Dou GE's words let Ning Jiwei silence down, silence in the car for a long time.

Dou Ge didn't speak again after he said these words, and the driver didn't say a word.

Looking at her, Ji Ning held her hand.

Jian Haixi was acutely aware that his finger strength was different from that just now, so she asked, "Jiwei, what's the matter?"

Ning Jiwei was stunned and subconsciously wanted to speak. But thinking that Jian Haixi couldn't hear her, he swallowed the words back and shook her hand gently.

It means "nothing.".

Jian Haixi didn't doubt that he was there. She leaned against him and closed her eyes.

Ning Jiwei looks down at Jian Haixi's hair. She is as quiet and gentle as before. Even though she has experienced so many things, in Ning Jiwei's eyes, Jian Haixi has never changed.

No matter to people or things, she has her own set of principles and loyalty, and will never betray and change.

The outside world always says that Jian Haixi is lucky to find Ning Jiwei, but for Ning Jiwei, it's really his blessing to meet Jian Haixi.

Many times, in the face of Jian Haixi, Ning Jiwei always feels that she is not good enough for her, so he always wants to give her the best and better.

He is not afraid of suffering and getting hurt, but he can see that Jian Haixi is suffering from this kind of torture. When he thinks that Jian Yi doesn't know his life and death, no matter how hard he beats him, he can't stand the suffering in his heart.

He began to think, why can't it all end now?

Why should he be kind to those who hurt his family over and over again?

As soon as the mind is possessed, it will grow like weeds.

Ning Jiwei takes a deep breath and presses the idea in his heart just now. If Dou GE's words didn't wake him up, I'm afraid he might do something irrational next.

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry." Ning Jiwei apologized.

Dou Ge shook his head and sighed: "I said that, just after I saw Haixi..."

As long as you have seen jianhaixi like that, no one will be indifferent.

Ning Jiwei wiped his face with a wry smile and said: "next thing, please look at me carefully. In case I make a wrong decision, stop me in time."

"Don't worry." Dou Ge looked at Jian Haixi, who was not aware of it, and said to Ning Jiwei, "even for Haixi, I won't let you go the wrong way."

After a pause, Dou Ge continued: "but if you don't do that, what should you do in case what you just said happens next?"

Ning Jiwei hesitated and said, "when Yi Yi is rescued and Haixi is OK, I'll leave. When the time comes If you still want to fight, this side will be handed over to you and Haixi. I'll go back to Xiangcheng. Since it's going to end, naturally it's going on both sides at the same time. "

"Well, I see." Dou Ge nodded and said, "I will also tell Dou ming to make the family ready."


They didn't talk on the way.

When we got near the base, the driver stopped the car in a hiding place.

"The car stopped immediately, and we woke up, didn't we?"

Ning Jiwei took out the earphone and put it on for her. She said in a low voice, "yes, now The other teams should have acted. "

While saying that, Ning Jiwei turned on the computer and began to break through the defense force of the base.

At the same time.

Two people were weaving medicine in the room.

The alarm goes off!

Shazhi's face suddenly changes. She doesn't care about Jianyi. She immediately runs to the study downstairs.

After that, Jianyi quickly follows.

In the study, all the computer screens began to flash, and the surveillance videos were not displayed directly.

"Someone's breaking my defense." Yarn weaving cold voice said, people have sat in front of the computer, began to operate.

Jian Yi is watching her operation. The more she looks at her eyes, the more obvious the difference is.

How can this way of attack be so How familiar is it?

Shazhi has been working hard and doesn't notice Jian Yi, but Ning Jiwei is too strong to be busy.

Just as she was busy, Yu Guang from the corner of Shazhi's eye came to Jian Yi, who was standing by and watching carefully. She thought of something and stopped immediately.

When Jian Yi sees her stop, her eyebrows pick slightly and she doesn't say anything.

Shazhi looked at Jian Yi and said, "the opponent is too strong. I can't beat him."

Jian Yi pursed her lips and did not speak.

Of course, his father's means are beyond his reach even by joining hands with Yun Zhixiang.

Shazhi looks at Jian Yi, walks up to him step by step, stares at him and says, "do you know who he is?"

Jian Yi still doesn't speak. He doesn't want to cheat Shazhi, but he won't say a word about Ning Jiwei.

Shazhi looked at Jian Yi and said, "do you know when I began to doubt you?"Jian Yi was stunned. He didn't know why Shazhi suddenly mentioned it. He shook his head.

Shazhi said: "I saw your behavior in my room. Although you hide it very well, some of your little actions still expose your problems, and you look too skilled when facing the computer. So I guess you either have normal hearing, or you can use a computer yourself

Jian Yi is not surprised to hear that Shazhi is clever. He always knows that.

"So it was a test to leave me here alone today." Jian Yi said in a light voice.

"Not bad." Shazhi nodded, staring at Jian Yi without blinking, and said, "I tell myself, I will test you this time. If you behave normally, I will assume that I wronged you for all the abnormalities in the past, and I will never doubt you again."

Jian Yi didn't speak.

Yarn weaving continued: "my computer has a special alarm, as long as it has been moved, the alarm will sound within ten seconds, but I waited in the room for a long time, the alarm did not sound."

Jian Yi pursed her lips and did not explain all this.

In Shazhi's opinion, this is a direct default, so she continued with a cold hum: "I was going to sleep, thinking that you passed the test, but It suddenly occurred to me that the day you appeared was the day the computer expert who tied with me disappeared. After that, the computer expert disappeared completely and never appeared again. Dong... "

After a pause, Shazhi looked at Jian Yi and said in a cold voice, "how can there be such a coincidence?"

"You should have guessed it long ago with your intelligence," she said

"But I don't know who you are yet." Shazhi bit her lips and clenched her hand to form a boxing way: "until I remember the information I checked a long time ago, about the two children of Ningji and jianhaixi..."

Hearing this, Jane Yi, who had not responded, finally became stiff.

Although it was just a moment, he was caught by the yarn weaving who was staring at him all the time.

So she was more sure of her guess.

It's not clear whether it's anger or resentment. It seems that there are other complicated emotions.

It is said that Jian Yi, a gifted child who has been weaving gauze all over the world, is called Gao Yingyi. I've always regretted that I couldn't fight him. "

With a bitter smile, Jian Yi said, "Jian Yi? He's dead, once. "

"Died in an explosion." Shazhi's voice was a little hoarse and her eyes were red. She sniffed and said, "Dong, if I remember correctly, Zhuo Ge, when they brought you back, said that your old injuries, including your left eye, were caused by a big disaster, such as an explosion."

"Yes." Seeing that she had already guessed it all, Jian Yi no longer concealed it and nodded honestly.

"So..." Shazhi took a deep breath and asked, "you are not Dong, you are Jian Yi."

"Yes." Jian Yi straightened up her chest and said, "I've never been a Dong. It's just a name a Zhuo Ge gave me temporarily. He wants me to be his brother, but I have a family, parents and sister. The name "Jian Yi" comes from my mother, Jian Haixi. She is my favorite. This name is also the pride of my life. "

Listening to Jian Yi's words, Shazhi was stunned for a long time.

She has a lot of complaints, a lot of sadness, a lot of tears.

But Jian Yi's words made her unable to say a word.

Jian Yi is not wrong. He has never done anything wrong. He has done everything he can to help his mother, the poor woman poisoned by her mother.

Yarn weaving head down, the current sound into a study, and then several computers at the same time off the machine.

Shazhi didn't try to remedy it. By her means, she couldn't save it at this time.

The outside of the base is also in chaos. They can clearly hear the footsteps running outside.

Jiao Wu patted at the door and yelled, "are you OK, miss? Someone broke into the base, you come with us

Shazhi didn't answer. She looked at Jian Yi and said, "are they looking for someone?"

Jian Yi nodded and said, "yes."

Shazhi laughed, reached out and hung a wisp of hair behind her ears and said, "it seems that even if I beg you to stay, you won't stay."

Jian Yi opened her mouth, but in the end she could only say, "I'm sorry."

Shazhi turns her head. She doesn't want to hear it. I'm sorry.

No longer looking at Jian Yi, Shazhi walks out of the study.

Looking at her back, Jian Yi doesn't know whether she should follow her or find another way to leave.

Shazhi, who had already come to the door of the study, suddenly stopped and said without looking back: "the one you are practicing typing is an emergency computer, which can't be turned on at ordinary times, so it shouldn't be broken at this time."

At this point, Shazhi didn't wait for Jianyi to answer, so she went out.

But the door of the study was not locked.Through the door, Jian Yi hears the conversation between Shazhi and Jiao Wu.

"Miss, what about Dong? You can't let him run away. "

"I've locked him up. He can't run."


Jian Yi quietly listens to Sha Zhi's words, bites her teeth and says in her heart, "thank you, Sha Zhi."

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