Mo Jue smiles, crumples Jian Yi's hair rudely and says, "little boy, thank you for what? Go to bed quickly. "

"Oh." Jian Yi turns over and gets into the bed.

During their time out, Mo Jue has been sleeping with Jian Yi for his safety.

Seeing that Mo Jue didn't mean to sleep, Jian Yi asked, "Uncle Mo Jue, don't you sleep?"

Mo Jue shook his head and said, "I'll talk to your father on the phone."

"Call Daddy?" Jian Yi was stunned, her face changed slightly and said, "if daddy knew I came out, he would be angry."

"I used to, but now isn't it a coincidence?" Mo Jue said with a sly smile to Jian Yi, "don't worry. I'm sure your father won't be angry and will not let you go back."

Jian Yi blinks. He doesn't know why Mo Jue is so sure, but since Mo Jue says so, Jian Yi is relieved.

Mo Jue turns to help Jian Yi tuck in the corner and says, "go to sleep. Your father doesn't necessarily get angry when he knows you're sneaking out, but you may lose your temper if you don't have a rest so late."

"Oh ~" Jane Yi answers cleverly, closes her eyes and goes to sleep.

After Jian Yi fell asleep, Mo Jue walked to the door lightly. Because he was worried about Jian Yi's safety, he didn't close the door completely.

After going out of the door, Mo first lit a cigarette. As a result, he coughed as soon as he took two puffs.

Mo Jue choked out his eyes and covered the wound on his chest with a bitter smile.

His injury is not good. He can't smoke at this time.

After a thorough cough, Mo Jue called Ning Jiwei.

As soon as the phone rang, the other party picked it up.

"Mo Jue said with a smile:" I knew you must not sleep

Ji Weining asked, "what's the matter?"

Mo Jue leaned against the wall and said lazily, "I know about Haixi."

Ning Ji Wei Leng next, for a long time, should a way: "mm."

"What do you think?" Mo Jue asked.

"What else can I think?" Ning Jiwei said with a bitter smile: "Haixi has done this for me. Can't I control my emotions? Isn't that a waste of her mind? "

Mojue relaxed his way: "you understand, as long as you can press your heart and not be impatient, the overall situation will not change."

Ning Jiwei rubbed his eyebrows and said: "I've tried to persuade myself many times, and I've heard Chen Yi advise me countless times. Do you call me in the middle of the night to persuade me?"

"Ha ha." Mo Jue said with a light smile, "I'm just trying to persuade you by the way. I have something else to do with you."

"What's the matter?" Asked Ning Jiwei.


Mo Jue hesitated, thought and said: "a good thing, a bad thing, which do you listen to first?"

"Bad things." What Ning Jiwei doesn't want to do.

Mo Jue choked, stopped for two seconds and then said to Ning Jiwei, "otherwise, you'd better listen to the good news first?"

If he first told Ning Jiwei about Jian Yi's presence here, it is estimated that Ning Jiwei will come and beat him up now.

Ning Jiwei snorted: "whatever, say it quickly."

Mo Jue said with a smile, "I'm not in the villa now."

"Well?" Ning Ji Wei Leng next, very quick reaction comes over, frown way: "where did you go?"

Mo Jue said with a smile, "guess what?"

Ning Jiwei was silent for a few seconds and said in a cold voice, "you won't go to talilina, will you?"

“bingo!” Mojue snapped his fingers and said, "congratulations on your guess. How about it? Is it good news for you?"

Ning Jiwei is slightly stunned. When Mo Jue thinks that he will be happy immediately and asks himself to go to talilina to get the antidote, he hears Ning Jiwei say: "I don't know."

Did not hear the answer in the imagination, Mo Jue was surprised instead, "hmm? hear nothing of? Hello, Ning Jiwei, you are stupid. I can help you get the antidote for your daughter-in-law. "

Ning Jiwei sighed, leaned back in his chair and said, "I know that when I first heard what you said, my first thought was really this. I don't know how serious Haixi's poison is, and how long it will take mikai to prepare the antidote. If someone can get the antidote directly from talilina, I will really feel relieved. "

"Then it's over. Why do you hesitate?" Mo Jue asked with a smile.

Ning Jiwei said in a deep voice: "mojue, your injury is not good, I don't want you to take risks."

After a pause, Ning Jiwei continued: "and with your entanglement with talilina, if you fail, you will only suffer from her. If you win, you will still leave a scar in your heart. Although I am concerned about the safety of Haixi, I don't want you to be so. "

Did not expect to hear Ning Jiwei this words, Mo Jue Leng next, the corner of the lip raised a sincere smile way: "originally you so care about me ah, this if let Haixi know, also can't be jealous?"

Ning Jiwei said in a deep voice, "mojue, I'm not joking with you.""I know." Mo Jue chuckled and said: "Ning Jiwei, I know your concerns, but I have said that for a long time, I have my thoughts. Talilina, I have to die. "

"Mo Jue, you..."

"Bad news."

Ning Jiwei wanted to say more, but Mo Jue interrupted him and said, "Ning Jiwei, guess who else is around me?"


Ning Jiwei was stunned. For a moment, he didn't catch up with mojue's topic. After a while, he frowned and said, "you won't be with talilina now, will you?"

"Ha." Mo Jue laughed and said, "well In a way, your conjecture is a bit off the mark. I do sleep in the same bed with him these days. "

Ning Jiwei is stunned. It's not talina. Who would it be? And Mo will eat and live with that man

An idea flashed through his mind, which made Ning Jiwei stand up from his chair, "Yi Yi!"

Besides Jian Yi, who else is worthy of "Guessing"? And mojue can know what happened in jianhaixi so soon.

If Jian Yi is with Mo Jue, it makes sense.

Ning Jiwei's heart trembles at the thought of Jian Yi following Mo Jue. "Mo Jue, you son of a bitch..."

Don't laugh and lift the mobile phone away.

It seems that he overestimated Ning Jiwei.

Originally, I thought that I would tell Ning Jiwei that he could help to get the antidote, and then talk about Jian Yi, so Ning Jiwei would not be so angry.

The result did not expect that Ning Jiwei was not only angry, but also very angry.

Listening to Ning Jiwei's roar, Mo Jue rolled his eyes and walked into the room with his mobile phone. He patted Jian Yi's arm and said, "I know you're not sleeping. Come on, squeak."

Jian Yi opens her eyes without a trace of sleepiness.

When he received the mobile phone, Ning Jiwei still asked aloud: "mojue, how can you take my son without telling me? I'll tell you... "

"Daddy ~"


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