Dou Ge shook his head and said nothing. He closed the door for them and left the room.

"Brother Dou? "Qiao Qiao?" Jian Haixi didn't get any response for a long time, so she finally panicked.

Her calm face showed obvious confusion and fear. As she stretched out her hand and grasped it in the air, she wanted to help her bed down.

"Is anyone here? Who's there? " Asked jianhaixi.

Ning Jiwei looked at such a helpless and weak jianhaixi, tears in his eyes could not help but shed.


"Who's there?" Jianhaixi flurried out of bed, but mistakenly judged the position of slippers, a foot step empty, the whole person fell forward in the past.

"Ah Jane Haixi screamed, then closed her eyes and blocked her head.

She thought that this time she would see the wound again. Mingming Douge and mikai both told her that the wound could not be hurt by external force.

Just when Jian Haixi thought she was going to fall miserably, suddenly her two big hands caught her firmly, and then held her in her arms.

"Brother Dou No, it's not brother Dou... " Jianhaixi subconsciously thought that Dou Ge caught her, but soon, the taste and feeling of the person in front of her told her that he was not Dou Ge.

At last, the feeling of familiarity came. Jian Haixi opened her mouth and her whole body trembled slightly. She stretched out her hand in disbelief. She wanted to touch the face of the person in front of her, but she stopped halfway and didn't dare to touch it, for fear that she just wanted to think more.

"You, you are..." Jian Haixi was dumb, trembling and weeping, but she didn't dare to say the name.

How is that possible? How could he be here?


Ning Jiwei gently holds Jian Haixi's hand, and then puts it on her cheek to let her feel her reality.

"Haixi, it's me. I'm here."

Familiar facial features and blade like outline in his palm, hot tears slide over the back of her hand, as if to tell her that all this is true.

"Ji Wei..." Jian Haixi cried, reached out and hugged Ning Jiwei's neck tightly, and said, "is it really you, really you, Jiwei? You're here. You're really here for me. "

"It's me." Ning Jiwei hugs Jian Haixi and kisses her hair top and eyebrow piteously. With this kind of intimacy between them, he tells her that he is coming.

Jian Haixi is buried in Ning Jiwei's arms. Her strength all the time suddenly collapses.

Different from Qiao Qinghe's crying on the phone, she was wronged at that time, but more of it was to make Qiao Qinghe cry so loudly.

But now, in Ning Jiwei's arms, she threw away all her armor, just like a child who had been wronged and finally returned to her parents' arms, crying so loudly, so wronged, so It's sad.

Ning Jiwei hugs Jian Haixi, and he is crying, but his crying is silent. Only the tears soaked in Jian Haixi's clothes tell her how sad and heartache he is.

In the room, lovers who had not seen each other for a long time hugged and wept.

Mogo's eyes were not far away from the room.

I don't know how long it took for jianhaixi to stop her tears, but she didn't want to get out of Ning Jiwei's arms. She just held her and asked, "Jiwei, why are you here?"

Ning Jiwei reached out and stroked her cheek, gave her a kiss on the lip, then bent down to hold her and sat on the bed.

When Dou Ge is around, Jian Haixi is strong. When Qiao Qiao is around, Jian Haixi is patient.

But only when Ning Jiwei was there, jianhaixi was delicate.

Ning Jiwei holds Jian Haixi to sit on the bed, then helps her cover the quilt, cushions the pillow, and helps her adjust her posture.

In the whole process, jianhaixi just like no hands and feet, just stick in his arms, let her play.

When Ning Jiwei hugged her and leaned on the bed, Jian Haixi gently rubbed against his chest and asked, "Jiwei, you haven't said how did you come?"

Ning Jiwei took her in one hand and raised her chin with the other hand. He bowed his head and put his lips close to her ear and said, "come to you."

The warm breath sprayed on her ears made jianhaixi tremble slightly. She shook her head with a bitter smile and said, "I I can't hear you, Jiwei. "

Ning Jiwei's eyes darkened and he didn't speak.

Jian Haixi seemed to know Ning Jiwei's mood at the moment. She forced her smile and stretched out her hand and said, "write it, you write it in my hand, I'll know."

Ning Jiwei holds Jian Haixi's hand and closes all her fingers.

Writing in the palm of one's hand is a way that can be used by people with hearing impairment. His Haixi is not. He should not use this way.


Before Ning Jiwei could write, his fingers were closed, which made Jian Haixi confused.

Just when she wanted to ask, the whole person was suddenly held by Ning Jiwei and turned over.

"Jiwei, you..." Jian Haixi blinked. She couldn't understand Ning Jiwei's idea.Ning Jiwei didn't say anything. He just buried his head near jianhaixi's neck and approached her ears in a more intimate and almost empty way.

"Haixi, I love you. Do you hear me

Jian Haixi trembled and said with a smile: "Ji Wei, itch..."

She reached out to push Ning Jiwei, but Ning Jiwei clasped her hands and put them on the pillow.

In the same way, Ning Jiwei increased his voice and said, "Haixi, I love you."

"Haixi, I love you."

"Do you hear me, Haixi?"


Ning Jiwei holding jianhaixi, over and over again, took the trouble to increase the voice, said again and again in her ear.

Jian Haixi dodged with a smile at the beginning, felt bitter later, and then held Ning Jiwei motionlessly.

Finally, after Ning Jiwei said "I love you" many times, and his voice was so loud that Dou Ge and others could hear him clearly, Jian Haixi finally hugged his neck in tears.

"Haixi, can you hear me? I love you. I love you very much Ning Jiwei said in a dumb voice.

Jianhaixi hugged his neck, cried and nodded: "I hear you, I hear Jiwei, I hear you say 'I love you', I hear you."

Jian Haixi's voice spread to the outside through the door frame, Dou Ge and Mo Jue were all stunned.

Zheng and other people's footsteps also catch up with mikai.

As if the auspicious weather resonates with people, these old men who usually never show people in tears are all in tears now.

Listening to Jian Haixi's words, Ning Jiwei was stiff, then his face was happy, and the smile on his lips enlarged unconsciously.

He looked up at jianhaixi, affectionately kissing her lips and said: "my Haixi, I love you, this life will not change."

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