Mike didn't indulge in his emotions for a long time. After calming down, he contacted the financial and other persons in charge of his company for the first time according to Jian Haixi's suggestion, and transferred all the assets that could be transferred.

It's just that they are still a little slow. The financial department tells Mike that some of the capital chains have been broken, and the partners have finally signed the contract for no reason. For some contracts that have been negotiated but have not yet been signed, the other party even finds all kinds of strange excuses to refuse to cooperate.

Mike didn't say much about it. He had expected the result when he didn't get through the phone just now.

Meanwhile, mikai frowned and sighed: "I also thought that Lin Meng would always show mercy to his son. I didn't expect that he really turned his face and didn't recognize anyone. He didn't even have a chance to give people a break."

Qin Zhixu also nodded: "but it's not surprising that Lin Meng didn't even have the courage to support a family as big as Davis."

After waiting for Mike to call, Jian Haixi said to him, "follow me upstairs to find Yi Yi and Dou Ming, and let them check the situation of your company and your friend for you."

"Good." Mike nodded and stood up.

Jianhaixi thought about it and said to Mikey, "I think you and Kor had better go back home. Even if they want to force marriage, the Davies won't go to your house to rob people. Go back and have a look. At least you know what's going on in Mikey's house now."

"Well, I see." Mikai nodded, looked at Mikel and said, "Kor, you can stay if you don't want to go back."

He knew that after today's ups and downs, Mikel would like to stay with Mo Feng.

Mikel hesitated, turned to look at Mo Feng and said, "Mo Feng, I'll go home with my brother first, and then I'll come back to you tomorrow, OK?"

"Good." Mo Feng nodded.

"Then..." Mikel sniffed and said, "if I can't come, can you come to me?"

"Go." Mo Feng did not hesitate a word, but successfully let Mikel tears and smile.

Mikael looked at Mikael and said, "brother, I'll go back with you. I'm also a member of the Mikael family. At this time, I can't only be protected by you. I also need to know the situation at home and help our family."

Mikai looked at his sister with satisfaction. In the past, none of them would care about Michaelis enterprises. But it was because of this dilemma that they grew up quickly.

Mikai and Mikel return to Mi's home. Qin Zhixu and Mo Feng go upstairs together, waiting for the investigation of Jian Yi and Dou Ming.

When Jian Haixi goes upstairs, Jian Yi and Dou Ming are still working with Ning Jiwei to investigate talilina, so she and Mike are waiting.

When Dou Ming finished checking, Jian Haixi told him about Mike.

Dou Ming nodded and said, "I'll check the person's condition first, and then let Yi Yi check the company."

Mike clenched his fist and said, "his name is shuibingling. He is 24 years old and 1.72 meters tall."

"Water ice cream..." Jian Haixi and later Qin Zhixu look at each other and feel that the name is a little strange.

How does it sound like a girl's name?

However, they did not speak these words. They could not judge anything by just one name.

But soon, Dou Ming's investigation stunned everyone.

Dou Ming looked up the information given by Mike and frowned, "I found one named shuibingling, but she It's a woman. "

"What?" Mike was shocked. "It's impossible!"

Dou Ming turns the computer around and asks Mike to look at the picture on the screen and say, "she changed the fake information."

Mike stares at the girl on the screen with a braid of sheep's horns and a flowery skirt. He is struck by lightning.

"This How is that possible? " Mike's eyes were full of disbelief, but the man was the one, so he put it in front of him. He couldn't help disbelieving it.

Mike patted her on the shoulder with a sigh of sympathy.

Just as Mike was downstairs just now, Jian Haixi could hear that Mike had some subtle feelings for the man named shuibingling.

Now that a man has become a woman, you can imagine how disillusioned Mike should be.

Dou Ming continued: "I found out that she got into a car in the afternoon, and now she's in In a house in Mangshan community. "

Mangshan community is a famous rich area in Xiangcheng. As soon as he heard the name, Mike immediately responded and said, "my parents live there. Before I came to Xiangcheng, they wanted me to live with them."

"So..." Qin Zhixu looked at Mike and asked, "this water ice cream Miss, are you still saving me? "

He added the word "Miss" to remind Mike to think again.

In fact, it's not a big deal if people don't save them. At most, the Davies are bullying and luring, and they won't really do anything to a little girl.

But if he is saved, he will have to take responsibility for others. After all, although Mike doesn't say it, they can see the ambiguity between him and the water ice.Or don't tease, you have to be responsible.

Jian Haixi thought about it and hesitated to say to Mike, "in fact, if you haven't thought about it clearly, we won't worry about it for a while. You can make a decision tomorrow or the day after tomorrow when you think about it clearly."

"No way."

As soon as Jian Haixi's voice fell, he heard Mike say, "we must rescue people as soon as possible."

Hear him so firm words, Jian Haixi and Qin Zhixu look at each other, some clear.

Mike pursed his lips and said, "he She is timid. I'm sure she will be scared when my parents are so scared. It's my business and has nothing to do with her, so she shouldn't bear those because of me. Save people first, other things We'll talk about something else later. "

Jian Haixi nodded and didn't say anything. She just turned to Dou Ming and Mo Feng and said, "could you two please go this evening?"

Mo Feng and Dou Ming nodded and said, "no problem."

Mike sits beside the bed with his hair in his hand. Even if he knows that Mo Feng and Dou Ming are going back to save shuibingling, he is still worried.

"Don't worry about it. You can save him with the power of Haixi and Mo Tao

Mike nodded absently and didn't speak.

After dealing with the matter, Jian Yi helps Mike investigate the company's capital chain.

After thinking about it, Jian Haixi goes out of the room and makes a call to Ning Jiwei.

Ning Jiwei already knew about Mike, so he was not surprised when he received a call from Jian Haixi.

Jian Haixi simply told Ning Jiwei what she thought.

After listening to Jian Haixi's words, Ning Jiwei said with a smile: "we really have a tacit understanding."

"Well?" Jian Haixi doubts, "how to say?"

Ningjiwei said: "even if you and Mike don't plan to fight the Davis family, maybe I won't do nothing."

Because David has joined hands with Song Wei, no matter how much Lin Meng and isa know about David, at least the power of the Davis family behind David is absolutely questionable.

Jian Haixi also thought of Song Wei, whom she met at the dinner party today, so she asked, "have you checked? Does Song Wei really plan to cooperate with the Davis family? "

"It's more than that." Ning Jiwei said: "there are also things about Tong Si."

"Tong Si?" The more she listened, the more confused she became. Naturally, she had no good impression of Tong Si. "What's the relationship between this and Tong Si? Isn't she from Songwei? "

Ning Jiwei hesitated and said the email that Tong Si had sent him before, and today's appeal to him and Gu Chenyi for help.

After listening to Ning Jiwei's words, Jian Haixi was silent for a long time and didn't speak.

Ning Jiwei thought she was angry and said, "Haixi, I know Tong Si bullied you. If you are not happy, I will not..."

"No Jian Haixi interrupted Ning Jiwei and said, "I'm not upset, really. If nothing else, I can't hate Tong Si for what song Wei and David are doing to her today. If you and Chen Yi really didn't go to save her because of my holiday with Tong Si, I will be really angry. "

Listen to Jian Haixi's words, Ning Jiwei relaxed and said, "Haixi, thank you for understanding me."

Jianhaixi pulled the corner of his lips, but through the radio, Ning Jiwei couldn't see that there was no smile on jianhaixi's face and eyes.

They talked about the Davis family and talina before they hung up.

Jianhaixi holding a black screen mobile phone, turned to want to go back to the room, but suddenly feel in this house stuffy she can't breathe, so turned to the balcony.

The weather is getting colder, and the cold wind blows out the spark in jianhaixi's heart.

"What are you thinking?"

Just now, when she saw Qin Haixi standing beside her, she didn't know why

Jane Haixi shook her head, pursed her lips and did not speak.

She did not speak, Qin Zhixu did not ask, just with her standing on the balcony blowing.

"After Yuqing left, I miss her very much." Qin Zhixu opened his mouth, but he was talking about his own business.

"I know that she has been working hard to help me. She helps JOJO deal with the company's affairs and helps me take care of my grandfather at home. I am very grateful to her and feel guilty. Besides, I don't know what else I can do for her."

Qin Zhixu said with a bitter smile: "she was ill a few days ago. She called me in a daze and cried that she was tired and missed me, but all I could do was to listen to her cry with my mobile phone. I can't go back with her or promise her when I will. When she woke up the next day, she chatted with me like nothing happened. But I know that there is a small crack between us. As time goes on, this small crack will become bigger and bigger. This is inevitable and we have to face it. "

Jian Haixi turns to look at Qin Zhixu, "what do you want to say to me?"

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