When shuibingling finished feeding him, he pinched a watermelon and threw it into his mouth. He pushed it to Mike with a smile and sat down askew. "When they go back, they will find that their second master is OK. There is no killer at all. When you talk about it, if Mo Sheng hears that they let Gu go because they were cheated, will he be so angry that he wants to strangle them? "

"It's more than strangling. I'm so angry that I have to have high blood pressure." Mike "tut tut" shakes his head and laughs at the thought of Mo Sheng's high blood pressure.

Qin Zhixu then called down the stairs and saw that they were holding watermelon in their arms. They rolled their eyes and said, "do you two have too much leisure? Come on, you two are in charge of this matter. "

"Don't worry, my father will take care of it." Mike is so proud that he wants to slap him.

"I didn't know who it was before. I always tried my best to get rid of his father's control. Now?" Qin Zhixu sneered.

What a young man Mike was when he first came to Xiangcheng. He was full of fighting spirit every day. He was a good young man who wanted to get rid of the name of "rich family and dandy".

But now?

I don't know. I thought he was taught bad by them.

Listening to Qin Zhixu's words, Mike sighed, waved his hand and said, "Zhixu, you don't know what it's like to have a rich and powerful father who spoils you. I used to be too young. It's not worth making trouble with my father for something like that."

Qin Zhixu listens to his words, his temples twitch. He goes to one side and looks at the water ice cream which is also tilted to one side and says, "he is like this, don't you persuade him?"

"Why? Isn't that good? " Shuibingling said with a smile: "although Mike took over the Davis family, his foundation is not thick enough. Many things are in the way. Since such a big thing can't be missed, it's better for uncle Lin Meng to take charge of it."

Qin Zhi and Xu Leng snorted: "you are so reasonable. What should you do in the future? Do you always rely on other people in the future? "

"Brother Qin, you think too much." Shuibingling patted Qin Zhixu on the shoulder and said, "even if we want to, do you think that with Uncle Lin Meng's and aunt isa's temper, we will see Mike become a waste?"

"Chi ~" Mike snorted to Qin Zhixu, "you just don't trust me. You think I'll be bought by money sooner or later."

Qin Zhixu glanced up and down at him and said, "well, you should show me the side that you won't be bribed. Up to now, you've done nothing but call your father."

Seeing that Qin Zhixu misunderstood, Shui Bingling couldn't help but speak for Mike and said, "brother Qin, you are wrong. Although we entrusted uncle Lin Meng to take charge of this matter, the specific plan of the matter is Mike's idea. He has been working on the plan all night these two days, and he has quarreled with Uncle Lin Meng several times when he comes home."

"I need you to explain it for me?" Mike rubbed the head of water ice cream and turned to look at Qin Zhixu and said, "you still talk about me. What did you do?"

"What am I doing?" Qin Zhixu rolled his eyes, shook his mobile phone and said, "I have just contacted Lao Gu. He and Xiu Yu have already left the teahouse."

"I know that." Mike spat out a watermelon seed, looked at Qin Zhixu provocatively and said, "what else?"

Qin Zhixu snorted. He pinched a watermelon from the fruit plate held by shuibingling and chewed it. As he threw his mobile phone to Mike, he said, "after calling Lao Gu, I got in touch with Ji Wei."

"Ning Jiwei?" As soon as Mike's eyes brightened, he looked at Qin Zhixu suspiciously and asked, "which Ning Jiwei? The real one or the fake one? "

"What do you say?" Qin Zhixu looked at him and said, "if it's a fake one, can't I just talk to Lao Gu?"

"So it is." Mike nodded, and now he got over it. He suddenly sat up from the sofa, stared at Qin Zhixu and said, "have you got in touch with Ji Wei? What about Haixi? How's she doing? And Yi Yi? What about them? What's going on with talilina? "

He threw out a series of questions in a loud and urgent voice. He didn't look lazy just now.

In fact, these people who stay in Xiangcheng, on the surface, are still busy preparing, and they are also strict with Mo Sheng. But in fact, my heart is more and more lazy.

It's not that they don't want to care, but they worry too much about those people outside Hunan.

What's the matter with Jian Haixi, with Jian Yi and Mo Jue, and with talilina

Wait a minute. If these problems are not solved one day, it will be hard for the people left in Xiangcheng to feel at ease one day.

But for these worries, they would not be willing to deal with Mo Sheng in this way today.

Which man has no blood in his heart? Who would want to delay the fight in such a way?

Not only Mike was worried, but shuibingling also sat up, staring at Qin Zhixu and asked, "how's sister Haixi? Have you found an antidote? Isn't mikai in the past? It should be ok now... "Two people one race one excited, straight Qin Zhixu scared back two steps: "I say you two don't so excited, I just called."

"Then you should say it quickly." Water and ice rush.

Qin Zhixu saw that they were really worried and did not tease them any more. Instead, he said with a smile, "Ji Wei said he will be back soon."

"That Haixi..." Mike swallowed his saliva nervously, looked at Qin Zhixu and said, "where's Haixi? What about her

Qin Zhixu said with a smile: "since Ji Wei is planning to come back, Haixi is certainly OK. The antidote has been taken, and it is estimated that it will be cured in another week. "

Listen to jianhaixi take antidote, Mike and shuibingling relax. Airway: "great, it's over at last."

Ice cream told me to suck water

Qin Zhixu waved his hand and said, "you'd better have a rest. Ke'er and Mo Feng went to Mi's house and won't come back tonight. You told them today that you didn't mean to make them excited."

After thinking about it, Mike got up and said, "I'll go to Joe's house and tell the good news to Riley and George."

"Why go in person?" "Don't you just call?" asked Qin Zhixu

Mike shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know what's going on. George can't get through all the time, so I want to go there myself."

Qin Zhixu thought for a moment, nodded and said, "you used to be OK. Mr. Qiao's body has not been clear. I guess even if you let George say this, Mr. Qiao doesn't believe him very much. You go to talk about it. Mr. Joe may be in a good mood and in better health. "

Mike nodded, got up from the sofa, grabbed shuibingling by the shoulder and pulled her up, saying, "let's go."

"I'll go, too?" Water ice Ling Leng next, did not expect that Mike will let her also follow.

Mike squinted at her and said, "why, didn't you just say you wanted to see Ruirui? Don't want to go again? "

"No, no..." Shuibingling explained: "I'm not afraid of your embarrassment. Is it appropriate to take me there?"

Although they are not very familiar with Qiao's family, they are a little shy at the thought of following Mike to the door.

Mike looked at the two blushes on her face, frowned and asked, "what are you blushing about?"

"I..." Shuibingling lowered her head and said, "I'm not shy. It's the first time that I went to Qiao's house with you, so..."

So he blinked, "why? What are you shy about going to Joe's? I didn't see you when I went to my house. "

"It's not the same. I'm very familiar with my aunt and uncle, so I won't be shy. But you haven't taken me to other people, so..."

Mike rolled his eyes and hit her on the forehead. "So what? Why didn't I find out so much about you before? Forget it. If you don't go, I'll go myself. "

After that, he didn't wait for water ice cream to talk about it. He turned around and went to the door to put on his shoes.

He can't help but want to share such good news.

Shuibingling saw him turn around and left. She was so angry that she stamped her feet.

Qin Zhixu looked at him, patted water Bingling on the shoulder with a smile and said, "well, you don't know how serious his cancer is. Take your time."

Shuibingling snorted: "what straight male cancer, he just doesn't care about me."

"Ha ha." Qin Zhixu asked with a smile, "do you still want to go with him?"

Seeing that Mike had put on his shoes and walked out, shuibingling gritted her teeth and stamped her feet and said, "go, why not? I've taken all the ninety-nine steps. I'd better take one more step! "

She can break Mike's orientation, so why should she be afraid of him?

Looking at the water ice, the wind followed, Qin Zhixu shook his head and laughed, suddenly also a little miss their own Wan Yuqing.

I don't know if the little girl is well at home. Don't be robbed.


Outside the door, shuibingling caught up with Mike, put his hand around his arm and said, "you're waiting for me. You're still going."

"Aren't you not going? What do you want to do with me? " Mike snorted, but he didn't take her hand away.

I don't know when, he seems to have been used to water ice always stick to his side.

Even when he was about to go to Qiao's house just now, he called her without thinking about it.

Shuibingling didn't care about his black face either. She said with a smile, "how can I do if I don't go? In case you don't speak well, I can still make a round scene, can't I? Besides, I'm so cute. I'll show you my face when I go with you. "

"Oh, that's hard work for you." Mike glanced at her with a slight light in his eyes.

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