Listen to Ning Jiwei so serious talk, the shadow also stopped in the heart of that opinion, quickly straight down way: "yes, I understand."

Ning Jiwei reached for the shoulder and said, "Ying, I know you are worried about me and Mo Jue, and about Yi Yi's safety. But on Yi Yi's side, Mo Jue and I will try to find a way, but on Haixi's side, we are desperate. The only hope is Qiao Qiao. Qiao Qiao is timid. You must take good care of her. "

"Yes, my subordinates, remember the instructions of the young Lord." Shadow respectfully way.


Ning Jiwei pursed her lips and looked behind her. She lowered her head and whispered, "take care of her and look after her."

Shadow Leng next, looking at Ning Ji Wei to ask a way: "little Lord is doubt......"

Ning Jiwei shook his head and said: "I have no doubt, just In today's situation, the slightest carelessness is not allowed. We can't trust a person so easily that we are irresponsible to anyone. "

"Yes." The shadow responds to the sound.

When Ning Jiwei returns to the house, Qiaoqiao just finishes drawing the map, and Mo Jue opens his eyes at the same time when Ning Jiwei enters the house.

See Ning Jiwei come in, Qiao Qiao originally wants to stand up, Ning Jiwei raises a hand way: "you are injured, sit."

"Yes." Qiaoqiao nodded and handed the map to Ning Jiwei, saying, "Sir, do you have anything I need to add?"

Ning Jiwei took over the map, and saw that the top end of the map was full of children, and even detailed street had several trash cans, where there was a path to turn.

Ning Jiwei hooked his lower lip and said, "thank you very much. It's already very detailed."

Be rather Ji Wei thanks, Qiao Qiao some blush, stretch out a hand shyly to scratch to scratch a head way: "can help up to be good."

Ning Jiwei nodded and said, "Mo Jue and I will leave later, and then Ying and others will send you to my wife. Is that ok?"

"Your wife Miss jianhaixi? " Qiao Qiao eyes a bright way: "Mo big brother told me her."

Ning Jiwei looked at the simple joy on Qiaoqiao's face and nodded with a smile: "yes, she is my wife. If you can help her, I will be very grateful to you. But even if there is no such relationship, I think Haixi will be very happy to meet you. "

Qiao Qiao Leng next, askew a head to ask: "help Miss Jane?"? You mean My blood? "

Ji Weining nodded.

Qiao Qiao frowned and said, "I don't know if I can help. If I can, it would be great."

No matter Mo Jue, Ning Jiwei or Jian Yi, they are all people who have shown great kindness to her. She wants to repay them, not to mention bleeding, even life.

Mo Jue yawned and said to Qiaoqiao: "I know when I use it. Qiaoqiao, you follow them. Don't worry, they are all good people and won't bully you. If someone bullies you, you will bite back. They will never dare to fight back. "

Qiao Qiao Leng next, carefully looked at the eye to stand at the door of the shadow.

Shadow cold hum a to stare an eye, Mo Jue way: "Mo chief, your words also too smear my image."

"Ha ha, isn't it?" Mo Jue got up laughing and said to Qiaoqiao, "Qiaoqiao, we'll go first. You can have a rest for a while and then go on the road."

Qiao shook his head: "I'm still tired on the way."

After a pause, Qiaoqiao looked at Ning Jiwei and said, "Sir, do you have anything like a syringe here?"

"Syringe?" Ning Jiwei was stunned and asked, "what do you want this for?"

Qiaoqiao said with a smile: "I think my feet are slow. If you take me with you, you will not be able to walk fast. Maybe you can help me as soon as possible."

Ning Jiwei was stunned. He didn't expect that Qiaoqiao would take the initiative to propose this method.

Mo Jue frowned and said, "yes, but can you stand it? You've suffered so many injuries, but you've shed a lot of blood. "

"I'll be fine." Qiao Qiao said with a smile: "brother Mo, you don't think I'm small, I'm actually very strong."

Said, Qiao Qiao also raised the arm way in a decent way.

Mo Jue laughed and said to Ning Jiwei, "look for the syringe. This is the best way at present."

Ning Jiwei did not hesitate. After all, it was a life-saving thing for Jian Haixi.

He ordered the shadow to find the syringe and said to Qiaoqiao, "if you don't thank me for your kindness, you will repay me in the future."

"No, No." Qiaoqiao waved his hand and said: "Sir, you and brother Mo are both my life-saving benefactors. It's right for me to repay you."

Mo Jue stretched out his hand and flicked the next Qiao Qiao's forehead and said: "don't call me Mr. sir. You call me Mr. Mo, and I think it's his servant. Just call him Mr. Ning."

Qiao Qiao Leng next, turn a head to see to Ning Ji Wei.

Ning Jiwei nodded, reached out with a smile and said, "I haven't formally introduced myself. My name is Ning Jiwei."

"Ning Jiwei?" Qiao Qiao was so surprised that he almost fell down from his chair. "You, are you that Ning Jiwei?"Ningjiwei stopped and nodded with a smile: "although I don't know which ningjiwei you are talking about, I think it should be me."

Qiao Qiao blushed and said, "I, I've heard of you. You are our elder sister's enemy. Aren't you far away? Why are you here? Ah, Dong is your son, and miss jianhaixi is your wife. Then you are the people to deal with. How can you be here? How dangerous is this? Oh, what about Dong? If the elder sister knows his identity, isn't he very dangerous... "

Listening to Qiaoqiao's words, Ning Jiwei and Mo Jue are stunned, but they can't find a chance to answer.

After a while, Qiaoqiao realized that she seemed to talk too much. She looked at Ning Jiwei and Mo Jue shyly and said, "I'm sorry, sir Brother Ning, brother Mo, I I talk too much. "

"It doesn't matter." Ning Jiwei said with a smile: "now I understand why Yi Yi saved you."

Qiao Qiao Leng next, turn a head to see toward Mo Jue.

Mo Jue laughed, touched her head and said, "praise you, silly girl."

"Oh." Knowing that Ning Jiwei was boasting himself, Qiao Qiao lowered his head shyly.

After a short while, Ying found the sterilized disposable syringe and took blood. He said to Ying, "brother, please send my blood to Miss Jane first and tell her I'll be there soon. If it's not enough, I still have it."

Shadow Leng next, face so magnanimous Qiao Qiao, he can't help to oneself just now to her suspicion arrive some chat up ran.

Ning Jiwei reached out and patted him on the shoulder and said, "you go first, Qiao Qiao let the shadow guard escort them."

"Yes, young master." The shadow retreated.

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