On the other hand, Suo Qiang chased Mo Ting out of the hospital, but did not expect that Mo Ting did not wait for him at all, so he took the car and left.

Suo strong helpless, can only hurry to hit a car with Mo Ting behind.

Mo Ting goes to the company first, and Suo Qiang follows her to the door of the company. Just as she wants to go in, she is stopped by the assistant and the security guard.

He yelled, "what are you stopping me for? Get out of the way

The assistant sighed and said, "Mr. Su, don't embarrass us. Mr. Mo won't let you in. We dare not let you go even if we kill you."

Sudah was so angry that he reached out and hit him, "how dare you show up in front of me? But for you, how could Mo Ting go to the hospital? "

The assistant's mouth twitched and said, "Mr. Su, I can't blame you for this. This morning, the company was attacked inexplicably. Now everyone is in danger. When Mr. Mo came to the company, he found that you didn't come at all. He was angry at that time. I'd like to help you with it, but I can't help it because I'm too small to talk about it. "

"Useless things." Su Daqiang kicked in the past and said, "it's all your fault. If something happens to me, I will never let you go."

"Mr. Su, how can you blame me?" The assistant kept him away from the company while avoiding the kicks and fists of suzeqiang.

Seeing that he couldn't get in, he was so angry that he went around twice and turned back to Mo's house.

Since it's no use holding on here, he has to think of another way.

In the office, the Secretary said to Mo Ting, "Mr. Mo, Mr. Su just left."

"Well." Mo Ting answered and asked, "have you finished the report I asked you to do?"

The secretary was stunned, nodded and said, "well done, I'll give it to you right away."

After the secretary went out, Mo Ting got up and went to the window.

There are flowers and plants on the window that Suo Qiang put for her. She said that she was afraid that she would be stuffy after staying in the office for a long time. More colors in her eyes are good for her body and mind.

Looking at those flowers and plants, Mo Ting's anger was aroused again.

"Liars, all liars!"

Hua La, Mo Ting all flowerpots fell to the ground.

"Mr. Mo, what's the matter with you?"

The Secretary and the assistant came to see the debris on the floor, and they were all stunned, then they retreated without saying a word.

At this time, they'd better not touch Mo Ting's head.

Mo Ting vented a pass, just sat down on the sofa tired.

She thought of the betrayal of her husband, and now the strong, only feel the heart bursts of blood.

In the end, she was surrounded by a reliable person.

"Mr. mo..."

After a long time, the secretary came in, put the report on the table and said, "Mr. Mo, I put the report on your table."

"Well." Mo Ting answered with a hoarse voice.

She put down the fatigue and pain in her heart, got up and sat down in the office chair, and began to deal with the company's affairs.

After combing all the details of the company, Mo Ting was surprised to find that a tentacle had been staring at her company half a month ago.

Who on earth would be lurking for such a long time in order to deal with her at this time?

Mo Ting followed that tentacle to check in the past, and finally found a familiar name - Lisa.

Seeing the name, Mo Ting suddenly froze.

It's Mo Sheng!

Why did Mo Sheng deal with her?

Mo Ting admits that she has not participated in the fight between Mo Sheng and Ning Jiwei, and doesn't think she is a threat to them.

Even she was ready to leave the whirlpool of Mo's family, why didn't Mo Sheng let her go?

If Mo Sheng is going to deal with her, it's probably just the beginning.

Think of here, Mo Ting can no longer sit, get up to take the bag on the hurry back home.

Whether her company can survive the disaster or not depends on what Mo Sheng means.


Half an hour later, Mo Ting returned to Mo's home. She didn't even enter her own door, so she rushed into the West courtyard.

Mo Sheng is chatting with Mo Xiujin and Mo Xiulin. He only remembered that he had not played the role of a good father for a long time after he knew that talilina was chatting with her two sons.

Mo Xiulin looks at Mo Sheng in awe. He is grateful and afraid of his father.

Compared with Mo Xiulin, Mo Xiujin is much more generous.

He didn't even notice Moll's look. He turned to Lisa and said, "I'll have some juice."

Lisa reached out and patted him on the shoulder and said, "no noise."

Mo Xiujin nuzui, looked up at Mo Sheng, said: "Dad, I want to drink juice."

Mo Sheng smiles, not angry, but affectionately hugs Mo Xiujin in his lap and says, "OK, a Jin wants to drink juice, right? What would you like to drink? "

"Well..." Mo Xiujin really thought of it, "strawberry."Mo Sheng took a look at Lisa and said, "didn't you hear that a Jin wants to drink strawberry juice? Go and get it for him

Seeing that Mo Sheng liked Mo Xiujin, Lisa was relieved and said with a smile, "OK, I'll get it right away."

Then he turned to Mo Xiulin and said, "where's Xiulin? What would you like to drink? "

"I..." Mo Xiulin hesitated, looked up to Lisa and said, "I also drink strawberry flavor."

"Well, good." Lisa nodded and turned to get something for the two children.

Mo Sheng holds Mo Xiujin and asks with a smile, "what's a Jin doing recently?"

"Well..." Mo Xiujin nibbled on the lollipop and said vaguely: "painting, fighting birds, and..."

After a pause, Mo Xiujin carefully looked at Mo Sheng's face and quickly added: "no, no, a Jin has been studying and practicing martial arts. He is absolutely not lazy."

"Ha ha ha ha!" Mo Sheng was amused by Mo Xiujin's appearance and said with a laugh: "it's OK, Dad allows us a Jin to be lazy."

When Mo Ting broke in, she heard Mo Sheng's laughter.

Mo Ting can't help but pause. How long has she not heard Mo Sheng laugh?

Even if it's a smile, it's often a cruel and sarcastic smile. When did you see Mo Sheng smile so freely?

Mo ting in the heart rises a suspicion, walked in.

See Mo Ting come in, Mo Sheng Dun, face smile Rong Dun when a close.

Mo Xiulin and Mo Xiujin also have eyes. As soon as they see someone coming in, they immediately stand up, salute Mo Sheng and run out.

When Lisa came in with two glasses of juice, she saw that the two children had already left. Only Mo Ting was standing in the living room.

Lisa pauses, puts the juice on the table and stands behind Moll.

Mo Sheng looked at Mo ting and asked coldly, "what's the matter?"

Seeing that he asked himself so coldly, Mo Ting said, "you don't know why I came here? Come on, why are you doing this to my company? "

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