After learning from Song Lu that there was a dungeon in the Song family, Song Xi and song Qiang couldn't sit still any longer. They immediately took song Lu and rushed to the Song family.

Song Lu didn't want to come back, but she couldn't resist song Qiang's and Song Xi's hard and soft actions. Finally, she went back to the Song family together.

The guard at the door will not stop song Lu when he sees her. But after Da Fangfang let song Lu in, the guard told Song Wei secretly.

In fact, by this time, Song Wei had learned from Lisa that song Lu and song Qiang had colluded with Song Xi.

But he didn't expect that they would act so soon, and still went back to the Song family so justly.

Thinking of song mu, who was still in the dungeon, Song Wei flashed a fierce look on his face and drove back as fast as he could.

After Song Lu led song Qiang and Song Xi into the house, he was very careful and didn't dare to go.

Seeing her weak and timid appearance, Song Xi despised her and said, "elder sister, don't look at it. Now that Song Wei is not at home, you can go boldly. If you linger a little longer and wait for Song Wei to come back, you will not be able to leave. "

Listening to Song Xi's words, song Lu was stunned and responded.

But she didn't want to admit her timidity, so she pretended, "I'm not timid. I'm just thinking about where my father was locked up."

Song Xi laughed and didn't speak.

Listening to Song Xi's laughter, song Lu just felt embarrassed, and he didn't hesitate any more. He led them to the dungeon.

Song Lu goes to the dungeon and sees two bodyguards guarding the door. She quickly finds a place to hide.

When song Qiang and Song Xi were thinking about how to distract the bodyguards, they suddenly heard the cry for help coming from the dungeon.

"That's dad's voice!" Song Qiang's face changed.

Song Xi, too, turned to look at Song Lu and said, "what are they doing? Did you torture dad in there? "

"What do you think I'll do? How do I know? " Song Lu turned her eyes.

At this time, the bodyguards outside the door listen to song Mu's cry for help, and finally feel that they can't go on like this.

Two people look at each other, ready to push the door in to see the situation.

But at the moment they pushed the door, there was only a loud noise, and then the force of the explosion rushed to the door, which drove them several meters away.

"Dad Song Xi and others were also affected by this residual force, and all poured out several meters away.

The busy nanny in the room heard the sound and ran out, only to see the fire.

"Madam..." Nanny Leng next, trot two steps to come forward, but afraid of the explosion will continue, hesitated, she did not rush past, but turned and ran back to his room.

Three minutes later, the nanny quickly packed her luggage and ran out of the Song family without looking back.

The Song family is in a mess. No matter song Mu and his wife or Song Wei and song Lu, everyone is abnormal.

If you stay here any longer, you will die one day.

Just after the nanny ran away, the two bodyguards who were hit by the explosion also woke up.

Two people look at each other, also effortlessly forward to check the situation, turn around and run.

They think the same as the nanny. If they don't run now, they will not be able to run in the future.

Song Xi and song Qiang got up and ran to the ruined dungeon.

Where are you crying

Song Qiang is also anxious face sweat, and is moving stones and looking for people.

It's not because of their love and filial piety for song mu, but because song Mu is their cash cow. Without song mu, their future life would not be as luxurious as before.

When Song Xi and song Qiang are busy looking for song mu, song Lu is not in a hurry.

She doesn't care about song Mu's life and death at all. She just wants to leave here quickly.


Song Lu was about to leave when he heard a cough.

Song Lu's footstep is stagnant, and turns to look at the sound source.

The next second, she suddenly changed her face and ran over, "Mom! Mother

Who else could Hu Jing be?

Hu Jing opened her eyes, looked at her daughter in front of her, and said with a smile: "Lulu, are you back?"

"Mom, what's going on? Why is that? " Song Jing did not dare to cry in any part of her body.

Hu Jing breathed softly: "if I can see you again before I die, I'll be relieved to know that you have a good life."

"Mom..." Song Lu is already crying.

She has no feelings for song mu. Since she knew that song Mu had so many illegitimate children, she didn't care about the father any more.

In this family, only Hu Jing is good to her.

Song Qiang and Song Xi rummaged for a long time, and finally found song Mu's body in the ruins.Looking at the dead song mu, song Xichong shook his head.

As soon as song Qiang's face turned black, he turned to song Lu and Hu Jing.

"Ma..." Song Lu is crying when he sees song Qiang coming and grabbing Hu Jing's hair.

"What are you doing? Asshole, let go of my mother Song Lu angrily scolded, stood up and rushed to song Qiang.

"Get out of here!" Song Qiang hums coldly, kicks away song Lu, grabs Hu Jing and scolds, "damned woman, did you do something good? Do you know that I only found here after looking for so much? "

Song Lu looks at Hu Jing, who is dying, being held in Song Qiang's hand, and her heart suddenly rises with anger and hatred that she has never had before.

Regardless of the pain of being kicked in her lower abdomen, she gritted her teeth and yelled at Song Qiang again, "let go of my mother, let go of her!"

Song Xi stood aside and looked at the scene coldly. He said coldly, "Song Qiang, let's go. There is no need to stay here any longer. "

If you stay any longer, it's time for Songwei to come back.

"Damn it." Song Qiang is not reconciled to scold, throw Hu Jing on the ground.

"Ma!" Song Lu shouts and rushes towards Hu Jing.

She didn't have the speed and strength to hold Hu Jing, so she could only fall on the gravel as a meat mat, and let Hu Jing fall on her.

Seeing that song Lu was so embarrassed, song Qiang stepped on her head with a sneer and said, "anyway, you're useless. Just stay here and die with your mother. It's a waste of time. I've called you so many times, sister. Bah

"Song Qiang, that's enough. Let's go!" Song Xi urged Tao.

"Go?" A gloomy male voice came from Song Xi.

Song Xi is stiff all over, slowly turns his head, but sees that Song Wei doesn't know when to stand in front of her.

Song Wei's eyes were full of cold light. He pulled out a cruel smile from the corner of his lip, reached for Song Xi's neck and said, "where do you want to go?"

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