Mo Xiuyu clenched his cheek and lowered his head.

Seeing Mo Xiuyu's stern look, Gu Chenyi said with a smile: "what's the matter, boy, are you afraid?"

"I'm not!" Mo Xiuyu said with red eyes: "I'm just, just..."

He's just worried about ninjivi.

If he did this, and there were so many people in the Mo family, he would not be in danger.

But Ning Jiwei is different. He is alone. If Mo Sheng finds his whereabouts, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Haijian can even be dangerous.

Mo Xiuyu bowed his head. The key to the success of this event lies in him.

Ning Jiwei gives him such an important task, which makes Mo Xiuyu happy and makes him heavy at the same time.

He was afraid that he would fail to live up to Ning Jiwei's expectations and trust in him.

Ning Jiwei looked at Mo Xiuyu so, pulled down the corner of his lip, came forward and patted him on the shoulder and said: "don't worry, after I leave, you just listen to Chen Yi. It doesn't matter if you really wear a pair. Your brother and I are not precious soft persimmons. It's not so easy to find me, no matter Mo Sheng or talilina. "

Mo Xiuyu nodded, looked at Ning Jiwei and said, "brother, when will you leave?"

"Today." Ning Jiwei said: "this matter should be done sooner rather than later. Let's make a detailed plan."

Mo Wanshan listened to Ning Jiwei's words and thought, "Jiwei, I listen to what you say. The Dou family can't completely believe it, can they?"

Ning Jiwei nodded and said: "Dou Ge, Dou Ming brothers are trustworthy, others in the Dou family You can't trust everything when it comes to interests. "

Mo Wanshan frowned and asked, "what if you are in trouble?"

"I'll be careful." Ning Jiwei said: "besides, even if something happens, I will join Haixi first."

Mo Wanshan nodded and said to Ning Jiwei, "you should pay attention to safety. What's more, you should see what help Haixi needs. If she wants to come back, it's better to bring her back. A girl's home is outside. It's too dangerous."

Ning Jiwei grinned bitterly and didn't say much.

The next morning, people gathered to discuss the next countermeasures.

After Ji Weining asked him to make up, he began to make up.

In the past, in case they were prepared to wear a mask that was consistent with Ning Jiwei's appearance, what they need to do now is to refine the mask and make sure that Mo Xiuyu can imitate other details.

Gu Chenyi looked at Ning Jiwei and said, "I'll tell you why you asked me to make your own avatar before. It turns out that you wanted to do it for a long time."

Ning Jiwei shook his head and said, "it was just in case at that time. I didn't expect that it was really useful now."

Gu Chenyi reached out and patted him on the shoulder and said, "OK, the matter has been discussed almost. You can go."

Ning Jiwei nods and doesn't talk nonsense. After simply packing, he quietly leaves Mo's home.

A moment later, Mo Xiuyu came out wearing Ning Jiwei's head.

Gu Chenyi came forward, looked at him up and down, and did not speak.

Mo Xiuyu asked nervously: "how, how?"

His voice has also undergone special treatment. A voice changer has been installed in his throat. It sounds similar to Ning Jiwei's voice.

Gu Chenyi shook his head and said, "it's ok if you don't open your mouth. As soon as you open your mouth, you'll find out. Do you think Ning Jiwei will ask others what they think of him?"

Mo Xiuyu was slightly stunned. He lowered his head and was a little annoyed.

Gu Chenyi said with a smile: "Xiuyu, you just need to remember one thing. From now on, you are Ning Jiwei, the future owner of Mo family, and the only one who can compete with Mo Sheng. From this identity, you can understand what your words and deeds should be like

Mo Xiuyu took a deep breath, straightened his back and said, "I understand. Chen Yi."

Gu Chenyi nodded and said: "it's almost the same. By the way, here are some videos of Ning Jiwei. You can see that he has no characteristics. He is used to keeping a straight face. You don't have to make any facial expressions."

"I see." Mo Xiuyu nodded.

Gu Chenyi told him, then turned to Mo Wanshan and said, "Mr. Mo, please find an excuse for Xiuyu's mother. Besides, if there is any trouble in the future, it's up to you to give us a cover. "

Mo Wanshan waved his hand and said with a smile: "I really want you to trouble me more, but you children are too capable, and what I can do is too limited. If you have anything to do in the future, just look for me. Ji Wei used to be reluctant to trouble me, but now he's not here. It's just that he can help me. "

"Ha ha, I'm welcome." Gu Chenyi said with a smile.


while Ning Jiwei is planning to leave Xiangcheng, Mo Sheng is also quietly carrying out his plan.

On this day, Lisa once again took song Lu and Tong Si to dinner together, and the dinner place was in Song Lu and Song Wei's apartment.Tong Si has a psychological shadow over Song Wei, but she wants to curry favor with Lisa more than the fear of Song Wei, so she hesitates for two minutes and agrees.

When Tong Si arrived at the apartment, Lisa had a table of good food and wine ready. Seeing Tong Si come in, she immediately got up with a smile and said, "we are here at last."

Tong Si said with a gentle smile, "sister Lisa."

"Come in, come in, I'll be waiting for you." Lisa warmly takes Tong Si by the hand and leads her into the room.

Tong Si changes her shoes at the door and follows Lisa in. It's not until she gets to the restaurant that she finds that Song Wei is also there.

Seeing Song Wei for a moment, Tong Si can't help but freeze there and doesn't speak.

Her fear of Song Wei almost became instinct. She thought that even if the dinner party was in this apartment, Song Wei would not be at home.

In addition, Lisa and song Lu both know that her rejection of Song Wei should not make Song Wei appear.

So before Tong Si came, he was not prepared to meet Song Wei here.

At the moment, she and Song Wei's eyes were opposite, almost instinctively wanted to escape, but her feet could not move as if they were nailed to the ground.

When Lisa saw her like this, she turned her eyes and said with a smile, "Sisi, I know there is some misunderstanding between you and awei, but it's all over, isn't it? We are all our own people in the future. I'm thinking that if we don't untie the knot between you, it will be embarrassing for us to cooperate in the future. So today I invite you here for another purpose, which is to solve the contradiction between you and Ah Wei. "

Lisa said to Song Wei, "come here."

"Oh, yes." Song Wei answered with a smile, got up and walked over.

As he approaches step by step, Tong Si can't help but want to retreat, but her wrist is held by Lisa.

If she stepped back now, it would be a rebuttal to Lisa.

No doubt, Lisa's face is still shaking, which means she doesn't want to stand on the spot.

Song Wei stops one meter in front of Tong Si. He looks down at Tong Si, and his eyes look like the shadow of a sword.

Tong Si felt his eyes, lowered his head and did not dare to look at him.

Lisa said with a smile: "Sisi, I know that Ah Wei did some stupid things before, but it's all gone. Besides, didn't you end up with David's old boss? Besides, Ah Wei didn't take advantage of it. The Song family got into a lot of trouble because of it. Even Lulu fell down because of you. You're even, right? "

That's what she said, but Tong Si can tell that Lisa's meaning is that she has something wrong with her. If she hadn't insisted on cooperating with Ning Jiwei to escape from David, song Lu would not have been given to David as a gift, and she would not have met Su Daqiang, so that she would have fallen into such a dilemma. And the Song family won't annoy David. Although Lisa song's words didn't sound like an indirect cause, it didn't sound like an indirect cause.

Tong Si is a victim, but in Lisa's words, she seems to owe Song Wei and song Lu.

But she didn't dare to tell Lisa. After all, for Lisa, Song Wei and song Lu are her own people, and she hasn't entered their group yet.

Tong Si clenched his teeth, feeling resentful and oppressive.

But she is a smart person in the end. She knows that if she wants to get something, she must pay the corresponding price.

Since she wants to be attached to Mo Sheng, she will have to deal with Song Wei sooner or later. She'll have to take advantage of the loss sooner or later.

Seeing that Tong Si kept her head down and didn't speak, Lisa turned to Song Wei and said, "Ah Wei, what are you still doing? In the end, are you sorry for others' thinking, and don't you hurry to compensate them? "

"Yes." Song Wei answered, looked at Tong Si and said, "Si Si, I feel sorry for you in the past. I hope we can start from today, but let go of the past and start again."

Tong Si Leng did not look up and did not speak.

On one side, song Lu picked her eyebrows and said, "Si Si, please forgive my brother. If you blame my brother, don't I have reason to blame you? After all, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have gone through that. "

Song Lu stopped, then said: "so, I forgive you, you forgive my brother. How about we all leave the past behind? "

Tong Si Dun, looking up at Song Wei and song Lu in front of him, nodded slightly and said, "OK."

She knew that she could only nod her head and say "yes.".

Looking at Tong Si nodding, Lisa showed a satisfied smile on her face and said, "that's right. What were those things before? You should remember that Ning Jiwei is responsible for the situation you have today. He is our common enemy. "

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