Listening to Mo Xiuyu's words, talilina said with a satisfied smile: "I wish I had been so good. I don't care what you've done to such a handsome face. It's just that it's too bad for you to walk by my side. "

Mo Xiuyu gritted his teeth and roared: "I knew I would not have laid such a heavy hand!"

"You didn't ask for that." Talina had no remorse at all.

Mo Xiuyu turned his head angrily. He felt that if he talked with this madwoman again, he would be mad even if he didn't die.

"Hello." Talilina reached out and patted him on the shoulder and said, "here you are."

"What?" Mo Xiuyu asked impatiently.

"Money." Talilina said boldly: "you've made my clothes dirty, so shouldn't you pay for my clothes? What's more, if you want a big man to go shopping with my little woman, do you want me to pay for it? "

"You little woman?" Mo Xiuyu was so angry that his teeth were shaking that he said, "if you are a little woman, are there any big women in the world?"

After a pause, Mo Xiuyu said, "no, if you are a little woman, there are no men in the world."

Talilina blinked, tilted her head and asked, "are you praising me?"

Mo Xiuyu Forget it, when he didn't say anything.

Talilina grabbed the wallet he had put in his coat pocket while he wasn't looking.

Mo Xiuyu was stunned and hummed coldly: "take it. Anyway, I don't have any money in it."

"Why don't you just give it to me so early? I'd rather waste it here... "

Talilina didn't speak, her face suddenly sank, and turned to stare at Mo Xiuyu.

"You Why are you looking at me like that? " Mo Xiuyu was so excited by her that he stammered.

Talilina's face was cold. She took out a mobile phone from her wallet, handed it to Mo Xiuyu and said, "what's this?"

Mo Xiuyu was stunned and looked down at the mobile phone.

Of course he does. It's the manager's cell phone.

It turns out that yesterday, the manager also put this in his wallet, is to let Ning Jiwei find themselves through mobile phone positioning?

Thinking of this, Mo Xiuyu's eyes became red. "Manager..."

The middle-aged man was still planning for him at the last moment.

Looking at Mo Xiuyu, talilina squinted, threw her mobile phone into the garbage can and said, "forget it, anyway, I wanted to end here."

She and mojue dated here yesterday, so let it all end here today.

Mo Xiuyu was still sad, but he was suddenly picked up by talilina. "It's not safe here. Let's change places."

As she said this, talilina took Mo Xiuyu to the door.

But before they could get to the door, several shop assistants ran after them and said, "wait a minute, you two haven't paid yet."

Talilina threw Mo Xiuyu's wallet and said, "take it."

The shop assistant said, "it's just the limited price that makes you frown

Mo Xiuyu nervously looked at the shop assistant and kept winking at her, so that she would not irritate talilina any more.

Can't she see that talina is crazy in front of her?

But the shop assistant didn't step back. She just felt that talilina's aura was strong, but no matter how strong the aura was, people had to pay, didn't they?

Talilina sneered twice, threw Mo Xiuyu away, came forward and grabbed the clerk's neck and said, "how dare you stop me?"

"Cough, cough Let go... "

The shop assistant didn't expect that talilina would lay such a heavy hand. She turned pale and struggled desperately, while others were nervous and afraid to hide around.

"Madman, let her go Mo Xiuyu rushed forward and stretched out his hand to break talilina's arm.

The assistant who was saved by Mo Xiuyu quickly retreated to the corner and sat on the ground crying and shaking.

Mo Xiuyu frowned at talilina and said, "she's just an ordinary person. Do you have such a heavy hand?"

Talilina snorted coldly: "all the people who get in my way are damned."

"You are hopeless." Mo Xiuyu said angrily.

Talilina sneered, put her hand around Mo Xiuyu's neck and said, "since you have saved her, why don't you die for her now."

Mo Xiuyu was not frightened by her, but stared at her with wide eyes and said, "are you willing to kill me now? Didn't you say I was your chip? "

"Ha ha." Talilina laughed, relaxed her strength, reached out and patted him on the head and said, "it's good. It's smart."

Mo Xiuyu can't laugh. He can't guess what talilina wants to do, and he doesn't know what to do to stop her.At this time, the clerk hiding behind the counter stealthily grabbed the phone.

Talilina saw her action and glanced at her. "What do you want to do?"

"I, I..." The clerk was so scared that he left the phone on the desk.

Mo Xiuyu stopped talilina tightly and said, "do you still care about this? No matter what they do, they can't influence you at all

Talilina took a look at Mo Xiuyu and looked down at the big hand he held on his arm.

The temperature of that hand was warm, just like mojue's.

Talilina had a moment of ecstasy.

Mo Xiuyu swallowed her saliva and pushed her out of the way boldly: "didn't you say it's not safe here? Let's go. We'll leave now. You can go wherever you want

Talilina looked at Mo Xiuyu, shook her head with a smile and said, "Mo Xiuyu, Mo Xiuyu, how can there be someone like you in the Mo family?"

Mo Xiuyu didn't know, so, "what's wrong with me?"

"Stupid, stupid." Talilina said simply.

Clearly so stupid, but also born with a warm heart, people unconsciously want to close.

Mo Xiuyu's mouth twitched and absolutely ignored her words.

Talilina said, "if you are obedient, I won't kill you. In fact, I don't want to kill you at all. On the contrary, I really like you and AI. If I can, I really want to live with you. "

Mo Xiuyu was stunned and didn't understand why she said this at this time.

Talilina looked at him with a smile, red lips gently said: "it's a pity that there has never been a if in this world. We struggle all our lives, but we can never escape the control of fate."

"Why not?" Mo Xiuyu frowned, "shouldn't you be the master of your life?"

"You don't understand."

Talilina tilted her head, looked directly at the man coming towards them, and said with a smile, "ah, you should know me."

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