As a matter of fact, Jian Yi thinks too much about this.

Because Shazhi has found out the truth

Unlike talilina's hotel house, her room at the base is locked all the year round, and no one can get in or out except herself.

In order to keep secret, the password lock in her room is very complicated. More importantly

Talilina didn't let yarn weaving participate in the security system of the lock.

Although the lock was made before yarn weaving, it was repaired several times later. It is reasonable to say that with the ability of yarn weaving, talilina should let her participate in it.

But not once.

Shazhi knows that if she wants to know the truth, talilina's room is where she must go.

She couldn't hesitate because talilina was on her way back, and there wasn't much time left for her.

It's not difficult for yarn weaving to unlock that system lock, it just takes some time.

After staying up all night for more than 20 hours, she finally opened the door of talilina's room the day before she came back.

At 5:30 a.m., after Shazhi blocked all the monitors, she unlocked talilina's room.

Her heart was beating fast, and her palms were full of sweat.

In the dark, she seemed to have a premonition that her life would change as soon as she came here.

Shazhi swallowed, took a deep breath, pushed the door and went in.

Talilina's room is extremely luxurious, with the most luxurious decoration and furnishings.

It's like a castle made of gold and silver. It's like Is to use such luxury to cover the emptiness of the heart.

Shazhi carefully locked the door, and then looked at the room blankly.

Although she came in, she didn't know where to find her breath.

Leng for a long time, yarn weaving along his right hand slowly past.

The reason why she went to the right first was that she saw a familiar thing, a picture frame, on the counter on the right.

Talilina doesn't take pictures. Shazhi has never seen her take pictures.

But in this room, there is a picture frame. Isn't that strange?

Shazhi goes to the counter and holds the photo frame in her hand. However, she is stunned when she sees the front of the photo frame.

There was nothing on it, just a blank photo frame, no photos.

"Why is it empty?" Yarn weaving murmurs to itself.

Like Jian Yi, she carefully observed the frame from left to right and from back to back, never missing a clue.

Unfortunately, this empty photo frame is different from the one in her room. There are no marks and patterns on it. Yarn weaving can't get any clues based on this.

Just as she was about to put the frame back in place, Shazhi accidentally knocked her hand with the frame to the corner of the counter.

"Pa TA ~" a sound, in the quiet room issued a crisp sound.

Yarn weaving heart a tight, if knock bad picture frame, let talilina found strange bad.

She quickly picked up the frame again to check for damage.

But there was something wrong with it.

Originally closed very tight photo frame, the seal was a little loose.

"No, it's not really bad, is it?" The yarn weaves secretly to cry miserably, hurriedly with the finger picks the picture frame seal place, sees whether can close again.

But when I touch it with my hand, I find that the yarn weaving is wrong.

It turns out that the looseness is not the broken looseness, but the photo frame itself is not in line with the size, it seems that it was forced by people.

Yarn weaving pause, slowly groping for the edge of the frame, and then along the loose place, carefully take down the top layer of glass of the frame.

After the glass was removed, there was still a layer of glass under it, which was the transparent cover originally carried by this photo frame.

And the glass cover on the back cover, which seems to be made specially, completely covers the real face inside.

Originally, it would never have been found, if it wasn't for the yarn weaving that happened to knock on the mechanism.

Yarn weaving will take off the glass cover on the counter, eyes moved to the frame, but in looking at the real face of the frame when frozen there.

The picture frame was covered with blood!

There are still no photos, just a lot of bloody fingerprints on the board behind the glass cover, each one is different.

Yarn weaving can't count how many fingerprints there are, because there are too many.

Dense, different sizes, different depths, some really have no place to press, on the top of those old fingerprints.

Yarn weaving was full of red shock at the foot of a soft, back two steps, almost fell on the ground.

On the innermost side of the frame, there are two scales.

The two scales are messy and numerous. They look like the shape of the photo frame itself. If you don't look carefully, you won't notice them at all. So yarn weaving has never been found.At this moment, after seeing the blood fingerprint and looking at the scale bar, a guess suddenly flashed in the yarn weaving heart.

Those scales This is not the number of blood fingerprints!

If a fingerprint and scale represent a human life, there are at least hundreds of records on this frame.

Think of here, yarn weave scared to throw the photo frame in the hand, stagger to drop to sit on the ground.

Although she has not been involved in talilina's hands-on tasks, she is not so simple as not to know what they do.

In this frame, hundreds of lives may be imprisoned.

Shazhi's eyes are red with fright. She's just a little girl. Although she's gifted in computers, she doesn't have the courage and insight of Jian Yi. Suddenly seeing these is enough for her to be scared.

Or forget it?

This idea flashed in Shazhi's heart, which made her quit.

She was so scared that her hands were shaking. Her feet kept retreating. Subconsciously, she wanted to leave the room.

But I don't know why, in the moment of retreat, Jian Yi's figure flashed from her mind, like a thunder, let yarn weaving stiff in there, can't retreat.

If she didn't know Jian Yi, Shazhi would have run away like this now. She would never dare to come into this room again or look into those terrible things again.

But it was fate that she met Jian Yi. Jian Yi, who is one year younger than her.

Shazhi knows how much energy and courage Jian Yi has put into every step of the way from going deep into the enemy's camp to carefully surviving.

Even more, he did not only focus on survival, before leaving, he also left the direction of search for her.

Jianyi's courage and sense make Shazhi feel inferior to herself and make her unable to move any more.

How can she give up easily when her role model is ahead? Was that all she wanted for the truth?

Shazhi despises herself a little. She reaches out her hand to wipe away her tears. She sobs in a low voice while standing up tremblingly. She goes to the counter again and picks up the photo frame with shaking hands.

If it really represents hundreds of names, if what Jian Yi said is true.

In this frame, there are probably her relatives.

She can't give up, even for those forgotten lives, she can't just run away and do nothing.

Shazhi clenched her fist, for the first time in her life, a strong courage came from the bottom of her heart.

"If you're not my mother, at least I need to know where my own mother is." Shazhi clenched her lips and observed a minute's silence in front of the photo frame. Then she solemnly restored it to its original state and put it on the counter.

She walked around again to talilina's bed.

There is nothing of value in talilina's room except for the beautiful decorations.

Those furnishings are up-to-date at a glance. Talilina doesn't like the taste of history in her own things. Every once in a while, she will change a new set of furnishings.

Shazhi went to the pillow and gently stroked the bedding.

Other people's children have had the experience of sleeping with their parents, but it is a blank in her memory.

Once she wanted to be hugged by her mother, listening to her gentle voice and telling fairy tales.

But that kind of warm scene, talina never gave her.

What happened in her blank childhood?

Shazhi frowned, and her eyes slipped from the quilt again. Suddenly, a strange and distant memory flashed by.

In the warm room, a woman who couldn't see her face clearly was lying on the bed with a little girl in her arms, humming a little tune, patting her back and coaxing her to sleep patiently.

That picture just flashed by, but let the tears of yarn suddenly flow out.

For no reason, she felt that the little girl in the picture was her.

And the woman holding her is her mother.


Shazhi began to cry. Although the picture just now was very vague, she couldn't see the woman's appearance clearly, but with the feeling in her heart, she knew that it was not talilina.

Talilina, it's not really her mother.

It took yarn weaving a long time to calm down.

She can't waste her time crying and remorse, it won't help at all.

Shazhi took a deep breath and walked around the bed to the other side.

This side of the bed is a large wardrobe.

Shazhi opened the door of the wardrobe, which was full of talilina's clothes.

There are all kinds of styles, almost all new. But the yarn did not see how much talilina had gone through.

Shazhi doesn't understand these clothes, and she doesn't plan to read more. Just as she wants to close the cupboard door, she finds some clothes that don't match the overall style in the bottom cupboard on the far left.

That's her dress

Shazhi stares at the folded skirts, which talilina has prepared for her.Talilina seldom buys her clothes herself. She thinks she doesn't care about her at all.

But I didn't expect to see my own clothes here.

Shazhi's expression was complicated. She reached out to touch the most superficial skirt, but her hand reached into the air, hesitated and then took it back.

A lot of things, once opened the cover to cover up the truth, will never close.

She can no longer think that she doesn't know anything, and she can no longer think of talilina as her mother.

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