
Ah Zhuo hummed: "don't think I don't know what you and elder sister mean. I don't care about anything else, but now you don't have any evidence. Ah Dong is my brother. No one can bully him over me."

"Yes, I know, I know."

Qi Er waved his hand impatiently and said, "I'll cure him. Can I cure him? You are my ancestor

As he said this, Qi Er sighed and carefully checked Jian Yi's ears again.

Zell's popularity in talilina's hands is definitely not good, but ARJO is an exception.

Even if the mosquito is a member of a Zhuo's staff, even if there is a big gap between Qi Er and the mosquito, they have no opinion about a Zhuo.


ARJO is too generous.

Although he is an iron man, he will help as long as he is regarded as a brother.

Qi Er has been bullied by many people, and a Zhuo has helped him several times.

Although that's a small thing for a Zhuo, Qi Er keeps it in mind all the time.

In all these years, he has never dealt with ARJO.

Even at that time, he wanted to kill the mosquito, but also because of the plea of Zhuo, he saved the mosquito's life.

After checking Jian Yi's ears, Qi Er just frowned and said, "there's nothing wrong with her ears and throat. It seems that it's not caused by the outside world."

"Not from the outside?" Ah Zhuo's eyes flashed a dark color, and he looked thoughtfully at Jian Yi.

After staring at Jian Yi for a long time, Qi Er suddenly said, "boy, show me your eyes."

When he suddenly said this, there was a thump in Jian Yi's heart.

If Qi Er looks into his eyes, he will find something invisible in his left eye.

Of course, Jian Yi doesn't want Qi Er to find out about it. If he finds out about it, it's hard to explain later.

Qi Er reaches out her hand to Jian Yi's eyes. She is so scared that she struggles to dodge.

His struggle startled Qi Er and a Zhuo. Qi Er quickly took back his hand and frowned, "what are you doing? I almost missed you

"What are you doing with my brother?" Ah Zhuo was angry. He hugged Jian Yi in one hand and said to her in his ear, "it's not that you didn't make it clear to him? After all, he can't hear you. Why do you reach out all of a sudden? "

"I..." Qi Er choked, and was immediately wanted to curse.

"How are you? Get rid of it quickly. " Ah Zhuo urged.

Qi Er's face turned red and hummed: "you've been let him move."

Ah Zhuo snorted, and then said to Jian Yi, "don't move, let elder brother Qi check you, OK?"

Jian Yi blinks and hides behind a Zhuo.

ARJO pressed his shoulder and said, "listen."

Jian Yi doesn't move any more. Qi Er can check his eyeballs carefully.

After a while, Qi Er retreated and said in a deep voice, "sure enough. I'll tell you how it looks so strange. "

"What's the matter?" "Don't tell me there's something wrong with my brother's eyes," he frowned

"No problem." Kiel shook his head. Just before he was relieved, he said, "he's blind in one eye."

"What?" Ah Zhuo was so surprised that he turned his head and looked at Jian Yi. He pursed his lips and denied: "it's impossible, it's impossible!"

How can there be a blind eye with such clear eyes?

However, looking at Jian Yi so closely, a Zhuo CAI was surprised to find that his left eye, though as beautiful and clear as Jian Yi's right eye, still lacks some soul.

Ah Zhuo opens his mouth, looks at Jian Yi and asks, "ah Dong, your eye..."

He pointed to Jian Yi's left eye.

Jian Yi is stunned. She reaches for her eyes and shakes her head.

It means he can't really see in his left eye.

"How could that be..."

A Zhuo staggers half step, falls to sit on the chair, absentminded murmurs: "why is this..."

Jian Yi looks at the sad and stimulated appearance of a Zhuo, and feels guilty. He reaches out and presses the back of a Zhuo's hand, as if he is comforting him silently.

"Should..." Qi Er checked the scar on Jian Yi's arm and said in a deep voice, "it should be caused by the explosion."

"Explosion?" A Zhuo Leng.

Qi Er nodded and said, "this child Ah Dong, he must have experienced a huge explosion. Because of that explosion, he was injured all over and blind in one eye. "

After a pause, Qi Er continued: "his hearing and language ability should also be stimulated, so he lost it temporarily."

After listening to Qi Er's words, a Zhuo looks at Jian Yi, turns to Qi Er, purses his lips and asks, "is there any help?"

He didn't want to pursue the past, just wanted to know if his brother had been saved.

Qi Er picks an eyebrow, looked at a Zhuo way: "don't you think this matter is very strange?""I don't want to know." A Zhuo interrupted Qi Er's words: "I know you will report to the elder sister later. It doesn't matter. You can do whatever you want. But before you find out the evidence, tell me, can my brother be saved? "

Zeller paused, sighed and said, "I'll try my best."

A Zhuo's eyes are dim.

Qi Er took a look at him and comforted him: "you don't have to worry too much. This boy is not an ordinary person. His eyes have been replaced with custom-made false eyes. Although he has no ability to make it return to normal, he keeps the rest of his eyes intact and nourishes it constantly. Over time, it is not impossible to recover. "

Hearing this, a Zhuo's deep mood was a little better.


Qi Er looks at Jian Yi with complicated eyes and says to a Zhuo, "do you know that there are not many eye surgeries in the world that can dare to do? I don't want to talk about the price of this fake eye, but it takes a lot of energy to make it... "

After a pause, Qi Er looked at a Zhuo and said, "a Zhuo, I won't beat around the bush with you, but your brother is certainly coming from a big way."

A Zhuo is stunned and turns to look at Jian Yi, who also looks at him.

After a while, a Zhuo lowered his head and fixed his eyes on the little hand that Jian Yi pressed on the back of his hand. Suddenly, he said with a smile, "so what? As long as he's not the enemy, he's my brother. "

"Well You are... " Qi Er shook his head and said, "forget it, I won't say more. This boy must have never stopped taking medicine before. I'll prescribe some medicine for him according to his physical condition. Let's talk about something else later. "

Qi Er said, stood up and said: "but I won't hide his situation from my elder sister. You should be prepared."

"I know." Ah Zhuo looked at Qi Er and said solemnly, "thank you very much."

He promised to sell the medicine to tuo'er, and he knew it was for him.

Qi Er waves his hand, looks at Jian Yi at last, sighs and turns to leave.

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