At this time, their vision can not only focus on the present, but on the long-term planning.

If Ning Jiwei only stays at jianhaixi at this time, only pays attention to the fight with talilina, and does not take the chance, he will do it again today.

Although they don't have to be afraid to fight with genuine products, they just want to be perfect.

They are different from Mo Sheng. Mo Sheng is to win, they are to protect themselves.

This self-protection is not only to protect their families and interests, but also those brothers who follow them.

Ning Jiwei is the leader of the Mo family. Only when he comes back to stay in town can we stabilize the morale of the military.

Otherwise, if Mo Shengzhen starts to work, it's the Mo family's business in the final analysis. Without Ning Jiwei, Gu Chenyi and Mike, even though they are powerful, are not very convenient to use.

After the two sides got on the phone, Gu Chenyi just wanted to put the mobile phone away. He saw a little red dot flashing on wechat. He opened it and saw that it was the voice from Jianrui. He couldn't help but smile.

"Uncle Gu, Gu changed you for ice cream. He said that if Uncle Qiao bought ice cream for him, he would recognize uncle Qiao as a new father."

Jianrui's voice came out, which made Gu Chenyi and Mo Xiuyu stunned.

In response to what she said, Mo Xiuyu said with a big laugh: "brother Chen Yi, I haven't seen you for a few days. Your father's position will be taken away by brother George."

Gu Chenyi's face is not good-looking. He didn't expect that his son, who was reluctant to part with him a few days ago, would sell him just for a piece of ice cream.

"Poof, brother Chen Yi, what are you going to do? Do you want to kill it? " Mo Xiuyu asked curiously.

Gu Chenyi snorted coldly: "kill the past? Am I that naive? "

Isn't it naive?

Before Mo Xiuyu asked, he heard Gu Chenyi grinding his teeth and said, "when I free my hand, I will arrange more jobs for Yang Yaru."

"Ah?" Mo Xiuyu was stunned. "What's the matter with sister Yaru?"

Gu Chenyi hums coldly: "you are silly, George will be willing to let his daughter-in-law busy? He will certainly take over all the work. "

"Oh, brother, the trap you set is here." Mo Xiuyu suddenly realized.

Gu Chenyi hummed: "don't worry. It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. If you dare to rob my son, I'll see how I can upset him when I come back."

Looking at Gu Chenyi's "villain's ambition", Mo Xiuyu curled his lips and suddenly sympathized with George.

George, who was far away from Qiao's home, knew nothing about it, and thought he had escaped by chance. Later, when Yang Yaru complained to him about his work, he realized that he had been recorded in the account book by Gu Chenyi.

Back to the moment, when Mike and shuibingling arrive at Qiao's house, George and Qiao Lei are leading Jianrui and their children to play.

Yan Mei leads Mike in, smiles and waves to Jianrui, "Ruirui, who are you coming to see?"

"Who? Uncle Gu? " Jianrui ran out curiously and saw Mike standing there with a smile: "xiaoruirui, I don't think I have any?"

"Uncle Mike!" As soon as Jianrui's eyes brightened, she stretched out her arms and ran towards Mike with her legs.

Mike squatted down with a smile, caught her and said, "Oh, my baby, you're a lot heavier."

"Of course, I eat delicious food every day, and I've grown tall," said Jianrui, stretching her hand to her head and gesticulating her height.

"Yes? I'll measure it

Mike stood up, compared with Jianrui's height, nodded and said, "it's really tall. You only came to me before, but now It's half the height. "

"Hee hee ~" Jian Rui tilted her head and laughed. In a twinkling of an eye, she saw the water ice behind Mike, and she was stunned.

Shuibingling some shy, but see Jianrui look over, or with a smile waved: "you are Ruirui, Hello, I am shuibingling."

"Hello, aunt Bingling Jianrui knows shuibingling, but she hasn't seen it. She is not unfamiliar with shuibingling at this time. She smiles at her and says: "aunt Bingling, do I want to call you aunt instead?"


Shuibingling was startled by this name, and her face turned red.

She peeped at Mike and whispered, "no, don't yell, Ruirui."

"Nothing serious?" Jianrui blinked, frowned at Mike and said, "Uncle Mike, this is your mistake."


Mike is a little embarrassed to be so well educated by a child. He and shuibingling are now in a kind of "tacit" hazy relationship.

But it's still a little short of breaking the last layer of window paper. Originally, he wanted to let it go, but now he was told by Jianrui that he felt a little too much.

But at this time, George came over, fearing that the world would not be in chaos, and said, "ruiruirui is right, Mike, that's your mistake.""Well, Uncle Mike is not right!" Gu Xiaomian and Mo Xiuqian don't know what it is, but they also coax him.

Mike and shuibingling are stopped by the crowd and make a big red face.

Finally, Mike was embarrassed and said, "no Just After that, I'll see my parents again... "

Listen to his words, the most surprised is not everyone, really water ice.

She didn't expect that Mike would really give a promise. Mike was not the kind of person who would easily give a promise for the sake of others' coaxing. Otherwise, he would have gone home after listening to his parents' words for so many years, and he would not have been out fighting for so long.

Water ice cream is to understand him, know that he is really think so will say so.

In a flash, the water ice cream in the heart a little confused.

She did not expect that the answer she had been waiting for for for a long time would come so suddenly that she became red for a moment.

"Auntie?" Jianrui was the first to see the strange water ice cream. She asked, "what's the matter with you, Auntie?"

"I'm fine..." Ice cream murmurs.

Mike looked at her, laughed, reached for her hand, rubbed her head and said, "silly girl, what do you think?"

"You're stupid." The water ice claps his hand.

When Yang Yaling came by, she said, "let's see the water."

"Ah." Shuibingling nodded and followed Yang Yaru to one side.

George then looked at Mike and said, "after the gossip, let's get down to business. It's not idle for you to come here."

"Of course, I'm here for the good news." Mike pinched Jianrui's face, picked her up and said, "Ruirui, your mom is OK."

Jane Rui Leng next, next to George and others is also a Zheng, and then ecstatic way: "Haixi OK? Are you serious? "

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