"Get out of here!" In a hurry, talilina kicked open her ears and jumped out of the window to catch up with others.

Ah Zhuo runs to Jian Yi first, and is relieved to see that he is bleeding on his head.

Ah Zhuo picked up Jian Yi, put him on the stairs and said, "wait for me here. Don't run around."

After that, he turned to align his ears and said, "Qi Er, please take care of Dong."

He had to catch up, or talina would think he was a traitor.

Qi Er saw a Zhuo, as if seeing the last hope, pleaded: "a Zhuo, please, don't let Qiao Qiao die."

He knows that it's hard for a Zhuo to bring back Qiaoqiao. After all, talilina has killed Qiaoqiao.

At present, the only thing he can ask for is that he hopes that a Zhuo can show mercy and help Qiaoqiao create a way to live.

Ah Zhuo pursed his lips, looked at Qi Er's pleading, sighed and nodded: "I'll try my best."

He didn't dare to promise too much. After all, he is also a clay Bodhisattva crossing the river, and it's hard for him to protect himself.

Watching a Zhuo chase out, Qi Er is there Leng for a long time.

He looked at the moment before he was still bullying Qiao Qiao's desk, the first time with regret.

He regarded Qiaoqiao as his belongings and treated her like a snake. He was amused and roared when he was in a bad mood.

Anyway, she will always be there. Anyway, she will always be his.

He thought it was.


He was out of control because of the death of Zhenchong for many years. Although it was a helpless move, he was still out of control.

So he was eager to get some comfort and warmth from Qiaoqiao.

He didn't think it was wrong.

She was his, wasn't she?

But when he saw that Qiaoqiao would rather die than follow him, and saw that Qiaoqiao suffered so many injuries, he was scared to death, but he still followed Mo Jue's stubborn appearance, he finally realized that he seemed to have something wrong.

Qiao Qiao, it was never his.

She's human, she's independent.

And this person, the heart is not in him, never care about him.

He used to control her, but he never really got her.

This cognition makes Qi Er feel sad and flustered.

But this kind of sadness and confusion came suddenly, and he didn't understand why it was.

All he knew was that Qiao Qiao could never die.


When Qi Er fell into his mood, he suddenly heard two slight coughs.

He was stunned. He turned his head and looked at Jian Yi, who was the source of the sound. Then he remembered that there was another person here.

Qi Er walks up to Jian Yi, squats down and looks at him. He reaches for his chin and looks at the injury on his forehead.

"Achoto, I'll take care of you." Qi Er looks at Jian Yi.

Jian Yi lowers her head and doesn't look up, playing the role of a deaf mute.

Qi Er said with a sneer: "if he helps me save Qiao Qiao, I owe him. No matter what your origin is, I will save you this time. But it's none of my business whether you can survive in the future. "

At such an important moment tonight, even he didn't find a chance to stop talilina, but Jian Yi rolled down the stairs for no reason.

It's because of his roll that he affected a Zhuo and made mojue find an opportunity.

Is this coincidence or artificial?

It's too coincidental to say it's a coincidence.

It's human

Qi Er looks down at Jian Yi. If a child of six or seven years old can do this, it's too terrible.

Jill shook his head and didn't think about it any more.

No matter what talilina plans to do with Jian Yi, it's not something he should care about.

All he has to do is return the favor of ah Zhuo and watch Jian Yi before ah Zhuo comes back.

Taking back his thoughts, Qi Er looks at Jian Yi and pats him on the shoulder.

Jian Yi looks up and her eyes are scared and helpless.

Qi Er sighed and pointed to the stairs behind him

Jian Yi is stunned. She seems to be understanding Qi Er's words. After a while, she nods her head slowly, and then stands up slowly.

Qi Er saw that his legs and feet were obviously injured. He even walked step by step.

If he really has no problem, I'm afraid that such a scene tonight will scare a six or seven year old child.

In particular, Jian Yi is so silent that even if she is hurt, she still sticks to it, just like they were stubborn when they were young.

Qi Er seems to see his shadow from Jian Yi, which makes him feel like Microsoft in the end. He pursed his lips, took Jian Yi up and said, "I don't know if you are lucky or unfortunate when you come here with a Zhuo."Jian Yi bowed her head and said, "is that true?

That's a great misfortune, of course!

Fortunately, Qi Er didn't hear Jian Yi's inner voice. Otherwise, he would have thrown him out and mended his feet.

He takes Jian Yi back to his room. Qi Er carefully examines his wound and applies medicine before he leaves.

As for calming Jian Yi's frightened heart, don't rely on him. He is not so kind.


on the other side, after Mo Jue jumped out of the window with Qiao Qiao, he began to run for his life.

Qiaoqiao was lying on his back. Because of excessive blood loss and fright, she turned pale and was about to faint, but she bit the tip of her tongue to remind herself to stay awake.

If she is in a coma at this time, it is the real burden for mojue.

After Mo Jue ran out of the hotel, he didn't dare to take the main road. He carried Qiaoqiao on his back and chose the path to go, where he was remote and where he went.

Qiao Qiao looked at it for a while. When Mo Jue wanted to turn the corner again, he said in a low voice: "that's a dead end. Go right."

He ran in the direction of Mo Jue.

After that, talilina, hamu and others came after them.

From time to time, there are knives and guns.

The intensive attack made Qiaoqiao afraid of the uncontrolled fall of her tears. Mo Jue didn't dare to underestimate it and sped up her escape.

Feeling Qiaoqiao's fear, Mo Jue comforted: "don't be afraid. It's impossible for me to beat them with you, but as long as I come out from inside, it's OK to run for my life. You've survived. The next thing is to tell me which way is the quickest to leave

Listening to mojue's words, Qiaoqiao tried to calm herself down. She put out her hand and pinched it on her arm and twisted it hard.

The pain made her awake instantly. She took a deep breath and recovered her composure. She looked left and right and said, "go left. There's a fork in the road."

Mo Jue ran in the direction she said, and with a smile, praised: "what a brave and smart girl. Don't worry, I won't let you die. "

"Well." Qiaoqiao nodded and hugged mojue's neck.

After that, talilina and others are in a hurry to catch up with him, but Mo Jue's feet are fast. In addition, Qiao Qiao, the living map who has lived here for so many years, makes it hard for them to catch up with him.


At the fork in the road, Qiaoqiao express way: "the left side leads to the river, the right side is Linzhen, and the middle is another road."

Mo Jue quickly glanced around, and then tore a piece of cloth from his shirt, raised his hand to wipe the wound on Qiaoqiao's leg.

"Ah Qiao Qiao was startled, but didn't shout out.

Mo Jue threw the bloody cloth on the right side and said to Qiao Qiao: "sorry, I didn't mean to offend you."

"I know." Qiao Qiao said, "I understand. You don't have to explain."

Mo Jue did not say more, carrying Qiaoqiao to the left river.

Qiao Qiao saw him go to the left and thought, "there is a fishing boat by the river. It's about 500 meters away from here."

"A boat? That's great. " Mo Jue chuckled, ran away and said: "girl, don't lose heart, you see God is letting you live."

Qiao Qiao Leng, looked up at the dim sky with a little bit of starlight.

Is God making a living for her?

She didn't know.

Can look down at Mo Jue, Qiao Qiao is to understand.

It's not God who gives her a way to live. It's mojue who helps her make a way to live.

Looking at Mo Jue's back, Qiao Qiao also made a decision at this moment.

This en, she remembers all her life and returns it by fate.


In Mo Jue with Qiao Qiao rushed to the river, talilina also took people to the fork in the road.

Looking at the three forks, hamu asked: "elder sister, what should I do?"

Talilina's eyes darkened, her eyes fixed on the fork in the road, her lips closed.

"Sister, I found this at the right corner." One of the men showed talilina the bloody cloth.

Ha Mu looked at the blood cloth and said, "elder sister, they must have run to the right. Let's chase them quickly!"

"Wait a minute." Talilina raised her hand to stop hamu, and then looked at three branches of the road. Her opponent said, "there are three roads. Hamu takes people to the river, another team goes to the middle, and the rest follow me to Linzhen on the right."


After talilina gave the order, the crowd moved quickly.

Hamu took people to the river, but he was still puzzled and said, "I found the strip on the right. Why do you want us to pursue other directions?"

He said: "brother hamu, you think the enemy is so cunning. Maybe he left the cloth there on purpose."

"Oh, it makes sense." Ha Mu suddenly nodded and asked, "why does the elder sister chase the right side?"

"This..." He choked, shook his head and said, "I don't know."Ha Mu couldn't figure it out and didn't think about it any more. He just shook his head and said, "forget it, elder sister, let's just do it."

On the other side, people who follow talina have the same questions.

The brave man asked, "elder sister, this is obviously the enemy's plan to attack the West and the East. Why do we pursue this direction?"

Talilina snorted coldly: "you only know how to attack the west, but you don't know how to make a maze?"

The hand Leng next, in the eye a bright way: "you mean this is mo Jue intentional?"? The purpose is to make us think that they are going another way? "

"Not bad."

Talilina looked ahead, pursed her lips and said in a deep voice, "and there's another reason Qiao Qiao is injured

Even for the sake of Qiaoqiao's injury, Mo Jue will definitely choose Linzhen, which is convenient to treat Qiaoqiao's injury.

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