Smell speech Mo Jue eyebrow a pick, smile to stretch out index finger to hook up her chin way: "really?"

If someone else does it, it's likely to be very greasy. You can change it to mojue, but it doesn't look down-to-earth at all. On the contrary, it's very romantic.

Talilina stares at him, hums coldly, pats his big hand and says, "don't think I dare not do anything to you. I'll tell you that when you come to my territory, you will be dead sooner or later."

"Oh, all right." Mo Jue stretched a waist to lean back, with the arm around talilina's hand is also a close, let her more closely in front of his body.

"What are you doing?" Talilina stares at him in a voice with a hint of petulance.


Mo Jue blinked innocently and said, "I'm just a little tired. I want to rely on it."


Talilina was stunned. Looking at the tired color on his face, she snorted: "who let you work so hard? You deserve it. "

Mo Jue chuckled and rubbed talilina's hair. "I didn't expect that our eldest sister's head would be so sour with vinegar."

"Who's jealous?"

Talilina said angrily, "you are my enemy. You rush to me for the sake of jianhaixi woman. Do you still want me to treat you as a guest of honor?"

Mo Jue's smile didn't change. He whispered: "yes, you're right, so I thought about it before I came here. If it's successful, I'll go back to save people with the antidote. If I fail, I will... "

"Just what?"

Talilina did not have a good way: "just for jianhaixi to lose her life here? You're very kind to her. I don't know. I thought you wanted to compete with Ning Jiwei. "

Mojue shook his head, put his hand on talilina's red lips and said, "although I like the way you are jealous of me, it's a pity that you're wrong."

"Is it?"

Talilina chin slightly raised, looking at mojue asked: "then you said you failed, what are you going to do?"

"Of course..."

Mo Jue said slowly, but suddenly he started, and one of them turned and pressed talilina to the ground.

"You..." Talilina thought he wanted to do it for herself, and she was angry and angry for a moment.

She's kind enough to give this guy medicine. Does he want to take her out?

Talilina is ready to start a good lesson, but suddenly the eyebrow was gently kiss.

Talilina froze there immediately.

Mojue smile, a hand gently stroked talilina's cheek, said: "if I fail, of course, is willing to stay when your little white face, eat your soft meal."

Talilina: --

I didn't mean to take her.

See talilina did not respond, Mo Jue can not help but some funny patted her cheek, said: "how, I kiss silly?"

"What nonsense?" Talilina reacted, blushed at him and said, "get up quickly."

"No." Mo Jue Li straight gas strong lie prone way: "I was injured, no strength, can't get up."

Talilina: -- How did you have the strength to turn her over just now?

Looking at Mo Jue's naughty appearance, talilina wanted to be angry, but she had no choice but to smile. She reached out to push him and said, "get up quickly, I'll give you medicine."

"Help me." Mo Jue held out his hand, a pair of "you do not help me not up" look.

Talilina glared at him and sat up with him.

No, she just can't be cruel to this man.

Probably because they are so similar.

Even if they don't have to tell each other about their past experiences, they can still be sure that they are the same kind of people by their eyes.

So even if the enemy, even if they will die in each other's hands one day, before that day comes, talilina will still be soft hearted to him.

Mo Jue let her hold, asked with a smile: "are you here to give me medicine?"

Talilina squinted at him and said, "please don't forget that you are a prisoner now. It's very kind of me to bring you some medicine. Where else would you like to go if you don't want to stay here? "

"Of course it's where you are, where I am." "I thought you were going to tie me to your bed," Mo said

"Good idea." Talilina glared at him, reached out and tore open the clothes on his chest, revealing the old wounds inside.

"Hiss ~"

Mo Jue took a cold breath, not because of pain, but because A woman he loved suddenly tore open his clothes, which was too exciting for him to react inevitably.

Talilina stopped, looked at him nervously and said, "it hurts you?"

Mo Jue's throat rolled down, stretched out his hand to clasp her waist and said, "you hurt me, but the pain is not here."Talilina was stunned, looking at his blurred eyes, biting her lips and blushing, and said, "don't make a fool of me here, be serious."

Mo Jue said with a bitter smile: "then you'd better let that stupid melon outside come in and give me medicine. How can I be serious when you are here?"

"Screw you." Talilina glared at him with a shy smile on her face. She lowered her head and stopped talking to him. She only helped him with the wound medicine.

Qi Er's medicine is not complicated, what "understand English" is just a gimmick.

It's just giving her steps.

Don't talina know that?

She knows.

But she knew it, but she came.

In the end, or from the heart of the thought.

Talilina looked up and asked curiously, "can't you understand the English explanation?"

"Well?" Mo Jue eyebrows slightly pick, a bad smile way: "I didn't see."

"Hum." Talilina snorted and poked her finger at his wound with revenge. She said in a cold voice, "I know you're pretending. You didn't learn English when you were a child. Who are you kidding?"

"Hiss ~"

mojue took another breath, but this time it was really painful. He reached for talina's finger and said, "but you're still here, aren't you?"

"Hum." Talilina snorted coldly: "I don't want you to die so stifled. When I heal your wound, I will kill you myself."

Mojue smile, did not mind talilina's hard mouth, "I know you love me the most."

Talilina sneered: "yes, I love you the most, so you answer me for other women, don't you? It's very kind of you to me

"Of course." Mo Jue said: "principle is principle, emotion is emotion, I have a clear division."

Talilina was even more angry. She poked her finger at him again and said, "it's killing you."

What did she take wrong medicine before she wanted to give this bastard medicine?

Mojue laughed, took talina's hand to her lips and said, "I'd rather you changed my way of death."

"What way to die?" Talilina asked subconsciously.

Mo Jue's ambiguous smile moved his leg and said, "what do you say?"

Talilina froze, clenched her lips, slapped her hand on his handsome face, and scolded: "I don't think it's time to give you medicine, let you just become a eunuch."


Mo Jue was stunned and frowned: "I'm hurt, but I'm not going to be a eunuch. What's wrong with the poison that your eccentric man gave me? "

"Just know." Talilina glared at him and said, "sit quietly. You should take the medicine and wrap it up. Otherwise, I won't be responsible for the real problem."

Listening to her words, Mo Jue did not dare to make trouble any more.

He wanted to tease talina, but he didn't really want to be a father-in-law.

Watching mojue sit down and wait for the medicine, talilina is so funny that she lowers her head and stifles her smile before raising her hand to bandage him.

After a while, Mo Jue asked in a stuffy voice, "are you ready?"

"Wait a minute." Talilina said.

Mo Jue's mouth slightly said: "Hey, you just bandage it, don't you mean to take advantage of me?"

Talilina rolled her eyes and said, "I take advantage of you?"

"Here it is."

Mo Jue toward his own body Nu Nu chin way: "my clothes have been almost torn by you."

"Isn't that to give you medicine?" Talilina is speechless.

"I don't care." Mo Jue rogue said: "anyway, you see me out, you have to be responsible for me."

Talilina chuckled and looked at him angrily and said, "virtue, why didn't I know you were so naughty before?"

Mo Jue also laughed, winked at her and said: "you don't know more, give me a chance, I'll let you know how?"

"To die." Talilina pushed him back to the wall, gave him a white look, stood up and said, "OK, you stay here slowly, I'll go."

"Ah?" Mo Jue Leng next ask a way: "this is over?"

"Yes." Talilina clapped her hands and said, "the medicine has been given to you and it has been bandaged. What else do you want?"

"Then I..." Mo Jue looked around and said, "do you really want me to sleep here? It's dirty and cold here. There's no light yet. I'm afraid of the dark... "

Talilina held back her anger, gritted her teeth and said, "Mo Jue, your mother will give me more affectation. Do you believe that I will let you become a father-in-law now?"


Mo Jue choked, did not expect to really annoy talilina.

Looking at talilina who was ready to give him a slap at any time in front of him, mojue waved her hand and said, "it's OK. It's OK. I live here. It's very good."Talilina snorted coldly, "isn't it too cold or dirty?"

Mo Jue said cleverly, "I'm a big man. I've been through the South and the north. It's a little bit colder and dirtier. I can't help it."

That said, the desire for survival is very strong.

Talilina squinted at him and said, "you don't mean it's dark here, there's no light."

"It doesn't matter." Mo Jue quickly waved his hand and said, "a little black is good for sleep."

"Well, good." She was very satisfied with this reply.

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