed her eyes and leaned on the back of the co pilot's chair, enjoying the rare quiet.

Looking at her appearance that she was about to fall asleep, Mo Jue asked with a smile, "didn't you sleep last night? Why do you look so sleepy? "

Linna opened her eyes and looked at Mo Jue.

"What's the matter?" Mo Jue touched his face and said, "Why are you looking at me? Am I wrong? "

"No Linna shakes her head and looks at mojue's eyes. For the first time, she has a complex look beyond interest. "You are the first one to see that I didn't sleep well."

Don't be surprised. I didn't expect Linna to say that.

"Oh." Linna's red lips opened slightly, as if with a smile and a breath.

"I have a lot of people around me who show great concern for me." "But they can't tell if I'm sleeping well," she said with a sneer

Mo Jue clear, "I think you are always a good look, never to show their vulnerable side to others."

Linna looked at mojue, "but I didn't show it to you. How do you know?"

Mo Jue shrugged his shoulders and said, "probably because we are the same kind of people."

"People of the same kind..." Linna was stunned and looked at Mo Jue for a long time.

Mo didn't ask her any more, just let her see.

The car drove for nearly an hour and finally stopped at the suburban racecourse.

"Here we are. Get out of the car." Mo Jue bypasses the front of the car and reaches out to lead Lina out.

Lina looked at the empty horse in front of her and said with a smile, "sure enough, ah Chen knows me."

Before she came, Linna thought that Mo would take her to some romantic dating places, such as movie theater, amusement park, coffee shop, but she never thought that she would come to the racecourse.

See Linna satisfied with his arrangement, mojue heart a little happy, heart jianhaixi's suggestion is really good.

Linna took the initiative to go to mojue's side, put her hand around his arm and said, "ah Yi, how about we race?"

"Good." Mo Jue didn't take back his arm, so he walked in with Lina in such a posture, "but after a while, if you lose, don't cry."

Lina tilted her head and said, "how do you know you didn't lose?"

Mo Jue smiles, and the words are full of confidence: "I won't lose."

Linna raised her head and said, "coincidentally, I've never lost."

They looked at each other and saw the eager flame in each other's eyes.

Pick the horse and change.

After a while, the two people in charge of the horse farm have been unable to pick up.

Mo Jue and Lina change their jacket and boots and come out with their helmets.

Looking at Linna dressed neatly, Mo Jue's eyes flashed by.

"How's it going? Do you look good? " Linna approached, smiling, stretched out her arms and turned around in front of mojue.

"Good looking." Molina nodded her head. "The most beautiful thing I've ever seen is that I don't appreciate you at all."

Linna satisfied with the hook lips, suddenly stepped forward, stretched out the index finger in mojue's eyebrow, said: "ah, you are also the most handsome man I have ever seen."

Mo Jue chuckled and took the helmet from Linna's hand. He helped her wear it carefully and said, "so I said, we are destined to be the same kind of people."

I am the best I am in your eyes, and so are you in my eyes.

The second time Linna heard mojue say this sentence, different from the reaction she just heard in the car, she was no longer stunned, but seriously thought about it, nodded and said with a smile, "I think so, too."

A man of the same kind is either a friend or an enemy.

She didn't say what she said, and Mo Jue didn't seem to understand what she said. He only helped her put on her helmet seriously, then bent over to check one side of her boots and said, "OK, no problem."

Linna said with a smile: "ah, you are like a housekeeper."

Mo Jue said, "I brought you here. Of course, I have to make sure you are safe."

While saying, mojue held the horse for Lina, so that she could go up easily.

Linna wants to say that this kind of old horse, she can deal with several.

But looking at Mo Jue taking care of her so seriously, she didn't interrupt. On the contrary, she looked at him with rare patience and interest.

"Ah Yi."

When Mo Jue got on the horse, Lina asked with a smile: "have you ever thought about what we would do if we were enemies in the future? Isn't it not worth being so nice to me now? I might as well die here in an accident. "

Mo Jue smell speech, closed the smile on the face, for the first time eyebrow slightly wrinkle, looking at Linna, tone serious and proud."You look down on me?"

Lina was stunned, shook her head and said, "why, I just..."

"Whether it's a friend or an enemy, that's what will happen in the future." Mo Jue interrupted her and said seriously, "I only know that I brought you here today, so I will be responsible for you."

After that, Mo Jue raised his whip and jumped out.

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