Listen to Qiao Qinghe's words, Jian Haixi Leng next, bite lip low head.

Seeing her granddaughter's look, Qiao Qinghe frowned and asked, "girl, you are really in trouble, aren't you?"


Jian Haixi took a deep breath and knelt down in front of Qiao Qinghe.

I didn't expect that Jian Haixi would suddenly give him such a big gift. Not only Qiao Qinghe was shocked, but also Qiao Jing and others behind him.

Qiao Qinghe looked at Jian Haixi and reached out to pull her, "what are you doing, child? What can't be said well? "

George also came forward, stretched out his hand and pulled jianhaixi's arm, and said, "Haixi, if you have something to say, your grandfather will be worried."

Jian Haixi shook his head and looked up at Qiao Qinghe: "grandfather, I'm here today to ask for something."

Qiao Qinghe saw that she was determined not to get up, so he had to sigh and asked, "come on, what's the matter?"

Jian Haixi gritted his teeth and said, "yes Mo Xiuyu in the Mo family is in trouble. I'm worried about the shortage of manpower, so I want to borrow some people from my grandfather. "

When he heard Jian Haixi's words, Qiao Qinghe didn't speak yet. George squinted and said, "Mo Xiuyu? Isn't that the son of Mo Wanshan and Jia Minzhi? "

"Yes." Jianhaixi nodded.

"Hum." George sneered: "I said Haixi, you are too stupid. When will you worry about Mo Xiuyu's life and death? It's not enough for you to worry about Yiyi and Ruirui. Now you even have to take care of other irrelevant people? Does anyone else in the Mo family need to come to you for help when they are in trouble? Why don't I see them think of you when there are good things? "

George's words made jianhaixi's head hang lower and silent.

George looked at her and frowned, "besides, if no one told you about it, would you know? Don't tell me you found it yourself. Come on, did Ning Jiwei ask you to come home and ask your grandfather for help? He's a good idea

George's words made everyone quiet. Qiao Qinghe looked at Jian Haixi kneeling in front of him and asked, "Haixi, is what George said true? Is it really ningjiwei who sent you here? "

"I'm coming myself." Jianhaixi road.

Qiao Qinghe heard the speech, eyes suddenly cold, waved his hand and said: "if you want to have dinner with my old man today, then I'll let the nanny cook a good meal now, but if you want to do this, then you go back, I won't borrow your hand."


As soon as Jian Haixi was about to say it again, Qiao Qinghe interrupted her with a cold voice and said, "Haixi, we Qiao family have hands, but we don't use them that way. It's not my grandfather. I'm selfish and I won't help you, but even if I'm willing to borrow it, I'll let you go and tell those bastards by yourself. Ask them if they are willing to help

One side of George sighed: "Haixi, the last time he escorted Dou ge back, he has injured several brothers. They are still lying on the bed."

After listening to their words, Qiao Jing hesitated to step forward, reached out and pulled Jian Haixi's arm, pulled her up and said, "Haixi, don't blame your grandfather and George. We Qiao people are not afraid of death. We also said that we are willing to cooperate with Ning Jiwei, but we can't do everything, right? Our intention is just to protect you and the children, not to fight for their mo family. "

"I know..." Jian Haixi spoke in a low voice.

Seeing her like this, Qiao Jing didn't say much. He just clapped his hands and said, "well, it's rare for you to come here today. If we don't say such disappointing words, I'll ask the nanny to prepare dinner. How about having a good meal?"

Qiao Qinghe snorted: "since you are here, please stay for dinner."


Jian Haixi didn't move, but looked at Qiao Qinghe and said, "it's talilina who took away Mo Xiuyu."


When they heard talilina's name, the others didn't respond, but George was shocked. "Are you serious? Talilina showed up? "

"Well." Jian Haixi nodded and said, "we just confirmed her identity last night. We wanted to do it today, but she took Mo Xiuyu away ahead of time."

Look at georgelina. Who's the head of the river again

"It's the boss behind those people last time." George gritted his teeth. He still can't forget the people he met on his way back.

"In that case..." Qiao Qinghe pondered for a moment, then looked at jianhaixi, sighed and said, "George, please follow Haixi."

"OK, I'll be right away..."

George just wanted to promise, but he was cut off by jianhaixi.

"Grandfather, if it's just a loan, Ji Wei can call his cousin. I don't have to come here." Jianhaixi looked at QIAOQING River: "I'm here, and I want to ask my grandfather to help me with one more thing."

Seeing that Jian Haixi looked so serious, Qiao Qinghe frowned and asked, "what's the matter?"

Jian Haixi took a deep breath and said, "I want to have my own power.""What?"

Jianhaixi voice just fell, everyone surprised to see her, including Mo Feng behind her.

After Qiao Qinghe was slightly surprised, he looked at his resolute granddaughter and asked, "why? There must be a reason why you have such an idea? "

Jian Haixi pursed her lips and said, "because I don't want to ask any more. For a long time, I can only turn to Ji Wei and his grandfather, or friends around me, or even my own children when I encounter things. Although I know that no one bothers me and dislikes me, I gradually don't like this feeling. I always want to do more things, but I can't do anything, which makes me feel like a useless waste. Even... "

Jian Haixi said, pausing for half a minute, and then said, "even sometimes, it's useless for me to put forward different opinions, because my ability can't support my opinions, and I can't protect the people I want to protect, including my children. So I want to have my own strength, at least within the allowable range, I can do what I want to do without considering other people's ideas

Listening to jianhaixi's words, George didn't answer. He just looked at jianhaixi with heartache in his eyes.

With Jian Haixi's character of forbearance, how long does it take to have such an idea?

And who made her think this way?

Think of here, George eyes suddenly dark clouds, want to immediately move to Mo's house, the surname Ning people beat.

Qiao Qinghe was silent and sighed silently. Then he raised his hand to touch Jian Haixi's head and said, "silly boy."

Jian Haixi was stunned, "grandfather?"

Qiao Qinghe patted her on the shoulder and said, "if you want someone, I can give it to you. It's a small thing. It's just that I need to know the specific plan after you ask for someone. Is that ok? "

Jianhaixi listen to Qiao Qinghe agreed to this matter, eyes a bright, nodded: "good, I tell grandfather."

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