When Dou Ming and Jian Haixi rush to Qiao's house, Qiao's old house is full of joy.

Qiao Qinghe looked at the four little cute children standing in front of him and laughed so that the wrinkles on his face were stacked together.

Not only Qiao Qinghe, Qiao Jing and others look at Jianrui four people, but they are all sprouted.

Qiao Lei is exaggerating to wipe tears way: "our old Qiao family also has fresh blood finally! I'm not the youngest at last

For so many years, as the youngest of the family, he had to bow his head and call "elder" everywhere. He was even bullied in front of George and JOYA.

Now there is a fourth generation in his family, and he has finally become a "bitter daughter-in-law" and no longer has to be the youngest.

Gu Xiaomian looked at Qiao Lei with tears streaming down his face and asked Jianrui suspiciously, "Ruirui, how can your little uncle be so excited to see us?"

"I don't know." Jianrui bit her finger and was puzzled, "maybe he Emotional


Qiao Lei's full of emotion was extinguished by Jianrui's four words.

George patted Qiao Lei on the shoulder with a smile and said, "don't be happy too soon, little brother. Haven't you heard of the next generation pet? Believe me, you will only be in a lower position in our family in the future. "

Qiao Lei's mouth was just about to retort, when he saw Qiao Qinghe, the head of his family, holding out the family treasure. He was laughing and saying to Jianrui, "ruiruirui, come on, this is the gem necklace handed down by my grandfather's grandmother. Here you are."

Qiao Lei jaw surprised to the ground, pointing to the gem necklace stuttered: "that..."

Even when he met jianhaixi, Qiao Qinghe didn't take this out.

George was not surprised by this. He only looked sympathetically at Qiao Lei and said, "now you have a clear understanding of the reality. No one can shake your position in our family. Don't worry."

Qiao Lei wants to cry without tears. He doesn't want to rest assured!

Jianrui tilted her head and looked at the jewel necklace. She said to Qiao Qinghe in embarrassment, "but it's so heavy. If Ruirui wears it every day, she won't be long because of it."

"Er..." Qiao Qinghe was stunned and immediately said decisively, "well, grandfather will help you put it away first. When do you want to wear it, then take it out?"

"Well, thank you, grandfather." Jianrui is very clever.

"You're welcome. We just like it. Come on, give your grandfather a hug ~ "Qiao Qinghe waved with a smile, his tone was like a big gray wolf who cheated a child, and Jianrui was the little red riding hood.

Jianrui looked at Qiao Qinghe, walked past obediently, reached for his hand and said: "ruiruirui is very heavy. It's too hard for my grandfather to hold ruiruirui. It's good for Ruirui to hold my grandfather."

"Oh, my dear, you are so sensible..."

Looking at Qiao Qinghe, who had been completely captured by Jianrui, Qiao Lei turned his head and looked at George, "brother, you have already guessed that the old man will be like this, haven't you?"

Qiao Qinghe had never been so "disgusted" to his grandchildren before.

George smiles and doesn't speak. It's not that he knew Qiao Qinghe would be captured by Jianrui. It's just that It's just experience.

"Don't help me to clean up the room for you two

Mo Xiuqian shyly whispered: "thank you, no need."

Suddenly left the bad environment in the past and changed to a new place, Mo Xiuqian had not changed her whole life, so she was a little at a loss in the face of the enthusiastic Qiao family.

Yan Mei came down from upstairs. The rooms of several children had been cleaned up yesterday. She just went to see if there was anything to add.

Mo Tong sat on the sofa, his eyes fixed on the direction of the door.

Jian Haixi hasn't come yet.

Yan Mei came over and looked at the quiet little boy. She went to him with a smile and asked, "your name is mo Tong, isn't it? What about your luggage? Auntie, take it up for you. "

Mo Tong was stunned. Looking at Yan Mei who was elegant and kind in front of him, he shook his head and said, "thank you, auntie. I don't have any luggage."

"No luggage?" Yan Mei was stunned, but she soon regained her smile and said, "it doesn't matter. Everything at home is ready-made. Let's buy something else in the future."

Mo Tong still shook his head, "Auntie, you don't have to bother. I don't live here. I'll follow my uncle back to Mo's house for a while."

"This..." Yan Mei a Zheng, sitting beside Qiao Zhen and Qiao Jing also Leng next.

Don't live here?

"So you came here today..." Yan Mei asked politely, "are you here to send Ruirui?"

"Well." Mo Tong nodded, looking at the door direction: "I want to see Aunt."

Yan Mei and Qiao Zhen look at each other and understand.

It turns out that the child came for jianhaixi.

Qiao Zhen looked at Mo Tong. He liked this quiet and steady child very much. "When you want to come and live in the future, just ask someone to say it. You are always welcome here.""Thank you, uncle." Mo Tong thanks politely.

The children get along well with their parents, but one of them is always left out in the cold.

That's ninjivi.

Because what Jian Haixi said yesterday made the Qiao family have some opinions on Ning Jiwei, so now he is sitting on the sofa, and no one comes to talk to him.

Looking at Ning Jiwei, Yang Yaru brought a glass of water and put it in front of him, saying, "president, have some water."

"Thank you." Ning Jiwei took the water cup road.

Yang Yaru shakes her head and whispers to Ning Jiwei when she bends down: "the old man is a man with a hard face and a soft heart. You just need to be soft for a while. He won't embarrass you."

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Ning Jiwei said with a smile.

"Yaru, what are you doing? Come here and sit here Qiao Qinghe saw that Yang Yaru poured water for Ning Jiwei. He couldn't help humming: "you are my granddaughter-in-law. Who dares to let you pour water for him?"

Unable to laugh or cry, Yang Yaru walked over to him and said, "grandfather, in fact, the President..."

"You don't have to say good things to him." Qiao Qinghe snorted: "I have eyes and can see."

Yang Yaru sighed helplessly.

Originally sitting beside Qiao Qinghe, Jianrui tilted her head and pulled out her little hand from Qiao Qinghe's big hand. She also stood up from the sofa.

"Xiao Rui, what's the matter with you? What do you want? "

See Jianrui stand up, Qiao Qinghe immediately from just to Ning Jiwei cold face into a smiling face.

Jianrui frowned, looked at Qiao Qinghe and asked, "grandfather, why don't you let my daddy drink?"

I have to start protecting my father.

Qiao Qinghe listened to Jianrui's words and immediately said with a smile: "ruiruirui misunderstood. My grandfather didn't let him drink. Our family doesn't lack the water. It's something your father doesn't want to drink."

Jianrui rolled her eyes and pointed to her nose to Qiao Qinghe: "grandfather, do you think Ruirui looks like a fool?"

"Er..." Qiao Qinghe choked, but before she could figure out how to round her words, Jianrui already glared and said, "my grandfather doesn't like my father, so Ruirui doesn't like my grandfather."

After that, Jianrui snorted and ran to Ning Jiwei with her fishtail. She hugged him by the arm and said, "Daddy, Ruirui wants to go home with you."

Back to Mo's house?

No way!

Qiao Qinghe is not easy to see Jianrui, how can she go back?

"What, Ruirui? You really misunderstood me. I don't dislike your father." Qiao Qinghe is busy.

"Is it?" Jianrui said with a small mouth: "that grandfather said you like my daddy?"

"That's not..." Qiao Qinghe said half, looking at the little granddaughter's face, immediately voice side, awkward way: "Hi, like it."

When Jianrui heard this, she stretched out her hand to Qiao Qinghe and said, "then you can stretch out your hand and shake my dad's hand, and I will believe you."

Shake hands?

Qiao Qinghe's face suddenly turned black, and his face was covered with three big words of "unwilling".

"Well?" Jianrui stares at big eyes and says, "hurry up."

"Well, well, shake hands." In order to let Jianrui stay, Qiao Qinghe compromises for the first time in his life. He reaches out his hand and reluctantly shakes Ning Jiwei.

Jianrui grabs the hand that two people hold in one place, happy way: "too good, after everybody wants to get along well, otherwise I will be very difficult."

Qiao Lei looks at Qiao Qinghe, only to feel that his former grandfather's image is disillusioned.

"Is this still our old man?" Qiao Lei can't set the channel.

George nodded. "One hundred percent. It's the old man. That's right."

Qiao Lei sighed, life has not started, he has a premonition of the next day.

It is estimated that even if these kids turn the house upside down in the future, Qiao Qinghe will not blame them, instead, he will find a ladder for them.

A family said that during the disturbance, the nanny came over and reported with a smile: "Miss Haixi has arrived."

"Here comes Haixi?" As soon as Jian Haixi arrived, Qiao Qinghe immediately said happily, "let her in."

Mo Tong, sitting on the sofa on the other side, stood up and looked at the door excitedly.

After a while, Dou Ming came in slowly with Jian Haixi.

Seeing this, Yang Yaru came forward to help support Jian Haixi and said, "Haixi, are you hurt?"

"It's OK, little injury." The way that Jian Haixi didn't like.

"Mommy Jianrui runs over and drags jianhaixi's sleeve to look behind her, but she still doesn't see Jianyi.

"Mommy, where's my brother?" Asked Jianrui.

Jianhaixi pulled Jianrui and said, "your brother can't come yet, but he said he sent something to your mailbox. Let me ask you to see it."

"Mailbox?" In a daze, Jianrui takes out her mobile phone and goes to the mailbox. For the time being, she doesn't care about her being stood up by Jianyi.Jian Haixi breathed a sigh of relief. As soon as she looked up, she saw that Mo Tong was carefully standing nearby, looking at her. She wanted to come over, but she was afraid.

Jian Haixi smiles, beckons to him and says, "Tong Tong, come here."

Hearing her call herself "Tong Tong", Mo Tong's eyes lit up and ran to her.

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