"What?" Tong Si Leng next, did not expect Ning Jiwei would know that phone call.

She now has no time to question why Ning Jiwei is clear about her indirect phone call in health care, but quickly denied: "I, I don't know what you're talking about."

Ning Jiwei sneered and said nothing.

Gu Chenyi was confused. "Ji Wei, what's going on? How did you pull out song Lu again? "

Ning Jiwei snorted coldly: "you let her say it by herself."

Tong Si bit his lip and looked away, not daring to look at Ning Jiwei and Gu Chenyi.

Gu Chenyi picked eyebrows and looked at Tong Si. He probably had some music in his heart. He clapped his hands and said, "come in, someone."

Clearly he didn't speak in a very high voice, but the door was soon pushed open again. This time, the man in black came in for another. He stood at the door and nodded to Gu Chenyi: "Gu Shao."

Gu Chenyi held his cheek in one hand and asked curiously, "tell me what happened."

"Yes." The man in black nodded and said: "Tong Si received a call from Song Lu. He went to the bathroom on the excuse of the toilet above."

"Oh ~" Gu Chenyi nodded, looked at Tong Si, then looked at the man in black again, "what did they say?"

The man in Black said: "Song Lu is arranged by Song Wei to accompany David. Davis, she doesn't want to go, so she asks Tong Si for help and wants us to help her. Tong Si pretends to promise and deceives song Lu not to resist David until we rescue him. According to the investigation, now that David has arrived at the hotel, song Lu is in a precarious situation. "

Hearing the man in black retelling their conversation in detail, Tong Si's face changed greatly. He looked at Ning Jiwei in shock and said, "you, why do you know?"

No one answered her.

Gu Chenyi after listening to the man in black, the whole person's face is also cold down.

After reporting the situation, the man in black retreated. Gu Chenyi turned to look at Tong Si and said, "Tong Si, you are really good."

In fact, Tong Si wants to cheat song Lu. It has nothing to do with them, but she just uses them as an excuse.

When song Lu finds out something is wrong, he will blame them for the whole thing.

It's the enemy in the first place, but now it's even more enmity.

Now Gu Chenyi finally understands why Ning Jiwei tied Tong Si like this, saying that Tong Si didn't explain the situation after answering the phone. Instead, he wanted to take the opportunity to take off his clothes and flatter him, which made Ning Jiwei even more disgusted.

"I, I really want to say that." Seeing that Ning Jiwei and Gu Chenyi had changed their faces, Tong Si stammered: "what I wanted to say just after I answered the phone is I just haven't figured out how to open my mouth. I'm afraid you won't help me if I suddenly say so, so I I'm really going to say that. "

Gu Chenyi sneered: "Miss Tong, do you know who is the most annoying person?"

Tong Si Leng next, dull looking at Gu Chenyi.

Gu Chenyi sneered: "the most annoying people are not the bad guys, but the bad guys with poor people's skins. As the saying goes, a poor man must be hateful. Before, I always thought this sentence was arbitrary. Thanks to miss Tong, I know that there are really such disgusting and disgusting people in the world. "

Tong Si asked for help. They helped. They put up with the flattery of Tong Si.

But now what did she do? She uses them as rafts to cheat song Lu, unconsciously pushing their hatred with the Song family to an irreparable level.

Tong Si bit his lip and cried, "I didn't mean to. I know I was wrong. Please give me another chance. I'll..."

Gu Chenyi impatiently interrupted Tong Si's cry, turned to Ning Jiwei and asked, "what are you going to do?"

Ningjiwei said: "I have informed Mike that they should have taken action by now."

Gu Chenyi nods and knows that Ning Jiwei is going to take care of it.

Suddenly, he listened to their conversation.

She didn't expect that she had completely exposed herself at the moment when she answered the phone, and Ning Jiwei had done all the coping work before she knew it.

What are they going to do with themselves now?

Thinking of this, Tong Si's frightened drama jumps up for fear that Ning Jiwei won't cooperate with him any more.

"What does that child think of Yi to ask a way now

Ning Jiwei didn't even look at Tong Si and said, "I don't know what to do. Let someone send her back. In the future, except for cooperation, I don't need to bring her to see me."

"All right." Gu Chenyi shrugged his shoulders. It doesn't matter.

Tong Si listened to Ning Jiwei's words, but he was relieved for a short time.

As long as we cooperate with her, we can't do it this time, and we will have another chance next time.


villa mikai.

When receiving the news from Ning Jiwei, Mike was surprised, "David and song Lu? Shall we help song Lu or David? "

Both of them are enemies. Although they want to get hold of David now, the Song family are not good birds either. Naturally, they are not willing to help song Lu in vain.Jian Haixi said with a smile: "of course, he helped song Lu."

"But..." Mikel frowned and looked at mikai beside him. Then he said to jianhaixi, "isn't that song Lu bullying my sister-in-law? Are we really going to help her? "

Jian Haixi nodded and said: "the past is the past. Now we need to seize David's handle and use him as a springboard to deal with the Davis family. Today is the best opportunity. Furthermore... "

After a pause of two seconds, Jian Haixi looked at the crowd one by one, with a serious look on her face and said: "as a woman, don't say it's song Lu today. Even if it's talilina who comes across this incident, if I can help, I will never stand by."

Born as women, they want to survive with self-respect and self-improvement, which is much harder than men.

Even if the enemy wants to win or lose, it should be on the battlefield, not in these dirty sewers.

Jian Haixi stood up and said, "today, I'm going to catch David and save song Lu. If song Lu is our enemy some day, I will deal with her myself. But not in this way. "

Jian Haixi's words made everyone silent for a moment. Shuibingling said at first: "I agree with Haixi sister. During the period when I disguised as a man, I realized that men really live easier than women. I can't help watching a woman be humiliated as a plaything."

"I..." After struggling for a moment, Mikel said, "I hate song Lu, but I don't want her to be bullied like David and Song Wei. Then save her first. We'll beat her when she does something bad in the future. "

Jian Haixi raised the corner of his lips happily, turned his head to look at Qiao Zheng and said, "Qiao Zheng, you should take someone to go with Mike and rescue song Lu."


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