Jian Yi finds a secluded house according to the address she found on the Internet. He checks the sign on the next door to make sure it's right. Then he reaches out and rings the doorbell.

Soon, an old man came to open the door for Jian Yi. The old man looks grey haired, but he is full of spirit, so he is not old, on the contrary, he is full of wisdom.

Jian Yi looks up at the old man clearly and compares the information she has checked on the Internet.

Well, that's him.

He is his father, Ning Jiwei. Fu zuoan, who is the closest person in the world, was once a soldier. Later, he rose to the position of chief step by step and finally retired.

A lot of credit has been made during this period.

Although Ning Jiwei did not join the army, this man had a great influence on him in his life, even greater than his own father.

So, Jian Yi wants to see him!

When Fu zuoan opened the door, he didn't see anyone at first sight. He was confused and ready to close the door, but suddenly he heard a tender voice.

"Here I am."

He was stunned. He looked down and saw a little man standing in front of him with a schoolbag and two large bottles of oil.


Fu zuoan was startled by Jian Yi, but fortunately he was calm and soon calmed down. Looking at Jian Yi, he asked, "little friend, who are you looking for?"

Because there is not such a child in his own family and people he knows, he thinks that the little boy in front of him should be lost or looking for someone.

With a smile, Jian Yi squints, shakes her head, looks at the old man and says, "Grandpa, I'm here for you."

"To me?" Fu zuoan was a little surprised when he heard Jian Yi's words. He looked at him more and more, but he was more and more shocked because he looked like a man.

"You It can't be Ning Jiwei's... " Yes, it's very similar to Ning Jiwei!

Ning Jiwei was sent to him when he was six or seven years old, because the boy was weak and sick. His father hoped that he could follow his own experience, and that he would only have a good body.

This little guy's appearance, if not for his old eyes, is really very similar to that of Ning Jiwei at that time.

But Ning Jiwei was thin at that time. This boy was stronger.

"Yes, I'm Ning Jiwei's son, grandfather. How do you know?" Jian Yi took his words and said.

What's more, Ji Wei'an doesn't look like a liar when he looks at him.

Fu zuoan was silent for a moment. He opened the door with a smile and let Jian Yi in. "Little guy, you come in first."

Jian Yi smiles. Instead of entering the room at the first time, she first scores with two barrels of oil and then walks in.

When he put down his schoolbag, Fu zuoan looked at him with a smile and said, "little guy, I haven't heard of when Ning Jiwei had a son."

Although he had guessed in his mind, it was better to confirm.

Jian Yi picked an eyebrow and asked calmly, "don't you recognize me at the first sight?"

paid as like as two peas, and laughed. "Because you look so much alike, you are just the same as Ningtai Wei."

There is no doubt that this is my son

Fu zuoan squinted, suddenly reacted and said angrily, "well, did your father call you here? Ning Jiwei's wings are hard. He dares not to tell me when he gets married! Do you really think I can't deal with Alzheimer's? This son of a bitch

"Don't be angry, Grandpa."

Seeing that the old man was angry, Jian Yi went forward with a smile, helped the old man by the hand, helped him sit down on the sofa, and explained, "my father is not to blame for this, because he doesn't know my existence."

"What?" The old man frowned and said, "nonsense, how can a father not know his son exists? Little doll, you can't help your father coax my old man. "

"I mean it."

Jian Yi explained: "I Baba don't know my existence, and I'm not alone. I have a sister and my mother. I can't decide whether to recognize him or not until I have made a comprehensive investigation."

Fu zuoan gasps at the corner of his mouth. After all, he's a man who's seen big waves. After listening to Jian Yi's words, he probably knows what's going on.

Together with Ning Jiwei, he did some stupid things when he was young. So far, he didn't know that he had such a stupid debt.

Looking at Jian Yi, Fu zuoan is even more moved. If most children knew that their father was a chief executive, they would have rushed forward long ago, but the villain in front of them was calm and rational.

He's been a soldier all his life. He's very resourceful. It's the second time he's seen such a precocious kid.When Ji Weining was delivered to him for the first time.

But at that time, Ning Jiwei was in poor health, coughing, wheezing, where the child was so full of breath.

Fu zuoan takes a meaningful look at Jian Yi and soon understands why the boy has found him.

Since it's an "all-round investigation" of Ning Jiwei, it's of course necessary to come here to understand the situation.

To understand the purpose of Jian Yi's coming, the old man smiles, coughs twice and puts on airs.

"Little fellow, at least the chief retired. It's not so easy for you to set me up."

Jian Yi's face is still calm and not frightened by him.

Fu zuoan squinted at him and said, "if you want to know about Ning Jiwei, you have to show some skills."

Looking at the old man, Jian Yi nodded and said, "this is no problem. I can program and write with a calculator. I have passed CET-4 in English. I can speak Italian, Russian and French. What do you want to test me for?"

"Don't try to deal with those empty heads." The old man waved his hand, touched his chin and said, "my old man likes to drink two small drinks."

Jian Yi blinked and said calmly, "I'm a minor. I can't drink."

Fu zuoan put out his finger and knocked on his forehead and said, "who wants you to drink with me? I want you to get two drinks and vegetables, will you?"

"Oh." Jian Yi nodded to show that she understood.

Fu zuoan waved his hand, pointed to the direction of the kitchen and said, "go, go. I'll have a drink later. I'll talk to you while I drink."

Jian Yi nods and goes to the kitchen.

looked at Jane as like as two peas, and shook his head with a sigh. He was indeed ningwei's son. Even when he faced the same postgraduate entrance exam, the reactions of the two were identical.

Ning Jiwei, who was so young at that time, was also so calm and surprising when facing him.

Fu zuoan looks at Jian Yi busy in the kitchen with a satisfied look in his eyes.


because of Xu Hui's arrangement, Ning Jikang returned home after all.

After learning that Ning Jikang and Wen Qingnuan had returned home, Ning Jiwei only sneered and turned a deaf ear to the news. He only made people pay attention to the news of the hospital. Once Ning Fubang had news, he would be informed immediately.

After learning that Ning Fubang woke up, Ning Jiwei told the nurse to take care of him carefully, and then drove back to the hospital.

On the way back to the hospital, Ning Jiwei took out his mobile phone, opened wechat and saw the message sent to him by Jian Haixi.

Many items, each of which reported in detail the company's affairs during his absence. She even sorted out some things more carefully than Li Fu.

Looking at these information, Ning Jiwei can't help bending his mouth. He can't help imagining Jian Haixi's expression when she knocks these words, and her busy look when she looks up and sorts out all kinds of documents.

Thinking of these, Ning Jiwei has a kind of unspeakable warmth in his heart.

When we got to the parking lot of the hospital, Ning Jiwei had just stopped the car and had no time to get off, a slim figure appeared outside the door.

People outside the car took the lead in opening the door. Before Ning Jiwei could react, he dived into his arms and called in his ears in a tender voice: "Ah Wei ~"

Ning Jiwei's body was stiff, and the familiar body fragrance from the woman in his arms made him frown in disgust.

Hearing the warmth of love around Ning Jiwei's neck, he rubbed his chest vaguely, and said affectionately, "Ah Wei, I'm back ~"




in the living room, Jian Yi put plates of delicious dishes on the table with her apron.

When it was all done, he untied his apron and came out.

Fu zuoan thought that he was coming to sit down, and he waved to him with a smile. However, Jian Yi did not sit down at the first time. Instead, she carefully arranged the chopsticks for the old man, and then poured him some wine before sitting down.

Fu zuoan looks at Jian Yi, who is polite and cultivated in everything from cooking to entertaining. He can't help nodding with satisfaction.

After tasting Jian Yi's cooking skills, Fu zuoan looks at him not only with satisfaction, but with shock.

"Grandpa, are you so shocked because I'm better than my father?" Jian Yi raised her chin with pride and said with a smile, "was his performance not as good as mine?"

As for Fu zuoan's test of him, Jian Yi doesn't have to think much about it. He must have tested Ning Jiwei in the same way that year, so he was asked to cook.

Fu zuoan is not surprised that Jian Yi sees his intention. If Ning Jiwei's son can't see his mind, he will be disappointed.

Fu zuoan laughed, picked up the chopsticks and chucked the spicy chicken. He nodded his head with satisfaction and said, "the little guy has a good craftsmanship. He's really better than your father."

"Hee hee ~" Jian Yi asked with a smile, "what kind of food did my Baba make in those years?"

"He?" Fu zuoan said with a laugh: "he made a plate of fried peanuts in those years, and the peanuts were fried. It's far worse than you!"Although he said that, the old man's words to Ning Jiwei did not mean to ridicule and criticize, on the contrary, he was more loving and doting.

Looking at Jian Yi, Fu zuoan asked curiously, "but little guy, how can you cook so many good dishes when you are young?"

Jian Yi said with pride: "I will do more than that! In the past, Mommy took us abroad very hard. She was busy working very late every day. She often went home to finish dinner for us and worked overtime until midnight. So in order to lighten the burden on mummy, I learned to cook. "

Fu zuoan nodded, sighed, reached for his head and asked, "it's hard for you to be so sensible at a young age. It's hard."

If Mami shook her head, she would not take care of me when we grow up

Fu zuoan laughed, lovingly pinched his face and boasted: "good boy!"

Jian Yi accepted his praise with a smile, and then cleverly added another dish to him, saying, "Grandpa, try this."

The old man tasted it and said with satisfaction: "delicious! It's better than my chef's cooking! "

Jian Yi is happy to see that he is satisfied.

It's really good that he can make Baba respect his father's old chief.

"By the way, little one." Just now, Jane asked, "what kind of chopsticks do you eat? What kind of chopsticks do you have..." He said Fu zuoan, which was not very polite to the children. He quickly changed his words and said, "no, I asked if you and your sister are the same father?"

Is that understandable?

Jian Yi nodded and said, "of course, my sister and I are twins."


When Fu zuoan heard this, his eyes were brighter, and he even had the impulse to see the little girl immediately.

"And your sister? Why didn't she come? "

Jian Yi said, "she's in kindergarten. I asked for leave of my own. I haven't told her about my father, so it's not convenient to bring her to see you. When it's over, you can see her any way you want."

"Ha ha!" Fu zuoan said with a smile: "good boy, I still like my sister!"

Know to hide the uncertain things first, and then tell the little girl when everything has a clear result, this is the style of being a brother.

Jane Yi naturally said, "my sister was meant to be spoiled."

Although Jianrui was very sticky sometimes, he never felt annoyed by his sister, and never thought that he should not take responsibility for her sister.

In his opinion, his family should be responsible for him, jianhaixi and Jianrui should be cosseted.

But now with Ning Jiwei, it's another story.

Fu zuoan asked again, "does your sister look like you? Is she so sensible? "

Jane Yi shook her head: "my sister's eyes are bigger than mine, she is very beautiful, her character is more lively than mine, and she is very attractive."

"That's good." Fu zuoan nodded. If he wanted to be as calm and mature as Jian Yi, the child would be tired.

Next, Fu zuoan asked many questions about Jianrui, and Jianyi answered them one by one.

Jian Yi also asks about Ning Jiwei when he was a child, and the old man knows all about it.

The more they talked, the more Fu zuoan liked Jian Yi and said frankly, "little guy, when are you going to tell your father the good news?"

He can't wait to see Ning Jiwei's face when he knows the truth.

But Jian Yi said, "it's not the right time, Grandpa. You know what happened at Baba's house."

Fu zuoan's eyebrows are slightly raised. Unexpectedly, Jian Yi even knows this.

"You don't have to worry about those things. If that boy can't even deal with these things, and can't even control a Ning family, then he's useless."

Jian Yi nodded and said, "I know he can handle it, but it will be very hard. I don't want him to work so hard."

Fu zuoan said with a laugh: "now I begin to love him?"


Jian Yi nodded: "and now that Ning Jikang is coming back, I don't think the most troublesome thing is Ning's stall, but the one called Wen Qingnuan."


Hearing the name of Qingnuan, Fu zuoan gave a cold hum, took a sip of the wine, and laughed twice.




Jian Rui is playing checkers with Gu Xiaomian.

As the last marble returned to its original position, Jianrui raised her hands excitedly and said, "Yeah, I won!"

Gu Xiaomian simple and honest smile, with the thumb: "pistil pistil you really smart!"

Jian ruijiao snorted and stretched out her palm to Gu Xiaomian, "cut the crap and get the chocolate!""Well, here you are." Gu Xiaomian takes out a whole box of chocolates and hands it to Jianrui.

Ask Gu Xiaomian what he must bring to school every day. It's not a schoolbag, it's not a textbook, it's chocolate.

The reason is very simple, because Jianrui likes to eat.

Looking at the chocolate he handed over, Jianrui tooted her mouth, opened the box and took only three, and then returned all the remaining chocolates to him.

"Don't break the rules of the game. We agreed to win chocolate with checkers. I only won you three marbles, so I only took you three chocolates."

Gu Xiaomian scratched his head and said, "Ruirui, is it necessary to be so troublesome? Anyway, if you go on playing, you will win. "

"That won't do!"

Jianrui said boldly: "we should abide by the rules of the game, otherwise if I take your chocolate in vain, my mom and brother will say I am."

“…… All right

Although she doesn't know Jianrui's truth, Gu Xiaomian is already very happy when she can play with herself, so now she doesn't have any complaints.

"Then we'll come again."

"Come again!"

While eating chocolate, Jianrui rolled up her sleeves with interest.

They played a few more games. There is no doubt that Jianrui won.

Gu Xiaomian said: "Ruirui, you are too good at playing this. I can't play you."

Jianrui shrugged her nose and said, "that's very powerful? Then you haven't seen my brother playing. What I'm playing now is what he left behind. "

"Ah? My brother is so powerful? " Gu Xiaomian asked. He didn't feel anything wrong with his appellation.

Jianrui poked his forehead and said, "if you want to call me that in front of my brother, it's time for him to hit you again."

"Haha ~" Gu Xiaomian, with a smile, rubbed the place that was poked by Jianrui and said, "I know you won't tell my brother. You are the best to me, Ruirui!"

"Cut ~" Jian Rui rolled her eyes, "I thought you were stupid, for fear that you would be beaten too much by my brother."

"Haha ~"

Gu Xiaomian still giggles.

Jianrui reached out and patted his fat face. She peeled a chocolate and put it into his mouth and said, "I'll giggle."

Gu Xiaomian chewed the chocolate and asked curiously, "Ruirui, aren't you curious about what our brother is doing? Why don't you worry? "

"What's to worry about?"

Jianrui eyebrows pick pick, of course: "my brother is so smart, he can do anything."


Gu Xiaomian frowned and asked, "but aren't you afraid that he will be targeted by bad people? My little dad said that there are many bad people in the society. Some of them are special for catching children. "

Jane gave him a white look and said, "your little father said it was a child, but is my brother an ordinary child? What's your IQ? You may not be able to find a better one from the University. Fight for it? My brother taekwondo black belt, also can judo, usually he hit you all save effort, if really hit you, you don't know how many ribs broken

"My brother What a cow

Gu Xiaomian listens to Jianrui's words, only feels that his world outlook has been refreshed.

Jian Yi, who works with him every day, turns out to be a god level Duan! And he himself is just a little bronze

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