"Grandpa, you heard Mommy, didn't you?" Jianrui tightly grasped Qiao Qinghe's hand and asked.

Hearing her words, George was stunned and asked, "what did you say, Ruirui?"

Jianrui wiped her tears and said, "uncle, the master is awake. He just started to work."

George was stunned and immediately said to Qiao Lei, "call a doctor! Call a doctor now! Where is Zhang Haoyang! Come on

"OK, I'll go right away!"

Everyone was surprised, and then each began to act, Qiao Lei almost rushed downstairs to carry the doctor up, and Qiao Jing also quickly began to contact Zhang Haoyang.

Qiao's doctor was downstairs. He came fast enough, but when he arrived, he saw that Qiao Qinghe was still the same, and his ECG didn't respond.

"How's it going?" Qiao Zhen and others asked nervously.

"This..." The doctor said, "it's still the same. Did you really see him move just now?"

Everyone looked at Jianrui. Jianrui nodded and said, "really, really, Grandpa really moved."

George turned his eyes and said, "let's be quiet and let Haixi speak."

Then he took the mobile phone and said to Dou Ge at the other end of the mobile phone, "Dou Ge, tell Haixi that the old man has a reaction to her voice and ask her to speak more time."

"Good." Dou Ge answered.

Later, Jian Haixi got the message from Dou Ge and immediately said happily, "grandfather, do you really hear me?"

Qiao Qinghe with oxygen mask is still lying there, but at the moment, people are no longer desperate, but full of hope to listen to the voice of Jian Haixi, praying for a miracle.

"Grandfather, in my dream, you told me that if I was tired and wronged, I could go home and say that you would protect me and not let others bully me." Jian Haixi said, "but now why don't you keep your word? I've suffered a great injustice outside. I'm working hard now. How can you leave me at this time, grandfather? What should I do without you? Who else can I rely on in the future? I have no parents, only you a relative, in case Mo family bully me, who should I go to? Grandfather, how can you have the heart to leave me... "

As soon as he knew that Qiao Qinghe had a reaction to his words, Jian Haixi began to complain about all kinds of grievances, and said almost everything she could think of.

If usual, of course, she would not easily show her weakness, and she did not want her close family to worry about her.

But now, she can't wait for Qiao Qinghe to love her and worry more, so that he can have the motivation to live.

When George heard that Jane Haixi even said "Mo family bullied her", he knew that she would make it up next.

Sure enough, later on, Jian Haixi started to cry.

Mingming was still patient when talking with Qiao Qinghe just now, but now he is crying as loud as he can, and how wronged he is.

"Grandfather, you don't know how pathetic I am now. My body stinks, my face is rotten, and I'm blind and deaf. Every day my world is dark, I can't see a person, I can't hear any sound, and I don't know when talilina will find me and kill me. Wuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwu..."

"Grandfather, there's something I didn't dare to tell you, Ji Wei He's out there

"Poof Cough... "

As soon as these words came out, both ends of the phone were coughing. Whether it was Dou Ge, Qiao Zheng or George Yang Yaru, they were all black lines.

Thanks to Jian Haixi, you can even say that. Ning Jiwei is cheating? That's less likely than Mars hitting the earth.

Don't say that he took the initiative to cheat, that is, he put the beauty on his bed, and it is estimated that he can pack and throw it out for others.

The whole world knows that Ning Jiwei is devoted to Jian Haixi, but she can tell lies with her eyes open

Oh, yes, she's really blind now. She's really lying!

"Grandfather, if you don't decide for me, no one will decide for me." Jian Haixi cried: "now George, they must be laughing. You see, even they don't believe me. Ning Jiwei let me down like that. Apart from my grandfather, I really have no one to rely on..."


Ning Jiwei, who is driving with mojue, shivers suddenly and wakes up from sleep.

Mo Jue looked at him and said, "why don't you sleep? I'll drive. You can have a rest

Ning Jiwei shook his head, shook his arm and said: "I don't know why, I always feel The back is cold. "

"Ah?" Mo Jue said with a smile: "maybe someone is behind you."

Ning Jiwei wry smile, "Yin my people still less?"

But he never thought that the person who dug a big hole for him this time was his daughter-in-law.


after returning to Qiao's home, Jian Haixi continued to cry: "grandfather, I, I have something to tell you, I actually I'm pregnant. It's Dou GE's... "

"Cough Cough, cough, cough"Lying trough!"

Doug and George coughed at the same time.

Jian Haixi's voice was miserable and said, "grandfather, what should I do? The Dou family is not good to me. They not only don't like me, but also drive me out. Now I'm taking my children everywhere to avoid the pursuit. Talilina is also chasing me. My poison has not been solved. Grandfather, please help me. If you don't help me, I really want to go with you! "

George took his cell phone out of the corner of the town and said, "I'll take it! I'll talk to Haixi immediately. If I go on like this, I think the old man will be able to give her Qi disease even if he wakes up! "

Dou Ge, on the other hand, said with a simple and honest smile: "have you passed? How do I feel just right? "

"You..." George hummed coldly: "forget it, you give your mobile phone to Qiao Zheng. I can't tell a sick man like you."


Dou GE's answer is to hang up.

He finally had this opportunity to be "the father of jianhaixi's children". He hasn't had enough work yet. How can he stop jianhaixi?

George was so angry that he called Qiao Zheng and ordered the same thing.

Qiao Zheng hesitated: "that Young master, are you not in the room

"Ah, what's the matter?" Asked George.

"Well, what..." Qiao Zheng coughed a way: "you go in to know, just now that play has finished, now change play."

"Change the play?"

George was stunned, but he didn't care to talk to Qiao Zheng. He quickly went back to the room, only to see that everyone was waiting beside the hospital bed nervously. The doctor was also observing Qiao Qinghe's reaction urgently.

ECG, Qiao Qinghe this gradually smooth line finally had a big fluctuation.

"This is..." George was glad, but then he heard the voice of jianhaixi.

"Grandfather, in fact, George already has illegitimate children outside. They can make soy sauce!"

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