Suoqiang doesn't come back all afternoon. After learning from Jian Yi that he has gone to the hospital to see song Lu, Mo Tong has been hesitant about telling Mo ting the truth.

Mo Ting didn't get up until five or six o'clock when she took a nap. She went to bed together and began to look around for Suoqiang.

Mo Tong listened to her figure and couldn't help saying: "he's out."

"Well?" Mo Ting Leng next, surprised looking at Mo Tong.

One of the reasons why he was surprised was that Mo Tong usually avoided her as much as possible, and there was no need to never talk to her.

Second, Mo Tong noticed that Su Daqiang had not gone out.

Either of these two points is too strange.

Mo Ting squinted, approached Mo Tong and asked, "is da Qiang out? Do you know where he has gone? "

Mo Tong pursed his lips and said, "he said he went to the company."

"What did he say?" Mo Ting looks more strange, but she didn't investigate Mo Tong's problem for the first time. Instead, she called the assistant in the company first.

The reply is that Suo Qiang is really in the company, but he has just left. Now he should be on his way back to Mo's home.

After hanging up, Mo Ting looks at Mo Tong and asks coldly, "how do you know that Daqiang has gone to the company?"

Mo Tong turned his head and said, "he told me."

"So why did he tell you?" Mo Ting's voice was colder. She stepped forward to break Mo Tong's chin and said, "little bastard, don't try to cheat me. Do you bully Da Qiang?"

Mo Tong listened to her call himself "little bastard", a little pain in the heart, stubbornly raised a small face looking at Mo Ting, said: "I'm only a few years old, how can I bully him?"

Mo Ting sneered: "who knows, if you want to bully someone, can't you do it?"

Mo Tong bit his lip and said, "mother, I don't know why you have so much prejudice against me and why you hate me so much. But I grew up with you. Who have I bullied in this family for so many years? "

Rather than bullying others, he has been bullied for so many years.

He used to be the vicious housekeeper, but when the housekeeper died, his disaster came to an end.

Listening to Mo Tong's words, Mo Ting pauses slightly, then releases his chin and hums coldly: "who knows what disaster is hidden in your heart."

Mo Tong could not help but said: "the real harbinger of evil is not me, it is Su Daqiang!"

"What did you say?" When Mo Ting heard him, her eyes suddenly narrowed, and she slapped Mo Tong in the face, "beast, who allows you to say such bad things about Da Qiang?"

Mo Tong covered his beaten cheek and his eyes became red gradually.

It's not because of the pain on his cheek. He has been practicing martial arts since he was a child. This kind of skin and flesh pain is just a routine for him. What really makes him ache is his heart.

"Little beast, how dare you say that?" Mo Ting was so angry that she pointed to Mo Tong and scolded: "I didn't expect that when you grow up, you have learned how to arrange other people's skills behind your back. I don't think you study hard and practice hard all day long, and your mind is used to think about these tricks, right?"

"Why don't you believe it?" Mo Tong roared: "why don't you think I'm lying after listening to me? It's that Suo Qiang who cheated you. He cheated you to go to the company. In fact, he went to find another woman... "


Mo fairy tale did not finish, leg was mo ting a foot, the whole person fell to the ground.

Mo Ting is gloomy face, looking at Mo Tong way: "this kind of words later don't let me hear you say, otherwise I hear once hit you once."

"But that's the truth." Mo Tong got up from the ground, looked at Mo Ting obstinately and said, "even if you kill me, you can't change this fact. Why don't you want to believe me? You'll find out by yourself! "

Mo Ting clenched her teeth and raised her hand to fight Mo Tong's face again.

Mo Tong closed his eyes and stood there without dodging.

Mo Ting's hand finally stopped in mid air and didn't fight down. I don't know whether it was because Mo Tong's swollen red face stopped her action, or because of Mo Tong's words.

Mo Ting's face is full of expectation

"Go away!" Mo Ting pointed to the room and said, "go back to your room. I don't want to see you again. There's no dinner for you tonight. You give me a good reflection

Mo Tong froze, gritted his teeth, held back the tears he was about to burst into his eyes, turned and ran back to his room.

Listening to the door of the room closed vigorously, Mo Ting closed her eyes, went to the sofa and sat down.

She raised her head to lift the glass in front of her, but when she raised her hand, she found that her fingers were shaking slightly.

That's the hand that hit Mo Tong just now.

Mo Ting heart slightly pain, a fuzzy figure from her eyes.

So the pain immediately turned into a bone deep hatred.

"Damn it! Damn it

Mo Ting suddenly reaches out her hand and knocks the water cup to the ground. The whole person holds her head and yells: "asshole!""Madam..." The nanny heard the sound of the water cup smashing on the ground and ran out of the kitchen. When she saw Mo Ting's crazy appearance, she was stunned and retreated in silence.

It took Mo ting a long time to get back from that hatred.

She closed her eyes and leaned on the sofa for a little while. She said to the nanny, "come here, clean up the floor."

"Yes." Nanny nodded and trotted over to clean up the residue.

Mo Ting asked coldly, "when did Suo Qiang go out today?"

"This..." The nurse paused and said truthfully, "I went out after your nap."

After a nap, I was away all afternoon.

Mo Ting's eyes are slightly cold.

Usually, even if two people go to the company, they will not be so busy that they have no news all afternoon.

Besides, the main function of their company now is to transfer funds. Besides, they have nothing to do.

"What else can I do for you, madam?" Nanny see Mo Ting don't speak, with residue standing on the side, also dare not leave, only carefully asked.

Mo Ting waved her hand and said, "it's OK. Go down."


After the nanny left, Mo Ting sat on the sofa all the time. She didn't know whether she was waiting for someone, or recalling the past scenes, maybe both.

It wasn't until the sun went down and the moon came up that sudaqiang came back late.

He went into the room and saw that the light in the room was still dark. He frowned and said, "why don't you turn on the light?"

Then he reached out and pressed the button to the wall.

Switch on, the whole living room suddenly bright.

This light, Suo Qiang saw sitting on the sofa Mo ting.

See Mo Ting's figure, Su Daqiang is a stiff.

"You're back?" Mo Ting looks at him and asks in a cold voice.

Su Daqiang restrained his guilty heart and went to Mo ting. He pulled out a dry smile and said, "ting, why are you sitting here so late? And why don't you turn on the light? "

"You know it's too late?" Mo Ting sneered: "I thought you were crazy playing outside. You can't tell day from night."

"Ting, how do you say that?" Su Daqiang sat next to Mo Ting, reached for her hand and said, "are you unhappy because I came back late? Well, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have come back so late. Well, I'm not angry anymore... "

"the perfume on your body is very special." Mo Ting suddenly interrupted him.

Su Daqiang, stunned, looked up at Mo ting and asked, "ting, what do you mean by that? Do you suspect me... "

"Shouldn't I doubt you?" Mo Ting sneered, "do you want to tell me that you have been working in the company all afternoon? If you were such a diligent person, you would not be with me, would you

Su Daqiang's whole body suddenly stiffens. He looks at Mo ting and suddenly tears out a bitter self mockery: "yes, I'm not a diligent person. You're right. It's just It doesn't matter that people all over the world look down on me. I didn't think you would, but... "

Listen to his words, Mo Ting eyebrow micro Cu, in the heart suddenly a pull, but she still hands embrace chest didn't say anything.

Su Daqiang got up, turned his back to Mo ting and said, "since you don't believe me, I have nothing to say. Don't worry. I'll leave now. I won't stand in your way any more. "

After that, he went to the door.

Mo Ting looked at his back, clasped her arms with both hands, bit her lips and insisted on not speaking.

Su Daqiang walked to the door. He did not look back, but said in a dumb voice: "ting, you have a bad stomach. Remember not to eat greasy, sour and spicy food in the future. In addition, you always can't make a good quilt at night, and I won't be with you in the future. Remember to... "

Before he finished, he reached for his hand, and suddenly a pair of hands came over and hugged him.

Mo Ting hugged Su Suo Qiang from behind and choked: "asshole, where do you want to go?"

Su Daqiang said with a bitter smile: "I thought you didn't want me to be around you."

"Who said you would not be with me?" Mo Ting, on the back of Su Da Qiang, hummed, "you're back so late, and you still smell like perfume. Can't I get angry?"

Su Daqiang was silent for a moment, turned around, took Mo Ting's cheek in his hands, and asked devoutly: "ting, then you..."

Don't beat your lips, but he's biting you

"Hu ~"

Suo Qiang suddenly breathed out a breath, reached out and hugged Mo Ting tightly, "ting, you scared me to death, you know? I thought you really didn't want me. "

"You scared the hell out of me." Mo Ting mumbled a sentence, let Su Daqiang hold did not push away.

two people embraced at the door for a long time. After a long time, Su Da Qiang loosened her and took out a small bottle of perfume from her pocket.

"What is this?" Mo Ting Leng next ask a way.Su said with a strong smile: "you are right, I am not so diligent, so I actually left the company early, but on the way, I suddenly heard that you wanted to change perfume for the first two days, so I ran several stores to buy it for you."

Mo Ting's heart moves slightly, looks at Su Da Qiang to ask: "then your body's perfume also tastes......"

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