Looking at the grasshopper that Jian Yi tied to her waist, she said with a smile: "what a lovely little thing. Did you make it up?"

Jian Yi didn't look up, but still tied the grasshopper seriously.

After tying it up, Jian Yi looks up and smiles at Qiaoqiao. Then she turns around and takes a pen and writes on the paper, "good luck and peace to sister Qiaoqiao."

Qiaoqiao looked at the words written by Jian Yi, then nodded with a smile and said, "thank you, Dong. I will wear them all the time."

It was the first time that she had received a gift of blessing in so many years since she was alone.

Seeing the surprise in Qiaoqiao's eyes, Jian Yi is stunned and hides her guilt.

After Qiaoqiao left, Jian Yi looked at her back, sighed and said in her heart, "I'm sorry, sister Qiaoqiao. If I have a chance in the future, I will give you a better gift just to protect you and bless you. "

If he could, he didn't want to take advantage of Qiao Qiao, but now he was like a trapped animal, and his claws had been cut off. There was no other way.

At this moment, Jian Yi realized her weakness as never before.

Once upon a time, he thought he had the talent of computer, even if his skill was poor, it didn't matter. But now he found that no matter how powerful the technology and talent are, if people take away the external things, he simply has no ability to fight with each other.

If he were on an isolated island now, he would starve to death without the enemy's help.

Jian Yi pursed her lips and made up her mind to learn martial arts with Mo Jue when he recovered.

After Qiaoqiao left, she saw Zhuo in the corridor.

A Zhuo saw the early grasshopper at Qiaoqiao's waist, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

It was made up by Jian Yi. Today, he saw Jian Yi sitting there for a long time with his head down and working on it seriously.

Originally he thought Jian Yi will give it to him.

I didn't expect to give it to Qiaoqiao.

Of course, a Zhuo didn't want to admit that he had some taste in his heart, but he couldn't help looking at the grasshopper.

Qiao Qiao saw a Zhuo's eyes and said with a smile: "it was a Dong who gave it to me. In fact, the child's heart is very delicate. He can't say a lot of words, but he knows everyone is good."

"Hum." A Zhuo cold hum, the heart way is I not good enough to him? Why don't you send me?

Qiaoqiao thought about it, considered the words and said: "Zhuo Ge, I know I'm not qualified to say anything in front of you, but Maybe if you understand Dong from another angle, it will be better for him. "

Ah Zhuo frowned and asked, "what did he say to you?"

Qiaoqiao sighed, looked down at the grasshopper hanging on her waist and said, "brother Zhuo, I had a family when I was young. Although I was poor, I had parents and brothers. Later There have been a lot of changes, and I'm the only one left. Elder sister and you raised me, I am very grateful. I also know that it's a bit unkind to say this, but if I have a choice, I actually I want to die with my parents in those years. "

A Zhuo was stunned. He knew that Qiao Qiao had not lived so well these years. After all, here in talilina, it is always the mechanism for the strong to survive. But he never knew that Qiaoqiao would rather die than live.

Qiao Qiao looked at the night outside the window and said in a low voice: "when I was a child, I was especially afraid of being chased away. I was rushed to strange places by my elder sister or other people. Even if I stayed in a hotel, I was very worried because I knew I was too weak to be abandoned at any time. I'm afraid of the fear of waking up with no one around me. For a long time, I kept praying, if I am destined to have such a day, if I am destined to be alone, please let this day come quickly, and don't let me have extravagant hopes and illusions. "

Her voice is not much sadness and resentment, more is the years of indifference.

But maybe it's because she's too calm. It sounds sad to her.

A Zhuo opened his mouth, wanted to say something, but found that what he could say was too limited.

As a straight man of iron and steel, he can't comfort girls, so he just said: "it's always good to live."

Qiaoqiao said with a smile, "I'm not complaining with you, but I hope you can understand Dong's idea from me."

"Dong?" A Zhuo Leng next, Cu eyebrow thought to want to ask a way: "do you mean a Dong is afraid to be thrown down by me?"


Qiao Qiao nodded and said, "I just had a chat with Dong. He told me that he didn't want to wander any more."

"What nonsense?" Ah Zhuo frowned and said, "I took him back. How could I let him wander?"

Qiaoqiao opened his mouth, pursed his lips and hesitated: "but when you brought him here today, you're not sure you can let him stay, are you? If the elder sister doesn't agree, you can only send him back to the original place? ""This..." ARJO choked, frowned, and said nothing.

He wanted to argue, but he couldn't find a word.

Because Qiao Qiao is right.

No matter how much he loves Jian Yi, he can't get to talilina, because he is always under her.

If talilina doesn't agree, what can he do with Jian Yi today on his own?

He had no choice but to help him find a family and give him a sum of money.

Qiaoqiao sighed: "this is what Dong is afraid of most. If he is just a little beggar all the time, it doesn't matter. Anyway, he was born to be raised, and it all depends on God's arrangement to live to that day. But now you give him hope and hope for life. So he began to be afraid. Now he has just passed the big sister's pass and just stayed in this place for a day. Now when he hears that you are going to take him with you again, he will inevitably be confused, unaccustomed and afraid. For an orphan, these thoughts are normal

After listening to Qiaoqiao's words, a Zhuo was silent for a moment and nodded: "I know. I'll go to talk to him."

"Well." Qiaoqiao said with a smile: "brother Zhuo, you can chat with Dong, but don't lose your temper with him."

"Am I that bad?" Ah Zhuo hummed coldly, waved his hand and said, "do your work. I have the sense of propriety."

"Well, I'll go down first." Qiao Qiao nodded, then turned and left.

Looking at Qiaoqiao's back, a Zhuo frowns slightly, then turns back to the room to find Jian Yi.

No matter whether Qiaoqiao wants to live or not, no matter what her life will be like, his ability to help her is too limited.

After all, Qiaoqiao is surrounded by Qi Er.

Whether Qiaoqiao wants to or not, she has been labeled "Qier's belongings".

There's no one here who's going to help her, not even talina.

Thinking of this, a Zhuo suddenly feels that it's good for Jian Yi to send Qiaoqiao the grasshopper.

He sighed and pushed the door into the room.

When Jane looks up and down at the pen, she comes in again.

He thinks, also don't know how Qiao Qiao is to say with a Zhuo, this "cheap elder brother" will agree him to stay another two days.

When ah Zhuo saw that Jian Yi didn't look at him with her head down, he thought that Jian Yi was still angry. He patted her on the shoulder and said, "don't clean up now."

Jian Yi is stunned and looks up at him.

ARJO reached out and pinched his face, then went to get the pen and wrote on the paper, "you are my brother. I won't leave you."

Jian Yi looked at the words and looked at him again, but she didn't say anything.

A Zhuo pondered: "you can't speak, you always have to write. I have to find a way for you..."

After a pause, ah Zhuo said with a smile: "in this way, when we get home, I'll find a sign language teacher for you, so that we won't write all the time."

He is a man of martial arts, a big old man. It's too hard for him to write.

Jian Yi blinks and tilts her head slightly, as if to understand what he means.

make complaints about Jane's heart.

Well, I didn't expect that a Zhuo would even find a sign language teacher for him.

But it's better to really learn sign language.

Jian Yi thinks so.

As always, ah Zhuo would not comfort others. He just looked at Jian Yi, who was not as silent as before. He thought he was in a better mood, so he said, "well, let's stay here for a day and leave tomorrow. How about taking a day off?"

Jian Yi nodded in amazement.

He knows, can stay one day more, already was Zhuo's extra generous.

If he continues to make trouble without reason, he will be too suspicious.


while a Zhuo is talking to Jian Yi, Qiao Qiao prepares dinner for Mo Jue in the dungeon.

Since talking with talilina, mojue is not in a good mood.

He thought that he could find some gentle way out of the dungeon, and then get the antidote to Jian Haixi.

But now it seems that it's impossible. Talilina's obvious hatred for jianhaixi even shocked Mo Jue.

He sighed and rubbed his eyebrows a little tired.

It seems that we have to find a way to go out tonight, otherwise the time left for him will be less and less.


Just as Mo Jue was thinking about how to get out, he heard Qiao Qiao's soft voice.

Qiaoqiao put down the food one by one and said to mojue, "this is the food for tonight. Do you like it?"

Listening to Qiao Qiao's words, Mo Jue couldn't help laughing and said, "what if it doesn't taste good? I'm a prisoner. Can you change it for me... "

At the same time, he just turned his head casually, but when he saw the grasshopper shaking around Qiao Qiao's waist, he suddenly became stiff.Why is this thing here?

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