Although it is not clear that talilina and Mo Sheng also intend to "make a quick decision", Jian Haixi and Ning Jiwei are also preparing for the next battle.

In mikai villa, Mike and shuibingling find jianhaixi and discuss the next thing with her.

"What's the matter with your company?" she asked

"Not much." Mike turned his lips.

"Well," said Jian Haixi, "it's nothing. What is it? Your parents didn't do it to you? Didn't you freeze the capital chain before? "

Mike scratched his head and said, "I don't understand. If they just roll up their sleeves, I'll be OK. Who knows what they're thinking when they stop so suddenly and quietly."

Shuibingling patted him and said, "others are looking forward to harmony. It's good for you to look forward to your parents to deal with you."

"You don't understand." "It's a matter of time before they'll do it," said Mike, grimacing. "They used to go straight, but now they're silent. Can't I just stay here and wait for them to do it if they don't do it? "

Water ice Ling Leng under, this just understand Mike's anxiety is why.

They are obviously too busy to take care of themselves. At this time, as their friends, Mike can't help but needs their help.

This is undoubtedly a blow to Michael, who has always been a little male chauvinist.

"Actually..." Jian Haixi thought about it and said, "in fact, if they don't do it, they won't do it. You can live here. When they do it, you can adapt to circumstances."

"No way." Mike refused decisively.

How can we avoid the conflict between parents now?

Mike looked at Jian Haixi, sighed and said seriously, "Haixi, although I didn't say that, I also want to help you. Ruirui and Yiyi were both brought up by me. Even people like Qin Zhixu and Gu Chenyi can do this for them. Do you want me to stay out of the business?"

But you don't know

"But I don't have the ability to help you." Mike took Jian Haixi's words and said with a smile, "I'm not only unable to help you, but also need you to help me."

"I don't mind." Jian Haixi patted Mike's arm and said, "don't think too much. We are friends. We should have helped each other."

Mike shook his head and said, "I don't want to go on like this. Before, I always thought it could be delayed. Maybe in the end, my parents would compromise. But now I find that as long as I don't solve this problem for one day, I can't move forward. So I don't want to wait. This time, it's up to me

Speaking of this, Mike took a deep breath, looked at Jian Haixi and said, "if I succeed, all the forces of the Davis family are at your disposal. If I fail..."

Before Mike finished, Jian Haixi took over his words with a smile and said, "if you fail, I'm short of people here. It's no trouble to support you."

Mike was stunned, and then laughed: "this is the reason. If I fail, I'll mix with you."

Listening to them, shuibingling frowned and asked, "what are you talking about? Aren't you talking about the company? "

Jianhaixi and Mike look at each other and laugh.

Jian Haixi said, "since they don't do it, we'll think of a way to do it."

As soon as Mike's eyes brightened, he quickly asked, "what can I do?"

With a smile on her lips, Jian Haixi reached out and wrote a name on her leg, David.

When they are discussing how to start from David, Mikel is standing by Mo Feng's bed in the quiet operating room, weeping silently.

After she came in, she saw the wound on Mo Feng's body. It's hard to imagine what Mo Feng would do if it wasn't for timely treatment and mikai's presence.

Mikel sucked his nose, reached out and gently touched Mo Feng's brow bone, and said in a low voice, "why don't you wake up? I've been watching you all afternoon, do you know? Do you know how worried I am about you? "

At the end, Mikel's voice choked.

She knows that Mo Feng has his own mission and responsibility, but every time she sees him injured, she still can't help but worry.

Mo Feng sleeps peacefully. Mikel looks at him for a long time and sighs: "I really want to go through your childhood, and then tie you to me when you haven't experienced all this. I won't let you suffer any more."

After a pause, Mikel added, "if you show me the man you're training, I'll knock out his teeth."


A light smile rang out from the next room. Mikel was stunned for a moment and quickly got up to look at it.

I saw a comatose mojue, I do not know when to wake up."You, you wake up?" Mikel asked, looking at mojue.

"Well, I was woken up by you." Mo Jue said with a smile.

Mikel listened to him and blushed: "yes, I'm sorry..."

"It doesn't matter." Mo Jue pulled the corner of his lip and said, "Oh, by the way, when you want to knock out the old man's teeth, remember to pull out his beard and hair to see how narcissistic he is."

Mikael was stunned, and she reflected that mojue said that she had just "crossed the past to hit people". She was even more embarrassed, "wait a minute, I'll call someone..."

Red face finish saying these words, MI Ke Er flies also like ran out.

Mo Jue laughed and looked up at the incandescent lamp and the hanging bottle on his head. His lips were sarcastic and sarcastic. "An arrow pierces the heart. Tut Tut, it's really cruel."

He put his hand on his bandaged chest. Mo Jue closed his eyes and said to himself, "in this way, even if it's completely over, this dream."

Jane Haixi is discussing with Mike how to start from David when Mikel comes running in, out of breath and says, "that man, wake up, wake up."

Leng Jue asked, "did you wake up while you went down?"

"Yes, yes." Mikel nodded, came forward to hold jianhaixi, said: "Haixi elder sister, you slow down, I'll hold you."

"I'm fine." Jianhaixi hurried out. After her, Mike looked at her limping and sighed. He went forward without saying a word and picked her up.


"Why don't you be on guard?" she exclaimed

"Take you." Macbeth looked at jianhaixi and said, "you're not tired enough today? I don't want my feet, do I? "

Jian Haixi said with a smile: "my injury is OK..."

"Then I'll call you and ask about the man?"

Mike's words made jianhaixi become obedient in an instant.

Here, Mike holds jianhaixi to the operating room, but shuibingling looks at him and jianhaixi's figure.

Mikel saw this, reached for her shoulder and said, "don't think too much."

"I know." Shuibingling nodded, tugged at the corner of her mouth and said, "I know they are just good friends."

But if one day, Mike can like women, he will also like jianhaixi.

Mi Ke Er sees her so, also did not persuade again, raised a foot to keep up with Jian Hai Xi.

But the feelings of the outsider can't do things for the outsider.


in the operating room, Mo Jue was staring at his head in a daze when he heard Mo Feng nearby cough twice and cry: "chief..."

"Wake up." Mo Jue said, "your little girlfriend just went out to call someone. Why don't you sleep a little longer and wake up when she comes back."

Mo Feng said with a smile: "boss, you are still in the mood of joking. It seems that your injury is not very serious."

Mo Jue rolled his eyes and said, "that's because I have a strong mind, OK."

Mo Feng sighed: "I never thought it was such a happy thing to be alive before."

Mo Jue looked at him and said, "that's because you have found the motivation to live."

Mo Feng nodded. When talilina's steel wire passed through his belly, what flashed in front of him was Mikel's appearance.

I want to go through the long life with her.

The idea has never been so strong.

It is also such an idea that Mo Feng picks up a life from talilina.

Two people talk, jianhaixi and others also came.

Mo Jue saw Jian Haixi, who was held in his arms by Mike. He frowned and said, "injured?"

"Ah, it's OK, little injury." Jane Haixi waved her hand indifferently and motioned for Mike to put himself down.

Mo Jue's eyes were dim, and he said to Jian Haixi, "although it's not a very serious injury, if you don't pay attention to self-cultivation, it's easy to cause inconvenience in the future. You should be more careful."

Jianhaixi wry smile, "I really know ah, how even you also began to nag me."

Mo Jue shook his head and said, "I'm not wordy, but..."


If he hadn't stopped Ning Jiwei from sending people to search for people by the river the night before, maybe this would not have happened today.

Because of his kindness, the manager will die, Mo Xiuyu, Jian Haixi and others will be injured.

At the thought of this, Mo Jue felt that his heart was too heavy to breathe.

He never hesitated in the first half of his life. The only time he hesitated, he almost wiped them out.

If someone can't wake up today, I really don't know if I will do anything terrible.

Jian Haixi looked at his dark look, and knew that he was thinking of talilina.Thinking of the woman she met in the business building today, Jian Haixi was a little confused for a moment.

It's no wonder that Mo Jue's heart will be moved by that kind of brilliant sourness.

Unfortunately, beauty is poisonous.

Looking at the wound on Mo Jue's body, Jian Haixi sighed.

I'm afraid that the real injury is not mojue's skin, but his heart hidden under the skin.

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