Looking at Mike and jianhaixi walking out of the door hand in hand, Lin Meng angrily stood up and yelled: "stop! Do I allow you to go? "

Mike turns to look at Limon and Issa, and then turns to look at jianhaixi beside him. He can't help holding her hand more tightly.

For the first half of his life, he fought against his family, but never succeeded.

Now standing beside him, Jian Haixi is like his only hope.

If Jian Haixi can't take him out of this quagmire, no one in the world can.

Mike doesn't even know why he has such a ridiculous idea. It's clear that Jian Haixi is just a weak woman. It's clear that she doesn't borrow the power of Ning Jiwei. But he just believes in her.

As if feeling Mike's mood, Jian Haixi smiles at him and turns to Lin Meng and says, "Mr. Davis, you have made a mistake. The reason why I'm here today is not because you asked me to come, but because I want to see you. Now, I want to leave, and I don't need your permission. My actions have always been subject to my own will. "

Lin Meng looked at Jian Haixi. At this moment, he realized that he had underestimated this woman.

When they investigated the data of Jian Haixi, they initially thought that Jian Haixi, like those women who used to climb the dragon and the Phoenix, was greedy for Mike's money.

Later, when they got to know her better, their attitude towards jianhaixi also changed. They knew that it was not easy for her to survive as a woman with two children, and jianhaixi had never used Mike's money.

After jianhaixi entered the box just now, they met for the first time, and let linmeng and Issa know that jianhaixi is really an excellent woman.

It's just to make them think that Jian Haixi is just an excellent woman.

She's just a woman, a woman their Davis family can barely admit.

Whether it's accepting her as a member of the Davis family or preventing her from seeing her children, it's a gift for lammon and Issa.

It is a gift from the superior to the weak.

But what they didn't expect was that Jian Haixi resisted such a gift. More than that, she took their son.

Now the woman stood in front of them and told them that her actions had never been subordinated only to her own consciousness and that no one could command her.

It has to be said that at this moment, Limon and isa were greatly shocked.

Standing in front of them, it was no longer jianhaixi that had nothing, but a person who could be equal to them.

But why, why does this woman have so much pride when she has nothing?

This not only shocked Lin Meng and Issa, but also surprised the people of MI family who were sitting beside them.

Mikai looks at jianhaixi with deep and deep eyes. After a moment, he seems to have figured out something, and his lips hook and smile.

Jian Haixi said, turned to look at the side of ISA, said: "madam, if you can, I hope to have a few words with you in private."

Aisha was stunned. She looked at her husband and her son standing beside jianhaixi. She hesitated and nodded.

She is not willing to part ways with her son, so she is willing to give jianhaixi this opportunity to listen to what jianhaixi will say.

Jian Haixi smiles at Mike and says, "you wait for me at the stairs. Mo Feng is there. No one can take you with him."

Mike opened his mouth to say something, but under Jian Haixi's gentle eyes, he nodded and went to the stairs.

Issa turned back and nodded to linmeng, then came out with jianhaixi.

They stood in the corridor, a certain distance from the box door and the stairway, to ensure that their conversation would not be heard by Limon and Mike.

Issa looked at jianhaixi and asked, "let's just say what Miss Jane has to say."

Jian Haixi said with a smile, "madam, actually Mike and I are not lovers."

"What?" Issa was shocked. She looked up at jianhaixi and almost blurted out that she wanted to question, but she still forced herself to calm down to the look in jianhaixi's eyes.

"Why tell me?" Issa looked at jianhaixi with complicated eyes, "since you collude with Mike to play this play, and you have successfully cheated us, why do you want to tell me the truth?"

Jian Haixi looked at Mike and said to Issa, "because I am also a mother, I understand your feelings. In fact, I didn't know that Mike's surname was Davis these years. I just thought he was the young master of some rich family. He seldom mentioned family affairs to me, but I can see that when I played with my children, he looked at us with envy. He said that he missed his mother very much, but he couldn't go back. "

Issa is stunned. Mike in the mouth of Jianhai stream is strange to her. Mike has never said miss such words in front of her.

Since he became an adult, every time he was at home, all he thought, said and did was how to escape.Jian Haixi said, "madam, why don't you want to have a try? Maybe you can have the best of both worlds?"

Issa pursed her lips and frowned, "the best of both? How can there be such a good thing? If he is not a member of the Davis family, no matter what he wants, he will always be my son, but in addition to being my son, he must also bear the responsibility of the family, which is his destiny from birth. "

Jian Haixi thought about it and said, "why don't we make a bet?"

Aisha was stunned: "what do you mean?"

Jian Haixi said with a smile: "madam, you don't think you heard what I said just now. After that, you don't have to stop what Mr. Davis wants to do. I'll find a way for Mike. But if Mike can pass the test of Mr. Davis, will you be able to stand beside him and support him then? "

Issa squinted. Instead of rushing to answer jianhaixi's question, she stared at her and asked, "why? Miss Jane, I don't understand why you're trying so hard to help Mike

"I said, he is an indispensable partner in my life." Jian Haixi said with a smile, "what I said in the box is not deceitful."

Issa looked at jianhaixi for a long time and suddenly laughed and said, "OK, I'll promise to bet with you. If Mike can pass the test, no matter how many people in the family oppose, I'll stand by him and help him. But only if he has the ability, and I won't help you

"Of course." Jianhaixi nodded.

After they finished speaking, jianhaixi personally sent Issa to the box door. Just as she was about to leave, Issa stopped her and said, "Miss Jane, no matter what the result is, I appreciate everything you have done for my son."

Jian Haixi said with a smile, "it's right. Mike has helped me a lot."

One of them went into the box, the other to the stairway.

The box door closed, separating the two worlds, as if the conversation did not exist.

Mike looked at jianhaixi suspiciously, "what did you say to my mother?"

Jian Haixi winked at him and said, "I'll tell you when I get back."

In the box, as soon as Issa entered the door, she saw Limon sitting there with a black face.

Obviously, Lin Meng is very angry about jianhaixi's behavior of calling isa out and whispering.

Limon looked at Issa who came to him and asked, "what did that woman say to you?"

"That's what you think." "I just hope we can give Mike a chance or something," said Issa

Lin Meng frowned and hummed coldly: "I really don't know."

Issa didn't speak. She just lowered her head and lost her thoughts in her eyes.

I don't know?

She felt that Jian Haixi might have this ability.


The rice family, who has been serving as a gourd eater, is embarrassed.

When things get to this point, they are neither sitting nor leaving.

Mildo gave a dry smile and said to Limon, "Mr. Davis, how about Shall we leave first? "

Anyway, the engagement of the two families should also be invalid, so there is no need for them to stay.

"Leave?" Lin Meng's eyes sank and he looked at Mi and said, "why, Mr. Mi wants to deny our agreement?"

"What's the agreement?" Mi Dao and Yang Lan look at each other, but both of them are confused, while Mi Kai and MI Ke'er open their eyes and look at Lin Meng and isa incredulously.

Issa sighed silently, and she knew it would be like this.

This was originally the plan they had agreed before they came, but at the moment, looking at the brothers and sisters of the rice family, Issa still couldn't bear it.

It has nothing to do with them. It's just

Everyone has a choice.

Jian Haixi

Thinking of the bet with jianhaixi just now, ISA had a little hope in her heart.

I hope Jian Haixi can really change something.

Lin Meng didn't know what his wife thought. He just looked at the rice and said, "what's the agreement? Our engagement is still valid today. "

"What?" Yang Lan was shocked, "but just now it was clear that..."

The tone of voice stopped her, because some of her words quickly.

Yang Lan bit her lip and lowered her head.

Meadows looked at Lin Meng, obviously suppressing his temper. "Mr. Davis, are you going too far? We can see clearly what happened just now. The other young master clearly has someone he likes. In this case, of course, the engagement between our two families should be annulled. "

"They won't get married." Lin Mengli naturally said, "our engagement is to let Miss Mi marry my son. Now my son is not married, and miss MI is unmarried, so everything is still valid."

"Ridiculous Mr. Davis, your son doesn't like my daughter. Even if you force them to get married, they won't be happy in the future. With respect, even if you can make your son unhappy, I can't push my daughter into the pit of fire

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