See Mo Jue promise to taste, Qiao Qiao eyes suddenly a bright, happy.

Although she may not know where the joy came from, she felt that the taste in her heart was so sweet that she couldn't help it.

"Well, brother Mo, you eat this." Qiaoqiao also sat next to mojue and gave him chopsticks.

Mo Jue himself is actually ready to take chopsticks, but he is a little slower, and the dessert has been delivered to his mouth.

What to do, eat or not?

Mo Juewei hesitated. He didn't want to get off the stage, so he leaned a little closer, opened his mouth and bit the dessert.

In order to avoid waiting for him again, mojue simply took the whole dessert in his mouth.

The dessert is small, but it's not easy to chew.

Qiao Qiao looked at it and said with a smile: "brother Mo, eat slowly, I'll help you to hold it first..."

"No, No." Mo Jue quickly waved his hand and said, "I like to eat like this."

While mumbling indistinctly, Mo Jue chewed a mouthful of dessert while enduring dryness.

He didn't know whether the dessert was delicious or not. He just felt that the scene in front of him was really embarrassing.

Qiao Qiao gently sat on one side, watching Mo Jue finish eating, and in time to help him pour the tea, said: "brother Mo, you drink tea smoothly."

"Cough..." Mo Jue didn't care about anything at the moment. He took the cup and drank it.

Straight a whole cup of tea to drink down, Mo Jue just can go down, just mouth dry sweet.

Qiao Qiao looked at Mo Jue with expectation and asked, "brother Mo, how are you?"

"Well?" Mo Jue was stunned and nodded: "delicious, delicious."

Qiao Qiao blinked an eye, in the eye some loses, "like this?"

She thought that mojue would say something else, but she didn't expect that there was only the word "delicious".

Mo Jue opened his mouth. His EQ was not low. At this time, he subconsciously wanted to say something to comfort Qiaoqiao. He also knew that as long as he said something casually, Qiaoqiao would be happy.

Just words about to head of the moment, Mo Jue but to swallow back.

Even Dou Ge can see that Qiao Qiao is different from him. How can he not see it?

Since he had no doubt about Qiao Qiao, he didn't want to give her any hope or illusion.

He made up his mind. Mo Jue didn't say anything else. He just said indifferently: "I don't have much research on desserts. In my eyes, it's OK to eat."

Qiao Qiao Leng next, didn't seem to expect to receive Mo Jue such reply.

But Qiaoqiao's thought was very simple. She didn't realize that Mo Jue was trying to distance herself from her. She just nodded her head and said, "I understand. Brother Mo, I'm sorry I shouldn't disturb you at this time. You must be discussing something very important, right? Sorry, it's all my fault... "

Mo Jue a Zheng, eyebrow Cu wear a way: "you don't need to apologize, also nothing, just finished discussing."

Qiaoqiao laughed, his eyes brightened again, and said to Mo Jue, "brother Mo, have a good rest. I won't disturb you."

Then she stood up, turned and walked out.

This is a surprise to Mo Jue.

That's it? be gone?

So easy?

The line of sight sweeps the dessert that still puts on the table, Mo Jue calls Qiao Qiao to say: "take these down."

"Put it here first." Qiao Qiao turned back to smile and said to Mo Jue, "I don't think you have any snacks in your room, brother mo. just put them first, and I'll come back to collect them in the evening."

"Oh, all right." Mo Jue subconsciously nodded along with her words.

Wait for Qiao Qiao figure to walk out, Mo Jue just knows later reaction to come over.

That's not right.

Come and collect it in the evening Isn't she coming over at night?

Think of here, Mo Jue stretched out his hand and rubbed his temple, but he had a headache.

He grew up in such a big age. Apart from his time in the dark, he has loved talina since he came out.

And they are too similar, a little soul mate feeling, basically do not need each other to say too much, just an expression of an action, each other can understand each other's meaning.

Although they are predestined, this life is doomed not to be together. But the feeling that mojue really wanted was talilina.

Can be interlinked with each other, can not be so much simple love.

It happens to be different, or she and talilina are just two extremes.

Talilina is simple, decisive and powerful. Qiao Qiao is sensitive, simple and timid.

When you get along with Qiaoqiao, you always have to take care of her feelings. Mo Jue thinks that he is not a person who can take care of people very well, so there is no such kind of character in his friends, no matter male or female.

Qiaoqiao was saved by accident, but it can only be in the category of friends. He doesn't intend to give the two people a chance to further develop.With a sigh, mojue finally looked at the dessert on the table and clapped his hands.

"No less."

The guard of Qiao's family came in and said respectfully to Mo Jue.

Here, they call Mo Jue and Ying "Mo Shao" and "Ying Shao". Otherwise, there are too many masters to recognize.

Mo Jue pointed to the dessert on the table and said, "take this down to Qiaoqiao's room and tell her that she doesn't have to come to my place to do more."


The guard nodded, didn't ask much. He came in with his head down and left with dessert. He remembered to take the door with him.

Mo Jue looked at it and said with emotion, "if only those boys in the secret department could be managed so well by the Qiao family."

It's a pity that the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. As the boss, he looks like this. You can imagine how casual the whole dark Department is.

When the guard delivers the dessert to Qiaoqiao's room, Qiaoqiao is humming a song and folding clothes.

Seeing him coming, he asked, "what can I do for you?"

"This is from Mo Shao. He said that Qiao Qiao needn't go to him any more."

Qiaoqiao was stunned. Looking at the dessert that had not been moved, she felt lost. She bit her lip, looked at the guard and asked, "brother Mo really said that?"


The guard nodded and turned away.

Qiaoqiao went to the table and looked at the box of desserts. The sweetness in her heart slowly fermented into bitterness. It seemed that it was too late. After bitterness, it was sour again.

After a while, she only felt cool on her face. She stretched out her hand and did not know when she shed tears.

"I Why am I crying? " Qiao Qiao Leng next, busy took the paper towel on the table to wipe tears.

But the tears seem to be out of control. The more she wipes them, the more they flow.

In the end, Qiaoqiao could only throw away the paper towel, lying on the table, burying his head in his arms and crying in a low voice.

Before, she only knew her dependence on mojue. Not long ago, when she was in jianhaixi's room, looking at the scene of Ning Ji and jianhaixi getting along, she had a sudden heartbeat. But soon, she pressed it down.

She told herself that she just wanted to repay mojue, just wanted to be good to him.

So she made the desserts, but now they were sent back.

Looking at the box of desserts, Qiaoqiao can no longer tell herself that she just depends on mojue.

Because in the heart that again clear but sour and painful, already told her plainly, she that is not depend on, but like Mo Jue.

It's a pity that her feelings are just like herself, too small and humble.

She knows mojue's love for talilina and how much she cares about mojue.

Even if she no longer followed talina, she was reluctant to step in between them.

And Mo has already told her what he means.

Qiao Qiao sucked his nose, clenched his fist against his heart, and said to himself, "Qiao Qiao, you have to hide your feelings. You can't embarrass brother Mo or betray elder sister any more."

Said, Qiao Qiao's voice could not help choking up.

It's hopeless for her to be sentenced to death without starting. What's more, she has to hide and tuck it in, and even dare not expose it to the sun?


looking back a little, let's talk about the story of Ningji and jianhaixi.

Ning Jiwei left mojue's room and went back to find jianhaixi.

Qiao Qiao saw him come over, and he left wisely.

Before recognizing the words written on the back of her hand, Jian Haixi first smelled the taste of Ning Jiwei.

So instead of writing skillfully, she said with a smile: Jiwei, are you back?

Ning Jiwei bowed her head and gave her a kiss on the forehead. Jianhaixi was determined.

After Qiaoqiao left, Ningji villa sat down with jianhaixi's hand and helped her put on the earphone.

"Can't wait for Haixi?" she asked? What are you going to do? Have you made a reservation at what time? "

Ning Jiwei shook her hand, but she asked, "Haixi, is it time for you to take a medicine bath?"

After a meal, Jian Haixi nodded and said, "almost. But it doesn't matter if it's delayed. Please tell me first..."

"It can't be delayed." Ning Jiwei interrupted her by saying, "I have people ready to go."

"Ji Wei..." Jian Haixi wants to ask again. Ning Jiwei has rubbed her frown and said, "don't worry, I'll talk to you while you take a bath."

Jian Haixi was relieved. She just thought about it again, but felt that Ning Jiwei's words were very ambiguous.

Fortunately, the festering wound on her face is not good. Even if she blushes, Ning Jiwei can't see it.

The medicine bag is prepared in advance by mikai. Ning Jiwei asks people to put water in it and throws it in. He closes the door and walks over with Jian Haixi in his arms."I..." Jian Haixi tugged at her clothes and said, "I'll do it myself..."

Ning Jiwei said with a smile: "are you sure? I have something very important to tell you. Are you sure you want to do it yourself? Don't you mind wasting time? "

Jane Haixi paused and released her hand shyly.

Ning Jiwei's eyes swept from her body, so intuitive looking, you can see the injuries on Jian Haixi's body.

He didn't dare to look at the pain in his eyes. He just peeled her off quickly and took her into the bathtub.

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