Smell Yan Jian Haixi smile to refuse a way: "need not trouble, actually I already strolled almost, this went back."

Dou min and Dou Dou are stunned at the same time. They look at Jian Haixi with different complexities in their eyes.

Dou min didn't expect that Jian Haixi would refuse herself. After all, Jian Haixi just arrived at Dou's house, and she was needed to help her with everything. As long as Jian Haixi was a little worried, she could only be polite to her.

And Dou Dou is clear, he just for Dou MINMING secretly excuse those words provoked jianhaixi unhappy.

No, it should be said that Jian Haixi is not unhappy, but he has been rezoned out of the scope of trust.

Dou Dou gritted his teeth and said to Jian Haixi, "sister Haixi, I'll take you back..."

"No need." Jian Haixi waved his hand and said, "just accompany me, Qiao Zheng. Don't you have something to say? Go ahead. "

After that, Jian Haixi doesn't wait for Dou Dou and Dou min to answer. She looks at Qiao Zheng and turns away.

She can see Dou min's hostility and Dou Dou's dilemma in the middle.

If you put it in the past, maybe jianhaixi would bear it a little, or use a more euphemistic way to deal with it.

But now all she wants is how to deal with talina and her forces and protect the people she cares about.

When her life is at stake, how can she still care about these little disputes?

Being able to treat Dou Canghai and Nan Yan politely in Dou GE's face is Jian Haixi's cultivation and the limit she can tolerate and do.

Looking at Jian Haixi's figure leaving, Dou min hums coldly: "I take myself seriously too. Do you think this is Xiangcheng?"

Dou Dou looked at her and said in a cold voice, "Dou min, you take yourself too seriously and you don't take her seriously, do you?"

"What did you say?" Dou Min said coldly.

Dou Dou pulled off the corner of his lip, looked at Dou min's stubborn appearance, sneered and shook his head, and said: "sister min, I think you used to take care of me. I have told you more than once not to provoke her. But you don't listen. In that case, you might as well try to see whether the young Lord is facing you or jianhaixi. "

After that, Dou didn't say much and turned to chase jianhaixi.

He also has to apologize to jianhaixi. If jianhaixi doesn't believe him in Dou's house from now on, it's no small matter.

Looking at Dou Dou's figure, Dou min gritted his teeth and said: "it's just a face. What's so proud of it?"

Jian Haixi went back to her room. As soon as she sat down, Dou Dou came in a hurry. As soon as she saw her, she knelt on the ground.

"What are you doing?" she asked

"Sister Haixi, I really wanted to help sister min just now, but that doesn't mean I have a different heart for you. I hope you don't get me wrong." Dou explained.

Jian Haixi pauses and raises her hand to Qiao Zheng. Qiao Zheng understands and moves the chair over.

"Sit down first." Jian Haixi pointed to the chair to Dou doudao.

Dou Yiyan sits down.

Jian Haixi looked at him and said, "Dou Dou, you are a very smart child. Then guess what I came here for?"

Dou Dou Leng next way: "cooperate with Dou family, kill talilina."

This is something everyone in the Dou family knows.

"Not bad." Jane Haixi said with a smile, "do you think talina is an easy opponent to kill?"

Dou Dou shakes his head. Many years ago, Dou Ge once defeated talilina. At that time, people thought she was dead, but they didn't expect her to rise again after so many years of dormancy.

Compared with other forces, talilina's power may not be the biggest, but it must be the most terrible.

"Since there is such a powerful opponent, how can I have time to take care of other things?" Jianhaixi road.

Dou Douwei was stunned and said with some guilt: "sister Haixi, I'm sorry, sister min, she actually..."

"I don't care what she thinks, I don't care." Jian Haixi raised his hand and interrupted Dou Dou's words, saying gently: "my family is now threatened by life, and my purpose here is to eradicate this threat and protect them to survive. I don't care about anything other than that. "

Dou Dou was stunned and hesitated to ask, "if sister min offends you later..."

"As long as she doesn't delay my affairs, I won't care about some small things, but if she is rebellious, I won't turn a blind eye to them." Jian Haixi looked directly at Dou Dou and said, "Dou Dou, I'm not a good man. I hope you understand that."

Dou a meal, busy bow should way: "I understand the sea river elder sister."

"If you understand, go back." Jianhaixi road.

Dou Dou stood up, went to the door, but stopped. He looked back at Jian Haixi and asked, "sister Haixi, are you Won't believe me? "

Jian Haixi said with a smile, "will you believe me, Dou Dou?"


"Don't rush to answer." Jian Haixi interrupted Dou's words: "trust is mutual and has numerical value. We will not be stingy of this kind of trust in unimportant daily life. But we can't rely on our livesShe can't have no reason to trust Dou Dou. After all, judging from the current situation, if she encounters something that needs to be chosen, Dou Dou will definitely choose Dou min instead of her.

She didn't like the feeling of being betrayed all the time.

So even if she doesn't have an opinion on Dou Dou, she won't deliver it to him in a big event.

Just like Dou Dou would not trust her now.

Dou Dou stayed for a moment, nodded deeply to Jian Haixi, and then turned to leave.

He understood what Jian Haixi meant, so he didn't ask for an explanation.

After Dou Dou leaves, Qiao Zheng looks at Jian Haixi with a desire to talk and stop.

Jian Haixi looked at him and said with a smile, "brother Qiao, you can say whatever you want."

Qiao Zheng hesitated: "Miss, why doesn't the Dou family look so peaceful?"

"It's the same everywhere." Jian Haixi said: "as long as there are more people in any big family, they will have their own thoughts."

Qiao Zheng shriveled mouth way: "Qiao family does not have."

As soon as the voice fell, Qiao Zheng suddenly stopped.

Because he remembered that when Jian Haixi's mother Qiao Sui was still there, Qiao's family was not so peaceful.

Today's Qiao family is harmonious because Qiao Sui is gone, Qiao Qinghe's wife has passed away, and Jian Haixi is not involved in the Qiao family's resource competition. Therefore, all the Qiao family members have no opinions on accepting Jian Haixi.

Jianhaixi see Qiao Zheng silent, probably also guess what he thought of, she did not say more on this matter, just said with a smile: "big brother Qiao, today's things don't need to mention with Dou Ge."

Qiao Zheng Leng next way: "that Dou min this matter is not have no way to solve?"

Jian Haixi shook his head and said, "I think Dou Ge will solve it. We don't need to get involved in other people's housework."

"Yes, miss." Qiao Zheng answers a way.

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