Jian Haixi sends Ning Jiwei and his daughter back to the villa after they leave. When she is about to go upstairs, she sees Mike still scratching his ears at the door of shuibingling.

Jian Haixi walked over, patted him on the shoulder and cried, "Mike, have you been standing here all the time

Mike shook his head. "I don't know what to say, just..."

Jianhaixi is speechless. They have been talking for nearly half an hour. They thought that Mike and shuibingling should have made up, but they didn't expect that he didn't even enter the door.

Mike's face was burning red. He leaned over to her ear and asked in a low voice, "Haixi, what do you think I should say to her?"

Jian Haixi gave him a strange look. "Just talk normally. You can tell her how to apologize after you make me angry."

"But..." Mike frowned hesitantly. "Does that work?"

"Why do you think it won't work?" Jian Haixi looked at Mike with deep meaning, squinted and said, "Mike, you've never hesitated to talk to me before. How did you get to Bingling and don't know how to speak? Don't you think you're treating her Is it a little different from others? "

"Also There's nothing different. " Mike's eyes flickered and stuttered.

Jian Haixi shook her head and sighed, "are you cheating me or yourself?"

Mike said, "I'm looking down I don't know how to fix it. "

Jian Haixi smiles, turns her eyes twice and says, "do you want me to help you?"

"Yes, yes." When Mike heard that Jian Haixi was willing to help himself, he nodded and said, "how can you help me?"

Jian Haixi left his mouth and laughed unkindly, then suddenly reached out and knocked on the door of shuibingling twice.

When mcton was stiff, he looked at jianhaixi with wide eyes. "You, what are you doing?"

Jian Haixi said with a smile: "help you, since you are indecisive, I will help you make a decision."

Before Mike could react, he heard a click from behind the door panel and the sound of the door handle turning.

Water ice opened the door.

Mike looked at jianhaixi nervously. "What do you do now?"

Jian Haixi shrugged her shoulders and said, "you can do it by yourself. Goodbye ~"

after that, she left with her uninjured foot, supporting the wall.

Looking at Jian Haixi's figure jumping away, Mike drew from the corner of his mouth and said to her: "smelly girl, I'll not deal with you back!"

"Who are you going to deal with?"

As soon as Mike heard the sound of ice falling in front of him.

When macton was stunned, he turned his head and looked at the water ice cream with a black face. He said with a smile, "what, I'm not talking about you."

"Who do you say?" Asked ice water.

"I mean..." Mike pointed to the direction of jianhaixi, but saw that the corridor had already been empty.

Shuibingling snorted: "Mike, even if you scold me, I dare not admit it!"

Mike: "it's just I am wronged!

"What else do you want to say?" Water ice cream hands akimbo, staring at Mike.

Mike was staring at her big eyes. The just organized language was like a balloon poking a hole, and the "whew" was all let out.

He sighed, hung his head and said, "forget it, I have nothing to say. You have a good rest. I'll go."

With that, Mike turns around and really looks like he's leaving.

Looking at him like this, he was stunned by water ice, "Hey, don't you want to apologize to me?"

Mike stopped, turned his head and said, "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that about you."

After apologizing, Mike turned and went on.

He felt uncomfortable in the face of water and ice. Instead of worrying that what he said was wrong and would damage the "Brotherhood" between them, he might as well say less.

Mike thought so in his heart, but let the completely confused water ice get angry.

Looking at Mike who said he was leaving, shuibingling came forward, reached for Mike's back collar and carried him back directly.

Mike was unprepared for the sudden rush of her. The whole person was reeled, and his neck was strangled by his shirt collar.

"Hey, let go, I'm out of breath Cough... " Mike said with difficulty.

"Hum." Water ice Ling Jiao hum a, don't pay attention to his words at all, straight carried him back to his room, after locking the door, just let go.

"Keke..." Mike bent down and coughed fiercely. He couldn't help saying, "what's wrong with you? Strangled me. Quick

Water ice ice way: "this words should I ask you, what disease do you commit?"? You have to talk for a while, you don't talk for a while, you provoke me for a while, you apologize for a while, what do you want to do? "

"Er..." Mike choked, felt his nose guilty and said, "I have What a jerk? "How can he feel that he is not a human being when he says it?

"What do you think?" Shuibingling glared at her big eyes, and her eyes turned red. "You said you had trouble at home, so I worked hard to look at the company alone. Instead of waiting for you to come back, your parents invited you back. What did I say about these things? "

"No Mike shook his head and said.

Shuibingling snorted: "you sent two people I didn't see to save me, scared me to death in the middle of the night, and then came to this unknown place. Facing so many people I didn't know, what did I say?"

"No, no..." Mike shook his head with a slight twitch in his cheek.

"But what about you?" Shuibingling poked his finger at Mike's shoulder and said, "as a good brother, you not only don't take good care of me, but also run on me. You don't apologize for provoking me, Davis. Mike, do you want to be a brother? "

"I..." Mike, I don't know how to explain it.

His attitude made shuibingling more angry, and his finger poked at Mike's shoulder more forcefully. "What are you, you? I'll tell you, if you don't make it clear to me today, I'll really ignore you. I'll leave tomorrow, and I won't go back to the company. In the future, don't do it. Go back to each home and find each mother... "

"No way!"

Before shuibingling finished, he was interrupted by Mike.

Can't, Mike is stupefied for a moment, "what does ice stare at him?"

Mike looked at the water ice cream, pursed his lips, and said seriously, "I can't stop being a brother, I can't just let you leave, and I can't let you ignore me."

Water ice Ling tiny Zheng, ask a way: "why?"

Mike turned his head and said, "I I haven't figured it out yet. "

If it's just a brother, why can't shuibingling leave? Why do you mind if she is angry with herself?

There are some excuses, bad ones can't cheat themselves at all.

Shuibingling looked at Mike, silent for a long time, suddenly laughed, nodded and said: "well, you slowly think, I don't go."

What she said surprised Mike. "Why aren't you angry with me all of a sudden?"

The water ice cream picked to pick eyebrow, Ao Jiao way: "of course is because I magnanimous ah, say again here packet eat packet live, why do I rush to go back?"

Mike looked at shuibingling suspiciously, intuiting that she had other reasons, but he didn't ask any more. He just nodded with a smile and said, "OK."

Anyway, if you don't get angry.

As for other things

Take your time. It's still a long time.


after knocking on the door for Mike, Jian Haixi jumps away from the scene.

As soon as he turned the corner, George stood by the wall with his chest in his arms and looked at her with a smile

Jian Haixi spat out his tongue and said with a smile, "I didn't see him standing outside the door for too long. I want to help him."

George laughed and shook his head.

Jian Haixi looked at him and said, "here you are Wait for me? Can I help you? "

"Yes." George nodded, restrained the smile on his face, stood up and said seriously, "Haixi, I don't object to you taking people, and I can't object to you leaving Xiangcheng. At least, let me go with you."

Jianhaixi Leng next, did not expect George specially wait here is for this matter.

George in jianhaixi want to speak between anxious way: "you also don't say what don't want to trouble me this kind of words, if you don't agree, don't say other things, even the old man that pass all can't go, he won't agree to let you go, do you believe it?"

Jian Haixi gave him a white look and said, "I said cousin, it's too much. I took my grandfather to crush me."

George chuckled, "I can't help it. If necessary, I can use the necessary means."

Jane Haixi gave a bitter smile and said to George, "it's not that I don't want you to go with me, it's just that If you go, what about Joe's family and the children? Can grandfather and uncle protect them? And Yaru, have you ever thought about what she will do when you leave? "

George was stunned, frowned and said: "I'll arrange these things properly. You don't have to worry at home. No matter my father or my uncle, including Xiao Lei, they are not soft persimmons to be handled by others. As for Yaru..."

"Cousin." "I beg you to stay," he interrupted

George stopped and frowned, "but..."

"What I have left at Qiao's is the most precious treasure of my life." As Jian Yi looks at the door of Hai Rui who has not yet recovered, he says, "he is sensitive to Hai Rui. Because of our adult affairs, they have been forced to change one place after another. They were already extremely upset in their heart. I don't want them to be hurt any more. "

George's eyes were heavy and he didn't speak for a moment.

Jianhaixi then said: "cousin, Qiao's family is my own home for me. I like the warmth and safety there, so I put my most precious treasure there. Please help me protect them, OK?"George looked at jianhaixi for a long time, sighed and said, "if you have said that, can I refuse?"

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