Ningji and mojue follow Shazhi into the room. Shazhi locks the door first, and then leads them to the study.

At the moment when the door of the study opens, Jian Yi is still hiding behind the door, ready to attack. Shazhi goes inside unprepared. Unexpectedly, a chair smashes at her.

"Ah The yarn weaves to exclaim, frighten to block a head.

At the critical moment, mojue quickly reaches out his hand and pulls Shazhi back. At the same time, Jianyi hears the voice of Shazhi and goes out.

"Yi Yi..." Ning Jiwei looked at his long lost son standing in front of him, his eyes suddenly turned red.

Jian Yi is all injured by Jiao Wu Jiao Liu and Qi San. Her face and hands are black and blue. We can see how much she has suffered here.

Jian Yi only hears the voice of Shazhi. She thinks that only Shazhi is coming. Unexpectedly, when she comes out, she sees Ning Ji and Mo Jue in front of her.

It's as if the traveler who has been pursuing for a long time has finally arrived at the destination of peace of mind. Jian Yi immediately becomes red eyed, stretches her arm towards Ning Jiwei, and cries out: "Daddy

Ning Jiwei catches his son and hugs him tightly.

Since their father and son met each other, Jian Yi has only made such a gaffe in front of him twice.

One was when they met for the first time in Iceland, the other was right now.

If she wasn't really scared, Jian Yi couldn't have shown such a weak side.

Ning Jiwei hugs Jian Yi, rubs his head and says, "it's OK. Daddy has come to save you. Don't be afraid, Yi Yi. It's OK."

"Mmm, Daddy I miss you so much. I thought I would never see you again... " She sobbed.

How old is a child, no matter how smart he is? How can you not be afraid of running through the enemy's den?

Mo Jue's voice is mute. Even he is struggling all the way. We can imagine how difficult Jian Yi's life is.

He reluctantly laughed and said, "well, it's OK. Let's leave first, and then talk about the next thing."

"Well." Ning Jiwei nodded, hugged Jian Yi and said, "let's go."

"Daddy..." Jian Yi hesitated, looked at Shazhi standing in silence, walked up to her and said, "thank you, Shazhi."

Yarn weaving looked at him, cold hum a way: "don't need you to thank, I didn't do anything, it's you who hold me."

Ning Jiwei looks at Shazhi, reaches for Jian Yi's shoulder and says to Shazhi on his behalf, "is your name Shazhi? Thank you for taking care of Yi Yi. He is as important to me and his mother as our lives. Thank you

Shazhi can be angry with Jianyi, but Ning Jiwei is a little embarrassed to thank her so solemnly.

"Yarn weaving..." Looking at Shazhi, Jian Yi said, "I know you trust talilina, but she is not your mother. She is the murderer who killed your family. I found something in the browsing records. If you don't believe me, you can check it later."

"Don't speak ill of my mother!" Shazhi's eyes widened.

Jian Yi said anxiously, "I didn't speak ill of her. I was just telling the truth."

"You said, you..." Shazhi is so angry that she wants to fight Jianyi, but as soon as she moves, she is pulled back by mojue.

"What are you doing? Let go of me. " Yarn weaving airway.

Mo Jue is not averse to yarn weaving. In his eyes, yarn weaving is just a cute girl with excellent intelligence, just like the combination of Jian Yi and Jian Rui.

"Shazhi, I knew you a long time ago." Mojue said.

Yarn weaves Leng next, looking at Mo Jue doubtfully, "do you know me?"

"Well, your mother told me about you." Mo Jue said with a smile.

"Mother..." Shazhi bit her lips, looked at mojue cautiously, and asked, "are you going to tell me that she's not my mother?"

"No Mo Jue shook his head, lovingly pinched the face of Zhai Shazhi and said, "I'm not going to persuade you. In fact, it's your freedom to think of people as mothers. No one has the right to stop you. Jian Yi can't, neither can I

Jian Yi opens her mouth and wants to talk. Holding Ning Jiwei in her arms, she shakes her head at him silently, so he is silent again.

Yarn weaving listened to Mo Jue's words, blinked, some don't understand looking at him, asked: "then you tell me what to do with these?"

Mo Jue said with a smile, "I'm just offering you some options."

"Options?" Yarn weaving confused, does she have a choice?

Mo Jue seemed to see her confusion, reached out and rubbed her hair, said: "little girl, your life is your own, of course, it's up to you to choose. If you think you're happy now, you care more about the present day than the truth, and you care more about your mother talilina, then you don't have to pursue that truth. "

After a pause, mojue said: "of course, if you want to trace the truth, no one will say anything about you. But you have to understand that once you choose to uncover the truth, you may suffer a lot of harm, and you may not live such a simple and happy life as you do now. "Listen to Mo Jue finish two choices, yarn weaving stiff in place for a long time, no words.

Although Mo Jue seems to be giving her a choice, he almost tells the story at the same time.

Mo Jue said these did not say more, but looked up to Ning Jiwei said: "let's go."

Ning Jiwei nodded, looked at Shazhi again and said, "if you change your mind and want to leave, you can contact us at any time. I think it should be difficult for you."

With that, he walks out behind Mo Jue with Jian Yi in his arms.

Jian Yi lies on Ning Jiwei's shoulder. When she can't see Shazhi, she calls out: "Shazhi, you must contact me!"

Standing in the same place, Shazhi suddenly looks up at the direction of Jianyi's disappearance and tears come down.

Ning Jiwei and Jian Yi leave first, while Mo jueze turns to help Dou Ge and Qiao Zheng. The three work together, not to mention beating the people around them, but they can easily get out of the siege.

After they left, people rushed to find Shazhi.

But I didn't expect that before they got to the door of Shazhi, they heard a loud bang from inside, and the living room exploded.

"Miss Shazhi!" Jiao Wu Jiao Liu's face changed and rushed in.

The living room was so burnt that I couldn't see anything clearly.

Jiao five and Jiao six find Shazhi in the corner of the study. She is hiding in the corner, shivering.

"Are you all right, miss?" Jiao five see yarn weave whole body up and down didn't hurt, just slightly relaxed tone to ask a way.

Shazhi cried and shook her head: "I have nothing to do, but Dong died to save me."

"What?" Jiao five and Jiao six were stunned at the same time, and turned to look at the living room which had become ruins.


Two people didn't say anything, Jiao five sighed a way: "young lady, you are all right, a Dong can save young lady, you are also his honor."

Shazhi buried her head and cried in a low voice. She didn't speak for a long time.

Jiao Wu and Jiao Liu think that she is afraid, but they don't know that she is in a mess. There are reasons for Jian Yi's leaving and reasons for Mo Jue's words.


on the other side, Ning Jiwei and others leave smoothly. In order to buy time for Ning Jiwei, Mo Jue, Dou Ge and Qiao Zheng wait for another moment. After Ning Jiwei and Jian Yi escape successfully, they leave from another direction.

Although it was different from the plan, it was completed without danger.

Hidden place, Jian Haixi is anxiously waiting, suddenly heard the driver said: "come, they are back!"

Jian Haixi felt in her heart and went to open the car door.

The driver said: "Miss, don't hurry to open the door, wait for them to come near."

"Well, good." Jian Haixi knew that the driver was worried that the person coming was not Ning Jiwei, so she continued to wait according to her anxiety.

After a long few seconds, I finally heard the driver say: "little master, little master!"

As soon as his voice fell, Jian Haixi heard Ning Jiwei answer. Then the door was pulled away from the outside and someone crowded in.

"Drive, go back." Said Ning Jiwei.

"Yes." The driver knew that Dou Ge would not come back, so he did not hesitate. He turned the steering wheel and drove back.

In the car, there are yellow ceiling lights. Besides the sound of driving, the car is quiet.

In the back seat, Jian Yi looks at Jian Haixi, who is right next to him. She opens her mouth, but her tears flow down before she speaks.

Jian Haixi's eyes are empty. She is looking at the direction here, but it's dark and can't see anything.

She wore a thin mask on her face to block bacterial droplets and avoid infecting the wound again.

But even so, Jian Yi can clearly see the ulcers on her cheek and the back of her hand.

His long cherished mother was right in front of him, but she couldn't see him.

Jian Yi clenched her teeth and trembled uncontrollably.

Ning Jiwei also has a sour nose. He hooks his lower lip and presses Jian Yi's shoulder.

Jian Haixi thought that Ning Jiwei was next to him, so she groped for his hand and said, "Ji Wei, you're back. Where's Yi Yi? What about brother Dou? Is Yi Yi with brother Dou? Does it matter if we leave like this? Have you seen Yi Yi? Is he OK? Did you get hurt... "

The words didn't finish, groping for the half empty hand was caught by a palm.

The difference is that the hand that catches her is much smaller.

Jian Haixi suddenly froze. She shook her hands and groped for the little hand. She asked in disbelief: "Yi Yi Yi

"Well!" Jian Yi nodded, rushed over and hugged Jian Haixi, crying: "Mommy, it's me, I'm Yi Yi, I'm back, Mommy!"

Jian Haixi was stiff and didn't respond for a long time. Her hands were still in the air, as if she didn't know how to take them back.

"Mommy, I'm Yiyi, I'm Yiyi..." Jian Yi cried, different from the moment of weakness in front of Ning Jiwei, he is like a real child in front of Jian Haixi, who can act like a spoiled child, cry and be wronged.

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