"Ice cream?" Jian Haixi was stunned and asked, "you Have you just arrived? "

"Yes." Water ice cream chin Nu Nu way: "you look at me this pile of things, just turn out to be better for a while."

Mike asked, "well Did you hear anything? "

"What do you hear?" Shuibingling tilted his head and said, "I heard you say what to do in a hurry. What do you want to do in a hurry?"

Jian Haixi was relieved and said with a smile, "it's nothing. I'm just worried that you can't get your things. Let Mike help you."

"Oh?" Shuibingling raised her eyebrows and went to Mike to squint at him. "I thought this guy was saying bad things about me. Otherwise, how could he be guilty?"

"Cough..." Mike felt the tip of his nose guilty, dodged the water ice's eyes and said, "I didn't say anything bad about you."

"Cut ~" shuibingling gave him a white look, and with a lift of his arm, he pushed the things in his arms to Mike. "Help me quickly. I'm so tired."

Mike quickly took it over and put it down. Looking at the water ice cream beating her arm and pinching her shoulder, a touch of heartache flashed in his eyes. He came forward to help her pinch her arm and said, "I would have helped you if I knew you were going to take so many things. You said you were too. It took a long time to take something."

Water ice cream patted off his hand and said: "I also solved a big hand by the way, can't I? Do girls have to tell you such private things? "

Mike was stunned. He turned his head to look at Jian Haixi and said, "Haixi, you see, I said she must have shited. You still don't believe it."

"Oh, are you finished?" The ice-cream beat him with anger.

Jane Haixi shook her head in a funny way and said to Mike, "OK, you can play. I'll go back first."

After listening to shuibingling, she came over and helped jianhaixi and said, "sister Haixi, I'll take you off."

"No Jian Haixi said with a smile: "just a little way, I can go by myself."

Refusing the help of shuibingling, jianhaixi slowly walks back to her room holding the wall.

When she was so far away, she could still hear Mike's quarrel with shuibingling in his room, and Mike's final compromise and begging for mercy.

Good things, like drama, need to be staged one by one.


Xiangcheng is an old city with stories happening all the time. In addition to the stories of Jian Haixi and Ning Jiwei, there are also the noisy Tong and song families, which have been particularly incessant recently.

Children's home.

Tong Chaoyang looked at his daughter Tong Si angrily. He pointed to her and scolded her: "what do you do? Now, what's good for you to get angry with Song Wei? Have you ever thought about what our family should do? "

Tong Si sits on the sofa and sneers at Tong Chaoyang's accusation.

"Can't you annoy Song Wei?" Tong Si stared at the selfish father in front of him coldly, "so what do you want me to do, father? Do you want to listen to Song Wei and go with that bad old man David? "

"I..." Tong Chaoyang chokes. Of course, he can't say that he would like his daughter to do such a thing, but if he offends Song Wei and brings disaster to the Tong family, it's something he doesn't want to see.

"Well, one of you can say less." Zhao Yi sighed, reached for Tong Chaoyang's sleeve and said, "Chaoyang, please sit down. Let's have a good talk. Now that things have become like this, it's meaningless to complain about who's right and who's wrong. It's better to think about what we should do next. "

Tong Chaoyang snorted and sat down on Zhao Yi's steps.

Tong Si rolled his eyes and didn't speak. She didn't expect anything from this family.

Looking at Tong Si, Zhao Yi hesitated and said, "Si Si, mom certainly doesn't want you to be bullied by Song Wei and David, but Do you have any plans now? I heard that you asked Gu Chenyi for help that day. "

Hearing Zhao Yi mention "Gu Chenyi", Tong Chaoyang's eyes flashed. He also looked at Tong Si and asked, "did you catch up with Gu Chenyi and Ning Jiwei? They agreed to help you? "

Tong Si snorted coldly, lowered his head, played with his fingers and said, "don't you think I can't succeed enough and I can't fail enough? What else do you want to ask? "

"You..." Tong Chaoyang choked again, pointed to Tong Si and said to Zhao Yi, "look at her. I'm her father. I can't say a word about her."

"Well, well, who let you go so far?" Zhao Yichong winked at Tong Chaoyang, then turned his head, took Tong Si's hand and asked with a smile, "Si Si, tell mom quickly, what's the situation now? Ning Jiwei Doesn't he always hate our family? Is he really willing to help? "

Tong Chaoyang also said: "that is, you can be coaxed by others to help the number of money, I think that Ning Jiwei is not a good role to play."

"Even if I was cheated by Ning Jiwei, it was better than that I was tortured by Song Wei." Tong Si snorted: "besides, Ning Jiwei and Gu Chenyi have already said that they will help me, so they will help me, otherwise Gu Chenyi would not have saved me in front of so many people that day. As for Song Wei... "Speaking of Song Wei, Tong Si said with a scornful smile: "how can a frog in the well compete with the sun and the moon? He's just a bedbug in a ditch. I'll get into a mess with him. It's no good at all. "

Tong Chaoyang frowned and said, "don't think so well. I see it..."

"What's the matter?" Tong Si coldly interrupts Tong Chaoyang's words, "I don't think you can see me well, but you want me to accompany Song Wei and David, and use the money to sell my daughter to maintain the scenery of your children's home!"


Tong Chaoyang said angrily, "how do you talk to me?"

"That's what I'm doing. You have a problem driving me out." Tong Si sat down on the sofa and sneered at Tong Chaoyang: "I really don't want to stay in this home now, but I'm willing to go. Are you willing?"

Tong Chaoyang's face sank. If it was normal, Tong Si would have roared back to him.

But at the moment, he was forced to suppress the anger in his heart.

Tong Si is right. Even if she wants to leave, he can't give up the daughter of the cash cow now.

Otherwise, no matter the Song family or Ning Jiwei, no one will sell his face.

Zhao Yi see father and daughter quarrel again, can't help but sigh: "you two don't quarrel, think, you always say Ning Jiwei will help you, but these days also don't see him looking for you, your father worried that you were cheated is also for you."

Hearing this, Tong Chaoyang sighed: "you are my daughter. Don't I wish you well? You always misinterpret me

Tong Si snorted: "Ning Jiwei won't cheat me. To tell you the truth, he asked me to meet today. If he hadn't talked nonsense with you here, I would have gone out long ago."

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