After dressing the wound, Jian Yi and a Zhuo go to bed.

By this time, it was getting light.

When Jian Yi wakes up, it's already in the afternoon.

ARJO watched him wake up, took the paper and wrote, "we're leaving."

Jian Yi pauses and nods.

After a while, Kiel came in.

Today, he looks much more sober than yesterday.

When ah Zhuo saw Qi Er, he didn't say anything, and Qi Er didn't say anything, as if they didn't know each other at all.

Ha Mu came in and said to Jian Yi, "Dong, are you better? Let Qi Er prescribe some medicine for you, and you can eat it when you go back, so that you can get well as soon as possible. Do you know? "

Jian Yi blinked without shaking her head or nodding her head.

"Hey, that's true." Hamu patted Qi Er on the shoulder and said: "I said Qi Er, can't you take medicine to cure Dong's ears and mouth? It's really hard to communicate with him like this. I don't know so many words. I can't learn the textbook again just to talk to him, can I? "

"You can't talk to him if you don't know the words." Qi Er has no good airway: "and do you think the medicine is so easy to match?"

"Tut, I just casually said, you see what you are excited about." Hamlet road.

Qi Er gives a cold hum and ignores him. He just sits in front of Jian Yi and doesn't talk to him. He grabs his hand and signals his pulse. Then he opens Jian Yi's eyelids and looks at his tongue fur.

After that, Jane goes down to check the foundation of Yi's ears.

But before he had time to move, he was blocked by ARJO's anger.

Of course, it's not comfortable for Mozi to be shut up all night.

At this moment, he was suddenly blocked by a Zhuo, directly stepped back two steps, and almost didn't fall down.

"What the hell are you doing?" he said angrily

"What else do I want to ask you?" "What do you want to do to my brother with such a big needle?" said a Zhuo

"I..." Qi Er was so angry that he choked and gritted his teeth and said, "I'll treat him, treat him! If you want him to get better quickly, go away

Ah Zhuo frowned, looked at Qi Er, looked at the silver needle in his hand, and then hesitated to get out of the way.

However, although others got out of the way, they still warned: "I warn you, Qi Er, if you dare to do anything to my brother, I will never forgive you."

“KAO!” Qi Er was so angry that he almost wanted to throw something. He patted the table and said, "I don't want to treat you, OK? I don't want to serve you as long as you are virtuous."

After that, he turned around with his medicine box and wanted to leave.

Ah Zhuo saw that he was in a hurry, and he also regretted it.

Seeing this, hamu stopped Qi Er with a sigh and said, "what's the matter with you two? Didn't you have a fight yesterday? Did you have a misunderstanding? We are all our own people. How can we still have a grudge? "

"Qi Er Leng hums a way:" it is he to keep grudge with me first

"I have a grudge against you?" Ah Zhuo pointed to his nose and said, "you almost killed me yesterday, don't you forget?"

"I almost killed many people yesterday. Hamu is one of them." Qi Er said: "why didn't he hate me?"

How do you know I don't hate you?

It's just that his hatred is insignificant compared with talina's orders.

Ha Mu patted Qi Er's shoulder and said, "OK, you hate a Zhuoke. It's nothing to do with a Dong. The elder sister's order asks you to treat a Dong. Don't mess about."

After hearing hamu's words, Qi'er takes a silver needle to treat Jian Yi.

This time, ah Zhuo didn't say anything.

After a wave of treatment, Qi Er added another medicine and said to a Zhuo, "I've written down the dosage every day. If you don't feel at ease, you can skip it."

Ah Zhuo took the medicine list, looked at Qi Er and said, "thank you very much."

"I can't afford it." It's no wonder that the two people are not strange.

After HA Mu and Qi Er left, a Zhuo Cai sighed and heavily sat back on the chair, stretched out his hand and rolled his head, saying: "acting is so damn tired."

Of course, he and Qi Er were not so worried. Yesterday, they were just Zhou Yu who beat Huang Gai, one willing to fight and the other willing to get hurt.

But since the play is sung, it can't be stopped in the middle.

So today, they have to pretend to be at odds with each other.

Jian Yi took the medicine and looked at it, but didn't say anything.

Since Qi Er has good intentions for a Zhuo, he certainly won't do any harm to him. There's no problem with this medicine.

After dinner, they went to see talina again.

Talilina looks at Jian Yi, then turns her head to a Zhuo and says, "ah Dong will be Shazhi's playmate in the future. If you take him back this time, you can stay two more days. When he gets used to it, you will come back. I need you here.""Yes." Ah Zhuo answered.

Talilina made it clear that she would continue to use him. Although he was worried about Jian Yi, he also knew that she would seize this opportunity.

Talilina snorted coldly: "our people have found the clues of jianhaixi, and there are also some clues in Xiangcheng. This time, they will be able to finish them all."

Listening to talilina's words, Jian Yi's fingers pause slightly, but fortunately, she doesn't let others see the difference.

After leaving talilina, ARJO called mosquitoes and other brothers and was ready to leave for the base.

But Jian Yi is a bit out of her mind.

Hearing talilina's words, Jianyi worries about jianhaixi.

The mosquito comes over and pats Jian Yi on the shoulder.

Jian Yi looks back with a subconscious light in her eyes.

Mosquito originally came to play a joke with Jianyi, but suddenly he looked at Jianyi, but he was stunned.

Jian Yi quickly reacts, quickly takes back the look in her eyes and shrinks again.

The mosquito squinted. With a smile, he stretched out his hand, raised Jian Yi's chin and said, "Xiao Dong, you can scare people just now."

"What are you doing?" A Zhuo came over and kicked the mosquito on the buttock and yelled: "a Dong is injured. Don't recruit him."

"Is it?" Mosquito picked to pick eyebrow, looking at a Zhuo way: "a Zhuo elder brother, do you know just now this kid look at me look like what?"


A Zhuo is stunned and looks down at Jian Yi. She has nothing in her eyes.

Ah Zhuo snorted: "what eyes? Are you dazed? "

"I wish I was dazzled, too." The mosquito squinted at Jian Yi and said with a smile, "otherwise it would be terrible. After all, no one wants to be watched by a wolf, even if it's just a six or seven year old wolf."

A Zhuo is stunned, pressing her hand on Jian Yi's shoulder for half a minute, sipping her lips and saying nothing.

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