After a difficult weekend and a new week, even though she has complex emotions, she still has to go to work as usual, because the projects she is responsible for still need to be followed up.

In the world of adults, there will be no more impulse and courage of young girls. No matter how big things we meet, life will press us to continue to work and move forward with ridicule.

To the company, jianhaixi no doubt by a lot of people's criticism, there are behind the said, there are Heyan's face of the strange.

Jianhaixi all when can't hear, can't see, normal do their own work, eat their own food.

Xie Nuan sees jianhaixi completely unmoved, but he is angry and aggrieved for her.

"These people just can't eat all kinds of grape acids. Haixi, you are still creating benefits for the company. What have they done? It's boring to talk about people behind their backs every day

Jianhaixi helpless, pulled the corner of the mouth way: "let them go, wait for them to say no energy, naturally stopped, the more you argue with them, the more useless."

This side jianhaixi just entered the company, on the other side Heyan told sang Qin about it.

Sang Qin is at home when she receives a text message from He Yan. She knows that Jian Haixi doesn't give in and dares to go to work.

Seeing the message, sang Qin's eyes lit up and said to himself, "Jian Haixi, since you are so ignorant and don't know how to give up, don't blame me for being rude."

Sang Qin went to maiteng with the things she had prepared for a while. Although she was no longer working in maiteng, because of the news two days ago, the front desk didn't know whether she would be the president's wife, so she didn't dare to stop her when she saw sang Qin coming.

Sang Qin took a stack of photos to the design department directly, and kicked open the door of Jian Haixi's office in the eyes of everyone's surprise.

"Jian Haixi, you are really shameless enough!"

Jian Haixi was stunned. She frowned at sang Qin and said in a cold voice, "as far as I know, you are not from the design department. If you have nothing to do, please go out. Don't interfere with my work."

"Oh, it's smooth and magnificent." Sang Qin sneered and threw the photo on Jian Haixi's desk. He said sarcastically, "when I steal other people's men, I didn't see you so righteous! Otherwise, what are you doing in the mountains? "

After listening to her words, Jian Haixi was shocked. Looking at the intimate photos on the table, she and Ning Jiwei were secretly photographed on the mountain from all angles.

Jian Haixi's eyes were cold. She looked at sang Qin and said, "you really took great pains."

Sang Qin looked at her with high spirit and said with a sneer, "can you do without painstaking efforts? There are always some shameless women on their noses. If they don't teach her a lesson, she won't learn well. "

Jian Haixi looked at the photos, got up and nodded calmly, threw the photos back on the table, "that's good, and that's what I want to say to you."

Sang Qin frowned and asked, "what do you mean?"

"I mean what you mean. There are always some people who like to take an inch. If they don't teach her a lesson, she won't learn well." Jian Haixi walked around the table and looked at sang Qin and said in a low voice, "I thought you would learn from Sang Lan's experience. How can you follow her footsteps?"


Sang Qin is surprised, thinking of the consequences of Sang Lan's bad throat caused by Ning Ji Wei's medicine, she can't help shivering, and then finds her strength again.

It's impossible. She's careful about everything. All the things she can carry are left to Sang Fu and Xu Hui. Ning Jiwei won't find anything.

Jian Haixi has no intention to entangle with her, especially looking at the curious colleagues outside the door. She doesn't want to stay here much, so she just takes her bag and goes out.

Mulberry Qin Leng next, see jianhaixi up to go, quickly catch up.

"Jian Haixi, I haven't finished my words yet. Stop!"

Jian Haixi didn't care about her and went on to the stairs.

"I told you to stop!" Sang Qin quickly steps forward and grabs Jian Haixi's arm. Just as she is about to scold, she sees more and more people around her. As soon as sang Qin's eyes turn, the hand that was going to pull Jian Haixi suddenly releases her arm, pretending to be pushed down the stairs by Jian Haixi.

"Ah! Jian Haixi, what are you doing... "

Sang Qin fell downstairs with a scream, and the onlookers were in an uproar.

After all, from their point of view, it was Jian Haixi who pushed sang Qin down.

No one thought that Jian Haixi, who was usually so kind, would suddenly start. At the moment, everyone looked at her with some inquiry and doubt.

Is all the news true?

Jian Haixi looks at sang Qin, who has written and played by herself, with a sneer on her lips.

"Excuse me, the president is here."

Just then, Li Fu's voice came from behind the crowd, and the melon eaters on both sides consciously gave way. Ning Jiwei was surrounded and came in.

Sang Qin is lying on the ground. As soon as he sees Ning Jiwei coming, he quickly looks up at him, and even reaches out a hand to him, expecting that he can pull himself up.

But Ning Jiwei did not see her in general, directly from her side slightly past to jianhaixi.Jian Haixi saw Ning Jiwei's moment, her heart still moved, and then covered with sadness and powerlessness.

Ning Jiwei looked at her, first looked at her up and down, and then picked her up. She was dragged by sang Qin's arm and asked painfully, "does it hurt? Are you scared? "

The gentleness and carefulness sang Qin never had a chance to see. Such a president is something that all the employees around have never seen.

People can't help but be surprised. Seeing Ning Jiwei, they even think whether this is the president who has been switched? But his attitude towards sang Qin just now clearly shows that he is the real Ning Jiwei.

Jian Haixi pulls her arm back. She doesn't want to know Ning Jiwei, because she doesn't know what attitude and mood to face him, and what to do after facing him.

So she just took a look at Ning Jiwei and shook her head at him. After she indicated that she was ok, she picked up her bag and went outside.


Ning Jiwei raises his foot to keep up with Jian Haixi, but he hugs his calf when passing sangqin.

"Jiwei, do you have to be so cruel?" Sang Qin looks at him and wants to cry.

She fell here, but he didn't give her a word from beginning to end, and didn't even give her a look.

Ning Jiwei disgusted to pull out her calf from her arm, looked down at sang Qin with a sneer and said, "it seems that you are also good at this method. Are you still happy?"

"Jiwei, what do you mean..." Sang Qin was surprised. Did Ning Jiwei see it just now?

No, it's impossible. She's been looking around.

Ning Jiwei didn't answer her, but looked at the people around her, raised his voice and said in a cold voice: "the sangs and the Nings have an engagement, but never said that it must be me. Ning Jiwei wants to marry your sangs daughter. Are you so sure that the sangs will marry you? And the one I'd rather marry must be me? "

With that, Ning Jiwei no longer looks at sang Qin's face, raises his foot and leaves without hesitation, leaving only sang Qin's stunned eyes.

Xie Nuan, who was late to watch the play, listened to Ning Jiwei's words and laughed. He pointed to Sang Qin and said, "Oh, how did miss sang hit her face? How did I hear that the engagement between the Sang family and the Ning family is that the eldest son of the Ning family wants to marry Miss sang? Miss sang, don't you even know who you are going to marry? "

"You..." Sang Qin listens to harsh words and glares at Xie Nuan. Xie Nuan hums coldly and stares back without fear.

At the same time, the people who used to watch the play around also began to whisper. Isn't sang Qin really the president's wife? What happened to the news spread two days ago? And Jian Haixi, they have wronged her?

Sang Qin listened to more and more voices around, gritted her teeth, got up from the ground and left.

Xie Nuan is still not satisfied with shouting: "Yo, Miss sang, you're OK. You've been lying on the ground for so long. Don't want to touch porcelain?"

Qin Dun's steps quickened, and then sang walked away.

Xie Nuan laughs. After so many days, he finds a place to vent his anger.

Heyan stood in the crowd for a while. Originally, she was still taunting jianhaixi, but since Ning Jiwei appeared, she couldn't speak. Especially when she heard Ning Jiwei's last words and Xie Nuan's words, Heyan couldn't stand any more. When no one noticed, she quickly ran out to keep up with sang Qin.

"Wait a minute."

Heyan chases out, stops sangqin and asks, "is what Xie Nuan said true? Will you marry Ning Jikang

Sang Qin looked at her impatiently, "you care so much what to do, do your thing well."

"The elder sister sang Ning said with a cold smile:" who is it? If the person you are going to marry is him, it will be difficult for you to help me to climb up as you promised me. I'm always realistic, so you'd better settle the money I put in the news for you during this period. "

Mulberry Qin is not angry way: "I can lack you this money?"

"I don't know if I need it or not." He Yan lifted her hair, stood in front of Sang Qin and made up her mind to ask for money, "but I think it's better to settle this kind of thing quickly, don't you think?"

Sangqin saw that Heyan didn't give her any money and didn't give way. She gritted her teeth, took out several hundred pieces from her purse and threw them on her face. Then she waited for Heyan to say, "you'll regret it."

Heyan shrugged and picked up the money impolitely.

Later, she didn't know what she didn't regret, but she would really regret it if she found out that the money had gone missing.

Looking at sang Qin driving away, he Yan sneered: "a pheasant wants to climb up. It's a dream!"


in the hotel.

Looking at the video, Luo Sang's mother is lying on the water.

Sang Lan's lips curled up a cold radian. She just felt that the more videos like this, the better. It was fun to watch.During this period of time, because sang Qin's failure, Sang Lan and her mother Luo Qing are in touch again. Luo Qing is also secretly monitoring sang Qin for her.

As for what sang Qin said before about Luo Qing forgetting Sang Lan's daughter, he was fooled by Luo Qing's two words, and Sang Lan didn't ask. In such a luxury house, if you suffer a lot, you will always be able to increase your memory. Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, or you'll find it out. It's still you who are disgusting.

Luo Qing calls to ask Sang Lan what to do, because sang Qin is obviously not strong enough, and it's just when she has a chance to make a comeback.

Sang Lan sneered: "what else can we do? There is only one daughter in the Sang family that can be married to the Ning family. If you marry Ning Jiwei, it can't be someone else, it can only be me. "

Luo Qing asked in surprise: "you Even with the idea of marrying Ning Jiwei? "

Sang Lan pursed her lips and said, "I love him. I must marry him."

Luo Qing was silent for a while. He couldn't believe his daughter's obstinacy. After thinking about it, he asked, "what are you going to do to Jian Haixi? She has helped you

Hearing Luo Qing mention jianhaixi, Sang Lan said with a sneer: "if there had been no jianhaixi in the beginning, I would not have been reduced to the present situation. Help me? That's just what she owes me, and her helping hand is far from enough. "

"So you're going to..."

Sang Qin said with a cruel smile: "after I deal with Sang Qin, the first thing to deal with is Jian Haixi!"


Ning Jiwei came out of the company, caught up with Jian Haixi, stopped her and said, "Haixi, listen to me..."

"Explain what?"

Jian Haixi stopped and looked up at him, "today's thing is not what you do, do you want to explain for sang Qin?"


"You have to explain the news before, but that's not what you do."

Why do you want to explain to Haixi

Ning Jiwei frowned and looked at Jian Haixi with a calm face. He suddenly felt that something was going to leave.

Ning Jiwei reaches out his hand and raises Jian Haixi's chin to let her look at herself and asks, "Haixi, you won't forgive me any more, will you?" I won't be with him anymore, will I?

Jian Haixi looked at Ning Jiwei's eyes, which always fascinated him, and said with a smile: "Jiwei, I love you, but relatively, I also hope to get your equal love."

"I can give it to you." Ning Jiwei said in a hurry: "Haixi, you know, I can give you everything I have, as long as you are still by my side..."

"Does it include fame? Will the Ning family ignore the promise made by the older generation and break their promise to accept a small girl like me as a young grandmother? "

Jian Haixi interrupted and asked.

Ning Ji Wei listened to her words Leng next, immediately silent.

Jian Haixi said with a bitter smile: "it's said that love is supreme. In fact, I also hope I can be simple. As long as I have love, I can ignore everything else. But it can't be, Jiwei. You can't, neither can I. You have your ambition, I have my responsibility. So Let's go back to being colleagues. "

Jianhaixi bear pain to say this, will own arm from ningjiwei hands out, a moment does not stay left in place.

She was only afraid that if she stayed longer, she would change her resolution.

Looking at jianhaixi left figure, ningjiwei only feel a sharp blade inserted in his heart, pain of his dizzy.

He wants to catch up, but he doesn't know what else to say or do to save jianhaixi.

How to do and how to choose has become Ning Jiwei's biggest challenge.

After Jian Haixi left, Li Fu rushed over, and ignored the sweat on his head. He told Ning Jiwei: "president, the old man and the old lady are back! Now I'm at Ning's, and I'm said to be in a rage... "

Li Fu could not help shivering at the thought of Ning's old master and wife.

The ancestors, how disappointed they are with Ning Jikang and how high they expect Ning Jiwei to be. Their hope is that Ning Jiwei can get married with the sangs as soon as possible. Only in this way can they become more powerful and the career of the Nings develop more steadily and for a long time.

Listen to Li Fu's words, Ning Jiwei's eyes are one Lin, command a way: "go back immediately."


Li Fu drives Ning Jiwei to Ning's home in his car. In fact, he also wants to ask Ning Jiwei how he will choose. However, thinking of Ning Jiwei's efforts over the years, he feels that such a choice is too cruel for him.

If you want to persuade the old man and the old lady

Li Fu just shook his head when he thought about the possibility. It's impossible. It's because he promised to save the family.

Under the ordinary commercial marriage, but also has a heavy commitment to life.

Under such a promise, how can Ning Jiwei throw away the burden and easily choose jianhaixi with children?——

Jian Haixi went to school to pick up the children from school. She was still in a bad mood, but she couldn't show it in front of the children.

As soon as Jianrui and Jianyi see her, they run over excitedly. Jianhaixi first hugs her two children and kisses them, then helps them put their schoolbags into the car.

The two children consciously climbed into the car, sat down and fastened their seat belts.

"Mommy, Ruirui has to fasten her seat belt." Jianrui pulls the seat belt in front of her body.

Jian Yi looked at her speechless, "I tie it for you every day. You tie it yourself once. Where did you get the face to ask for praise?"

"Hum, no matter." Jianrui stares at Jianyi and looks up at jianhaixi with big eyes.

"Well, xiaogongju is the best!" Looking at her daughter's face for praise, Jian Haixi touched her head and said with a smile.

After the two children were seated, Jian Haixi got into the driver's seat and was about to drive. As a result, her figure suddenly appeared in front of the car.

Jian Haixi was startled. Before she was shaken, she saw the man standing in front of the car window and waved to herself with a smile.

Jian Haixi blinked. She put down the window and looked at the man. She felt that he was a little familiar, but she couldn't remember who he was.

"You are..."

"Uncle gu!"

As soon as Jian Haixi was about to ask who the other party was, Jian Rui, who was sitting at the back, cried excitedly and introduced her to Jian Haixi by the way: "Mommy, this is Gu Ruan's big father, Gu Chenyi ~"

GU Chenyi!

Looking out of the window, Gu Yi hears the three words in her heart.

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