It's all coincidence, but

Shazhi sat up from the bed with a cold face.

Talilina and ARJO both said that the computer expert had not been found.

If he has nothing to do, why hasn't Shazhi met him since then?

Why did he disappear with Jian Yi?


The palm of Shazhi's hand was in a cold sweat. She almost rushed down the stairs and ran towards the study.

But Jian Yi, who is busy investigating and writing code in her study, doesn't notice the figure flashing on the monitor.


"Touch!" The door was forced open from the outside.

Jane yiduan sat there, no response, just seriously tapping the keyboard.

"You're squinting at his handwriting all the time," she says

Jian Yi blinks and doesn't speak.

Shazhi gritted her teeth and suddenly reached out and pushed him down, saying, "now you still want to cheat me!"

Jian Yi falls to the ground and his palm rubs against the ground. He looks up at Shazhi and still doesn't speak.

Shazhi pointed to a series of star light bulbs on the ceiling and said, "those are the heat dissipation lamps I designed. Only when my computer has been used can they light up."

Jian Yi is stunned and looks up at the yellow light bulbs.

He always thought it was just a decoration, but he didn't expect it was a radiator.

No wonder just now he had disguised himself, but as soon as Shazhi entered the door, he found that he had touched her computer.

Shazhi bites her teeth, kicks Jianyi and says, "you liar, what else can you cheat me?"

Jian Yi eats the pain, frowns, shrinks her feet, and looks up at Shazhi.

His eyes are so clear that they don't look like the eyes of people who don't understand anything.

Shazhi, stunned, steps back, points at Jian Yi and murmurs, "you, you..."

Jian Yi pursed her lips and said, "I'm sorry I cheated you."

Shazhi has imagined many times that if Jian Yi is not deaf, if he can speak, his voice will be very good.

But at this moment, I heard Jian Yi's voice for the first time, but I never thought it would be under such circumstances.

Shazhi angrily throws the mouse and the mat at Jianyi. Jianyi doesn't dodge and gets a hard one.

"I hate liars and I hate you," she said

Jian Yi looked at her and nodded: "I didn't mean to cheat you, but I'm really sorry. Besides, I don't regret everything I've done. "

This sentence almost made her not want to be angry.

Hearing the alarm, the guard at the door rushed in quickly.

Shazhi said in a cold voice, "come on, press him down and lock him up. Don't let him leave."

"Yes, miss." Two tall guards escort Jian Yi to take him down.

Shazhi looks at Jianyi and doesn't know a word. She feels uncomfortable. Besides being angry, she seems to have some other emotions.

Qi San, Jiao Wu and Jiao Liu, who were originally preparing to find Jian Yi's trouble, soon got the news.

Jiao five jiao six went to tielao first, and Qi three came to see Shazhi.

Yarn weaving is buried in crying, see Qi three came to hum, hum also did not speak.

Qi San asked with a smile, "Miss, I don't know what a Dong has done wrong. You want to lock him up /"

"he..." Shazhi hesitates, but doesn't say that Jianyi is a traitor at the first time.

Qi San squinted at Shazhi and said with a smile, "by the way, my elder sister is still talking to me this morning."

"Mother?" Mention talilina, yarn weaving not from a Zheng look to Qi San.

Qi San nodded and said, "she is very concerned about you. She asked me if you are well and if you have been bullied by Dong."

Listening to Qi San's words, a touch of guilt flashed in Shazhi's eyes.

Qi San keenly grasped the change of her expression, with a bigger smile on the corner of his mouth. Like a snake staring at its prey, he confided the snake letter and said: "in fact, the elder sister is not very at ease. When he was in the hotel, the elder sister was very suspicious of him. On the way back, the mosquito also found his abnormality and told the elder sister about it I still didn't say anything, miss. Do you know why? "

"For What? " The yarn weaves dumb voice, murmur to ask a way.

"Because the elder sister loves you." With a smile, Qi San finally took a strong dose of medicine. It was like the teeth of a poisonous snake stabbed into the skin of the prey and said, "elder sister, miss, you don't have a playmate. That's why you want Dong to accompany you. In this way, you won't be too lonely when elder sister is not at home. As for Dong's suspicious places and careful thinking, as long as he doesn't do anything to hurt you, the elder sister said that we people should not see it. Don't care. As long as you are happy. "

"Mom..." There are tears in Shazhi's eyes. Unexpectedly, when she tries to shield Jianyi, she hurts her mother who loves her most.She looked up at Qi San and said, "ah Dong is not a deaf mute. He can speak and use computers. I don't know who he is, but he is definitely not our ally."

Qi San always doubted Jian Yi, but even so, he was shocked when he heard Shazhi's words.

I'm not deaf and dumb, I can use computer

Is that Dong hiding so many secrets?

How can so many people disguise themselves perfectly?

It's very difficult for an adult to do such a thing. How old is he?

Qi San was shocked, but at the same time, he had a little fear in his heart.

This fear is not because of Jian Yi's intelligence and ability, but because of his heart.

A young man who can do this If he was allowed to grow up, how terrible would it be?

Thinking of this, Qi San immediately made up his mind. He quickly bowed to Shazhi and said, "thank you for telling me. I'm going to meet ah Dong. I'm sure I'll find out his purpose."

Then, without waiting for Shazhi's reply, he quickly left the room.

Looking at Qi San's back, Shazhi feels her heart beating. She doesn't know whether she is sorry for herself or worried about Jian Yi.

But she could feel the fear in her heart, and didn't know why.

In the iron prison, Jian Yi has been "friendly" to Jiao Wu Jiao Liu. He falls to the ground, reaches out his hand and wipes the blood on the corner of his mouth. He looks at Jiao Wu Jiao Liu coldly and doesn't speak.

"Elder brother, this young lady still refuses to accept, let me beat him again." Jiao liudao.

"Wait a minute." Qi San stopped Jiao Liu, went to the door, looked at Jian Yi and said, "boy, don't pretend. Miss told me that you are not deaf mute."

"What? He's not deaf? " Jiao Wu Jiao Liu was surprised.

Qi Sanyin said with a smile: "yes, smelly boy, he has cheated so many people."

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