Secretary's words let Mo Ting suddenly Leng in there, she even suspected that she heard wrong.

"Mr. Mo? Mr. Mo? " Did not hear Mo ting to speak all the time of small secretary not from shout a way.

Mo Ting clenched her teeth and asked coldly, "you said Su Daqiang didn't go to the company?"

"Yes, yes." Little secretary don't know why Mo Ting suddenly angry, with a cry voice choked.

Mo Ting took a deep breath and said, "I know. I'll go to the company right away."

Hung up the phone, Mo Ting took the note at the head of the bed again, looking at the line full of love and concern on the handwriting, the only thing left in her heart was raging anger.

She squeezed the note tightly, then crumpled and tore it up.

Mo Ting leaves home in a hurry without taking care of her meal. Mo Tong looks at her back and feels more and more ominous.

In fact, since he knew that Mo Ting was transferring funds, he expected something would happen, but he didn't expect that day to come so soon.

What will happen next, and what can he do to stop it?


Half an hour later, Mo Ting arrived at the company.

At this time, the company has become a mess. Everyone is like a hoodwinked fly and doesn't know what to do. As soon as Mo Ting arrives, they all surround them. Only Su Daqiang's assistant quietly exits the crowd.

Mo Ting saw the figure with sharp eyes. She pushed away the crowd with a cold hum and held the assistant's shoulder. She asked in a cold voice, "what do you want to do?"

"Mo, Mr. mo..." Assistant did not expect so many people, Mo Ting will also notice himself, immediately guilty to do not know what to say.

Mo Ting saw that he was holding a mobile phone in his hand, and the screen showed that he was dialing, but she had never seen that number.

Mo Ting looks at the assistant, the cold light in her eyes makes people shudder.

"Who are you calling?" Mo Ting asked.

"I, I..." The assistant stuttered, clenched his cell phone and stammered, "yes, it's my friend..."

"Is it?" Mo Ting sneers and reaches for his mobile phone.

Mo Ting wants to see her mobile phone, but he is afraid that the person on the other end of the phone doesn't know, so he says: "Mr. Mo, that..."

"Shut up Mo Ting said: "if you dare to say a word, I'll kill you!"

The assistant was stiff all over, and immediately nailed there. He did not dare to speak again.

Not long after Mo Ting took the phone, the person on the other end of the mobile phone also answered the phone, and the voice she was familiar with rang along the current.

"Hello? What can I do for you? It's the company. What can I do for you? "

Listen to this sentence, Mo ting in the heart a draw, holding the hand of the mobile phone instant tighten.

If only here, maybe she would not go crazy.

What really broke her down was the next female voice: "Sue, why don't you come in yet ~"

then Suo Qiang's gentle smile rang out, "honey, I'll be right here."

Mo Ting closed her eyes and took away her mobile phone.

At the same time, the company's fish tank is placed beside her. Mo Ting raises her hand and throws the mobile phone in mercilessly.

The mobile phone that ate water flickered a few times, return to calm finally.

The assistant doesn't care about the mobile phone that she loves to die. She just looks at Mo Ting nervously.

Because he knew that his next fate would be the same as that of the mobile phone just now, all in this woman's mind.

Don't look at him coldly

"Yes, Mr. mo." Assistant dare not resist, nodded, followed Mo Ting behind into the office.

The Secretary and other employees looked at each other in the closed office.

What about the company? What are we going to do with all this?

What about them? Go or stay?

They are looking forward to Mo Ting coming to the company to solve their troubles and point out a direction for them.

But it's a pity that Mo Ting, who is in love, has been completely dazzled by Su Daqiang's betrayal. She can't take care of the company's crisis.

Employees, you look at me, I look at you, and finally there are only helpless sighs.

Forget it, they'd better pack up and find another habitat.

In the office, Mo Ting looked at the assistant and asked coldly, "I asked you, did Suoqiang come to the company yesterday?"

The assistant nodded and said, "here we are."

"To tell you the truth!" Mo Ting shrieked and roared: "if you dare to say another word of lies, I can make you unable to stay in Xiangcheng today!"

"No, I dare not." The assistant cried: "Mr. Mo, to be honest, Mr. Su did come to the company yesterday, but He left early. He also told me that if you ask, he is on his way home, and then I will inform him in private

Mo Ting deeply inhaled the anger that she was about to burst out under the air pressure, staring at the assistant and said: "you usually contact through the number just now?""Yes." Assistant now is already know everything, for fear of their own a little hesitation, let Mo Ting angry himself.

Mo Ting clenched her lips and asked: "how long has it been like this?"

Assistant Leng next, truthfully way: "this time thing is also these two days have."

"This time?" Mo Ting acutely seized the key words that the assistant said, "are there other times?"

"This..." The assistant hesitated for a moment, but said honestly: "Mr. Su He set up this number a few years ago. He also has a complete set of private wechat and other social platforms. Occasionally Sue will always find some girls to talk about a few short-term love, so sometimes he will need me to help him out

"A few years ago..." In front of her eyes, Mo Ting is in the dark and staggers down in her office chair.

"Mr. mo..." Assistant anxiously looking at Mo Ting, advised: "in fact, men are like this, total Su is just playing, never serious about them. You see, although he played several times, he still came back to Mr. Mo at last? Mr. Su, you are in his heart... "

"Shut up Mo Ting roared.

The assistant was so busy that he lowered his head and didn't dare to say any more.

Mo Ting sat in her office chair and took a long time to calm her down.

After a long time, when she could control her hands from shaking, she stood up from her chair and asked coldly, "do you know where he is now?"

The assistant nodded and whispered: "it should be in the hospital..."


when Mo Ting interrogates the assistant, Suo Qiang has no idea that what he has done has been revealed.

He didn't even enter the company gate this morning. He just said hello to his assistant and went straight to the hospital.

Yesterday, when he first tasted song Lu's taste, he was now greedy. Where else could he have time to pay attention to the company's common affairs?

In the hospital, Qiao's bodyguards have been automatically away from the door of the ward. Anyway, their task is just to ensure that song Lu will not die here, so they'd better avoid this kind of thing that is not suitable for children.

When Suoqiang came, he did not forget to bring song Lu a delicious breakfast.

He has always done very well in such considerate small details.

Otherwise, Mo Ting could never have been bored with him for so many years.

As soon as song Lu saw Suoqiang, she walked down from the hospital bed.

"Be careful. You're not healed yet." Seeing this, Su Daqiang quickly comes forward and holds song Lu.

Taking advantage of the situation, song Lu threw herself into his arms, hugged him and said, "Sue, how did you come here? People have been waiting for you for a long time ~ "

Suo Qiang said with a smile," isn't it because I want to buy breakfast for a pig? Otherwise I would have been there long ago. "

"Breakfast?" Song Lu's eyes brightened, and then he saw the bag that Suo Qiang was carrying in his hand.

As soon as I had a look at it, song Lu began to smile. "Sue, I just mentioned that yesterday, you actually went to buy me this family's breakfast. It's hard for their family to line up every day."

"Yes." Xin Da Lu and I have been waiting for breakfast

"Oh, it's all my fault." Song Lu knew that it was Suo Qiang who was wronged by himself, so she hugged him and gave him a kiss: "it's my fault, Nah, give you a kiss, don't be angry ~"

Suo Qiang's eyes swept over Song Lu's cherry red lips, his eyes darkened, and said in a dumb voice: "a kiss is not enough."

"Ah, what are you doing?" Song Lu did not finish, people have been hugged by Su Daqiang to the bed.


When he received the assistant's call, Su Suo Qiang and song Lu embraced and interacted.

Song Lu pulled him and said, "whose phone is it? Sue, leave him alone

"No, this call can't be ignored." Sudajiang rubbed song Lu's hair with a smile and gave her a kiss on her forehead. "Lulu is good. I'll be right back when I answer the phone."

Song Lu Du lip way: "here also want."

Sudajiang laughed, hugged her and gave her a hard kiss before she got up.

He took his cell phone and went to one side to answer the phone. Only the assistant knew the number. It was because of Mo ting that he used to call.

So Suo Qiang subconsciously thought that Mo Ting had gone to the company, so he asked the assistant if something had happened to the company.

But unexpectedly, there was no sound at that end.

Did the assistant accidentally press the wrong number?

Suo Qiang is confused, that song Lu has impatiently called him.

As soon as I heard song Lu's crisp voice, Suda's strong soul was almost flying. He couldn't take care of the phone business. As soon as he threw the mobile phone, he rushed to the gentle hometown.

Song Lu leaned against Suo Qiang, took him by the hand with a smile and said, "Sue, what phone do you have to answer? Do you have a little secret to hide from me? "

Sudajiang was not flustered at all. He just glanced at her, reached out and scraped her nose and said, "I have no conscience. I have you. What's the secret? It was a company call just now. If you don't answer it, how can I support you if you can't earn money back? "Listening to Suo Qiang's words, song Lu felt sweet. She reached out and hugged Suo Qiang and said, "Su, you're very kind to me."

Sudajiang narrowed his eyes and said with a bad smile, "don't you repay me well?"

"Ah? How to repay... "

Song Lu didn't finish her words, so Suo Qiang had already answered her question with practical actions.

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