In the room, Ning Jiwei helps Jian Yi to wipe medicine. There are many old and new wounds on his body, not only on the surface, but also in his heart.

Although when talking to Jian Haixi, Jian Yi makes his story very simple, Ning Jiwei knows that it is not the only way.

Only what he saw at the edge of the woods that day could tell how difficult it was for Jian Yi to live safely to this day.

Aware that Ning Jiwei's fingers are shaking slightly, Jian Yi pauses to look at him and says, "Daddy, don't worry. I don't hurt."

"Yi Yi..." Ning Jiwei's voice was slightly astringent. After a while, he found peace and asked, "tell daddy what you've been through. Daddy wants to know everything."

As soon as Jian Yi is stiff, Ning Jiwei can see clearly that his body becomes stiff, and then shivers slightly.

It's as if something that I dare not mention has been revealed.

Ning Jiwei held him heartily, reached out and patted him on the back and said, "don't be afraid, son. Daddy is here. It's OK. It's OK again."

"Daddy..." Jian Yi choked: "Daddy, I'm so scared. I'm afraid I'll never come back."

"Daddy knows, daddy knows." Listening to Jian Yi's voice, Ning Jiwei's heart hurt even more. He lowered his head to kiss the top of his hair and said, "baby, don't be afraid. You don't have to be afraid any more."

Jian Yi lies in Ning Jiwei's arms, feeling the comfort from her father, and then her mood gradually stabilizes.

He delayed for a long time before he said: "that day, after I sent the address information to mummy, my position was exposed. Then I hid the electronic equipment, disguised myself as a beggar and hid in the shabby room. I thought that I could get by. As long as Uncle Ying and they came to me, I would be safe."

Listening to Jian Yi's words, Ning Jiwei nodded and said, "it's a good method. What happened later?"

This is also the most puzzling thing for them. Why did Jian Yi go to talilina as "Dong"?

Zhuo Yi thought of me as an orphan, but he didn't think of me

“……” Ning Jiwei was stunned for a long time before he accepted this incredible turn. Then he shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "we have guessed many possibilities, but we didn't think of this. This is Is it predestined? "

Jian Yi looked up at Ning Jiwei and said, "ah Zhuo Ge is very nice. He knows I'm pretending, but he doesn't tear me down and protects me. As long as talina never betrays my brother, he will

After a pause, Jian Yi was confused and said, "Daddy, I don't understand. Isn't talina a bad person? Why do many people around her not look bad? Like brother Zhuo, sister Qiaoqiao, and yarn weaving... "

Ning Jiwei bowed his head, looked at his son's puzzled eyes, rubbed his hair and said, "Yi Yi, human beings are very complicated creatures. It's not easy to distinguish good from bad. It's like there are many colors, besides black and white, there are other colors. At the junction of light and shadow, there is the afterglow of darkness

Listening to Ning Jiwei's words, Jian Yi blinked. After thinking for a moment, she said, "Daddy means that a person can be good or bad?"

"The Buddha and the devil are divided into two sides and become one. We can't just distinguish between good and bad people. At different times, different positions, different beliefs and three outlooks, different choices, different thinking, and so on, all of which may lead to different results. When people deal with things, they should be comprehensive and stick to their own ideas. Do you understand? " Ningji Uyghur Language Center of gravity long road.

Jian Yi quietly listened to Ning Jiwei's words, nodded and said: "Daddy, I know. In the future, I will not simply say whether a person is a good person or a bad person. Everyone has a good side and a bad side. We should look at the problem dialectically."

"Well summed up." Ning Jiwei laughed, touched Jian Yi's head like praise and said, "OK, let's talk about your adventure."

The word "adventure" comes from Ning Jiwei's gentle voice, which seems to dilute the fear in Jian Yi's heart. It makes him relax a lot, and those terrible memories are really stained with some magical colors.

Like adventures in fairy tales, Jian Yi slowly tells what she has seen and heard.

Ning Jiwei's heart is filled with joy and pride when he hears Jian Yi pleading with a Zhuo for Qiao Qiao.

When he kowtows to talilina and admits his mistake, Ning Jiwei is full of heartache.

Later, Jian Yi was tested with a poisonous snake at the base and threatened by Qi San with tweezers

After hearing these things, Ning Jiwei's heart and liver trembled. He held Jian Yi tightly and murmured: "fortunately, fortunately..."

Jian Yi felt warm in her heart. She patted Ning Jiwei's arm comfortingly and said, "don't worry, daddy. Fortunately, I'm very lucky. Everything has survived without danger."

"Yes." Ning Jiwei said in a dumb voice.

His son was blessed by heaven to survive and return to them today.But Ning Jiwei doesn't want to see the four words "Fu Da Ming Da" in his children.

He didn't want his children to go through those terrible things any more, and finally he had to gamble on a way to live.

"Yi Yi, never again." Ning Jiwei gave his son a guarantee, but also a guarantee to himself, "Daddy promised that this would never happen again."

"Daddy." Listening to him, Jian Yi slowly retreated from his arms and looked at him with a straight face, saying: "Daddy, Yi Yi doesn't want to be protected in the ivory tower by daddy. If daddy really wants to protect me well, he should teach me how to fight and how to become a more capable man. I'm daddy's son. I should stand beside him and protect our home together with Daddy, and I'm not the only one It's not hiding behind daddy. "

Ning Jiwei was stunned by the words. He looked at Jian Yi as if he saw the shadow of Jian Haixi on his smiling face.

was almost as like as two peas in Jane Hai Hai, who also said he would not be protected behind him, and would fight with him.

"Alas ~" for a long time, Ning Jiwei sighed, took the cotton wool again, wiped the medicine for Jian Yi, and said: "what you and your mommy said is almost the same, and they are still the same stubborn. If I don't answer you, I'm afraid you'll follow Mo Jue again and run away secretly? "

Jian Yi spits out her tongue, turns her eyes guilty and says, "it's not necessarily uncle Mo Jue, but it's sure to run away anyway."

"Tut, you don't hesitate to say that." Ning Jiwei has no good airway.

Jian Yi is not afraid of his black face at all. Instead, she smiles and says, "Daddy, I know you can give us a good life, but Yi Yi doesn't want to be such a charming boy. Yi Yi wants to be a strong man like Daddy. Grandfather Fu said that I was like Daddy when I was a child, but in fact, in my heart, I am not only like Daddy when I was a child, but also want to be daddy when I grow up. "

Looking at by the adoring eyes of his son, Ning Jiwei felt warm and helpless, and finally sighed: "I know, but you have to discuss with me in advance in the future. You can't steal any more."

"Promise!" Jian Yi saluted and said with a smile.

Ning Jiwei spoiled his nose. After this time, father and son seem to be closer than before.

Jian Yi also tells Ning Jiwei about yarn weaving. Ning Jiwei tells him not to worry. It's really good for her to give her time to make her own choice.

"Of course, if one day Shazhi contacted us and said he wanted to leave, I would not stand by." Ningjiwei road.

With Ning Jiwei's words, Jian Yi was a little relieved.

After helping Jian Yi change the medicine completely and watching him fall asleep, Ning Jiwei leaves and goes back to Jian Haixi's room next door.

Jane Haixi was very tired to sleep, but in fact she never fell asleep.

When Ning Jiwei lay quietly, Jian Haixi leaned over and hugged him.

Ning Jiwei took her in a soft voice and said, "don't worry, Yi Yi is OK."

Jian Haixi didn't wear headphones, so naturally he couldn't hear what he said.

But as if she had a soul in her heart, she hooked her lips and said, "Jiwei, I'm so happy. I'm really happy that Yi Yi is back. "

Ning Jiwei didn't speak, just hugged her tightly and responded with a kiss.

Tell her he's just as happy.


at the same time, the other side learned that Ning Jiwei and others broke into the base and attempted to rob Shazhi, but the news quickly spread to talilina.

Along with the news, there was the news that Dong died.

Hearing the news of Dong's death, Zhuo immediately leans against the wall.

He could not believe that Jian Yi would die like this.

But the news came from Shazhi and Jiao Wu together, so they didn't believe it.

Talilina is relieved to hear that Shazhi is OK. As for Jianyi's life and death, she doesn't care.

She said she recently returned, and then told Jiao Wu to take care of the base and other brothers, talilina is ready to hang up.

It's so easy for them to talk on the phone.

But this time, Jiao Wuzheng was ready to hang up the phone, but Shazhi took the phone ahead of time and said, "Mom."

Talilina's hand with the mobile phone pauses and asks, "Shazhi, what's the matter? Is there anything else?"

Yarn weaving lips, some wronged in the heart, biting lips way: "Mom, I'm afraid, can you accompany me to say two more words?"

No matter whose children are nearly robbed, they will be scared, so will yarn weaving.

But if she didn't mention it, talina seemed to have never found out.

Didn't notice or didn't care?

For the first time, there was a question in Shazhi's mind.

And talilina just said coldly: "yarn weaving, don't make trouble, Jiao Wu will take care of you. I'll be back soon. I'm still very busy here. If you're OK, don't take up my time. "

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