"No, just apologize." Mike pointed to the door and said, "let's have a comfortable meal first."

Song Wei Dun next, stiff smile way: "yes, we leave now."

During the conversation, David had already stood up, said hello to Davis and left.

Song Wei glances at Tong Si and song Lu and takes them to keep up with David.

After they left, the waiter began to serve gradually, and the atmosphere of the whole box gradually eased down.

Mike kindly helped Jian Haixi to pick up vegetables and said with a smile, "honey, you eat more, you look thin."

As soon as his voice fell, Jian Haixi didn't speak when he heard a loud cough.

Mickey was choking with Mike's words when he was eating a dish. Now he kept patting his chest with his breath. The face of the cheek blushes turned red.

Mikai sighed, helped her pour a glass of water, handed it to her, and said, "have a drink."

"Yes, yes." Mikel took the water in a hurry. At this moment, he didn't care about the etiquette. He took it up and poured it down. It took a long time to recover.

Mi Dao looked at Lin Meng and isa awkwardly and said, "I'm sorry, my little girl is too rude."

"It doesn't matter. Miss MI is innocent. I like it very much." Issa said with a smile.

It's good that she doesn't speak. As soon as she says "like" herself, Mikel "poof", the water spouts out again.

Everyone looked at the food she had watered, and there was a collective silence.

Mikel blushed and stood up and said, "yes, I'm sorry, i..."

She really didn't mean it. Who made the Davis always say amazing things?

ISA and Limon looked at each other, and both saw the displeasure in each other's eyes.

However, they are highly cultivated, so after taking a deep breath, Issa still said with a smile, "it doesn't matter. Just change another table."

Called the waiter, Issa just wanted to say to remove the table, heard Mike smile: "Mom, how can you waste food?"

Isaiah stopped, looked at the food on the table strangely, then looked at her son and said: "is it What would you like to eat? "

Mike rolled his eyes and said, "of course not, but mom, don't forget that there are people waiting to eat next door."

With that, Mike winked at the waiter and said, "you go and take all these to the next room, just say we invited them to eat, and then serve us the same as before."

"Yes." The waiter didn't dare to ask more. He just asked a few people to quickly take the food down and carry it to the next room.

While they were waiting for the dish to be served again, Issa looked at Mikel and said with a smile, "Miss Mikel's make-up is quite unique. Is it popular recently?"

"Er..." Mikel was a little surprised. How could this lady's reaction be different from what she imagined?

In their expectation, as long as the Davies see themselves like this, they can't help but cancel their marriage immediately. But now it seems that isa doesn't hate herself very much.

Mikel thought, isn't she doing enough?

Thinking of this, Mikel changed her sitting posture, put one leg on the chair, slapped the table boldly and said with a laugh: "madam, you don't know. I'm most tired of those ladies' light make-up. It looks like they didn't make up. How can I show my national color and fragrance? Besides, my family is so rich, and my cosmetics are so expensive. Of course, I don't need them. Only such make-up can match my status and beauty. "

Rao is no matter how good Asha's demeanor is, she couldn't help but draw her lips and said with a dry smile: "Miss MI, sure enough Good taste. "

"Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh

Jian Haixi smiles and squints at him and says, "it's not forced by your engagement."

Hearing jianhaixi's words, mcton knew clearly, then looked at Mikel sympathetically.

Looking at his daughter so performance, rice road and Yang Lan is also face burning red can't hang.

Just then the waiter brought the raw garlic that Mikel wanted. She picked up the garlic and ate it without hesitation.

That fateful way of eating made everyone feel like a mouthful of garlic rushed to their eyes.

Isa looks at Mikel, who is eating garlic, and finally shakes her head and gives up the idea of talking to her.

Before they came here, they wanted to make a comparison. If the girls of the MI family were good, they would be more willing to marry the MI family than Jian Haixi, who had a baby.

On the other hand, if the MI family can't, they have to go back and try to accept Jian Haixi in order to get Michael married early and inherit the family property.

Now it seems that this miss rice is not suitable for their Davis family.

Mr. and Mrs. Davis looked at each other and nodded tacitly.Seeing their movements, mikai and Mikel were relieved to know that they had passed the test temporarily.

Lin Meng looks at Mike and Jian Haixi. They are very close indeed. The natural kindness can't be pretended.

And Lin Meng is very clear about his son's urine, so it's OK for him to lead people to play, but it's extremely difficult for him to take care of people.

But from a series of performances after entering the door today, Mike did take good care of jianhaixi.

This makes Lin Meng and isa pay more attention to jianhaixi.

Lin Meng looked at Jian Haixi and asked, "Miss Jian, have you known Mike for many years?"

"Well." Jian Haixi looked at Mike and said to Lin Meng with a smile, "we've known each other for about seven or eight years."

Lin Meng nodded and said, "but as far as I know, Miss Jane and Mike have their own lives all these years. When did you get together?"

Here we go!

With a tight heart, Mike put his hand around Jian Haixi's shoulder, pretending to be angry and said to Lin Meng, "old man, why do you ask so many questions? You don't care when we are together. Anyway, we are together. Do we have to tell you when we date, when we kiss and when we sleep? "

"Cough..." Lin Meng coughed awkwardly twice and glared. Mike said, "nonsense, I'm just asking about the situation."

Issa said to jianhaixi with a smile, "does Miss Jane mind?"

"It doesn't matter." Jane Haixi reaches out and pats Mike on the back of his hand to make him calm. She calmly deals with Lin Meng and ISA.

"Mike and I met in the most difficult period of my life. If Mike didn't help me in those years, I might not have enough courage to survive until now. He occupies an indispensable position in my life."

This passage is 90% true. Even Mike was fooled by her.

From jianhaixi's point of view, there is no problem with her saying so.

But from the perspective of Davis and his wife, they regard jianhaixi and Mike as lovers, so to understand what jianhaixi said is another meaning.

Issa nodded, obviously very satisfied with jianhaixi's words,

Midao and Yang Lan looked at jianhaixi, some did not respond.

I don't understand why the Davis meet their family now that Mike has a girlfriend.

Mikai and Mikel are in the standard mode of eating melons, listening to jianhaixi's stories.

"I still want to know, when did Miss Jane decide to be with Mike?" she asked

Jian Haixi picked an eyebrow and asked instead of answering: "I don't know if my husband and wife have investigated or heard anything?"


Jane Haixi asked so plainly, which made Issa and Lin Meng hesitate.

After all, as elders, they investigate each other clearly before they have met anyone, and they also face to face when they meet for the first time, which is somewhat offensive.

But from the perspective of Limon and Issa, they have to do it.

At this time, facing the problem of jianhaixi, Issa hesitated and said: "we did do some investigation. Of course, it's not aimed at Miss Jane. It's just out of a mother's concern and love for her son. I hope Miss Jane doesn't mind."

"No Jian Haixi shook her head and said with a smile, "please tell me clearly. Haixi will answer all your doubts."

Seeing that jianhaixi is so open and aboveboard, Lin Meng and isa are more satisfied with her.

Before, they were still concerned about the fact that Jian Haixi had a baby, but today, they think that in addition to the facts that can not be changed, Jian Haixi is really excellent.

Issa said with a smile: "it's very nice of Miss Jane to be so considerate. I'll be frank. I found out that Ning Jiwei is the father of the child, and you still have contact with him, don't you?"

"Not bad." Jian Haixi nodded and said, "isn't that normal? I don't know where madam can't accept it? "


Issa was stunned. For a moment, she didn't know how to ask.

Normally, since the child belongs to Jian Haixi and Ning Jiwei, it is normal for them to have contact with each other.

But if there is still a feeling between them, there is no news about Ning Ji and Jian Haixi, so it can only be said that they spread false information.

Issa and Limon looked at each other. They had already brought the topic to this level. It would be too much to ask a girl if she was in two boats.

And Jian Haixi's attitude is so open, they really can't do too much.

"Chi ~" mikai chuckled: "madam, with all due respect, many things are not as simple as they seem, but if seeing is not true, the things found in private are more suspicious. If your wife and husband have any doubts, it's better to look at them with both eyes than to investigate and inquire. That's more true, isn't it? "

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